You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!The director walked around upstairs and downstairs of Chen Hao's villa, and decided in his heart the shooting plan. In the master bedroom where Chen Hao first lived, set up a picking spot to take shots of the chaise bed drinking.

Then in the living room and the corridor in the garden, take a shooting spot, which is all alive.

"Boss Chen, the shooting location is tentatively scheduled to be three. It is necessary to move some furniture, prepare some new props, and possibly change the original outfit." The director asked for instructions.

"No problem, you guys look at it, I have something to do, just talk to these six beauties."

Chen Hao handed the scene to six sisters, and then drove away by himself.

Chen Hao went to find Zhou Xitong in the Zhou's International Building. She was related to whether the commercial could be filmed smoothly, and he didn't know how to speak on the phone, so it was better to say it in person.

I don't know if Zhou Xitong will agree to shoot commercials. After all, her identity is unusual. The chief executive of a Fortune 500 company came to shoot other commercials. Just thinking about it, it feels incredible.

Chen Hao came to Zhou's International. After going upstairs, she went directly to Zhou Xitong's office. She was talking about work with a subordinate.

After Chen Hao arrived, he didn't disturb them, so he sat next to him and waited.

After the employee left, Zhou Xitong smiled and said, "Why are you here? Aren't you still in Yunyang at noon? What happened to the advertisement?"

"Most of the advertising is done, but one thing is still stuck." Chen Hao said.

"What's the matter, tell me, I'll help you solve it." Zhou Xitong put aside the work at hand and focused on listening to Chen Hao.

"Only you can do this."

Chen Hao showed a mysterious smile, walked behind Zhou Xitong, and kneaded her shoulders for her to please her.

After all, Zhou Xitong is the chief executive of the group and has a superior IQ. She couldn't help but ask: "Speak, I will try my best to fulfill your request."

"It's just that I want to invite my beautiful girlfriend to make an advertisement for the court fruit wine." Chen Hao stated his purpose.

"Yes," Zhou Xitong agreed directly, "how much do you have for advertising this time, I will sponsor you out of my own pocket."

It turned out that Zhou Xitong had misunderstood it, but her promise was a bit generous. This time the advertisement was conservatively estimated to be tens of millions, and Zhou Xitong was willing to bear it. It can only be said that Chen Hao has taken a considerable height in her heart, reaching the level of ignoring money.

"You misunderstood," Chen Hao said with a smile, "I want you to take part in the commercial shooting and play the role of a noble concubine."

"Ah? I'm shooting commercials? But I've never filmed before." Zhou Xitong was shocked, and she had no experience in this area.

Chen Hao said: "Now that the other actors are all looking for it, there is only one candidate for the noble concubine, and you, President Fan, traveled to the past, and the maternal ceremonies in the palace are perfect."

"But that requires acting skills." Zhou Xitong said.18 Novel Network

"Go and try again. Of course, I won't force you. I don't need to act if I don't like it. I also have someone to replace it." Chen Hao said sincerely.

"Well, wait until I get off work."

Zhou Xitong dared to give everything for Chen Hao. It is not a big deal to shoot an advertisement. She is a big president and she still has this confidence.

Next, Chen Hao accompanied his girlfriend in the office to help her organize the documents. It felt a bit like reviewing memorials in the Imperial Study Room in ancient times. You can judge the life or death of a project with a wave of hands.

Chen Hao read a few documents. They were trivial matters and didn't need too much attention. However, a branch fund application report attracted his attention.

This is the application report of Zhou's Chemical Company to start production of coking coal project, which requires an investment of more than 20 million yuan.

"Tongtong, I think coal is a sunset industry. Now the country is focusing on environmental protection, and coal, a fossil fuel, may be mined within a few decades, so it is not suitable for long-term operation."

Although the money was not much, Chen Hao expressed his opinion and showed Zhou Xitong the cross-cut report.

"You are right. The husband who came to see me can stand alone. Can I go on vacation?" Zhou Xitong joked.

Chen Hao said: "I have a college classmate who is studying chemical engineering. I only know a little bit of industry knowledge. Other industries I don't understand will not be possible. It is easy to talk about it on paper. It is up to you to manage the business."

"Then this document, you help me decide, I don't think so."

Zhou Xitong handed Chen Hao a document with a question mark at the beginning.

She said: “Our Zhou’s sub-brand, Orange Electronics, has produced several mobile phones, and the response is good. The general manager of Orange gave me a report saying that he wants to seize the mobile phone market share, increase investment, and develop my own For mobile phone chips and operating systems, subsequent investments may be tens of billions."

"The investment in this plan is too huge. Once the investment fails, the company may be in a slump for many years, but there are prospects. I wonder if I want to fight in the mobile phone market."

Zhou Xitong told Chen Hao what she thought, and wanted to hear his opinion.

Chen Hao thought for a while, combined with the current situation of Zhou's International, and gave his own answer: "I think it is necessary to clarify the general direction of the company's future development. Zhou's International is too big, but there are no major products. Boss but not precise. Every industry seems to have branches, but they are not well-known in the industry. I think mobile phones and quantum communications are two directions, and the investment is tens of billions of research and development expenses. You need to make a choice, and confirm Zhou's The main direction of the international future is to bet on mobile phones or quantum communications. With limited funds, a project will be given priority."

"Well, you are right, I have counted it. The future of mobile phones is not clear. I still choose the quantum communication industry that has made some achievements. In the 5G era, we are participants, but when I want to reach 6G, we will be international. Communication products can become the mainstream of the industry."

Zhou Xitong firmed up his ideas, and at the same time said to Chen Hao: "Thank you for your advice."

"What's the matter? Isn't it all my own company in the future? It should be." Chen Hao raised his eyebrows, and hinted that Zhou's International and Haoran must be one company.

It is true that some wealthy people will conduct pre-marital property notarization before getting married, but the relationship between Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong does not need to be worried at all. Neither of them is greedy for money. Chen Hao is not bad for money. There are tens of billions of subsidies. There will only be more and more snowballs, and sooner or later it will surpass Zhou International.

Afterwards, they fully exchanged views on various industries of Zhou's International. Other couples were chatting together, and Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were discussing the development plans of Fortune 500 companies and the afternoon life of business elites. It is so simple and unpretentious.

When I was about to leave work, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a group of people walked in under the leadership of a young man.

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