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"Then you acquiesced, and you should know that I have long liked the boss, but now he only likes his CEO girlfriend!"

Xia Jing said dullly.

"Such a man is innocent. What kind of man do you think you can attract with a bath showing off your shoulders and legs? It's just a bad guy. Even if you succeed in a short time, wait for ten years, you are old and yellow. When a younger and beautiful girl appears, the man will abandon you as if, so if you want to live a happy life, you should find an honest and reliable man."

Cao Rui, in turn, was educating Xia Jing and did not fall into her trap.

"But it's so painful, is it wrong to pursue what we love?" Xia Jing asked.

Cao Rui shook her head and sighed slightly: "Maybe it's fate. When we meet, we are not good enough!"

Cao Rui has a gentle personality, in other words weak and uncontested, so in the face of regrets, she just lamented in life, and would not actively fight for it.

Xia Jing is a little hot pepper. She refuses to admit defeat. She must win if she likes something, just like she was a little girl when she was a child. She had to be angry with her friends and learn to drive an excavator.

She raised her head and said: "Your thoughts are destined to not enjoy happiness. Or join hands with me. I promise to make the boss fall in love with you!"


Facing this huge temptation, Cao Rui suddenly became excited, but she immediately realized that it was impossible, and her expression dimmed.

"You must be on the evil road. The boss loves Mr. Zhou. They are two talented women. The boss can't abandon Mr. Zhou and choose me or you. After all, you rely on your hue. After all, you are not the right way.

Cao Rui had a thorough understanding of feelings, and refused to get along with Xia Jing.

Xia Jing was furious, and retorted: "Why are you so stubborn? I didn't say that the boss will abandon Zhou Xitong. Then he can choose to love us at the same time. Rich men have a second, third, and fourth. If you have money, it’s not easy to raise the two of us? Besides, our ability is not bad. I can cook and do decoration design. You can help him manage the business. The body and appearance are all above the standard. Get up, why did you catch up with Zhou Xitong last year?"


Cao Rui's head was muddy, and her feelings were blank, and she couldn't help but pop up the term "multiplayer sports".

"Then, how can that work? This is nasty!"

Cao Rui, an innocent woman, could not accept such a trendy idea.

"How can this be nasty? I want to correct your old thinking! Women in the new era also have the right to pursue their own happiness!"

Xia Jing had to brainwash Cao Rui, but Cao Rui had already got up and walked to the door of the bedroom. Before leaving, he said, "I still advise you not to waste your efforts, otherwise I am afraid it will be self-defeating. Our boss is not the kind of person you think."


Cao Rui closed the door and went out, and the communication between the two beauties ended in failure.

"Are you poisoned by the three obediences and four virtues in ancient times? Cao Rui, you are too useless, you are destined to not get what you want! I am different, wait, I will work hard, once not twice, not twice a year In the year, the water droplets are still worn by the stone. Sooner or later, I will be moved by Chen Hao's stubborn stone!

Xia Jing chased to the door and shouted, but Cao Rui had entered the next room and did not answer her.

So far, Cao Rui and Xia Jing's attitude towards Chen Hao has gone to two extremes.


The next day, the weather was bright, and just as the sun rose from the east, the Chinese Garden became lively.

Today is the day of the finals of the culinary art competition, everyone is ready to get up and get up early to prepare.

Among them, Xia Jing is under key protection. The entourage includes Chen Hao, Lai Wu, and Zhuzi, who are responsible for maintaining order and moving things. The six model girls and Hua Wu are the cheerleaders of the relatives and friends group and are responsible for cheering.

As for Cao Rui, because of something going on at the winery, he needs to fly back this morning and cannot go to the capital together, which is a bit regretful.

Everyone brought the necessary ingredients and kitchenware, then drove into the BYD electric bus, sang songs together, and drove to the airport.

They entered the VIP aisle as a group, and others had to wait for a plane, but they entered the boarding gate directly without even checking the ticket.

Some people questioned their privileges, why this group of people did not check the tickets, and accused the airport of specializing and bowing to the privileged class. They wanted to post a report.

The female ticket inspector rolled her eyes and said, "You can save yourself, don't you see that they are passengers in the VIP area? They are their own planes. Of course, they don't need to check the ticket, just go through the security check."

"God, private jet, how rich are these people?" The passerby was amazed.

In fact, private jets are not too expensive, only 545 million yuan, which is only sold for 1,300 yuan out of the tens of billions of subsidies, which is really not expensive...

Chen Hao took a group of people on his private Gulfstream plane, passed the approval of the tower, taxied slowly on the runway to take off, and soon the medium-sized plane went straight into the sky.

"Wow, it's the first time to take the plane of your own boss. Boss, you are so proud!" Xia Jing yelled from the side.

"You are today's contestant. Of course, you can't let you squeeze the plane with other passengers. We have our own plane, which is convenient and easy."

"Boss, I heard that a private jet will cost hundreds of thousands a time, right?" Qiu Yanan asked.

"I really don't know this, I'll find someone to ask you."

Chen Hao stretched out his hand to greet the flight attendant, who is currently an employee of his command.

The well-dressed flight attendant, with her hands on her lower abdomen, smiled in a standard posture and replied: "Private jets take off and land at least one hundred thousand at a time. This is still a conservative figure, including fuel costs, airport hangar rental fees, and maintenance. Maintenance costs, crew salaries, of which the hangar rental is the bulk of the money. You can’t afford to land and park at the airport and you have to spend money, so only a rich man like Boss Chen can raise a private jet."

"It's no wonder that this flight is much higher than our annual salary. I can't believe it. It is our boss who is proud to take our small staff to take a private jet." Qiu Yanan said in surprise.

"It's okay, as long as you work hard, I am willing to take you to and from get off work by private jet every day." Chen Hao smiled.

Xia Jing said: "It seems that the boss is paying attention to me. He is willing to spend hundreds of thousands to send me to the capital to compete. If I don't win the championship, I can't justify."

"It's good to have confidence, but don't underestimate the enemy, we will all support you."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, the group of relatives and friends shouted slogans to cheer for Xia Jing.

"Xia Jing Xia Jing, good cooking skills, Xia Jing Xia Jing, win the championship!"

The whole flight journey was in such a lively atmosphere, with endless laughter.

Two hours later, the Gulfstream plane landed at Daxing International Airport in Beijing.

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