I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 574: The Arrogant Brother-in-law

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Chen Hao was still chatting with Zhou Xitong enthusiastically. He frowned when he heard a sound at the door. He was still thinking, which employee is so rude to enter the president's office without knocking?

As a result, he looked back and found that it was a somewhat familiar face. Isn't this his ineffective brother-in-law, Zhou Xinan?

I saw him once in the hospital. He and Zhou Xitong did not get along well, so Chen Hao had a very bad impression of him.

"President Zhou, just say he's busy, but he's busy dating, really leisurely!"

Zhou Xinan said yin and yang strangely.

"We are discussing business, and Chen Hao is also one of the company's shareholders. He has this qualification." The smile on Zhou Xitong's face disappeared, and he didn't like this brother.

"I don’t care about your personal affairs. I’m here to inform you today that your work will be handed over within a month. I will take over it in an all-round way, lest sister, you work overtime every day, and hair loss at a young age will be bad. Make time for you to marry someone earlier."

Zhou Xinan was very considerate, but everyone could tell that what he was saying was ironic. This was to seize Zhou Xitong's power.

Zhou Xinan was followed by minority shareholders and some senior executives of the group. Someone brought up a document with the details of the adjustment of the group’s management business.

Zhou Xitong frowned, and after seeing this document, he put it back on the table angrily and said, "Zhou Xinan, I don't agree with this decision! You want power, yes, most of the branch personnel can be appointed and removed. I can also retreat from the position of president, but Zhou’s Hi-Tech and Miaojie project have not been discussed. Zhou’s Hi-Tech will be the focus of the group’s development in the next ten years, and it will be a major product. I know all the researchers, and the salary is set by me. Others don’t know the inside story. As for the Temple Street project, the group has very little intervention, just a few hundred million investment, most of which are Chen Hao’s personal investment, and you have no right to do it. put one's oar in."

"I am the acting chairman of the company. I am issuing an order, not discussing with you. I will give you one month."

Zhou Xinan left a word coldly, and was about to take people away. He was not at all polite to Zhou Xitong, even arrogant.

"Hold on!"

Chen Hao suddenly walked out and stared at him coldly: "Are you talking to your sister?"

"My attitude has nothing to do with you. A little white face who depends on my sister's position is not qualified to talk to me!"

Zhou Xinan snorted coldly, but he was obviously mistaken. Chen Hao was not a little white face who ate soft rice. He had bronzed skin after a medicated bath, and his teeth were good. He was obviously a big black face who ate hard rice.

"You may have made some mistakes. I didn't rely on other people's charity for my achievements today." Chen Hao walked up to Zhou Xinan. The two of them were only tens of centimeters wide and looked at each other indifferently.

"How do you talk to us, Jay Chou?"

At this time, a male assistant next to Zhou Xinan pointed at Chen Hao and yelled, and stretched out his hand to push.

Chen Hao's eyes were staring, and the aura that he had cultivated for a long time was suddenly exuded, which shocked the male assistant's heart and his hand froze in the air.

Life experience tells the male assistant that he is in front of a great man. If he is offended, he can't imagine the consequences.

There was a layer of sweat on the young man's forehead, and he retracted his hand angrily. Chen Hao's stare made him soberly realize that the conflict between the big brothers is not something he can participate in.

"Staring in front of me, you are not qualified!"

Zhou Xinan's second-generation ancestor character made him unable to bear that someone openly challenged his authority, so he came up to grab Chen Hao by the collar, trying to show his might.

However, he found the wrong target with prestige.

Chen Hao first wrapped his fist with the palm of his hand and twisted hard, Zhou Xinan's face suddenly showed an incredible look, and then the sharp pain in his wrist forced him to squat down. Only in this way can he alleviate the twisting. joint.Ranwen www.rwenw.com

From the perspective of others, Zhou Xinan seemed to kneel in front of Chen Hao.

"You can't straighten up now, how can you be qualified to talk to me?" Chen Hao asked him coldly.

"Let go of Jay Chou!"

The bunch of dog legs behind Zhou Xinan came up to help, Chen Hao pushed them with one hand, they were pushed to the side and they couldn't get close at all.

"Let it go, let it go, it hurts to death!"

Zhou Xinan had never met anyone who dared to do something with him in her life, her face was sore and green, and she yelled very gracefully.

"Your dog's legs come up again, and the pain is even worse." Chen Hao said coldly.

"You back, back!"

Zhou Xinan had to let all the followers behind him retreat, or his hand would break.

"Chen Hao, forget it, he is also my brother anyway."

Zhou Xitong walked over and took Chen Hao's hand, using his gentleness to calm Chen Hao.

Zhou Xitong knew that Chen Hao was venting her anger, and she was very grateful, but Zhou Xinan was her half-brother after all, so it was not easy to beat people.

"Look at your sister, forgive you this time, and be polite to me in the future!"

Chen Hao let go of Zhou Xinan with a loose hand.

Zhou Xinan hid in the crowd in pain, and then looked at his wrist, there was already a circle of bruise, Chen Hao's wrist strength was still so bad.

"Count you cruel, let's wait and see!"

Now that Zhou Xinan was free, he was protected by his attendants again, and he became courageous and immediately uttered wild words.

As soon as Chen Hao raised his hand and pretended to fight, Zhou Xinan was so frightened that he lost his face, and hurried away with his men, and fled in embarrassment in the corridor.

This week's young master actually had this courage. Chen Hao really laughed. If Zhou's International is handed over to Zhou Xinan, it is estimated that it will be defeated in a few years.

"Thank you Chen Hao." Zhou Xitong said gratefully, her boyfriend vented her anger, otherwise in the group, she would be like an angry bag.

"It's okay. Tell me, why did your brother suddenly become the acting chairman? I haven't received any news." Chen Hao said.

Zhou Xitong said: "It happened two days ago and the board resolution was not passed. My brother said that it was Dad’s wishes. Then he won the support of several major shareholders and thus took the position of acting chairman. Busy, I didn't notify you either."

"His superiors are too rash, right? Your father can rest assured that he will hand over the company to a second generation ancestor like him?" Chen Hao asked.

"My dad's condition hasn't improved yet, sometimes sober, sometimes unconscious, I'm afraid of irritating him, how dare to ask, anyway, the Zhou family is patriarchal, my father meant to pass on to his son, so I am just the president The position of the chairman is reserved for my brother." Zhou Xitong said lonely.

Chen Hao felt a little absurd. In this TV series, the story of giants fighting for power and property would happen to him. Zhou Xinan obviously came to seize power. If he wanted to kick Zhou Xitong out of the company, he could dominate the whole family.

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