You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!"Director? Director?"

Chen Hao was asking the director how he was doing this performance, but the director was yelled a few times before he came to his senses.

The director immediately yelled excitedly: "Great, Mr. Zhou is really a born actor. I can see that this is the first time he has been filming, but there is no sense in this shot. It is fully qualified for the shooting task and can play a finishing touch. !"

"That's good, I won't smash the sign for Mr. Chen." Zhou Xitong said uncontrollably.

"The filming candidates have been determined, and the filming will officially start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Do you have any comments from Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhou?" The director is asking the actors for instructions.

"Yes, I'm fine now anyway, and I can shoot for one day."

Zhou Xitong was referring to the fact that she was seized power by her younger brother in the group, which was somewhat self-deprecating.

"We can too." Several model girls also expressed their opinions.

"Well, everyone will go back early to rest today, and the commercials will start shooting tomorrow morning." Chen Hao announced.

So the group began to disperse, and the director moved into a special villa-level temporary guest house under the arrangement of the model girls. The treatment was great.

Zhou Xitong also changed back to casual clothes, and then called Chen Hao together.

"Let's go, mother summoned, let you go home for dinner." Zhou Xitong said.

"Okay, then we will return the house together as a husband and wife." Chen Hao left with her and arranged for someone to entertain the director and deputy director.

Chen Hao drove and drove Zhou Xitong to her house.

Suddenly, Chen Hao didn't prepare a gift. Fortunately, there were tens of billions of subsidies, so Chen Hao bought some health products from it and brought them in for the elderly.

When they arrived at home, Zhou Mu and the little nanny were already sitting at the dinner table and waiting. On the table were home-cooked dishes of six dishes and one soup, but they were all vegetarian.

"Wash your hands, come and eat." Although Zhou's mother spoke in a low voice, she was very majestic.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong washed their hands, sat down at the dining table, and Chen Hao put the gifts on the coffee table.

"It's my own family, don't be so polite."

Zhou's mother's words made Chen Hao's heart warm. It seemed that her old man had already recognized her son-in-law and did not despise him because of the nonsensical request last time.

"Which are not expensive, they are health care products with Chinese medicine ingredients, which are very effective in conditioning the body." Chen Hao said.

"Mom, this is Chen Hao's heart, so you can accept it." Zhou Xitong persuaded him next to him.

Mother Zhou nodded, accepting a gift.

Next, everyone had a meal together. Because Zhou Mu and Zhou Xitong followed the same high-cold route, Chen Hao felt that the mother-in-law's aura was very strong and was not very good at speaking, so he quietly listened to her old man's advice.

"I'm all familiar with it, I won't let the dishes, Xiao Chen, you have to cook two dishes by yourself, I don't know if it suits your taste." Zhou Mu said slowly.


Chen Hao tasted two and the taste was not bad.

In the first half of the family banquet, I occasionally talked about the housework. Zhou Xitong tried to liven up the atmosphere and talked about some interesting things, but the majesty of the old man made her efforts little effect and a little dull.

After eating this meal calmly, the nanny cleaned up the dishes, Zhou Mu and the three of them sat in the living room.

Chen Hao felt that his mother-in-law was about to talk about business, so he sat down, expressing his respect.59 Book Bank

Mother Zhou looked at Chen Hao, and then said, "Little Chen, you should already know what happened to the Zhou family. If Xitong is wronged, I hope you will protect her."

Chen Hao's expression moved, and he realized that what his mother-in-law was talking about was Zhou Xinan's seizure of power, and immediately promised: "I will, and I won't let Xitong be wronged."

"Mom, don't worry, Chen Hao has been protecting me." Zhou Xitong also said.

"Then I can rest assured." Zhou Mu showed a relieved smile.

Then Zhou Mu and Chen Hao talked about some secrets about the Zhou family.

The husband and wife relationship between Zhou's mother and Zhou Xitong's father Zhou Mingfa has long existed in name only. The two have been separated for more than ten years, but they have not divorced. Zhou Mingfa has been living with the third mother and son.

And Zhou’s International’s equity is in the hands of Zhou Mingfa, so those relatives of the Zhou family gathered around Zhou Mingfa in an attempt to share some benefits. After Zhou’s father became seriously ill, they saw that their son Zhou Xinan was about to take up the post, and they began to foul He then alienated Zhou Xitong.

In the face of pressure, Zhou Xitong has always been fighting on her own, and she has to bother with business operations, so it is not easy. It was not easy until she met Chen Hao that she got better and gave her support.

Chen Hao felt the same way, and took Zhou Xitong's hand, saying that with him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Isn't it a Zhou International?Give him a little time and he can buy the entire Zhoushi International, but it is not necessary yet.

Zhou Mu was also quite satisfied with Chen Hao's performance, and left him for tea. Chen Hao saw that it was late, so she left.

Zhou Mu did not stay again, but asked Zhou Xitong to send him off.

At the door, Zhou Xitong took the initiative to kiss Chen Hao, and the two reluctantly said goodbye.

"Get up early tomorrow, don't forget to shoot." Chen Hao reminded.

"Well, I won't forget." Zhou Xitong waved goodbye reluctantly.

Under her watch, Chen Hao drove away.

After Chen Hao returned to the China Garden, he found Xia Jing waiting for him in the living room.

"Why are you here?" Chen Hao asked wonderingly.

"Okay, I didn't call me such a fun thing to shoot an advertisement, it was too interesting!" Xia Jing said angrily.

"Don't you have a more important task? Winning the culinary art competition is your greatest support!" Chen Hao said.

"But isn't the commercial only shot for one day? Just let me participate in it, okay?"

Xia Jing blinked Ka Zilan's big eyes, deliberately selling Mengbo to sympathize.

"Hey, there will be the finals in a few days. Every day is precious. Don't be distracted at this time."

Although Chen Hao tried to persuade her, he still decided to give her a little hope, "The ad for the palace fruit wine will definitely not be filmed only this time. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I must find you as an actor, okay?"

"Well, it's pretty much the same. For your reasonableness, I'll take back a championship for you."

Xia Jing was happy, and finally left with satisfaction.

After comforting Xia Jing, Hua Wu called Chen Hao again, saying that she was a little worried and would poke Louzi at Chen Hao's advertisement.

"It's okay, you put a hundred hearts on it, and the director is there, he will arrange it so that you can show your best side."

"I hope so, but what shall I wear tomorrow? This costume feels of poor quality, and it's skinny."

Hua Wu’s words reminded Chen Hao. Tomorrow’s costume is a second-hand costume prepared by the director. It is very rough. The girls under his staff also have their own girlfriends, but they can’t wear this kind of clothes for filming. He needs tens of billions. In the subsidy, buy the best antique clothing.

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