You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Hua Wu liked the feeling of riding in a carriage, like living in a fairy tale. She asked Chen Hao for a whip, and then tried to control the two horses.

She has the skill to make a long whip. The whip was swung like an organ on her body, like an arm making a finger, and it played better than Chen Hao.

Chen Hao also freed his hands, took out his cell phone, and dialed for inquiries.

Chen Hao University is in Baihe City, and I know that there is a "happy" playground, partial to Disney's cartoon style, which fits the princess's play.

After inquiring the phone number of Xiyouyou Playground, Chen Hao dialed it.

"Hello sir, here is the Xiyouyou ticketing line." The other party was a male operator.

"I want to make a reservation today." Chen Hao said.

"What? The reservation?" The male operator was surprised. "All reservations need to be contacted in advance in order to do a good job of reception. Today is too late. We have sold dozens of tickets."

Chen Hao only cared about the results and said: "According to the current state requirements, entertainment venues need to control the number of receptions. There should be a limit on the number of people in your playground, right?"

"Yes," the operator replied, "our playground accommodates less than 1,000 people every day."

"Well, remove the tickets you have already sold, and I will pack all the remaining tickets. Is this all right?" Chen Hao said.

"Ah, you buy it all, but it's a lot more expensive than a private room. We sell a ticket for 200 yuan!"

"Money is not a problem," Chen Hao said, "just give it to me. I will transfer the payment for the amount."

Money is the simplest thing for Chen Hao. Today, making Hua Wu happy is the number one priority. Spending a little money is not important.

"Well, I'll go through the ticketing formalities for you."

The operator was also excited. This year’s market was not good. It was considered good to sell more than a hundred tickets every day. Unexpectedly, some local tyrants rented out the venue at once. He acted like a tiger and reported the total amount of remaining tickets. 965 votes, 193,000 yuan.

He also specially applied for a small discount for Chen Hao, exempting one thousand yuan.

Chen Hao nonchalantly paid the money online, and then obtained the qualification to almost book the venue.

They are now walking in the street in a group, riding a carriage to the playground.

The crowd of people on the road suddenly attracted the attention of passers-by. The Koenigsegg sports car was used as a camera car, and behind was a golden pumpkin carriage with a tall horse drawn on it. On the carriage was a pair of handsome men and women. The degree of eyesight is simply overwhelming.

The winter sun shines on the princess dress of Huawu, which has coated her with a layer of golden brilliance, which is more like a princess in a fairy tale.

Even the pillar in front of me was sighing again and again: "Our boss, this sister is too beautiful, what kind of man can be worthy of her!"

Indeed, if a girl is too beautiful, it is easy for people to feel embarrassed.

"Shoot well, don't talk nonsense, anyway, you have no part." Lai Wu reprimanded the driver.

The journey to the amusement park was a bit long. After filming for a while, Chen Hao suggested not to shoot. The horses also speed up and go to the amusement park, otherwise the day will be wasted on the road.

"Okay, then hurry up."

Hua Wu waved the whip, the whip made a crisp sound in the air, and the horse quickly ran, not much slower than some cars on the road, and soon arrived at the Xiyouyou playground.

At the entrance of the amusement park, there were already two staff members waiting. Seeing Chen Hao and his party coming over, this luxurious style, I knew that it was the golden master's father who came and hurried forward to meet them.Good-looking novel

"No need to talk nonsense, open the door and let us in." Chen Hao said.

Employees of their playground opened the door and a group of people entered.

This time I need to get off the horse to play, Hua Wu jumped under the car, the maids came to help her remove the long skirt, so that it became an ordinary princess dress, which is convenient for playing.

Chen Hao and a group of entourage accompanied them. Huawu wanted to play that kind of facility, so I went to play that kind. The amusement park specially sent two people to arrange it. There were also a few tourists in the amusement park, so they would not be delayed. .

"Let's go play this together!"

Hua Wu was like a flying bird at this time, fully unfolding her lively nature, holding Chen Hao's hand, she was the first to go to the most eye-catching Ferris wheel in the entire park.

Except for Lai Wu and his party who had to be responsible for the shooting, the rest were all on the Ferris wheel, and everyone was happy to accompany Her Royal Highness together.

Today, the employees of the amusement park have been instructed to take care of the father of the gold master. After checking the safety measures, the staff started the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel was gradually rising, and Hua Wu was yelling. It was the first time for her to play in the playground. Everything was fresh, and she talked endlessly about her joyful feelings.

"Wow, it's so high here, I can't fly so high with my effort."

"I saw a bird, it's so beautiful!"

"The cameraman over there has become so small, just like an ant, haha!"

Such twittering is not in line with the identity of the princess, but today is to make Hua Wu happy, Chen Hao also looked at her with a smile, doing what she likes, no one stipulates that the princess can't be silly.

The Ferris wheel slowly turned two times in the sky and stopped. Hua Wu jumped down and took Chen Hao to another place to play. She couldn't wait.

The six maid girls and the cameraman Lai Wu trot behind, but they couldn't keep up with the princess.

"Our princess runs too fast, right?" Qiu Yanan said breathlessly.

But they didn't know that Hua Wu was a brilliant performer. This was all in pediatrics, and only Chen Hao who had practiced could barely keep up.

"Hey, we don't have time, so don't rush like this." Chen Hao glanced at the people who were more than ten meters behind and reminded.

"Oh yes, the princess has to keep her image."

Hua Wu realized that she was too ridiculous, and immediately became reserved, before allowing the team behind to catch up.

"Let's go play that!"

Hua Wu found another interesting thing, this is a Thomas train, get on it, the train will circle on the track, very childlike.

The group of them got on the train again, and then the Thomas train departed. Accompanied by the "Woo" simulated siren, the train turned on the track.

The small train went uphill and downhill, circling around, Hua Wu smiled idiotly all the way, and she declared bankruptcy after only a few minutes of restraint. She was not suitable for restraining these two words.

Enough with the little train, the group of people turned directly to the bumper car on the side.

Bumper cars are fun if there are too many people, so the six maid girls also joined the battle group. Everyone drove a bumper car and collided with each other, cheering and laughing, resounding around.

Chen Hao is a veteran of playing bumper cars. He used real cars to hit him before. This time playing with this kind of children's toy is even more handy. He deliberately let a few girls have a great time playing.

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