You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Despite Yan Duoshou's sophistry and backlashes, Chen Hao has video evidence that he was playing normally before the cards were opened, and everything was in peace. As a result, Yan Duoshou changed his face after losing, and turned into anger. Too obvious.

It was Yan Duoshou’s turn to explain the facts, but he could not produce specific evidence of Chen Hao’s contribution. According to local laws and regulations, Chen Hao’s winning chips were reasonable and legal. Ruili should redeem all his chips, otherwise he would wait for the business to cease. Rectify or even revoke the penalty of license.

Yan Duoshou wanted to hit the wall with remorse, why was he so obsessed with losing so much that he was too passive now.

If he doesn’t exchange chips, maybe Ruili will face punishment and close the door. This is Rijin Doujin’s business. Because of his fault, other shareholders will not let him go. If he exchanges chips, he will have to pay for it, and it’s heartache. I can't breathe even more.

"Is it all because of offending this young man?" Yan Duoshou looked at Chen Hao with a trace of regret.

But then Yan Duoshou was gritted his teeth. He was always arrogant and did not allow anyone to challenge his authority. He had already put Chen Hao on the list of eradication.

"But the amount is too much, there is a financial problem, and there is not so much money in the book." Yan Duoshou began to make excuses, procrastinating if possible.

"Then you both take a step back. Ruili Gaming Center will pay part of it first, and the rest is recommended to be repaid in installments. The interest is based on the market price. What do you think?"

Li Ying asked them both.

A total of 1.7 billion bargaining chips, of which Chen Hao’s capital is 410 million. It is not realistic to get them all at once. Chen Hao didn’t want to push the opponent too hard, so he agreed, but this one must be hammered. Let Yan Duoshou have a long memory.

"It's at least 1.410 million. Take a number of our country's population. If you can't even get 1.410 billion, your Ruili financial situation is worrying." Chen Hao said.

"Mr. Chen has already given way, Boss Yan, what do you think?" Li Ying asked.

Yan Duoshou didn’t want to give a penny in her heart, but Chief Li was here. She reminded Yan Duoshou in a subtle way that according to local laws, if financial disputes involve so much money, it must be sentenced. No travel services, business The department will also punish him and let him consider it for himself.

Yan Duoshou weighed the pros and cons, but could only crush the steel teeth and swallow the blood, and promised to exchange 1.41 billion for the first time.

"Wait, wait until Chief Li is away, and see how I clean up you!"

Yan Duoshou agreed on the surface, but if his eyes could kill, he would have cut Chen Hao a thousand swords.

In fact, this is a typical robber theory. Chen Hao wanted to leave Ruili at the beginning of the meeting, but he and George stopped him to play cards, which is not counted. He has to play big to win Chen Hao's money. In the end, he lost more than one billion, and now he still throws the pot on Chen Hao, completely self-centered.

At this point, it can be said that Yan Duoshou made his own feelings, but he himself did not think he was wrong, which made him go further and further down the wrong path.

Yan Duoshou agreed to exchange 1.41 billion chips and let his hands operate. Of course, he must pay the money himself.

Someone has taken the 141 red chips in Chen Hao's hand, and obtained his bank account to transfer money.

There was a long wait at the scene. For about half an hour, Chen Hao received a short message to enter the account, and the account transferred 1.410 billion.

Throwing away his 400 million mortgage, the initial principal of 10 million, this time in Ruili gambling, a total of one billion yuan in profit, just two words, blood!

Of course, he still has 29 chips in hand. Chen Hao is already satisfied with today’s gains, so he doesn’t want to worry about this "little money". At the moment, he put all the red chips on the tray and said generously: "Look at your payment. Hurry up, these chips are returned to you. They are my red envelopes. Remember, small bets win money, big bets hurt you." 8090 Chinese

There is this custom at gaming tables, and those who win will return the red envelopes for the losers, but it is estimated that it is rare to return 209 million red envelopes at once.

Chen Hao's generosity didn't make Yan Duoshou grateful, he still kept his sullen face without speaking.

Chen Hao had already accomplished what he wanted, he slaughtered them all, and then he was about to leave.

"Mr. Chen, you and Miss Zhou will go to the administration building with me, and we will discuss the matter in detail."

Li Ying took the initiative to invite the two to leave, in fact, to protect them. After all, one person lost a billion, but she can do anything, she can be regarded as the best.

Li Ying took a group of people and left the Ruili Gaming Center on foot, while the group of black suit thugs kept following behind, intentionally stopping Chen Hao, but did not dare to do anything in front of the officer and could only watch Chen Hao leave by car.

After returning to the administration building, Li Ying urged Chen Hao to leave the Olympic City and sail the Wannian Ship carefully.

"Thank you, Chief Li for your help. You can find me if you have any needed items, including CR vaccine."

Chen Hao was also a good news report, and gave Li Ying a business card of Haoran.

This can be regarded as Chen Hao's promise. He will provide everything that cannot be bought outside at the original price.

Li Ying nodded, put away his business card, and arranged for someone to escort Chen Hao to the airport. After that, the city changed. After all, Olympic City is no better than the mainland, and the public order is still a little messier.

When Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong got downstairs, they boarded their Apollo supercar and drove to the airport.

The entourage arranged by Li Ying also drove an Audi official car, leading the way in front.

The road to the airport is a bit busy, it is still the evening rush hour, there are a lot of vehicles around, and they are not driving fast.

However, after driving for a while, there seemed to be more cars around. Chen Hao looked around. Some cars were covered with anti-riot film. They were dark and could not see the inside of the car, but they kept following not far away.

Chen Hao suddenly warned and felt bad.

At this time, the car of the civil servant who cleared the road in front was separated by the traffic, and it was no longer visible, while the cars on both sides of Chen Hao outflanked the middle, blocking the way for his supercar.

Chen Hao has experienced this situation several times. At first glance, Yan Duoshou sent someone to stop him.

Indeed, he lost one billion all at once, and no one could swallow this breath. Chen Hao left the administrative building and lost his support. He started to do it. He is really a villain who must report.

However, this was also expected by Chen Hao, and he immediately ordered Zhou Xitong to sit firmly. Since the front was double-teamed and he couldn't get through, he suddenly put the manual gear on, using the speed of the car to turn 180 degrees on the spot, and then turned the car back Drive on the road.

This happened to everyone's expectation. Several vehicles around also turned around to chase them, but they were a step late and collided with the surrounding vehicles, and the road suddenly became congested.

However, there are still a few cars that have completed a U-turn and are in a hurry.

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