You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!It took about two minutes before Chen Hao fell to the ground. At this time, the thugs had just been relieved from the shock, and immediately went downstairs to catch, there was no time.

However, there were four thugs guarding downstairs. They saw Chen Hao approaching and besieged, but Chen Hao punched one, and they all KO within ten seconds.

Chen Hao patted the dust on his slap, and took Zhou Xitong's hand to leave.

However, at this time, Apollo, whose shell was found to be broken, was blocked by a vehicle driven by the thugs, and could not drive out, so he had to find another car to leave.

At this time, someone over there was shouting: "Mr. Chen, Miss Zhou, here, come on!"

It turned out that it was the civil servant who was accompanying them to find them all the way, which really helped a lot.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong got into the civil servant's car, and the civil servant immediately slammed on the accelerator, leaving the thugs far behind.

This time, Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong escaped the chase of the thugs in a shocking and unsafe manner. They were excited, the adrenaline had not stopped secreting, and now they only felt very irritating. This is a feeling that you can’t experience sitting in an office all day in Baihe .

The two looked at each other and suddenly hugged each other. Only in this way could they release the surging energy in their hearts. The dog food was madly scattered, and they didn't care that there was a driver in front.

The two kissed for a long time, feeling a little suffocated, and then they separated reluctantly, and even pulled out a silver wire, which broke in the air immediately, making both of them laugh.

Chen Hao also went on a blind date, Zhou Xitong pointed to the front and signaled that someone was still there, so he could kiss him casually when he returned home.

Chen Hao coughed, sat upright, and ridiculed the civil servant who was driving in front of him: "I said that your place is really simple and simple. Did you send me away with a machete?"

Chen Hao is just complaining. If he weren't for Zhou Xitong, he would definitely have to make a noise in the palace alone and upset Yan Duoshou's gaming center. However, taking his future wife with him is not suitable for taking risks. Ma, if he takes one billion yuan, it's a compensation.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Hao didn't get angry anymore, but hoped that this kind of apocalypse would be a little bit more in the future, so that he would not have to work hard to make money.

However, the civil servant responded mediocrely to Chen Hao's ridicule, but responded with an "um".

Chen Hao suddenly felt that the civil servant behaved a little strangely. The road was quiet. Shouldn't he report the accident to his superiors?

At such a big time, you should at least keep in touch with your superiors.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao looked outside. It seemed that this was not the way to the airport or back to the administrative building. It was an unfamiliar place with few vehicles around and relatively empty.

"Where are you taking us?" Chen Hao asked vigilantly.

"I will be here in a while, and the safe house ordered by Chief Li is in front." The civil servant pointed to a separate courtyard in front of him.

Chen Hao felt something was wrong and ordered him to stop.

The civil servant didn't stop at all, but slammed on the gas pedal to speed up, which revealed that he was a ghost.

Chen Hao understood it all at once. No wonder he was spotted as soon as he left the administrative building. He was in love with this kid and a good player in Infernal Affairs. Chen Hao leaned forward abruptly and clasped his throat, and ordered him to stop again.

"It's late, hahaha!"

The civil servant laughed madly and slammed open the hidden door of the yard, and the car rushed into the yard similar to a warehouse.

Chen Hao stunned the civil servant with a knife, stretched his leg forward and stepped on the brake, and the car finally stopped.

At this time, fifty or sixty heavily armed thugs appeared in the warehouse, and someone at the door closed the door, making Chen Hao a turtle in the urn.04 Novel

The thugs were ill-intentioned, and slowly surrounded with weapons in their hands. There was actually Yan Duoshou himself in it. It seemed that the inner ghost had notified him early.

"Chen Hao, today you are dead!" Yan Duoshou said with a grinning grin.

"It's really hard for me."

Chen Hao didn't panic. Instead, he smiled bitterly in the car and sighed. He laughed at himself and said, "I didn't want to be familiar with you, but I also wanted to save an item. But if you came here, don't blame me."

With that said, Chen Hao opened the car door, dragged the unconscious civil servant out of the car, and closed the car door again. At the same time, he instructed Zhou Xitong: "Lock the car door and see how your husband abuses them."

"Husband, you have to be careful!"

In this critical environment, Zhou Xitong ignored anything and called out "husband" in front of a bunch of people.

"Don't worry, they can move me even if I lose."

Chen Hao showed Zhou Xitong's majestic muscles. At this time, he didn't forget to make her happy. He didn't take the dozens of brawny thugs in front of him seriously.

"I found that you are a cerebral palsy, haven't you realized what happened to you?"

Yan Duoshou sneered: "But I have a benevolent heart. I will return the money I won today and compensate me for 100 million mental losses. Then I will release the two of you. Otherwise, I will wait to go to the sea to feed. Fish and shrimp!"

"You have such a big appetite, you will blackmail me 1.1 billion in a word?"

Chen Hao looked at him like a silly critic, really thinking that he would be bullied with a mob?

"When I die, I still have a stiff mouth. Tell you the truth. If you don't pay, I will die. If you die in a car accident on the way to the airport, Chief Li can't doubt me. Don't think you can be safe forever with her.

"I'll check the three numbers, if I want to die or ask for money, you can handle it!" Yan Duoshou was holding the winning ticket and the countdown began.

"There is no need for the countdown, I just worry about your lack of manpower to fight with my people."

As Chen Hao said, he took out the monkey whistle specially brought by him from his bag, but he didn't expect that there would be a day to use it.

"3, 2, 1... Give me death! Give it to me!"

Yan Duoshou lost his patience and ordered his men to go up, first cut off Chen Hao's limbs, and then slowly tortured the bank card password, and must get the money back.

However, at this time, Chen Hao had put the whistle in his mouth to blow.

A prompt came from the app: "Monkey Monkey Sun Whistle has been activated, please select a copy object other than yourself."

Chen Hao saw a strong man with a nunchaku in his hand, his pace was steady, and he seemed to have a bit of skill. Chen Hao chose him as the copy object.

"In the process of copying, according to the strength of the mother, 93 biological clones can be copied for 1 minute."

A reminder came from Chen Hao's VR mode, and then he heard noisy footsteps at the gate of the yard.

"Someone is coming, and some people will stand it up. Let's take care of this surname Chen first." Yan Duoshou commanded.

However, before the thugs arrived at the door, the door suddenly fell down. It was knocked down alive, and a group of dark and oppressive people appeared behind the door.

These people all wear cold Peking Opera masks and wear black clothes. They look a bit like these thugs. Each has a nunchaku in his hand. The copy is really thorough.

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