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Facts have proved that Wang Qiang's prediction was correct.

By the next day, a person in charge of transportation in the province contacted Chen Hao, said a lot of praise, and then vaguely mentioned that the road regulations for new energy hybrid vehicles will be revised today and tomorrow. The province’s vehicles, The installation of related equipment will not be mandatory.

In other words, the formalities of car sharing are automatically resolved, and their vehicles can be put on the road again without spending money.

This is of course a good thing, and Chen Hao also implicitly revealed that his tone is very strict, and everyone will cooperate closely with each other in the future, and they will definitely be able to develop together.

As a result, the two parties had a very happy conversation, and Chen Hao also gained a certain position in the automobile industry because of the acquisition of Yuantong.

The change of ownership of Yuantong Company is definitely a big news in the automobile industry, and it spread all at once.

As a result, the phone number of Wang Qiang, the new general manager of the company, was almost never interrupted, and many people came to visit directly and brought generous gifts.

It turns out that these people are dealers of some car brands. They had previously cooperated with Ouyang Chun. They only recognized the company but didn't recognize people, so after changing the new owner, they came to settle the relationship early in the morning.

In addition, the person in charge of many 4S shops in the city also came to visit eagerly.

In the past, all 4S stores in the province did not provide Nanshan car-sharing overhaul vehicles because of Ouyang Chun’s tricks. As a result, the company’s boss was replaced. Those 4S store staff immediately came to the car-sharing company and went to the car-sharing company to do it at their own expense Overhaul is more zealous than treating customers God.

Since then, the two problems that plagued Nanshan's car-sharing business have been solved, and normal operations can be resumed soon.

For this reason, Li Changjiang specifically called to express his joy to Chen Hao. He was very ashamed when he said that he was choked up afterwards. Such a rare situation was solved by Chen Hao as soon as he took action. However, he delayed for many days and couldn't handle it. He was very ashamed. .

Chen Hao made him feel at ease and said that he didn't mind. He still needs to be the general manager of the sharing company. Others are not as familiar with the sharing industry as he is. After all, he is a wizard who has made a girlfriend business.

It took another day before Wang Qiang managed to straighten out the affairs of Yuantong Company, and Chen Hao assured him to take charge of all the affairs of the company.

That night, Chen Hao stayed in the hotel to rest.

Looking at this room worth 998 yuan a night, Chen Hao decided to buy a villa tomorrow and didn't want to stay in a hotel anymore.

When he came out after taking a shower in the hotel bathroom, wearing a tank top and shorts, he found a beautiful figure sitting on the bed. No need to ask, no one could enter the locked room quietly except Hua Wu.

Chen Hao now understands Hua Wu's character, and she likes this way, not the first time.

By relying on Hua Wu, Chen Hao has developed the habit of wearing clothes after taking a bath. If he is with Zhou Xitong, the state of returning to nature after taking a bath will be seen by others.

"Why are you here, how is the house?" Chen Hao asked her.

In the past few days, Chen Hao assigned Hua Wu a task and asked her to patrol the surroundings of the China Garden in secret to see if there was anyone following. Hua Wu didn't find it a few days ago, which is good news.

Hua Wu said, "I didn't find anyone who was stalking, but I don't think they have retreated. Have you ever thought that they came to you, so you are not in the Chinese Garden, and they are not there either."

"I thought about it, but I haven't noticed any abnormalities yet." Chen Hao said.

Hua Wu said: "You trust your instincts too much. Indeed, some people have a somewhat accurate sixth sense, and they will have uncomfortable performance when they are followed. But in the kung fu that my mother and I have learned, there is a way to hide whereabouts. Professional people really can't find it."

What Hua Wu said was very reasonable. Maybe the person she was following was by Chen Hao's side, but he couldn't find out.

Chen Hao frowned. There are no professional anti-reconnaissance talents around him. This is a problem.

"So I decided to stay by your side for a few days. If someone is watching you, I will definitely find the clue!" Hua Wu said confidently.

"That's all right, I happen to be going to buy a house tomorrow, so you also go with me." Chen Hao agreed.

"Buying a villa again? I should have bought a house with you for the second time, right? You really have money. Buying a villa is similar to buying a bottle of water in a supermarket."

Hua Wu had to sigh: "I don't know how you made so much money, nor did I see what business you were talking about, nor did I see you socializing in business, so I just played around all day, either by adding a company, or Buy some villas."

Chen Hao said with a smile: "I am a non-mainstream businessman, so you have to learn business, but don't learn from me."

"Got it, big businessman!"

After Hua Wu ridiculed, she stretched a lot. In the middle of the night, she was also sleepy. She covered her mouth with her hand and yawned, and her eyelids began to fight.

"Okay, then I will rest first, good night."

Hua Wu said that she took off her coat and socks. It seemed that she planned to live here.

The key point is that this is not the presidential suite. There is only this big bed. Chen Hao can't sleep when she lies down like this.

Who knows that Hua Wu doesn't mind, she patted the empty location next to him, and asked Chen Hao to come over to sleep, and said that she slept very honestly and would not be messy.

Chen Hao was helpless, Hua Wu was too out of sight, and didn't worry about her own safety at all. A man could not help being a creature of temptation.

This Hua Wu still trusted Chen Hao so much that she removed all the warm clothes, revealing her fragrant shoulders.

Chen Hao quickly turned his back, took his clothes and belongings and turned to go out. He gave this room to Huawu. He went to the front desk and opened another one on the same floor. Anyway, there were too many vacancies.

The next day, Chen Hao woke up quite early. After he got up, he saw the quilt being pushed up by him. He couldn't help but looked towards the room with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Hua Wu did not appear.

He got up, dressed, washed, and went to the restaurant downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, he didn't go to Noisy Huawu. He still remembered that he would be complained about arguing for her to sleep in the morning, and that he was just going to buy a villa today instead of leaving so early.

After nine o'clock, Hua Wu woke up. She stretched lazily, and the quilt slipped from her upper body, revealing her delicate body.

After she woke up in a daze and finished washing, she looked at the time and found out that it was already half past nine. When she found that Chen Hao was not there, she called him with her mobile phone and asked him where he had gone.

Chen Hao said innocently that he had been complained when he called her in the morning, and of course he would not be in trouble.

Hua Wu smiled shyly: "Well, girl, I'm afraid to say you twice? Besides, sleeping during the day was my usual routine, and now I have changed to normal."

She then asked again: "Where are you, hurry up."

"I'm right next door, go to the parking lot downstairs to meet up." Chen Hao hung up the phone.

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