You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Since Chen Hao was driving retrograde on the road, he kept pressing the whistle to avoid the opposite vehicle. However, due to the road jam, several rubs and collisions occurred. It is estimated that the car body has been deformed and the lights on one side have been Doesn't light up.

The cars behind were chasing them, and there were more cars joining the chase. Chen Hao needed to solve this unfavorable situation. Seeing a car in front of him, Chen Hao turned sharply without his way, and drove up to the side. Yonglu.

Due to the low chassis of the supercar, the chassis of the car shook twice when going uphill. It is estimated that the site was also injured. The situation was urgent, and Chen Hao ignored these.

The car body was a little bumpy, and Chen Hao was afraid that Zhou Xitong would be afraid, so he comforted her with a joke: "Don't worry about the car, I bought insurance."

"Don't worry about me, I'm not afraid, it's not as dangerous as the hotel in Yunyang back then!" Zhou Xitong said calmly.

"That's right, this little boss of Aocheng is too low grade, so he dispatched such a small number of people, too small and family-like, how can there be a steward of the Hundred Guards."

Chen Hao laughed, slammed on the accelerator and drove forward, and finally drove to the vicinity of a building.

Suddenly, there were more cars in front of him, blocking the road in front, and the vehicles behind him were chasing him. Now it can be said that "there are wolves in front and tigers behind", and the situation is not optimistic.

"Go, let's get off."

Chen Hao took Zhou Xitong off the supercar, and the opponent's vehicle also stopped, and a group of black-clothed thugs came down. There were too many to fight by force.

Chen Hao took a fancy to the 20-storey office building next to it, as if it could be used here.

Chen Hao immediately ran into the building with Zhou Xitong, surrounded by white-collar workers off work, providing cover for them. After Chen Hao entered the elevator, the group of black thugs rushed into the gate.

"You are too slow, hurry up to catch me."

Chen Hao was still smiling while cheering on his opponent in the elevator, and then the thugs watched the elevator doors close in front of them, and the elevator floors climbed all the way, and smoke was suddenly coming out of his nostrils.

"Divided into three teams, one team climbed the stairs, the other team took the elevator next to it, and the other team stared at the elevator below to see where they stopped."

The thug leader in charge of tracking was quite capable of command, and immediately divided the troops into three groups, and he led the people to the stairs.

After a while, the person guarding the elevator called to report that it was Chen Hao who had taken the elevator and stopped on the top floor. The thug boss had to climb more than 20 floors to get up.

"When I catch you, I have to chop off your legs and let you run around!"

The beater cursed resentfully, and then climbed the stairs all the way to the top floor.

At this time, the group of subordinates who took the elevator also rushed over. When they met, they looked around on the top floor and found nothing.

When the beater watched, he suddenly found the door leading to the rooftop, and immediately understood that Chen Hao had gone to the rooftop.

They rushed to the roof in a rush, and they saw what Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were doing on the edge of the roof, because it was too dark to see clearly.

"It's true that there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You broke in and ran to the rooftop by yourself. This time I see where you are going!"

The thug leader spit, and walked slowly with the thugs. They were not afraid of Chen Hao's escape. There was only one entry and exit door on the rooftop, which was a dead place.

But there is another way to leave, and that is to jump off the roof.

However, the thug boss was not worried about jumping off the building, because his boss Yan Duoshou said that he would bring home as much as possible, that is, it doesn't matter if he died, he was confident.

However, when the thugs got close, someone illuminated with a flashlight, only to discover something weird. Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were wearing safety ropes.Reading Network

"No, they really want to jump off the building!"

The thug leader was suddenly shocked. He was really not afraid of jumping off the building, but Chen Hao had a safety rope, that is, he would go downstairs with safety measures. He would never allow Chen Hao to slip away in front of him, so he rushed over immediately.

"You are still too slow to come, don't send it off, I will go to your boss to tell the old story when I have time."

Chen Hao waved to the thugs with a smile, as if bid farewell to the relatives and friends who were seeing off, and then crossed the fence with Zhou Xitong and jumped down.

The thug leader ran over and lay down on the roof railing and looked down. He saw Chen Hao and two of them hanging on a rope, sliding down at a constant speed.

"Why, how come they have a zipline to carry on them!"

The boss cursed angrily, but he saw the safety rope that Chen Hao fastened to the railing, and suddenly felt cruel. He asked the younger brother for a machete and cut it at the rope.

A spark appeared when the machete collided with the iron fence, and the rope was cut in half with one stab. The boss made another violent stab, and the whole rope finally broke and fell below.

"I asked you to jump off the building. Today is your burial place. Dare to provoke our Yan boss..."

The boss was still triumphantly solving the boss’s enemy, but a younger brother, by the light from the building, discovered that Chen Hao was still falling with the beauty in his arms, and did not fall freely. In other words, their safety rope was only insurance, and they still had Other means of climbing on the floor.

"How is it possible? Are they gods?"

This time the thug leader was completely dumbfounded, he had never seen such a weird thing before, and he could go down slowly without a rope, so he couldn't help standing on the spot.

Chen Hao is not a god, in fact, it is a product he bought from the tens of billions of subsidies that guarantees him to go downstairs at a constant speed.

The safety rope is just in case, it doesn't matter if it breaks, the real thing is an electromagnetic gecko glove.

This glove appeared in the movie "Mission: Impossible." The leading actor, Tom, used gecko gloves to climb skyscrapers with his bare hands. In modern times, it is not a high-tech, but ordinary people can't reach it.

This gecko glove, to put it bluntly, means that the hands and feet are equipped with special suction cups, similar to the suction cups on the feet of a frog, which can be controlled by body movements.

When the switch is turned on, the gecko gloves with large suction cups will be activated, generating vacuum suction, which can absorb some relatively flat sections, such as the glass windows and curtain walls of this building. When the switch is turned off, the gecko gloves will stop working and the suction force of the suction cup will disappear. You can move freely, so that every time you cooperate with your hands and feet, you can safely climb on the surface of the building like a gecko.

The maximum weight of this gecko glove is 300 kilograms, Chen Hao weighs 90 kilograms, and Zhou Xitong is about 50 kilograms. The weight when tied together is enough to support, so the following is fast and stable.

Of course, only Chen Hao was climbing, and Zhou Xitong was tied tightly with him with a rope.

"Are you afraid?" Chen Hao asked Zhou Xitong behind him.

"Not afraid, but it feels so exciting."

Zhou Xitong said emotionally, if it weren't too dangerous now, she would want to hug Chen Hao and kiss her for a while.

At an altitude of more than ten meters, the dizziness is very mysterious, just like bungee jumping, people can't help but want to yell.

"Scream if you want." Chen Hao saw Zhou Xitong's thoughts.

Zhou Xitong has always been a conservative character, but Chen Hao has taken her to experience a novel life. She was excited and shouted to the downstairs: "Husband, I love you, I really like the feeling of being with you." !"

This is unprecedented for Zhou Xitong, the president who has always been very cold.

Chen Hao laughed when he heard it, and then went downstairs to work harder.

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