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The group got off the plane, the crew stayed behind the plane, and Chen Hao and the others took the rented bus and drove to the competition venue together with the goods.

Because the route was planned in advance, there was no traffic jam, and I arrived at the competition venue, the Bird’s Nest Stadium, at 12 noon.

The capital is different in the end. There are many cars on the road, and there are crowds of people outside the venue. Under the escort of several men, a group of people entered the venue smoothly.

After verifying the identity documents, Xia Jing will be separated from them. Those food materials and kitchen utensils will be transported to the stadium by special personnel after the security check to prevent the possibility of cheating.

A group of staff who helped carry the contestants' items for the competition, when they saw the pile of materials around Xia Jing, they suddenly became bitter faces, and only four or five lords used a forklift to carry them in.

"Come on!"

Chen Hao and the group of relatives and friends cheered for Xia Jing before parting.

"Okay, please watch my superb performance!"

Xia Jing made a scissor hand, and then walked into the venue with dignity and anger.

Chen Hao brought a ticket of girls to the seats they reserved for the grandstand, and at a glance, there were already thirty or forty thousand people in the stadium that could hold tens of thousands of people.

A cooking competition can have so many paying audiences, which is enough to prove the popularity of this competition.

The culinary art competition officially started at two o'clock in the afternoon. The leaders' speeches and cultural performances were all in front, and everyone watched with binoculars, which was not boring.

At this time, I saw that several catering carts were already placed in the field, equipped with stoves and necessary kitchenware for the contestants to use.

The personal information of this contestant began to be displayed on the big screen.

Each province selected two contestants, and a total of twelve provinces opened venues, so there were 24 contestants in total.

At two o'clock, the host came out and announced the rules of the game.

The final is limited to 60 minutes, and the content is not limited.

Whether it is Chinese food, Western food, or noodle soup, it doesn't matter. As long as it can impress the judges and the audience, it is the champion.

The final will definitely not start so hastily. The host introduced the 24 players who participated in the final, and after reporting one's name and number, that person came out to greet the audience.

This event is also broadcast live globally, and the number of followers continues to rise.

"Competitor No. 1 is Zhao Zhigang from Fu Province!"

After the host announced, a young male chef, wearing a white chef uniform and a tall chef hat, stepped forward and waved at the camera and the audience around the scene.

There was the sound of gongs and drums in the corner of the venue, and the cheers of the name "Zhao Zhigang" were vaguely heard. It seemed that this was the group of relatives and friends.

However, the number of relatives and friends seems to be a bit small, with less than five people.

Next, I continued to introduce a few players, and the response was mediocre. After all, these ordinary players are not very popular.

But when it was introduced on the 9th, the atmosphere was quite different.

"The next player on the stage is the No. 9 contestant, from Hunan Province. The talented chef Ge Fengbao, who has all the perfect scores in the preliminary and semi-finals and the shortest time, is welcome."

Before the host had finished speaking, there had been continuous cheers on the scene, probably thousands of people.

This Ge Fengbao was too amazing in the preliminary rounds. In addition, he was unsmiling and good-looking, so he was dubbed "the cold male chef god" and won the favor of many female audiences. He has good looks. Popularity.

The next few players were far from satisfactory and not many people paid attention.

"The following is our only female player in the final, No. 19 Xia Jing from He Province, welcome everyone."

Right now, I heard the cheers of the landslide and tsunami from the audience. At least tens of thousands of people were cheering. Even the voices of Chen Hao and their own relatives and friends were drowned in it.

"What's the matter? When did our Miss Xia have this kind of appeal? This is completely the treatment of small stars, right?"

The sisters in the family and friends group were also surprised. The cheers of tens of thousands of people were really shocking.

This is just coming to the scene, so I can't imagine how many hidden Xia Jing fans across the country.

Xing Zetao smiled, took out her mobile phone and said, "You don’t know yet. Sister Xia is a little Internet celebrity on the Internet, known as the Chinese beautiful chef. Someone has already established an exclusive fan group for her and collected some of her information and photos. It’s just that we don’t think it is. Just register under the name of Chinese Beauty Chef in the post bar. There are more than 30,000 members."

He opened the fan group of "Chinese Beauty Chef" on his mobile phone. The head of the group is a beautiful photo of Xia Jing cooking. The screen is constantly refreshing, and they are discussing the live broadcast of the final. I can't see clearly, it is estimated that at least hundreds of people are active.

The various "wife" and "goddess" calls in the fan group can be said to be a paradise for otaku.

"My God, there are fan accounts in Douyin too."

Qiu Yanan found that there are various photos and videos of Xia Jing collected in the trumpet on the vibrato. He has a lot of attention and has thousands of fans.

From this point of view, Xia Jing has become a little internet celebrity unconsciously.

"Xia Jing, come on!"

They also shouted with the crowd.

The host did not expect Xia Jing to have such a charisma. The long-lasting cheers in the stands made it difficult for him to pronounce the next name. He could only wait for about half a minute before Xia Jing returned to the team. The wave of cheers Gradually subsided.

The host said: "It seems that our No. 19 female player has many supporters, then I wish her a good result today."

The following is the No. 20 player, Hou Bin who also appeared in He Province. No one cheered for him, and it became Xia Jing's background board.

Hou Bin did not complain at this time, because Xia Jing was conquered by a Buddha jumped over the wall in the rematch. He also realized the gap between the two. Today, he doesn't want to be the champion. If he can get third place .

Hou Bin had self-knowledge. After seeing the performance of Xia Jing and Ge Fengbao, he consciously placed himself in third place. Those two were experts he couldn't reach.

After the introduction of the 24 contestants, the final of the culinary art competition will officially begin. The host is checking the time, and the culinary art competition will start on time at 14:30.

"Time is up, start!"

The host gave an order and all participating chefs got busy.

After the screening of the preliminary and the semi-finals, those amateur players and those who are not good at learning skills have been eliminated. They will be crowned in the finals. They have unique skills. Everyone has different cooking skills, but they are all Quickly, the wind and the wind can handle the ingredients at hand.

"The contestants are dealing with ingredients, some choose fish, some choose seafood, and some choose tofu."

"Wow, player No. 9 Ge Fengbao, his kitchen knife is too fast, and there is almost an afterimage. I can't see it clearly. Those dishes have become neat pieces. This is the so-called "God of God". Strength?"

When the host was still bragging about Ge Fengbao, he heard laughter from the stands, and everyone was obviously booing and whistling.

The host was shocked. He was arguing about Fengbao's knife work. Why is there anyone making a fuss?

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