You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The group of them came to the interior of Wanda Commercial Building, a high-end shopping mall. Looking around, the six-story height is full of various luxury brands, which makes people look dazzling.

Chen Hao didn't specifically pick it anymore. They took the elevator to the top floor first, and then scanned the goods one by one.

The top six floors contain more infrequently used commodities such as hats, glasses, wedding dresses, and so on.

The wedding flower dance is not available for the time being. Everyone went to various shops and bought a lot of small items such as hats, gloves, snoods and so on. Of course, these brands are not cheap, just spend it casually. Eighty to ninety thousand.

On the fifth floor, this floor is where the main footwear is sold. All kinds of stockings, body socks, high tops, middle tops, boat socks, etc. are available. Shoes are also available in various materials and types.

Socks are generally one size fits all, so you don't need to try them on. Chen Hao asks the store to wrap everything Hua Wu likes, and then Lai Wu and others have a lot of shopping bags in their hands.

Next is to buy key shoes.

There is a Cinderella story in the fairy tale. It was caused by a crystal shoe, so Huawu had a soft spot for shoes. And when she was practicing light work, she wore a lot of shoes. As a result, her shoes were flat and sporty. Lord, but seeing so many beautiful high heels, his eyes straightened.

In the past, she couldn't afford good shoes because of family reasons, so she could only be greedy through the glass window. Now that Chen Hao is there, what she wants is just a sentence.

"If you like that, try it." Chen Hao said boldly.

Then the six maids used their subjective initiative and went to the shelves one by one to help Hua Wu choose shoes that were suitable for her. Those mature women didn’t wear shoes suitable for Hua Wu, so they chose some girly shoes, pink and white. Bright colors such as, blue and so on are the mainstay.

"Princess, try these pairs."

Wu Dan squatted down and took the initiative to let Hua Wu try on his new shoes. With a respectful attitude, his acting skills could give full marks.

I saw these six maid girls screaming a "princess" beside them, and Chen Hao's "butler" who was as handsome as a bodyguard, and a sturdy middle-aged uncle with a camera. This combination looks like A real princess goes shopping.

The female clerk in the shoe store was dumbfounded, and had never encountered such a situation.

One of the young female clerk was assigned by a colleague and quietly ran to the maid and asked, "Is this really a princess? From that country?"

"This is confidential. Our princess travels in secret and it is not convenient to disclose." Qiu Yanan blinked his eyes and said mysteriously.

Because he was afraid that his words would disturb Hua Wu's shopping interest, Chen Hao put his index finger in front of his mouth and made a "hush" silence to signal the clerk not to talk nonsense.

The clerk was shocked, Chen Haotai had a bodyguard, and her serious face made her shudder.

The clerk believed it to be true, and really regarded Huawu as the princess of a certain country, and then served with her heart, for fear that if she accidentally offended the princess, it would be no good to trigger a diplomatic incident.

"I like these shoes, but there are too many. There are more than 20 pairs. I have a choice problem. You can choose a choice for me. Just pick a few pairs." Hua Wu said embarrassedly.

"These two pairs."

"I think these pairs are good."

The maid girls are making ideas one by one.

Chen Hao smiled, and walked over and said, "I will cure the difficulty of choice."

Hua Wu was overjoyed when she heard the words: "Then talk about it, which ones to choose?" Andrews Novel

"The reason why choice is difficult is to choose. If you don't choose, you can just buy it all. Don't you need to worry?"

The solution proposed by Chen Hao is simple and crude.

"Ah? How much does it cost?"

Hua Wu looked at these shoes with signs ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. She had never been so extravagant before.

"You are a princess, and the national treasury pays for consumption. How can our Haoran Empire not even be able to afford princess shoes?"

Chen Hao deliberately blinked his eyes, and then asked the clerk to wrap up all the shoes Hua Wu had tried.

"Okay, Mr. Bodyguard!"

The female clerk was too happy. This exaggerated performance made her get the commission, but she felt that she was still rude, and bowed to Hua Wu again: "Your Royal Highness, wait a minute, and this will cover everything for you."

Seeing that the female shop assistants believed in Hua Wu's identity, the maids were snickering, and it seemed that their acting skills had reached the level of being fake.

In the end, Hua Wu chose more than 30 pairs of shoes in this store, which was enough for her to wear for a while. Although Chen Hao felt that it was not enough, he didn't have to buy too much at one time. It would be fine to shop once every quarter.

Leaving the shoe store, all the accompanying people were carrying the boxes of shoes. Fortunately, Chen Hao had ordered the electric bus to the parking lot downstairs in advance. They went and put all the things they bought on the bus. , And then continue shopping.

At this time, the pillar that supervised the photo came back. After seeing Chen Hao, he couldn't help but smile, and came to report to Chen Hao about the result of their forcibly taking pictures of the young man.

Because of the temptation of heavy money, the five big guys who took over the task of taking pictures took away the phone of the young man who was provoking trouble, refused to let him leave and concentrated on taking pictures.

As a result, the provoking youth refused to cooperate and yelled. Among them, two violent men beat him up in anger. The provoking youth was honest with the panda eyes, and he obediently cooperated for half a shot. Hour photo.

"You don't know how he looks like, when I'm done, I asked him how it feels to take pictures? Guess what, he cried and said that he would never take pictures again."

Zhu Zi showed Chen Hao all the photos of the troubled young man taken on his phone, and couldn't help but laugh first.

Chen Hao smiled slightly. It seems that he has educated the society a wonderful young man who has immense merit and deep fame.

The shopping continued, and Zhuzi joined the team carrying bags.

Next is the clothing store on the fourth floor. There are so many clothing brands inside. If you go shopping one by one, I am afraid that you will not be able to finish shopping this evening.

Chen Hao came up with a shopping method that is only suitable for their players who are not bad for money. The styles you want to see are only those that match the size of Huawu. Buy them all. Maybe some of them will not fit well. That's okay. In China Garden With a tailor, you can modify it yourself.

As a result, buying clothes was very fast. In about half an hour, I bought more than 50 pieces of clothes, which cost a little more than 600,000 yuan.

It was already evening, and there was still dinner at home to be prepared, and Chen Hao decided to speed up his shopping.

The shopping speed of jewelry, cosmetics, bags, etc. on the 1-3 floors is faster. The maid girls have experience and understand the nature of Huawu's skin. The six people spread out together, and each of them can bring back a batch of suitable for her. Jewelry or cosmetics.

Of course, the girls were carrying the merchandise, followed by a clerk from the shop. They were afraid of taking samples and running away.

As a result, they treat the gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Chen Hao's subordinates will not do that kind of nasty things. They are afraid that they will be ashamed of the boss because of the low-grade things.

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