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"Too hard, take a break."

Chen Hao came over and said to Xia Jing.

"You came."

Xia Jing smiled sweetly, and then took a dozen more times, finishing the prescribed number of times before putting down the iron pot.

Chen Hao noticed that when she put down the iron pan, her entire wrist was shaking slightly, which was a sign of excessive exertion and loss of strength.

"You are too hard."

Chen Hao took her hand and looked at it. Now that her small and delicate hand has a layer of calluses, she hasn't practiced less during this time.

"You know that I have worked hard, and treat me better in the future." Xia Jing said quietly.

"Okay, what you want, as long as you say, I can be satisfied." Chen Hao smiled.

"I also want to be spoiled like Hua Wu." Xia Jing said longingly.

"It's okay. When this competition is over, I will give you a princess day." Chen Hao promised.

"I don't like being a princess, I want to be something else."

There were sly smiles in Xia Jing's eyes. The princess was not uncommon. Queens and concubines were her favorite positions. Of course, the emperor had to be the one who missed her the most.

Chen Hao felt that she hadn't thought of anything good, so she added: "Only items that I can provide and do not violate laws and ethics."

"Cut, stingy, and add conditions."

When Xia Jing spoke, she suddenly took a step back and distanced herself from Chen Hao.

"Are you angry?" Chen Hao asked suspiciously.

"No, my body smells of oily smoke, I'm afraid it will get you."

Xia Jing couldn't bear the sloppy appearance in front of Chen Hao, so she rushed out of the kitchen and went into the bathroom, trying to wash off the fumes.

However, this woman Xia Jing was destined to not live in peace everywhere, and soon her voice came from the bathroom: "Oh, I forgot to get clean clothes. Go to my bedroom to help me get them. The bathroom door is not closed. I won’t have to wear it in a while."

Chen Hao followed the prestige and saw the bathroom door open a gap, and Xia Jing's sultry shadow under the light could be seen. This door was probably left on purpose.

In this case, if you go in to deliver clothes, you will need a lot of concentration. If you are not careful, you will "pass away"...

In the bathroom, Xia Jing had already plunged into the bubble bath of the bathtub. She wrapped her long hair in a white turban so that she could better appreciate her delicate neck and fragrant shoulders.

"Hmph, this trick is what I learned from "The New Biography of Fengshen Bang" and I learned it with Su Da. King Zhou can't stand it. I don't believe you are still indifferent."

Xia Jing smiled slyly, ready for the "trap", waiting for Chen Hao to come in.

Of course, she has designed this trick to escape for a long time, and she has a chance to implement it today.

But after waiting for two minutes, there seemed to be no movement outside. Xia Jing pulled her neck and shouted: "Hey, boss, don't you run away secretly, do you want me to go out to get clothes by myself? What should I do if I catch a cold? Will it affect the game!"

After speaking, she stretched out her ears to hear if there was any noise outside.

There was a sound of footsteps, walking from far to near to the bathroom door.

To be honest, Xia Jing is still a good place, and this kind of thing is also the first time. Thinking of the process that may not be suitable for children for a while, her heart can't help beating.

However, for the sake of her happiness in the rest of her life, she also gave up her face.

In order to make herself look more attractive, Xia Jing raised her long legs in the bathtub and performed a classic squirt action. Then she turned her back on her back and said softly, "Leave your clothes over there."

Xia Jing heard the sound of putting clothes behind her, and she smiled in her heart. Her boss was really obedient, and she was probably staring at her intently at this time.

To say that Xia Jing is more confident than cooking, that is her figure, which is praised by everyone. A man has his eyes straight when he sees it. After the test of "society", this truth cannot be wrong.

But after waiting for more than ten seconds, there was no more movement behind him. If you look back at this time, you will be very unfamiliar. Xia Jing needs to add more code.

So she said "Ouch", showing pain on her face.

According to her script, this would be Chen Hao anxiously rushing over to ask her what's wrong, she said that she had a cramp in her leg, and then Chen Hao would relieve her muscles and invigorate blood, massaging her calf.

Then sit up again, revealing a little upper body content, if Chen Hao can hold on, then he needs to suspect that his body is defective.

So Xia Jing screamed deliberately and waited for Chen Hao to take the bait.

"what happened to you?"

The man came to the bathtub, but the voice was gentle and slender, not at all Chen Hao's full-fledged voice.

Xia Jing looked up in consternation, and what she saw was Cao Rui's delicate face that was not smiling.

"Why are you?" Xia Jing asked in surprise, even more surprised than seeing aliens suddenly.

"Of course it's me, sending clothes to Miss Xia, of course I am an idler."

Cao Rui looked at Xia Jing's white and tender legs and stretched out to help her rub them.

"I'm all right."

Xia Jing put her legs into the water instantly, her face was no longer coquettish, and she pouted, not very happy.

Cao Rui said: "Our boss has prepared a brand new LV suit for you, which should suit your preferences. Also, the day after tomorrow is the final. The boss is afraid that no one around you will have an accident, so he arranged for me to stay with you for two days."

"I don't need someone to accompany me." Xia Jing said angrily.

She needs Chen Hao, not Cao Rui.

The two of them had fought openly and secretly around Chen Hao since they first met, and now they seem to have returned to the lush years of that time.

"This was arranged by the boss, and I also obeyed the order, so, what else is needed, I will bring it to you." Cao Rui said.

"No more washing."

Xia Jing lost the interest in continuing to take a bath, stood up, went to wash away the bubbles on her body, put on her clothes and left.

Cao Rui couldn't help looking at her behind her, all these reactions were expected by the boss.

Chen Hao had expected Xia Jing to be in the bathroom, so he quietly called Cao Rui to send him clothes to avoid a crisis of relapse.

In any case, Cao Rui lived in the China Garden for two days, during which time she was inseparable from Xia Jing.

The two of them didn't have that kind of grudges when they said that, the next day Xia Jing recovered her former temperament and got along well with Cao Rui. She also cooked some delicacies for Cao Rui.

Cao Rui also worked hard with Xia Jing to practice cooking. After each contact, she used massage and other methods to relieve her muscle fatigue. The two beautiful women cooperated very well, and those who didn't know thought they were sisters.

On the night before the final, the two sat in the bedroom chatting before going to bed. Xia Jing finally couldn't hold back anymore, ready to confuse an ally.

"Hey, Cao Rui, do you like the boss too? Don't deny it, my eyes are not blind yet. As a woman, the boss's eyes are not right. Don't think I don't know."

Xia Jing suddenly pierced the window paper, Cao Rui felt a little flustered in her heart, but she also concealed it well, and did not answer.

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