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Judge Li put down the bowls and chopsticks, pointed at the relevant position and introduced: "First of all, the mountains paved with red beans are very interesting. Everyone knows that there is a poem that red beans grow from southern countries. This landscape also has the charm of southern mountains and waters. Sweet, implying the sweetness of southern cuisine. The river made of soybean flour does not taste the smell of beans. It is soft and delicious. Contestant No. 9 has used quite superb cooking techniques to make soybean flour into this The taste is precious!"

"There is also a boat made of this bean cake. The crispy taste is just right, the sweetness and salty are moderate, and it is very appetizing. As for this tofu, the carved tofu is so exquisitely carved, I can't bear to destroy it. The whole dish is amazing. And being able to make this level in just 40 minutes is one of the best among the chefs I have seen, and it is a lesson for us gourmets."

In short, the judges Li gave Quandouyan a very high evaluation.

"My opinion is similar to that of Teacher Li. I know more about No. 9 contestant Ge Fengbao, and I went to the restaurant where he was a few years ago. He was just in his early 20s and made Kung Pao chicken. It left a deep impression on me. I didn’t expect to see it for a few years. I have grown to this level. I have learned to innovate and walked out of my own path. It’s great, and it’s awesome!"

Another judge tasted the whole bean feast of Shanshui, and he was not stingy with words of beauty.

The other judges also praised similarly. It seems that Ge Fengbao's winning the championship seems to be a certainty.

After tasting, these judges all returned to their positions and gave high marks.

Basically all are full marks or close to full marks. Remove one of the highest marks and one of the lowest marks. In the end, Ge Fengbao's score is fixed at 99, and the remaining one is left for him to improve. The distance to full marks is just one step. remote.

"Dear viewers, we can see that the score of No. 9 player Ge Fengbao is as much as 10 points away from the second place. It can be said that he is Yiqi Juechen. Then his voice for winning the championship is very high. Challenge him?"

As soon as the host announced, several works came up one after another, responding to the host's call.

However, these gourmet works have been reviewed, and in the end they only got more than 80 points of "good" scores, and the outstanding line was not reached, and they could not challenge Ge Fengbao.

"Ge Fengbao, champion! Ge Fengbao, champion!"

Many of his fans waved their cheers in the stands, as if he had won the championship.

Indeed, there are not a few players left on the field yet to complete their work, and fewer and fewer people can challenge him.

At this time, Xia Jing brought her reunion dinner.

She was the only female chef on the field and received preferential treatment. Two staff members wearing gloves personally carried the large plates to the display stand.

In terms of shape, Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan Fan is a rather cute style, with Chinese characters piled up with food, and the six Dashou peaches at the bottom are also piled up with food. It looks cute, as reflected in Ge Fengbao’s landscape full bean feast. The dignity of the country is in two different directions.

In terms of styling, both sides have their own merits. The older judges mostly like the solemn full bean banquet, while the younger audience are more optimistic about the reunion dinner.

Because the shape of the Shanshui Quandou Banquet is exaggerated, each of the judges personally went to eat, and this reunion round rice, which looks like an ordinary rice-filled rice with a shape, plus a rare female chef, the judges Did not report much hope, let the staff casually serve them a small bowl, put it in front of the seat to taste.

The judges rinsed their mouths with water, then picked up the bowls and carefully observed the rice ball.

The appearance is relatively cute, and the layered stacking method is used inside the rice ball. It is very thoughtful, and it is still in line with the concept of this competition to be new and strange.

After reading the appearance, it is time to smell it.

The judges held their bowls and sniffed them. They were a little surprised. The scent was made up of a variety of ingredients, but it was not messy. Instead, it smelled of rice, pork, vegetables, lotus, mushrooms. The scent is really some way.

These judges suddenly felt that maybe they underestimated the only female contestant in this competition, so they started to taste the reunion dinner one by one.

"Does it taste ordinary."

The judges took a bite with a spoon one by one. The taste was delicious. The rice grains paired well with various side dishes, and they couldn't spot any shortcomings.

However, this is a competition. It is impossible to have no shortcomings without outstanding advantages. This taste can be regarded as the top grade in home cooking, but it is difficult to get good scores in such a national competition.

The judges of this kind of work do not need to discuss with each other, and can score according to their own feelings. At best, they are better than other contestants, but there is still a big gap from the artistic landscape.

Just when their fingers touched the electronic screen to score, the judges suddenly showed puzzled expressions, and their fingers froze in the air.


These judges didn't think there was anything at first after eating a bite of reunion dinner, but after eating it for ten seconds, there was a special taste spreading in the mouth, and there was backlash.

This kind of situation is usually encountered when drinking alcohol or tea. They did not expect that a rice-stuffed rice would have such an effect.

So the judges paused their thoughts on scoring, intending to taste this strange work again.

After another bite of rice, the entrance is still the same as before, but the more you chew, the more fragrant it tastes. The more you taste it, the more delicious it is, and even evokes the hidden memories in their hearts.

The judges' minds drifted away one by one, as if they had returned to decades ago, in the small gully, tube building, and mud house, they were all dirty after elementary school and their mother called home, hungry and they ate. Mother's cooking is just like this, it's all from childhood memories, distant but familiar.

"This stuffed rice... is it called Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan?"

After the judges got back to their minds, they found that other colleagues had similar reactions to them, and they realized that there is a way for this stuffed rice dish. They remembered the official name of this dish for the first time-Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan.

Xia Jing was very satisfied with the expressions of the judges. This was what she expected, so she stepped forward and said: "This reunion dinner is eaten during the reunion at home, and it will taste delicious food!"

When she said this, the judges were not calm. Seeing that there was not much rice left in the bowl, they all stood up in unison, came to the booth, served a bowl and tasted it carefully.

I didn't take the reunion dinner seriously just now, so I ate a bit hastily. This time they plan to use their life skills to carefully experience this "memory" delicacy.

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