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Lin Daneng snorted, clenched his fists tightly, the joints made a croak, and his arms suddenly swelled up in a circle, seemingly about to make a big move.

Chen Hao calmly raised his defense to the extreme, so as not to change.


Lin Daneng yelled, and rushed forward, hitting Chen Hao's face with a big fight.

Indeed, Chen Hao's defense is strong enough, but his face is indeed weak, lacking the cushion of muscle and fat, and no one is willing to use his face to catch a fist even if he considers the problem of disfigurement. Lin Daneng has grasped Chen Hao accurately. Psychology.

A handsome guy, Chen Hao, he really wouldn't risk his face to meet the opponent's fist, slightly side his head, and at the same time punch out his ribs.

Bear play is a heavy defense, but it does not mean that the opponent has to stupidly resist every move. If you can hide, you will hide. If you can't hide, you will deliberately expose the rough skin and let the opponent fight, like some dead spots and weaknesses. Points, such as eyes, head, throat, lower body, etc., will never be attacked by the enemy.

The bear can become a hegemon in the forest, and it is also dependent on it.

Lin Da missed a punch, so he followed an elbow. Because his elbow is much stronger than his fist, he can block Chen Hao’s counter-attack with this move, and he can also attack and defend. Both proud tricks.

Chen Hao's strange move put Chen Hao at a disadvantage, but Chen Hao also quickly changed his move. It is certainly not wise to go head-to-head with his elbow. He turned his fist into a palm and pressed it on Lin Daneng's elbow.

With a buffer, his strength advantage can be brought into play. Lin Dayou’s elbow hit seems to have fallen into a swamp, consuming his strength so quickly that when it hit Chen Hao’s ribs, he had already lost the impact. I touched it softly, almost greeting my good friend.

The opponent's offense was disintegrated, and Chen Hao wouldn't stop there, and then used Flying Bear into a dream, taking the opposite side with one move.

The flying bear enters a dream is an idiom, originally referring to Zhou Wenwang’s dream of flying a bear to be too fair, and later it is a metaphor for the sign of the Holy Lord’s gaining a virtuous minister. Fainted.

Lin Daneng didn't give it in vain. When he drew sideways, he punched Chen Hao in the armpit.

There is Jiquan acupoint under the armpit, which is the highest point of the heart meridian. It will damage the heart pulse if hit.

This move couldn't be resisted, Chen Hao hit a punch and confronted the opponent, but the two of them punched each other, and they were evenly matched, each stepping back.

However, they didn't stop this time, and instead fought forward separately.

Both sides fisted and fisted, and Lin Daneng's fists were fast, hitting Chen Hao a few times, but it was also tickling. Occasionally, Chen Hao's sharp blow made him extremely uncomfortable.

Not long after, Chen Hao's trick "Xiong Jinggu" took Lin Daneng a step back, and the second part of the confrontation between the two finally came to an end, separated by a distance of two meters, and each breathed.

This fight consumed a lot of physical strength, so the two of them took a short break before planning their next attack.

In this second confrontation, Lin Daneng apparently gained the upper hand, hitting Chen Haoduo's fist, but did not cause much damage.

However, Lin Daneng himself knew very well that he had no tricks to quickly resolve the battle. After he and Chen Hao fought hard for a few times, his arms trembled slightly. That was a sign of muscle numbness. If he fell into exhaustion, War, then his hope of victory is slim.Qingfeng Literature

Lin Daneng is thinking about breaking the game, otherwise this time he will undoubtedly lose.

Now Lin Daneng fully understands his cousin's sufferings, and he can't do anything with Chen Hao. It seems that it is not that his cousin is not good at learning skills, but that Chen Hao is indeed quite famous.

He recalled the previous fight with Chen Hao, it seemed that Chen Hao was avoiding critical attacks. Lin Daneng had a clear understanding. If he specifically attacked Chen Hao’s weaknesses, Chen Hao was forced to cope with it, as long as he caught one of them. Opportunity hits Chen Hao's weakness, and he may be able to settle down and win.

Thinking of this, Lin Daneng launched a third attack.

He spit out a poisonous snake and poked Chen Hao's throat. This is a part that Golden Bell Shield rarely can practice. He expected Chen Hao to be unable to defend.

Of course, Chen Hao has to be protected. He has one hand on his throat. If Lin Daneng hits, he will wrestle at the moment of contact as before, causing Lin Daneng to quickly exhaust his strength.

"Are you poor?"

Lin Daneng let out a cold snort, and suddenly raised his arm, Quan Feng took Chen Hao's nose. This is a famous martial art, called "Sky Cannon". It hits the face from the bottom up, which is a bit humiliating to the opponent. nature.

Chen Hao frowned, and turned his head to avoid it, but Lin Daneng turned into a double wind, like a big cymbal on a musical instrument, and patted Chen Hao's ear.

This hand with a whistling whistling will pour air into the ear canal violently, which can shatter the tympanic membrane after hitting it, and then cause deafness, which is quite a vicious trick.

Hao Duo, who was watching the battle, frowned, thinking that Lin Daneng was a bit unscrupulous. In the orthodox discussion, it is strictly forbidden to irritate the ears and squeeze the yin legs, which will cause irreversible damage and lose martial virtues.

However, Lin Daneng couldn't take care of it anymore. He could no longer lose under Chen Hao's hands, otherwise the entire Lin family would lose their head in the martial arts.

Chen Hao leaned back and avoided the eardrum attack, but Lin Dayou kept up with Chen Hao’s lower abdomen with a punch. Fortunately, Chen Hao was already able to defend himself. The shark muscle formed a rigid anti-collision module and resisted. This time, but the stomach is very uncomfortable.

Lin Daneng took advantage of this, seeing the dawn of victory, immediately followed up with an Erlong Opera Pearl, and inserted Chen Hao's eyes directly to interfere with Chen Hao's sight.

However, his tactics have completely turned into slanderous tricks.

Chen Hao was annoyed by Lin Daneng's tricks, so he decided to do some tricks too, lest he be unscrupulous.

When Lin Daneng attacked Chen Hao’s eyes again, Chen Hao finally found a chance to counterattack. He grabbed Lin Daneng’s wrist with one hand, making him unable to break free for the time being. Lin Daneng also attacked the enemy with another punch. The rescue was also caught by Chen Hao with his arm, forming a wrestling situation.

In terms of wrestling, Chen Hao hasn't been afraid of anyone yet, so he now temporarily controls Lin Daneng's hands.

Lin Daneng also reacted quickly. With his hands restrained, he used his legs, ready to lift his legs to hit Chen Hao's bottom plate with his knees. This was an even more powerful trick.

However, Chen Hao took the first step to launch an attack. He smiled evilly and suddenly raised his forehead. In Lin Daneng's shocked eyes, he slammed forward, his forehead hitting Lin Daneng's face.

This trick is the unexpected hit of the deer, the unique trick of attacking with the forehead in the deer play. For this reason, Chen Hao has also specially practiced it and can break bricks in one stroke.

Chen Hao was 1.8 meters tall, while Lin Dayou was only 175 cm tall. There was a height difference, so Chen Hao's collision hit Lin Daneng's nose.

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