I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 568: Defending Turtle Flow

You can search for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Lin Daneng's heart was immediately full of contempt: "Just this little effort? I can't even take a punch. I don't know how my cousin was defeated by this three-legged cat."

Chen Hao, who was hit, suddenly felt a violent attack, his heart aching, and he took a step backwards, but with the defensive bonus of the bear show, there was no follow-up damage, and his heart numb and it was over.

"Sure enough."

Chen Hao’s punch was defensive. After soaking in the medicinal bath, the skin of the bones and muscles has been strengthened to a certain extent. His anti-strike ability is no longer what it used to be. He received a punch, except for a little pain. .

When I was in Huacun, I had a headache when I was hit by Lin Dayou's fist. Now, Lin Daneng, who is more powerful, can resist a punch without any major problems. It is indeed an improvement.

Of course, the pain is inevitable, but for men, this pain is not worth mentioning. If you scream for a little bit of pain, then you don’t need to practice martial arts. When you go home, you will be bullied and be a mother Guns, it's a real point.

Lin Daneng easily hit Chen Hao with a punch, but he didn't respond much. He was a little surprised, and his cousin's words flashed through his heart.

The cousin once said that Chen Hao appeared awkward when he started the battle and was suppressed by him, but suddenly his speed doubled somehow, and he was caught off guard, even faster than their Lin Jiaquan.

But now Chen Hao didn't respond to his fist, making Lin Daneng suspect that this was Chen Hao's conspiracy again.

Lin Daneng did not pursue, but stood there and asked, "Why don't you hide? Don't tell me you are practicing Kungfu horizontally!"

Chen Hao flexed his muscles and said lightly: "Almost, this is the latest bear show I have practiced. Please also Brother Lin for advice!"

Chen Hao set his posture again.

"In that case, don't blame me for being unreasonable!"

Lin Daneng was full of anger, bullying him again, Lin Jiaquan's strength was fully opened, his powerful fists blasted Chen Hao's body one after another.

Chen Hao's speed is definitely not as fast as the opponent. Defensive counterattack is his only chance of winning now, so he uses a bear play to resist, and at the same time adds the strength of bear to make his next game more stable, and let you bombard. I don't move.

"Boom boom!"

Lin Daneng blasted Chen Hao with several heavy punches. Chen Hao just shook his body slightly, and didn't even take a step back. Not only did Lin Daneng shocked, even Hao Duo who was watching the battle was also shocked.

"Why did Brother Chen suddenly practice horizontal kungfu? There seems to be no such method in his Wu Qin Xi. Is it because he just learned it recently?"

Indeed, what outsiders know about Wu Qin Xi is what kind of aerobics exercised by the old man in the park, and Chen Hao has also performed in Zhujian Villa. There is no kung fu about training the bones and bones of iron cloth shirts and golden bell covers. This is suddenly used. It was unexpected.

As Lin Daneng who was playing against Chen Hao, he was the most shocked. He has always been proud of his powerful punches. There are few people in the circle who can resist his fist without being injured. However, this fact has now been broken. Chen Hao is He received five punches and didn't scream miserably. However, he took advantage of the situation to strike back and forced him to stop the attack.

In order to attack again, Lin Daneng planned to block Chen Hao's counterattack. However, when he blocked Chen Hao's fist peak, he felt an unstoppable force surge. He had to take a step back and his wrist was shaken. It's sour.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Daneng felt unbelievable. Chen Hao's counterattack was so violent and unimaginable. This indirectly confirmed that Chen Hao was not injured under the bombardment of his Lin Jiaquan, and the injured would not have such a powerful counterattack.33 novel www.33xs.cc

It is only a moment when Chen Hao takes a step forward in battle. He is not only defensive. A dragon and tiger leaps forward to attack. He is the most proficient in tiger play, and there is no difficulty in switching.

Lin Daneng had just been frustrated, and now he was a little worried about Chen Hao's boxing power, so he slipped away and took advantage of Lin Jiaquan's unique speed advantage to go around to Chen Hao's side, and blasted past with a "righteous and bright".

"Being upright and bright" is a sharp punch in the Lin family boxing. It seems to be an upright punch, but the speed and strength are excellent, and the attacking enemy will be saved. It just allows you to see clearly that there is no perfect defense in the fist. But it's tough.

This move is the essence of the Lin Family Boxing, which can well reflect the Lin Family's "quick, accurate and ruthless" mentality. Unless Chen Hao evades with dragon and tiger steps, he will also fall into the dilemma of being suppressed.

Therefore, Chen Hao immediately switched to a bear play. He was the second attack of defense. The muscles all over his body bulged to increase his body resistance. The back and waist made him resist, and the strength of Xiong Feng made him resistant. The combination of the two is the current excellent defense. force.


Lin Daneng hit Chen Hao's shoulder deliberately with a punch again. Chen Hao's shoulder was sore and full of soreness. It is estimated that there is a black green here.

It’s no wonder that Chen Hao only completed the first stage of soaking in the medicated bath, and did not reach the state of invulnerability in the legendary golden bell. It would hurt even if it was beaten, and the skin would have black green, but it was only painful for a while. There are internal injuries.

The combination of the strongest defensive trick of Wu Qin Xi and the ancient medicated bath formula created a unique genre of defense against tortoise flow in modern martial arts.

The tortoise of the animal kingdom has a hard shell, and the predator cannot break the hard shell, and can only look at the shell and sigh.

It’s the same with Chen Hao. You can’t hurt me, so why don’t I get a few punches? The punches are mutual. At the moment of hitting the opponent, because the limbs are in an attacking state, the defense is at the weakest moment in disguise. Chen Hao counterattacked when the opponent hit him, making Lin Daneng extremely uncomfortable.

"watch out!"

Chen Hao attacked the black tiger and took the opponent's heart, but Lin Daneng missed a hit, and faced Chen Hao's fierce counterattack. He also had a psychological shadow on Chen Hao's fierce counterattack. He hurriedly retreated, but was still hit by Chen Hao's fist peak. His arm felt sore and numb again, which was not a good sign.

"What kind of Five Animals Show are you?" Lin Daneng asked suspiciously.

"It's just a combination of several tricks."

Chen Hao's continuous punches also caused the body's breath to be disordered. His opponent stopped attacking. He took advantage of this rare gap to adjust his breath. After a few breaths, the breath in his body went smoothly, except for a few black spots.

However, Lin Daneng's arm muscles were sore that it was Chen Hao's tremendous strength that shook his muscle fibers. If it continues, it is estimated that his muscle fibers will lose strength due to paralysis, and it is estimated that he will not be able to make a fist.

It can be said that Chen Hao took a few hard punches, which had quietly changed the combat power of both sides, leaning towards him.

"When did the tortoise flow in Wuqinxi?" Lin Daneng asked angrily.

This kind of game that couldn't play, but suffered a loss, made him a little annoyed.

"The knowledge is shallow, and the animal kingdom is not only a tortoise that can defend."

Chen Hao once again put on the bear play start-up pose, placing his palms in front of him one after the other, just like a black bear with teeth and claws.

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