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When cutting carrots, Xia Jing used a kitchen knife with a George pattern. She suddenly raised her arms and attracted everyone's attention to her, and then cut the carrots into neat thin rounds.

Xia Jing suddenly took these thin discs with the back of a knife, and then with a flick of her wrist, the carrot slices all flew into the air and scattered into a fan. For a time, the orange carrots were scattered in the air, very beautiful.

This trick has a famous name, called Tiannv Scattering Flowers.

Xia Jing then pierced the knife with a knife, and then pierced all these discs on the blade, like a candied fruit made of carrots.

"it is good!"

Everyone talked about it, and the group of relatives and friends even called for her, dancing banners and large LED screens to cheer Xia Jing.

Xia Jing is the kind of player who is crazy. Many people in the stands cheered for her. She was even more energetic. Now she did her best. It only took less than ten seconds to cut these carrots with a knife. A small cube is broken into pieces, almost every one of them has the same volume.

Later, Xia Jing was still not satisfied. After fiddling with these carrots a few times, they stacked into a cube, which turned the columnar carrot into a square carrot pile, which made people smile.

"The beautiful chef on the 19th has a great knife skill, and she cut the carrot into squares." Seeing that everyone liked it, the host began to explain.

He also received a note, some of Xia Jing's personal information found by the staff, and the host read it on stage.

"You may not know this beautiful Xia Jing. She currently lives in Baihe City. She is the chef of a French braised meat shop. She is very famous in the local area. If there are nearby audiences, you can go to her shop. Go and taste it, and it's guaranteed to be worthwhile."

When the host read the name of the store, he was taken aback. The key point is that no one has seen the practice of French and braised meat. The name of combining Chinese and Western is very happy.

Here is the introduction of Xia Jing's information. Many fans who watched the live broadcast in front of TV took up paper and pen to record the fan information.

Xia Jing has become the face of the game and often dominates close-up shots. At this moment, her biggest competitor, the talented chef Ge Fengbao, is concentrating on his dishes.

What he did was a "bean" banquet with mountains and rivers.

The so-called Shanshui Quandou Banquet is the shape of ancient landscape paintings made of beans.

His ingredients include mung beans, peas, red beans, as well as tofu and soybean flour. At this moment, he is concentrating on carving a tofu flower in the water.

This is not the bean curd that is usually eaten for breakfast, but a lifelike peony flower carved from soft tofu.

The tofu shatters at the touch of it, and it is as soft as jelly. He can carve flowers on tofu.

The reality is the same. Ge Fengbao has been immersed in cooking for more than ten years. He also has the talents and family background. He is the person with the strongest overall strength in the entire competition. No one can match.

He has not met a decent opponent of the same age for a long time, which makes him feel proud. He does not pay attention to anyone in the competition. He firmly believes that he is the champion and does not need to look at others.

Other contestants have different cooking schedules. Some people started to fry and fry, and some people passed water and oil, and they began to enter the most critical moment.

Xia Jing carefully handles every ingredient here, some are dice, some are cut into strips, and some are cut into froth, and then the Zhangqiu iron pan is oiled in the hot pot and stir-fried, about seven to eight minutes. It will be out of the pot when it is cooked, and the residual temperature can make these ingredients more cooked, without being too bad and affecting the taste.

A good chef works hard on such details.

The rice over there needs to be stuffed for more than 30 minutes. When Xia Jing waited for the stuffed rice to finish, she almost finished cooking the other side dishes, just the last step to mix them together.

Xia Jing opened the steamer, and the steamed rice lined with lotus leaves had a light lotus leaf aroma.

Xia Jing took it out with a rice shovel and skillfully matched the rice and side dishes layer by layer.

During the period, part of the mold was used to press, which looked boxy, angular, and in some places purely hand-shaped, and finally slowly achieved the shape she wanted.

At this time, some players have prepared the dishes and sent them to the judges' seat for the judges to score. The live broadcast mainly focused on the judges' seat. Xia Jing also completed the shape she wanted without anyone paying attention.

On an oddly large porcelain plate comparable to a front panel, Xia Jing placed the rice and side dishes in a running script composed of four rice "Reunion and Reunion", and underneath were six rice-filled vegetables in the shape of a longevity peach.

Together, these are her works today, reunion dinner.

The genius chef Ge Fengbao's landscape full bean feast was also completed. He pressed the clock button, and the timing stopped here. A staff member came up to help him carry the work to the judges.

It really takes two people to carry it, because his work is too big, almost like a calligraphy and painting. On a special wooden dinner plate, using all-bean materials, it makes a beautiful picture scroll.

Some of the peony flowers are carved from tofu, some landscapes are made of bean flour or red beans spliced ​​together, and the green pine and green trees are made of mung beans or peas. Anyway, they are composed of bean products and look beautiful.

Not only is it beautiful, but the materials are also carefully matched and unified. It is indeed a rare masterpiece.

"Wow, this work is amazing. If you don't know in advance, no one would think this is a dish, it's so beautiful!"

The host could not help exclaiming.

"Really good!"

After some judges saw it, they slightly shook their heads. This was in line with the judges' desire to promote the cooking skills to the world.

In any case, looking at it is tall, not to mention the Chinese, even foreigners will exclaim "Oumaika" when they see it!

When the whole bean banquet of Shanshui was placed on the display stand, a fragrance of beans permeated, and there was a willingness to let people have a taste.

So these judges all put down their bodies, left their seats, and came to the showcase together.

The next step is to be scored by the judges. The previous players generally scored between 80-90. This is a good performance for the percentile score, but it has not passed the "excellent" 90-point mark. No I know whether this dish can pass the review of the critical judges.

The judges picked up the chopsticks, served a bowl of full bean banquet in a small bowl just in front of the display stand, and then stood by and tasted it.

"Um... it tastes unexpectedly good!"

The slightly closed eyes of several judges suddenly widened, revealing a surprised expression.

"Ms. Li, how about this full bean feast?"

The host handed the microphone to the head of the judges.

"good, very good!"

Judge Li gave a very high evaluation: "First of all, the whole bean has a very good idea. It is vegan, light, and can be eaten by people with taboos, and the taste in different regions is obviously different."

"Oh? Please also ask Teacher Li to tell our audience friends." The host is following up the interview.

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