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"This thing is a chemical synthetic substance, used in scientific research, before purchasing a foreign laboratory, and the result is recently restricted exports, and our department is disconnected to stop production, so urgent needs."

According to the Yan Pig, it means that he will say deeply: "I know, if there is anything in the world to buy, not you are, you have to talk about it, how many goods do you have?"

"Only 2 grams." Chen Hao said.

"It's enough, this is a catalyst, you can use it for a long time." Yan pig said, "You open a price."

"The price is not flustered, I want to talk about how to deliver, so expensive things, it is better to face it." Chen Hao said.

"Of course, we will meet at a place, I am not very convenient to go to you, or if you go to your Zhonghua Garden, can I go to your Zhonghua Garden?"

"There is no problem in time, but if you are in order to confidential, then the Emerald Garden Community, I have no one in the building, I have a good 2201."

Chen Hao said that he and Zhou Xi Tong's love nest, but Tongxia needs to go home today, Chen Hao lives, absolutely unmanned.

"Okay, then I will arrive on time." Pig pig hangs.

Chen Hao has been considering how much remuneration is to she, so that you are so valuable and scarce things, that is, you have to think about it.

When he walked out of the meeting room, it was found that Cao Rui has put into work, and the management of the trading company is also exchanged, and it is also an income of various reports, documents, and picking Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is dark, and he is really lacking from Cao Rui, helping him take care of these complicated trivial things, and ask her to come back is a broad decision.

Chen Hao is nothing more, and Cao Rui has been very busy, understanding the various status of the company, and strive to be in the heart.

Chen Hao was not stayed here, but slipped up to go upstairs to find Zhou Xi Tong.

Zhou Xi is also busy. After Chen Hao came, Zhou Xi was only a petty god, just copened the massive work.

A bunch of big customers should receive, there are several important conferences to participate, and they must be approved by the group's emergency documents. They are busy with the brain spoon, so that there is not much time to talk to Chen Hao.

At noon, Chen Hao called, let the summer chef make a copy, he will enjoy it with Zhou Xi Tong, of course, Cao Rui also has a copy.

Xia Jing also funny, this time she wears "hungry" clothes to serve, but this time, the security work of the International Building is still quite in place, and the takeaway will be unified. In the house, the takeaway person is not allowed to enter the building.

Xia Jinghua has a failure, and can only call Chen Hao.

Chen Hao said hello to the security guard and put in the summer.

Although Chen Hao did not work in the group, but the words were as good, after all, was a horse.

However, since Chen Hao gives most of the shares without compensation to Zhou Xi Tong, his identity is also changed from the horse, which is about to become the emperor, and their weekly president, the queen of the mother's world, the leadership quietly changed.

After the summer, after the delivery box, I came to Chen Hao's president office. She put down the food box, and she was in the first time.

"Today's meals are also very rich." Chen Hao saw ten kinds of small dishes and praised.

"Of course, will I hungry you?"

Xia Jing puts a large half of the food in the food box and then takes it.

"Hey, how do you got, a piece to eat." Chen Hao trocked.

"I don't think you give me a dog food, I will go downstairs and Cao Rui."

Xia Jing's mouth "", it will go downstairs.

Chen Haowan, this is getting more and more sensible.

At 12 o'clock, Zhou Xi has opened an important meeting, returning to the office, first drinking half a bottle of water, taking more than an hour, mouth is doing.

"Come, I have to eat again." Chen Hao trocked.

"it is good!"

Zhou Xi Tong is also afraid of cold Chen Hao. Before eating, you will give a hot kiss before eating, then the two are sitting together, sweet and honey ate this love lunch.

However, this meal didn't take for a long time. After ten minutes, Zhou Xi received a call, hurriedly took the rice in the bowl, and put it on the coat.

What she apologized: "I am sorry my husband, there is a foreign customer, I have to take it personally, it has been about half a year, I can't be cumbersome, I can't accompany you here."

"Nothing, you are busy." Chen Hao was very considerate, the two gently embracted it, Zhou Xi left.

Chen Hao is sigh, his wife is a work mad, clearly can raise her, but also self-reliance, and persuade you.

Chen Hao packed the lunch box and then went downstairs to find the two beautiful women.

Two beautiful women are eating in the office of the trading company. When I saw Chen Hao, I invited him together.

"I have eaten, you continue."

Chen Hao came over to tell Cao Rui, she can stay in the trading company, he is going to see the situation in the temple street.

"I also go, the trading company is back and said."

Cao Rui can't finish eating, rub with the paper towel, then wipe the mouth and follow Chen Hao.

"Hello, I haven't finished eating, I don't respect me!" Xia Jing in protest.

"I am sorry, I will eat more to eat more at night." Cao Rui smiled sorry.

"I really have no way, is it so fun? Why do I just want to play fish?"

In the summer, it is not forgiving, but it is still a good place to give Cao Ruiyuan Yuan Yuan Yuan, let her eat on the road, so as not to be hungry.

"Thank you." Cao Rui is very happy to have such a girlfriend, and set up a rice group.

This time, Chen Hao is going to drive, Cao Rui actively grabbed the steering wheel.

"Boss, you are sitting on the back, how can I go to the boss." Cao Rui said.

"There is no outsider, it doesn't matter." Chen Hao did not mind.

"This is not related to the outsiders, the boss must have a fan."

Cao Rui still insisted on driving, driving Chen Hao's military Hummer, went to Temple Street.

Temple Street has experienced many twists and turns, and there is no big problem. The progress is progressing very quickly. There have been many high-rise prototypes. In addition, some buildings have also started to play the foundation, and the whole site is a thriving scene.

Now Chen Hao has not lack of money, how much is the construction site, and strive to finish it, here can become the city, and even the most prosperous business circle of the province.

Cao Rui followed Chen Hao to find the person in charge of the construction site, understood the progress of the construction site, and the person in charge contacted the contact information, and there was something to contact it directly. Cao Rui wants to make Chen Hao every business.

There are not many reports and documents in the construction site, Cao Rui understands the information, progress and other information, as well as budget, gradually clarifying the context.

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