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After the two met by the Hummer, Chen Hao found that today’s Hua Wu was wearing a normal outfit, with jeans underneath, a black down jacket on top, and a ponytail on the back of his head. He walked swaying and vigorously. .

"Didn't you see that you were still wearing LV yesterday? Why did you switch to Bosideng today?" Chen Hao asked her curiously while driving.

"Today I went to buy a villa with you, the big boss. If I was dressed up and dressed up as a famous brand, I would definitely be considered your Xiaomi. If so, it won't work." Hua Wu said.

Chen Hao smiled, but he didn't expect Hua Wu to have such careful thinking.

When he waited for Hua Wu to get up in the morning, he searched for the villas for sale in the city. There was nothing to his heart's desire. The old buildings must have been selected for remote locations.

The so-called buying new and not buying old houses is the same. Chen Hao chose a slightly lower grade "Yutianxia" townhouse complex. The existing houses were only available for sale half a month ago. It should not be too bad.

Although the townhouse is a bit low-grade, it can be regarded as a company's welfare if it is bought for the senior management.

For example, at the level of Wang Qiang, Lai Wu, and Li Changjiang, Chen Hao can give a villa as a reward to his capable men.

When I arrived at Yutianxia Community, I found that the location was located in the newly developed new urban area, surrounded by construction sites. The bustling level was not as high as that of the old urban area, but the environment was not bad.

From the outside, you can see rows of small European-style townhouses built. The exterior walls are painted dark red. At first glance, there is the nostalgic style of red bricks and blue tiles in the past, which is not abrupt.

Chen Hao drove the military Hummer to the parking lot outside the sales office, and a female saleswoman welcomed them warmly.

This saleswoman is about twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old. She is dressed in neat work clothes. Her smile and body language are standardized training, and she appears very capable.

"Hello, sir and madam, are you going to come to see our villa under the Imperial World?" the female salesman said enthusiastically.

"Yes, come and take a look at the room." Chen Hao said lightly.

Compared with ordinary people who need to use the savings of the whole family to buy a house, they will be very cautious. Chen Hao does not matter. A villa is only a few million, and he can buy one with his daily income. There is no need to be cautious at all. Buy buy.

May I ask an ordinary worker who pays a day’s wages to buy a necessities of life, would he be particularly concerned?

Certainly not, Chen Hao is also in such a casual mood.

"Okay, our Yutianxia area has great development potential. Metro Line 5 is being built and extended to the nearby area. The surrounding hospitals, primary and secondary schools will be completed one after another, and there is also a large Carrefour supermarket. Life is very convenient..."

Before going to the actual house inspection, the saleswoman introduced the advantages of the community to Chen Hao on the campus miniature model.

Of course, this is just sales rhetoric, bad places can be changed into a bit in another way, such as far from the city, it will be said to be close to nature, high air quality...

In short, whether the house is good or bad, after seeing it on the spot, make a judgment.

"Take me to see the house." Chen Hao said.

"Yes, we are a high-end townhouse here. The room rate is discounted to other villas of the same level. The hardcover version of the house will definitely meet your choice."

This female saleswoman saw Chen Hao driving a Hummer. It was a car worth millions of dollars. He was dressed in brand-name clothes and looked like a local tyrant. She was sure to buy a villa, so she was very enthusiastic and took Chen Hao immediately. Inspection.

The one who inspected the house was Villa No. 1, which was a model house. After entering, Chen Hao felt that the decoration was more elegant, it was designed by famous designers, and the whole is very high-grade.

This is a three-storey luxury townhouse with an area of ​​about 400 square meters. It is equipped with all the necessary facilities and rooms. There are also two children's rooms, which can fully adapt to the current situation of common second-child life.

"What do you think of this place?"

Turning around upstairs and downstairs, Chen Hao was more satisfied. He came to ask Hua Wu's opinion.

"I think it's okay. There is a dance studio here, where you can practice dancing, and there is a small courtyard for leisure sports, which is more in line with my requirements." Hua Wu nodded.

The female salesperson on the side was overjoyed, and both customers were satisfied. If you do the job, maybe you can get a commercial loan and sell a set without worrying about your performance all day long.

Not long after this community opened for sale, there were not many people looking at the house, because it was in the new urban area, it was remote, and the price was too expensive. Locals didn’t like it here, while outsiders could buy the big money for this townhouse. In general, single-family villas with more than ten million yuan will be considered.

Yutianxia Community opened for sale for half a month, and only one building was sold. This is an unacceptable performance for a community with 50 units in the first phase.

The sales manager was very worried, so he ordered the salesmen to seize the opportunity and gave a high commission, so all the salesmen tried to sell outwards.

Now that Hua Wu is in the same position, Chen Hao decided to buy here, now he is considering buying a few sets.

"I'm going to other listings to see if it is consistent with this kind of board house." Chen Hao said.

Although he is not bad for money, he is not buying it blindly. If he doesn't like it when he buys it, it will be a mess.

"It's a bit difficult. Because other houses have to maintain their appearance, they are only shown to customers who have a clear intention to buy." The saleswoman said embarrassedly.

"Of course we have the intention to buy, as long as the quality of your house can be kept uniform."

After Chen Hao walked outside, he saw Villa No. 6 in front of him, and he pointed at a place and said, "I want to see that house."

The female salesperson weighed it up and felt that Chen Hao was like a big money to buy a villa, so she went to apply for the key with the manager, and then took Chen Hao to villa 6.

Three people enter Villa No. 6 and check it out. The structure and decoration style are the same as the model house. Each house has three parking spaces, which are basically enough. Outdoors can be used to grow flowers and grass, and the indoor space structure is also acceptable.

Chen Hao decided to buy the villa here, now there is only the question of buying a few.

There are only a few people who are eligible to give to the senior executives, but considering that the company will definitely grow bigger in the future, there must be more important staff, so the villa requires at least ten households, or even twenty households, 30 Household.

With an idea in his mind, Chen Hao asked the female salesperson: "How many houses are left in your community?"

"Uh...Because our community has just opened for business not long ago, there are currently 49 homes, and only 33 can not be selected."

The female salesperson concealed the current situation of poor sales in this district, but cleverly used the just opening as an excuse.

"How much is your building here?" Chen Hao asked.

"If you count it all, it will be more than 7 million. If you place an order during the promotion period, there will be a 9% discount on the room price." Female sales said.

This price is in newly built urban areas where land prices are generally low, making it difficult for most people to accept the high prices of townhouses.

It's just that Chen Hao doesn't care, it's more than seven million, which is not expensive for him.

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