You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Chen Hao saw that the freshness of the girls seemed to be consumed and turned into a mechanical feeling, instead of being calm at first.

They are more likely to make mistakes when they worry about making mistakes.

Chen Hao clapped his hands and after attracting their attention, he took the initiative to become a psychological mediator.

"Beauties, cheer up, don’t be afraid to come back again. We have performed better again and again. Think about it, you are not shooting commercials, but you are endorsing the court fruit wine you like to drink. Everyone in the world sees the goodness of fruit wine, so just show your most self."

"Okay, boss!"

The girls were comforted, their mood calmed down a bit, and the next shooting began.

The process was much better this time. At least the director didn't call to stop in the middle, until they all passed the camera, the director said "stop".

"This time the shot was okay, but there is still room for improvement. We will take a few more shots and wait for the film to select the best version. Don't worry about it," said the director.

"Don't get bored, working for the boss, we are all sincere." Big sister Wu Dan said.

"Okay, then come again!"

The director changed a location for shooting this time, because these shots will have to be edited at the end, and strive to shoot more material for reference. After all, this time is too tight, but there is no chance for the director to make up shots, only a little more shots at once Material, in case of emergency.

This set of walking shots was taken for more than an hour and repeated more than forty times. It was not until the director finally said "it's okay" that all the girls breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to move their arms and legs. One action is too long, the body is stiff.

However, this is only the first step of the Long March. The next step is the indoor shooting scene. In Chen Hao's original master bedroom, it was Zhou Xitong's turn to appear.

The plot also followed the transition just now. The ladies of the court entered the royal concubine’s palace with a wine bottle. After opening the bottle, they filled a glass of wine. Zhou Xitong will be the background board and will be blurred later to remind the audience that there is a noble concubine, court lady behind Is pouring wine for her.

Pour the wine here for more than a dozen shots, and I have to do it again if I hesitate, the director is demanding.

"Don't shake your hands, don't be too fast, you must have a court fan, remember one word, grace."

"This time the pouring liquid splashed out, the height is too high, lower it a bit."

The director expressed his opinions from time to time, and found that a lady of the palace performed poorly, so he changed it and looked for the most suitable one.

As a result, I changed two girls and took a dozen times, but they didn't make it well.

"How many seconds does this segment take?" Chen Hao asked.

"About 2-3 seconds," said the director, "the fewer shots, the more content will be reflected, so this pouring is more difficult to shoot than walking just now. There can be no mistakes, and it must be perfect. Otherwise I would rather modify the script."

After the director finished speaking, he was afraid that Chen Hao would be unhappy, so he quickly added: "Boss Chen, what's your opinion?"

"No, just follow the strict rules!"

In shooting this matter, Chen Hao respected the opinions of professionals, so he didn't direct it blindly.

After all, no one is omniscient and omnipotent. For fields that they don’t understand, they only need to delegate power and let experts come.

"let me try."

At this time, Hua Wu, who had been muffled, stepped forward and replaced Qiu Ya Nan, who had no confidence. She picked up the hip flask with slender fingers and urged the director to issue orders quickly.

"Okay, pay attention to all units, start shooting!"

When the director shouted, he saw Hua Wu pick up the jug and pour the liquor into the white jade glass. No drop was spilled, and his hands did not shake. It was particularly elegant.Eighth Book Bank

The director's eyes lit up. He didn't say a word to stop, and the camera zoomed in to capture the wine. A glass of wine was poured at a constant speed. The brown wine was in the white jade cup, which looked really good.

"Okay, it's perfect this time, it's okay!"

The director laughed. He didn't expect that Hua Wu, who had never been optimistic, would let this shot pass once.

Chen Hao gave her a thumbs up.

Hua Wu just smiled faintly, a scene that is difficult for others, but a trivial matter for her. After all, she has the foundation for light skills, and it is not too easy to do this kind of technical action.

"Okay, everyone, take a break, and immediately enter the most important concubine to drink."

The director went over to talk to Zhou Xitong while everyone was drinking and resting.

The director has filmed commercials for many people, but this is the first time that he has cooperated with the leaders of his group. He is worried that if the filming is not good this time, it will leave a bad impression on the president, and he cannot criticize halfway through. If it is harsh The request was NG many times, and that would also give Zhou Xitong a bad impression, which is very difficult to handle.

Zhou Xitong saw the director’s dilemma and said with a smile: “You don’t have to have a psychological burden. Now I’m an actor. Please ignore my other status and ask me as an ordinary actor. I don’t want others to see this ad. I didn't play well."

"Definitely, I must shoot the most perfect work!"

The director is confident now, and immediately promised.

Zhou Xitong’s role is to lie on his side in bed and drink with a glass of wine. Here you need to show a sense of coolness and grace. After tasting the palace fruit wine, you need to show an expression of wonder to show the taste of the fruit wine.

There are certain requirements for acting skills here. Everyone has no background, and I don’t know if Zhou Xitong is competent.

"I will try my best."

Zhou Xitong brewed for a while and said it was ok, and they could start.

"Okay, get ready, start shooting!"

The director shouted, the lighting master turned on the fill light, and everyone on the scene turned their eyes to Zhou Xitong.

Ordinary people must be a little flustered in the face of so many people's gazes, but Zhou Xitong has been in charge of the group's work all the year round, and his heart has long been calm.

She picked up the wine glass gracefully and calmly and took a sip. Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she unexpectedly looked at the wine in the glass. From her movements, others could feel that the wine was indeed extraordinary and the shooting was very successful.

It was very simple to be able to do all this. She just remembered how she felt when she drank court fruit wine for the first time, just repeat it again.

Zhou Xitong is actually acting herself, so she is so natural.


After the director shouted, he couldn't help being stunned. He asked the camera to call back the picture he had just taken, and after watching it again, he couldn't find anything to be faulty for a while.

"Could it be over again?" Chen Hao walked over and asked in confusion.

"It's Mr. Zhou who has such a great sense of the camera. I didn't expect her to be so talented in acting." The director praised it from the bottom of his heart.

"how did you do it?"

Now even Chen Hao was surprised. He didn't expect his girlfriend to be so talented in acting. To his surprise, he could make his debut as an actor.

In fact, Chen Hao is a little blindly optimistic, and the requirements for making commercials are low. This kind of performance is amazing. To be an actor requires not only acting skills, but also a variety of abilities such as line skills and on-the-spot performance. Even if Zhou Xitong is talented, he must be an actor. If you do, you need a lot of training.

But the actor's thing is just to think about it. Zhou Xitong has no plans to make a debut. It is in line with her personality to plan tactics in the market.

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