You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!Although the first shot was passed, the director decided to change the posture and angle and decide which version to choose when doing post-production special effects.

Zhou Xitong had no objections, and she had no complaints about advertising her boyfriend's products.

Zhou Xitong has mastered the method. She performed perfectly in the next three different shots. It only took about twenty minutes to pass all of them. It was the smoothest scene since the filming started.

It was noon, and the crew members also put in a lot of physical strength and were a little tired. The director approached Chen Hao and asked him if he could take a break. Everyone had lunch. Anyway, the shooting went smoothly. Finally, there was a set of shots. Why did it finish this afternoon.

"Yes, everyone, please take a seat. The chef at home has already cooked a big meal."

With a mysterious smile, Chen Hao asked all the crew members to eat in Xia Jing's villa.

In the entire China Garden, only her living room has a special dining place for many people, and she can cook on-site in the kitchen. Xia Jing's first floor can be said to be a small food city.

As all the girls who work in the China Garden, they all know in advance that they will have a blessing at noon, and they walked briskly.

After the foreign crew members rushed over, they were first surprised by the two-dimensional-style decoration in the room. They thought it was the studio of the live-action special camera crew, and then they saw a large round table with artworks like art. They were surprised again for the high-end dishes, and thought they had come to a five-star restaurant.

"Mr. Chen, you are too polite. Just eat some boxed lunch and make it so luxurious." The director was a little embarrassed.

Lobster and abalone are standard on the table. Bird’s nest and shark fin are also on the table. There are also some dishes that have not been seen before. Not a chef in a five-star restaurant can not make such a beautiful dish.

According to the grade, this can be called a feast.

"It's just a light meal, everyone is welcome, sit down."

Chen Hao greeted everyone to take their seats, and urged the chef Xia Jing to eat together after finishing the meal.

"Here, the last enhanced version of Buddha Jumping the Wall, please taste it."

Xia Jing asked the man who was helping with the kitchen to bring a huge Buddha up over the wall, and the table filled with fragrance.

"Wow, this meal is really rich, did this beautiful woman make it?" the female makeup artist asked in surprise.

"Yes, she is the chef Xia Jing of my restaurant. She did all the dishes on this table alone." Chen Hao explained.

Xia Jing's cooking of this table is nothing more than a practice before the competition. It doesn't take a lot of trouble. She just made a table of dishes comparable to a five-star restaurant.

For this table of dishes, it is estimated that it will cost 40 to 50,000 yuan to eat in a five-star restaurant.

Everyone moved their index fingers, one by one they stretched out their chopsticks to pick up dishes, and suddenly, the male planner in the crew stood up and shouted.

"Everyone, wait and eat. I suddenly had an idea. How about a final transition in our advertisement? From the imperial concubine’s palace to the modern dining table, the meal is so rich and suitable for the background. ."

When the director's eyes lit up, he felt feasible, so he asked Chen Hao for his opinion.

"You don't need to ask me, you are professional, just shoot if you feel good." Chen Hao said.

"Well, get the camera here!"

Under the director's arrangement, the crew moved the cameras and supplementary lighting fixtures and set them up directly in the dining room. After simple debugging, they found a suitable angle and shot.Daxia Chinese Website

This shot does not require an actor, so it ended after changing a few angles and shooting a few fixed-camera videos.

"It's done, sorry, it's delayed everyone's meal." The director apologized.

"It's okay, you can be inspired by a meal. This is called dedication." Chen Hao smiled.

So everyone sat back at the table, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

This meal is a bit interesting. Because there will be filming in the afternoon, the actors and sisters are still wearing ancient costumes, while the crew members are modern casual clothes, and Chen Hao is wearing formal suits. This combination of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, Chinese and Western sits at the same table. It's really interesting.

There are a total of ten people on the table, but only two of them are the center of focus. They are Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong. One is the boss and the other is the wife of the boss. Basically all the employees present are their employees, so from time to time some people stand up and substitute tea for wine Come to respect them both.

Filming in the afternoon, everyone stopped drinking at noon.

Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong also did not refuse to come and toasted one by one. Both of them were big bosses with little pretensions.

This meal was very enjoyable. With so many delicious foods, everyone was full of mouthfuls and gave Xia Jing a thumbs up.

This meal refreshed their understanding of chefs. In the past, the chefs they saw were middle-aged greasy uncles with big heads and thick necks and belly-matching pregnant women, but Xia Jing was so beautiful and made the same dishes as hers. , Look good and beautiful.

"No, it's all our boss's insight."

In front of outsiders, Xia Jing knew a little bit of self-effacement, and even patted Chen Hao's flattery.

Chen Hao was very pleased that Xia Jing really grew up and did not engage in moths in front of everyone, so she turned to ask for a prize.

Everyone was amazed, all the luxury in this Chinese garden was owned by Chen Hao alone, and his financial resources were unimaginable.

What is even more enviable is that there is Zhou Xitong, who is beautiful and beautiful, and many model girls under Chen Hao are also struggling. This situation surrounded by beauty is simply a man's lifelong goal, and the men in the crew envy him tightly.

After this meal, we took another 30-minute rest, and everyone returned to the shooting scene.

There is one last scene now, that is, after the imperial concubine drank the tribute wine, she fell in love with it, and then issued an decree to start brewing this wine in the palace, and someone inscribed the wine "court fruit wine".

This inscription will become the trademark on the wine bottle in the later stage, and finally the modern high-end luxury table will be added to the end, and all the shooting tasks will be completed.

The court lady is needed here as the background board. The imperial concubine Zhou Xitong has to lift the pen for the inscription, and finally find a substitute who knows how to calligraphy and write down the beautiful calligraphy.

The prop master placed the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. The seven court ladies stood in the back row one by one. Zhou Xitong was standing in front of the royal desk with palace fruit wine, ready to write.

Zhou Xitong performed well here, but the director still shot more than a dozen times, looking for various angles to shoot.

"Take a good shot. If you pass this time, it will be the last time!" The director shouted and encouraged everyone. After shooting for most of the day, everyone was a little tired.

"Is there still a substitute for writing? Can I try it myself?" Zhou Xitong asked.

"Huh? Zhou Zong, you can still write calligraphy?" The director was surprised.

Big presidents like Zhou Xitong don't have much contact with traditional Chinese arts like brushes.

Zhou Xitong smiled slightly, this was just a trivial little skill she was urged to practice by her parents when she was growing up.

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