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Zhou Mu was really attracted by the rosary. She has a daughter, Zhou Xitong, who is from a superior family. The family has collected a lot of Buddhist supplies, but the rosary still aroused her interest.

As expected, Zhou Mu is a person who knows the goods. She picked up the rosary and observed it carefully, and then gently flicked it with her hand, closing her eyes to feel the slightest Zen in it.

"Good thing, where did you get this?" Mother Zhou opened her eyes and looked at Chen Hao with a different look.

"It was dug out on the construction site."

Chen Hao told the truth, "I just planned to visit you yesterday, and then I got this rosary. It should be a buddha predestined, maybe it is a gift that a Bodhisattva asked me to give you."

In order for the future mother-in-law to accept the gift, Chen Hao had to do a little bit of theology.

"That's it, Amitabha."

Zhou's mother chanted a Buddha's name with her hands folded together. She began to use this rosary to recite the Buddha, with obscure scriptures in her mouth. Chen Hao didn't bother, so she waited for tea.

After drinking a cup of tea, Zhou's mother also read the scriptures, opened her eyes and said: "This rosary is indeed related to me, then I thank the donor Chen."

"you are welcome."

Chen Hao felt a little awkward in his heart. After all, his mother-in-law called her donor. Now this donor wants to go further with her daughter, and it is best to stay at his home.

Since there is a gift to pull in the relationship, Chen Hao decided to say the purpose of this trip: "Auntie, Xitong and I have been dating for a long time, and we have enough understanding of each other to make sure she is my beloved. However, Sometimes when she gets off work late, she goes to my side to talk about business. It's not very convenient to go back and forth. Is it possible to live with me occasionally? I have many vacant rooms at home."

Chen Hao made a crappy excuse. This is the same as the excuse that students ask their parents for money to buy a computer. They all say that they are for learning. As a result, they buy pre-productivity and play games after buying. Men have this in common.

As soon as he said this, Zhou's mother's deep gaze fixed on Chen Hao, Chen Hao's heart trembled. It seemed that his true thoughts had been seen through by his mother-in-law, and he was ready to be scolded.

Thinking about it carefully, it was a bit silly to come this time. He wanted Zhou Xitong not to return home at night. The average parent estimated that they had to consider their daughter's reputation, and then became furious.

"Girl's house, when you are not married, you still don't want to stay overnight. I take your intentions. If it's just for this matter, then I don't agree. You should take back the rosary."

Zhou Mu actually put the rosary back into the box.

"Auntie, you have misunderstood. The rosary and I said different things. You are excusable for disagreeing. I was abrupt. The rosary is a gift from the Bodhisattva. Just keep it. I won't bother you to clean up.

When Chen Hao saw something was wrong, he got up and ran away.

"Ah Qiao, send it to the donor Chen." Zhou Mu shouted, and the nanny responded and sent Chen Hao to the door.

Chen Hao felt embarrassed when he left the Zhou family's house. Today's trip was too unsuccessful. In front of his mother-in-law, he exposed the idea of ​​greedy for her daughter-in-law, which might leave a bad impression on the

That’s no way. After all, yesterday his girlfriend said something worthwhile, he must express his attitude. He worked hard and proved that the mother-in-law’s old man was not moved by foreign objects. It seems that he wants to live with Zhou Xitong legally, so he can only hope to get married soon. Up.

Chen Hao then called Zhou Xitong and told her the bad news. He was very thankful that he had not been scolded.

Zhou Xitong couldn't help but said, "Don't worry, my mother doesn't curse people when she believes in Buddhism, and she never scolded me, she just gave me reason, but I want to find a way to go in."

"Well, it seems that we can only live together legally if we get married earlier." Chen Hao said.

"Now is not the time to get married, what about the next year? Now our two companies are still in the ascending stage and are very busy. Even if we barely get married, it will affect the quality of our marriage. If we have children again, we will be more passive. . Time is delayed, so I have to prepare for a perfect wedding." Zhou Xitong was justified.

Chen Hao smiled. Zhou Xitong was already thinking about marriage arrangements. He didn't even propose to marry him. It seems that the two are really a natural pair. They don't need the red tape. Naturally, they think they should be together.

"Well, then we will fight another one or two years of underground combat." Chen Hao joked.

As soon as I hung up the phone here, Chen Hao received a call from Hua Wu. Hua Wu said on the phone that she had completed all investigation tasks and was ready to return.

"Well, I'll send a plane to pick you up, and I'll give you the crew number, and they will contact you about the flight."

This was Chen Hao's promise to pick her up by private jet.

Chen Hao called Wang Qiang and asked him to immediately arrange a plane to other provinces to pick up Huawu.

"Okay, don't worry, make arrangements right away." Wang Qiang was quick to do things, and Chen Hao was relieved to let him operate.

Chen Hao then went to his own Haoran trading company to purchase various items accumulated in the tens of billions of subsidies, and then sent them to customers in the south and the north by express.

Now Haoran Trading Company has become a "difficult item resolution center" among netizens. No matter how unpopular and weird items are, they seem to be available here. There are also some advanced and short-selling items that are occasionally available, all at market prices. It is very fragrant, so the business volume continues to rise.

It is estimated that as soon as this month passes, the taxes they pay will be able to complete the 100 million yuan gambling contract agreed with Cui Yongbing, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, and it will be completed easily.

I think Chen Hao went to the chairman Cui Yongbing to help in order to do things, but now in less than half a year, Chen Hao does not need to ask Cui Yongbing to do things. Many regional leaders and big entrepreneurs, Chen Hao hangs up with them, sometimes A single phone call can turn into a business and accomplish a major event.

It can be said that today's Chen Hao is no longer what he used to be, and his financial and power are constantly rising, and he has faintly become the new boss of the city.

Chen Hao did not wait for Zhou Xitong to get off work this time after finishing working from the company.

The medicinal bath is over, and there is no need for Zhou Xitong to work overtime every day to help, and Chen Hao just hit a wall with his mother-in-law, Zhou Xitong needs to go home from get off work early in the morning, striving to be a good girl to eliminate the mother's guard, and then try to develop.

Chen Hao received a call from his crew, saying that they had received the guest Huawu and arrived in Baihe City about 2 hours later.

Chen Hao stopped by for dinner, then drove to the airport in person, waited for more than half an hour at the exit, and finally saw Hua Wu.

She was wearing a baseball cap and a mask, covering herself tightly, with only a small suitcase beside her, walking out feebly.

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