You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Isn't it broken? That's great." After Zhou Xitong checked Chen Hao's arm, he was very happy, as long as he didn't see blood.

The current Zhou Xitong was wearing a white bath towel with a pink bikini inside. Chen Hao couldn't help it anymore when he saw it. He picked her up and went into the bedroom...

An hour later, both of them lay lazily on the bed, not wanting to get up, but it was already late, and it was time to send Zhou Xitong home.

"But I don't want to be separated from you. I can sleep peacefully only by smelling your body odor."

Zhou Xitong was very attached to Chen Hao after the lingering rhyme, a little bit coquettish, his slender fingers drew circles on Chen Hao's wide mouth.

"I also want to sleep with my wife, or don't go back tonight." Chen Hao urged.

"No, my mother will talk about me," Zhou Xitong suddenly raised her head and asked, "Didn't you say that you want to talk to my mother? I don't need to go home every day to live in the future. Why is there no movement?"

"This... OK, then I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Although Chen Hao is not ready yet, for the sake of his own "sexual blessing", he must give it a try, even if his future mother-in-law scolds a doggie.

However, it was almost eleven o'clock in the night today, so it was not convenient to go there for trouble. Chen Hao decided to visit the mansion during the day tomorrow.

"Then wait until I go to work, so I won't be there."

Zhou Xitong is very cunning, and she deliberately avoided it because she was afraid of being implicated and being taught by her mother.

"No problem, I will be able to persuade her when I come to see the mother-in-law myself." Chen Hao is confident.

"Okay, I'll wait for good news."

Zhou Xitong couldn't help but look at each other, and the atmosphere heated up, and they stuck together again.

However, Zhou Xitong's phone rang, and it was the future mother-in-law who came to ask Zhou Xitong why he still didn't go home. The two reluctantly separated, got dressed, and went home.

After Chen Hao sent Zhou Xitong back to Zhou's villa, he received a call.

"Boss, I don't know if it made you sleep."

The call was from the night foreman of the construction site. The Temple Street construction site was Chen Hao's top priority. He hurriedly asked what had happened.

The foreman said: "When the workers dig the foundation, it seems to have excavated a cultural relic. It is an iron box. The rust is not decent. I want to ask you how to deal with it."

"Is there such a thing? Then I will come over now."

Chen Hao drove directly to the Miaojie construction site, found the night foreman, and saw the broken iron box in his office.

This box is really old, the rust has been condensed with the soil, black, black and red, depending on the pattern, it should be old.

"give it to me."

Chen Hao was going to take it back to see what was inside.

Chen Hao wrapped the mud-filled box with plastic sheeting, and then took it home with a Hummer.

After putting it in his living room, Chen Hao carefully observed the box.

The iron sheet on the outside has been rotten, and the inside is a heavily decayed wooden box with a brass lock on it, which is also in a rusty state.

It would be great if Hua Wu was there, and it was estimated that the lock could be unlocked without injury, but Chen Hao could only crack it by force.

He found a chisel and other tools, knocked twice, the lock did not open, but the lock buckle fell off the box directly.

Chen Hao immediately opened the wooden box, but inside it was a porcelain jar sealed with wax, which was still packaged. This must be a good treasure.

As soon as Chen Hao was about to open it, it suddenly occurred to him that he had watched a lot of Tomb Robber TV series. This kind of treasure was probably more ambushed by the authorities, smeared with poison and released poisonous smoke. For the sake of safety, Chen Hao put on the anti-puncture he bought. Then he put on a gas mask and rubber gloves. It is estimated that those trap agencies will have no way to deal with him.Reading for a long time

Chen Hao carefully cut through the sealing wax with a knife, and then clicked and opened the lid of the porcelain jar. What caught his eye was a fragment of a red gold-patterned robe.

"This isn't a brocade robe, right?"

Chen Hao picked up the robes, but found that there were still hard things inside. This layer on the left was the same as the matryoshka.

I peeled off the robes, but found that there was a string of sandalwood rosary inside. After a long time, this rosary still exudes a touch of sandalwood. The pattern is beautiful, a very nice string of rosary.

There is nothing in it to explain the origin of this rosary. Chen Hao estimates that this rosary has a history of at least a hundred years, otherwise the box will not rot so badly, and it will not be too long, otherwise the robes will probably be worn out.

Chen Hao didn't need this rosary. It should be a good thing for Buddhist cultivators. Chen Hao suddenly thought that his future mother-in-law was the Buddhist cultivator.

"Isn't it so coincidental?"

Chen Hao had a ridiculous feeling that this prayer bead seemed to be something God asked him to hand over to his mother-in-law.

"Then I will follow God's will and give this rosary as a gift tomorrow to her elderly."

Chen Haoping received a nice gift and was in a good mood. He lay on the bed and texted Zhou Xitong, saying that he was confident in the meeting tomorrow, so let her look forward to it.

"My husband has worked hard."

Zhou Xitong sent an ambiguous message, and finally attached a "kiss" emoticon. She is becoming more and more lively, which is a good sign.

the next day……

In the morning, Chen Hao took a shower and changed clothes, and went to Mr. Tony to get a new haircut. After that, he drove to Zhou Xitong's house. This was the first time he had visited the house when his girlfriend was away.

Chen Hao took a beautifully packaged wooden box from the side. Inside it was the sandalwood rosary that he found yesterday. He walked to the door and brewed for a while, then rang the doorbell.

The door opened, and it was the housekeeper. She knew Chen Hao, so she said that the young lady had gone to work and was not at home.

"I'm here to visit Auntie." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, I will ask for instructions."

The babysitter closed the door temporarily, and after a while, reopened the door to let Chen Hao in.

Chen Hao took off his shoes and went into the house, and saw Zhou Mu already sitting in the living room, wearing plain clothes, with low eyebrows.

"Hello, Auntie." Chen Hao said hello.

"sit down."

Mother Zhou pointed to the sofa next to her.

Chen Hao walked over, put the gift box on the coffee table, and then sat next to it.

"These days, thanks to you taking care of Tong Tong, I see her smile more than before, her daughter is happy, and I am also happy as a mother." Zhou Mu said.

"Xitong is my girlfriend, these should be done." Chen Hao said politely.

The nanny brought Chen Hao a cup of tea. Zhou Mu paused for a while and said: "Today you picked Tong Tong not to come over, what are you telling me?"

Chen Hao secretly sighed that his future mother-in-law is really smart, and it is estimated that the little tricks will not be fooled, but will leave a bad impression. It is better to be honest.

Chen Hao pushed the wooden box over and said to Zhou's mother: "This is a rosary I got accidentally. Auntie recites the Buddha. I should like it. I sent it to you."

"There are a lot of rosary beads at home." Zhou Mu's expression was flat, and people who believe in Buddhism are so indifferent to fame and fortune, which means to decline.

Chen Hao directly opened the box, and immediately the sandalwood that had been deposited in history was released, causing Zhou Mu's expression to move.

Chen Hao opened the wrapped red cloth again, revealing the quaint rosary beads inside.

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