You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This time I have been playing for more than ten minutes before everyone slowly stopped. Some girls laughed so much that their stomach hurts, which shows how crazy they are playing.

Later, they played various amusement facilities inside, and the whole morning passed by, leaving their trails in the entire park.

After twelve o'clock, everyone was a little hungry, and Chen Hao proposed to end the tour and go to lunch, which was supported by Hua Wu.

The princess went to an ordinary hotel to be inconsistent with the human setting. Chen Hao had other preparations for this. They came to an open space in the park, cleared and leveled it in advance, and heard a roar from the sky in the distance, and came to fly a luxurious helicopter.

This is the Sikorsky S-76C helicopter that Chen Hao bought last time. The dining place he prepared was a bit far away and not suitable for vehicles, so he used the helicopter.

"Wow, this is a plot not in the fairy tale!" This surprised Hua Wu.

Chen Hao smiled and said: "Of course, modern foreign princesses will also keep pace with the times, using mobile phones, playing computers, and of course also taking a helicopter."

"Where do you want to take me to have a big meal?" Hua Wu asked curiously.

"I'll know when I go."

Chen Hao greeted everyone on the helicopter, the cabin was very spacious, and it was more than enough for ten of them.

Before leaving, Chen Hao told the staff that they would not be back in the afternoon, and suggested that they give the unused gate to passers-by for free to avoid waste.

As for the carriage, Chen Hao has notified Ma Baoguo to transport it back to the horse farm for breeding, and it will not be used temporarily.

The helicopter slowly lifted off and flew out of the city with a group of people.

"It feels more fun to fly in a helicopter than to fly."

Hua Wu looked out through the window curiously, the white clouds in the distance, the buildings below became extremely small, and it felt like a small view of the mountains.

Up to now, Hua Wu has played very happily, and everything she has never encountered before.

In the end, the helicopter entered a lush forest. This place is not far from the China Garden. It is part of the Baihe City Scenic Area Plan, but it hasn't been fully developed yet. The green mountains and green waters are pretty good.

Suddenly, a huge white sign was seen on the ground, and the helicopter slowly descended and landed next to the white sign.

It turned out that there was also a person here preparing the scene, another of Lai Wu’s men. He laid a white table cloth as a sign here, and placed flower baskets and some fairy tale figures next to it to decorate the natural lawn in the wild. Like the shooting scene of a fantasy drama, it looks very emotional.

"Wow, do we have lunch here? It's so romantic!"

When Hua Wu got off the helicopter, she sighed. She ran happily on the lawn, dancing flowers and grass, having fun.

Chen Hao looked at it with a smile. He and the six maids began to prepare food for camping.

The food here is almost ready, mainly convenient cooked food, some of which are from the beautiful chef Xia Jing, the taste is no problem.

Others are self-heating foods, self-heating rice and the like. Barbecues can be set up. However, in order to meet the requirements of fire prevention in the wild, there is no need for open flames. Anyway, what you eat in camping is a wild fun.

"Your Royal Highness, the food is ready, please come over and enjoy." Chen Hao yelled with a smile.

Hua Wu fluttered here and bowed to Chen Hao and everyone who had been busy for her all morning. "Thank you everyone for your hard work. I am here to thank you Hua Wu!"

"Your Royal Highness is welcome."

The maid girls also replied cheerfully. They are all young people, but they find it very interesting. This kind of role-playing makes them the characters in the play.

"Thanks to Steward Chen and all the sisters, and the little brother camera!" Wanbar Novel Network

Hua Wu learned how to be a foreign Christian, made a thank-you gift, and then distributed chopsticks to everyone, very polite.

Zhuzi said with a smile: "Princess Huawu, I'm not a little brother, I'm only 19."

"That's also a little brother, I'm only 18!" Hua Wu said with a smile.


The pillar was a little stunned, looking at the beautiful and dignified Hua Wu, she could not tell that she had just grown up.

"This is true, Hua Wu has just grown up." Chen Hao said.

Now even the maid sisters felt very surprised. It turned out that Hua Wu was really a little sister, and she couldn't help but have a much more caring for her.

The picnic officially kicked off. The weather is very good today, the sun is high, and the bright sunshine shines on them, dispelling the cold of winter and making them warm.

The dishes in the lunch box are also delicious. Everyone stops role-playing when they eat. They are chatting about home-cooking and gossip, and the relationship has become much stronger.

"Hua Wu, your name sounds so good." Qiu Yanan said.

"It's okay, I changed it myself." Hua Wu said.

Chen Hao wanted to laugh when he thought of Hua Wu's original name "Hua Zhongkui", but he resisted it, otherwise he was afraid of angering the Princess.

"Hua Wu, try this crystal pork knuckle. This is made by our young lady named Xia Jing. I am waiting for Boss Chen to take you to meet. She cooks deliciously." Wu Dan said.

Hua Wu wanted to laugh. In fact, she had visited every part of the China Garden, and she had seen Xia Jing’s indecent sleeping posture. She had even seen these six girls in secret, but she had been hiding in the dark. This is the first official meeting between the two parties.

"Okay, I am looking forward to it." Hua Wu agreed.

"Are you ready to take a picture? Come and eat together after taking the picture!"

Chen Hao greeted Lai Wu and the helicopter pilot, and everyone came to have a dinner together.

Taking a food photo is to pose when it is not started. Lai Wu has completed the shooting task and everyone is sitting together and enjoying the food.

"These dishes are really good!"

The helicopter pilot is now under the command of Wang Qiang. Since the helicopter is usually idle, the helicopter rental business has been opened. Therefore, the pilot master will not be too idle. Today, he was assigned to perform the task for Chen Hao.

It was also the first time he tasted the food cooked by the beautiful chef Xia Jing, so he was full of praise.

"Old Xu, I'll know from now on, follow our boss, eat fragrant and spicy, and get the money soft, I will never treat you badly." Lai Wu patted the middle-aged driver on the shoulder.

"That is, not long after Mr. Chen was here, I felt that Haoran Company was different from other companies, and it was full of vigor and ambition." The driver's uncle said with a smile.

"Stop, I'm talking about rainbow fart, today is Princess Huawu's festival."

Chen Hao winked, everyone turned their attention back to Hua Wu, and the various compliments made Hua Wu very useful and happy.

After one meal, everyone began to clean up the mess, but Hua Wu wanted to help, so she was dissuaded by the maids.

"His Royal Highness, don't dirty your hands, just leave these to us."

The six maids and a few big men quickly cleaned up the scene. Some of the kitchen waste was packaged and thrown away in the trash can. It would definitely not pollute the environment.

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