I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 575: The Boss's Boss

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Faced with the expulsion of her younger brother, Zhou Xitong did not care about the position of the president. She was able to work for any large company, and she would not be worse than Zhou International as a named president, but Zhou Xitong was reluctant to waste her years of business efforts.

If she leaves now, then the various contracts signed and the future development plan she has made are likely to be invalidated. This is the same as a painter who spent several years drawing a masterpiece. At the stage of completing the painting, some people say This is the reason why this painting will be torn apart in a month.

Zhou Xitong has made Zhou's international business prosperous. Now that it has developed well, his younger brother Zhou Xinan came to pick peaches and kicked his sister out of the company. It was too impersonal.

"I will ask my father to talk to him when he is sober. If he agrees with his younger brother's approach, then I won't stay in the group as the president of the empty shell. I will be unemployed by the time, and you may want to support it."

Zhou Xitong was joking reluctantly.

Her ability, placed in any company, has an annual salary of millions or even tens of millions. She has absolutely no worries about food and clothing. Saying this is just self-deprecating in helplessness, and she can't bear her efforts.

"Don't worry, everything has me. No matter what choice you make, I will support you." Chen Hao comforted her.

Zhou Xitong didn't want to work anymore. She put on her coat and left with Chen Hao to go to the China Garden. There was an audition job waiting for her.

The car drove all the way outside the China Garden.

This is Zhou Xitong's second visit to the China Garden. Her future mistress has once again stepped into this Chinese antique building complex.

"Hello Mr. Chen!"

The security guard at the door was saluting. He didn't know Zhou Xitong, so he didn't say anything.

"This is Mr. Zhou, and you will be your boss's wife in the future. You must respect it as well." Chen Hao said in a serious manner.

"Yes, good lady boss!" The security guard saluted Zhou Xitong again.

"You, you too."

No matter how cold, Zhou Xitong made a blushing face. After walking through the gate, he whispered to Chen Hao, "How can I say that? Even if you are married, it is too bad to call it that way."

"Haha, let the people in this yard know who the hostess is?" Chen Hao smiled.

The two of them went outside their villa and found that it was brightly lit. With the assistance of the model girl, the director and deputy director set up the shooting scene, as well as delineating the lighting and camera positions.

"Director, I have found the person who will play the imperial concubine, let's take a look." Chen Hao greeted.

"Oh, boss Chen is back."

The two directors came together, and when they saw Zhou Xitong, they were shocked.

"Zhou, Zhou? Is it you?"

The director and deputy director stammered.

They are employees of Zhou's advertising company, and of course they know the chief president of their own group.

It stands to reason that the director’s immediate boss is Manager Cen of the advertising company, and Manager Cen’s immediate boss is Zhou Xitong, which is several levels different.


Zhou Xitong's smiling answer made the director and deputy directors flattered. He didn't expect the group president to be so approachable.Ikan Novel Network www.ikxsw.com

The six model girls saw Zhou Xitong coming and looked at each other. They had seen the notice from the security comrades in the group just now, and learned that the lady boss was coming with the boss, so they all walked over and bowed and said, "Hello boss, Good lady boss!"

"Good for you."

This time Zhou Xitong was ready to greet them calmly.

"It turns out that Chen always calls Mr. Zhou over to shoot, and it will definitely work."

The director was shocked. He heard people say that Chen Hao and his own President Zhou had an ambiguous relationship. This time the boss’s wife was called, and the relationship has been real. This is definitely an explosive news within the company, but he is not talking too much People, this matter is rotten in my heart.

The director team and the model girls are very respectful to Zhou Xitong, making her heart warm, and being left out by her brother, she finally feels the warmth here. This is her home.

"Zhou, please come with us."

The model girls invited Zhou Xitong to change costumes, and Chen Hao chatted with the director here and asked them how they were preparing.

"Chen's house is too luxurious, and there is no need to change it. The scene can basically be set up at night. Just wait for the script to be revised tonight, and then tomorrow the army will bring the camera to shoot, and the filming should be completed in one day." .

"That's good." Chen Hao nodded.

Soon, there was Qiu Yanan's voice over there suddenly: "The emperor, we brought the imperial concubine, can you see if this outfit still works?"

This lively girl has automatically entered the role.

Chen Hao saw that Zhou Xitong appeared in front of him in a gorgeous royal dress surrounded by a group of "court ladies" in ancient costumes.

Against the backdrop of various gold hairpins and jade bracelets, as well as Zhou Xitong’s graceful and luxurious air-conditioning, he himself has a strong noble atmosphere, even the director shouted: "Like, too much like a noble concubine!"

"Is this okay?" Zhou Xitong opened his arms to show off his image.

"It's so beautiful. If it were in ancient times, I would rather the emperor not come back early." Chen Hao joked.

"So, you really regard yourself as the emperor?" Zhou Xitong was making fun of him.

"No, you are a noble concubine, so I am willing to be the emperor. If you are the Weaver Girl, then I am the Cowherd."

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong were talking lovelessly, and they were everyone’s boss and boss’s wife. No one dared to interrupt their conversation, so they watched dryly at the two who were sprinkling dog food. They were married and unmarried. Youth, I'm full of dog food.

"Don't make them wait anxiously, or just audition now?" Zhou Xitong looked at the people next to him, and chuckled slightly.

"Okay, director, come on." Chen Hao greeted with a hook.

In the past, actors had to court the director when they auditioned. I turned over to Chen Hao. Who made them the director’s boss? It is much more convenient to shoot commercials in their own company.

The director walked over to tell Zhou Xitong the play, asked her to lie on her side on the bed in the bedroom, and then pretended to be drinking with an ancient flacon.

In fact, the director is also acting, Chen Hao is their big gold master, and the director is the boss of the director's immediate boss. Even if the acting is not good, the director dare not say "no".

The director had already thought about it in his mind. Even if Zhou Xitong didn't have any talent for acting, he would just put it as a vase, and he could make do with editing and post-production.

As a result, after Zhou Xitong lay on his side, he picked up the flask and tilted it down, pretending to be the liquor flowing down. The natural feeling made people feel like they had traveled back to the ancient palace hundreds of years ago to see a real The imperial concubine is drunk.

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