You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Hao calmly walked over, looked directly at the young man, and said to him: "I would advise you to accumulate virtue. I said that I am not a movie star, just like you are watching movies."

"A liar, you look so pretty and you wear princess dresses, and there are a bunch of maids around you as assistants. You still say you are not a movie star? Are you also a follower who takes money to do things for her? What is the truth to me!

This young man is arrogant and boundless, and even Chen Hao squirted by the way.

Lai Wu, who actually offended his boss, couldn't help it, and his subordinates wanted to beat the young man.

For this kind of stunned green, I slapped my face, and Lai Wu had seen a lot before.

"Want to be rough? Come and see everyone, the female celebrity bodyguard is hitting someone!"

The young man started yelling in a loud voice, and he really attracted a group of people to watch, and he took out his mobile phone to shoot in a smart way. If the key content is captured and posted on the Internet, it may be a hot news.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand to stop Lai Wu, and Zhu Zi said a little bit angrily: "Let him degrade Princess Huawu so much?"

Through a day of contact, Zhu Zi has a very good impression of Hua Wu, and no one is allowed to slander her.

Even the pillars are defending Huawu, how can Chen Hao ignore it, but there are so many people around, it is not good to beat people after all. As a wise young man, of course there are better ways.

"Hey, don't you like to force people to take pictures? Remember that there is a saying that you do not do to others what you don't want." Chen Hao taught.

"Let's pull it down, the picture taken with that girl is to see her, and you can teach me."

The youth is very contemptuous. He looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He firmly believes that Chen Hao and the others dare not do anything to him.

Even if he is beaten, he can use the other party to blackmail a medical bill without wanting to expose it. It can be said to be quite insignificant, the king of the film and television industry.

It's a pity that he met Chen Hao, who didn't follow his routine, and was destined to die.

Suddenly, Chen Hao used the cash withdrawal function of tens of billions of subsidies to take out a new wad of 20,000 yuan and waved it in the air: "Cash recruits contestants for taking photos, less than five people, and require half an hour to take photos with their mobile phones. Just share it equally."

It takes only half an hour to take photos for five people for 20,000 yuan, and each person can earn 4,000 yuan, which is equivalent to half a month's salary for many people. For such a good thing, countless people raised their hands to sign up.

"You, you, and you!"

Chen Hao ordered a few men who were stronger and more fierce-faced, and let them come to him.

"Boss, did you take a picture of you? My phone is not very high in pixels." said a selected man.

"It's not for me, it's for him." Chen Hao pointed to the troubled young man.

When the troubled young man saw something was wrong, he turned around and wanted to slip.

"Don't let him go, he leaves but he has no money to take it." Lai Wu called out in due course.

In this way, how can those five people let the young people leave? It is related to whether they can earn four thousand yuan smoothly. So these five strong men followed, some pulled their arms and others pulled clothes, so they pulled the troublesome youths. Living.

"What are you doing, let me go, I'm going to call the police!" The troublemaker said sternly, now that he is afraid.

Chen Hao smiled meaningfully: "Didn't you also do the same thing just now? People can't double mark. I also let you taste the taste of being forced to take pictures."

As Chen Hao said, he said to the five men who signed up: "Go to a secluded place and take photos of him for half an hour with your mobile phone. You have to have more postures and handsome movements. When the time is up, the money will be yours. ."

"Quite!" The five strong men took the troublemaker and left, looking for a secluded place to take pictures.

Although the troublemaker was unwilling to struggle, he was still taken away by a strong man like a wolf.

"Mr. Chen, your trick is too high! A hundred stories tall!" 139 Chinese

The pillar patted the horse with his thumb.

This trick is indeed very symptomatic. This is called self-reliance. He likes to force people to take pictures. Now he will also enjoy this taste. See if he likes it?

Chen Hao gave 40,000 yuan to the pillars and asked him to look at the five. If the time is enough, he will pay the money and leave. The five people will be rewarded with double the bonus.

The pillar led away, and Chen Hao and Lai Wu entered the VIP waiting area of ​​the theater.

"What happened just now? I heard it was noisy outside." Hua Wu walked over and asked.

"Nothing, a small matter was handled."

Chen Hao asked Hua Wu to wait, and he went to the ticket office to buy tickets.

"Is there a VIP box? I want to pack a movie." Chen Hao said to the cashier girl.

"Yes, boss, you can choose what movie you want to watch."

The theaters were generally dissatisfied with the audience, and she was very happy to meet a high-profile guest like Chen Hao.

Chen Hao asked Hua Wu to choose a movie. Hua Wu took a look. Today, she was so happy and decided to choose a comedy. It happened that Xu Zheng's new film "Han Yu" was released, which should look good.

The VIP box in the theater is not big, there are only about twenty seats, leather sofa, and 4D supporting equipment, Dolby surround sound, but the box fee is a bit expensive, but it is not a problem for Chen Hao.

Of course, popcorn and drinks are indispensable for watching movies. Chen Hao asked the waiter to pack a few large buckets of popcorn, and then all kinds of drinks were pushed into the theater with a trolley, and whoever wanted to drink would take it by himself.

A large group of them entered the movie theater, and then they found a place to sit down, and the movie started playing on the screen.

Xu Zheng’s movies are the kind of people who don’t laugh, but make the audience laugh. The film is above the standard, and there is constant laughter in the hall. The girls are laughing and laughing. When the plot is plain Just eat popcorn to spend, this is to enjoy life.

Within an hour and a half, the film ended in a intensive laughter, and when the headlights in the theater were on, everyone felt that they were still not enough.

"It's so beautiful, let's see it together another day!" Hua Wu suggested.

"Yes." Chen Hao agreed.

After watching the movie, it was not until 5 pm. Since it is now located in Wanda Plaza, which is the largest shopping mall in the city, Chen Hao proposed to go shopping and buy more clothes, shoes, hats, gold and silver jewelry for the Princess. As a princess, the house cannot be empty.

This proposal has received strong support from the maids. Even if they do not buy, they will be happy to see Sister Huawu shopping.

Although the maid girls called Huawu a princess when they were acting, Huawu was still young and regarded her as a sister in her heart.

"Well, I have already spent a lot of money today." Hua Wu felt a little embarrassed. Today, he took too much advantage of Chen Hao.

"What's the matter? You are a princess today. Of course, you must have a princess' fan. You can't let people look down upon the princesses of our Haoran Group." Chen Hao arranged a new identity for Hua Wu.

"That is, Princess Huawu, you just accept the boss's arrangement. Our boss is rich, and he can't afford to spend on something." Lai Wu was also persuading him.

"OK then."

Hua Wu agreed, but when she was walking, she leaned into Chen Hao's ear and whispered, "Thank you."

"It's boring to say thank you. When you helped me, you didn't even come to negotiate terms with me." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Well, I won't say thank you."

Hua Wu smiled like a flower. Although she didn't say it clearly, she will lend a helping hand as soon as Chen Hao has something to do. Hua Wu has the style of an ancient chivalrous girl, and of course she knows her grace.

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