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The construction site stayed for two hours, and the two were started to go to the next inspection site, and Hao Ran Engineering Rental Company.

This company is somewhat surprised, the construction machinery basically rents, this part of the income accounts for a total of total income.

The rental company has a comprehensive transformation, and has become a partner of Nanshan shared car. Now we have also launched a shared car and car rental business, relying on sharing car's profit, profit can be.

In addition, Chen Hao's private helicopter, aircraft, commercial street stores, etc., are all leased by leasing companies. The industrial idle is eating ash, net loss, and after renting, then slow collection of funds, when recovery, it is a profit .

In particular, these industries are basically Chen Hao from the billion subsidies. The cost is ignored, so this rental company is a million profit, all net income, is the big head of Chen Hao cash flow.

After Wang Qiang left to Yuan Tong's headquarters, an external manager was scheduled to work.

Chen Hao and Cao Rui arrived, the manager respects, and brought a pile of reports, let Chen Hao check his performance.

Chen Hao has no attention to the performance. Anyway, the rental company only has operating costs, and the hardware investment is zero. The factory is Zhou Xitong to arrange, the rent is basically white delivery, and it can make money.

Chen Hao did not care, but as his first assistant, Cao Rui is very seriously viewing reports and accounts, and manager understands the company's business situation.

She must not only be an asspiring of honest obedience, but also have their own thinking ability, can make a proposal, analyze the relationship between Chen Hao.

Cao Rui and manager are busy, Chen Hao's idle, looked at Cao Rui to pick him up, satisfied with the sofa, I thought Cao Rui is so good, he can be lazy, don't take these Complex affairs.

Chen Hao even bored with the mobile phone to play games, it is a happy billiard, although it has been cleared, but this game occasion is a good casual way.

Cao Rui has been in the evening, because it is slow to get started, so familiar with the estimation is fast, and even the video conference can be found at home.

Finally, I finally finished the work, Cao Rui packed up the document and came to the Chen Haohui.

"Sorry for the boss, delay you for so long, in fact, you don't have to wait for me, I will pay my job I will go home." Cao Rui said.

"Nothing, you just took the assistant work, others didn't know you, of course, I have to take you, you can you can." Chen Hao said.

It's almost six o'clock in the evening. I am busry for a day, I am asked, so Chen Hao decided to go to their own restaurant to eat dinner, and in the end, I also examine the industry in the industry.

This time, Chen Hao drove, Cao Rui is busy an afternoon, it is very tired, Chen Hao is posting this well-behaved subordinates, let her take a break.

Cao Rui is very grateful in his heart, I feel that I have not failed.

When I went to the restaurant, Chen Hao was in the restaurant outside the "Flanhai-Western Brassica Shop", I said to Cao Rui: "This task is given to you, change the name of the hotel for the hotel."

"Xia Jing has already said with me, the name of the store is very simple, then you want a name." Cao Rui smiled.

"I haven't thought about it yet, we think about it."

Chen Hao and Cao Rui entered the restaurant. After the waiter saw it, he took the initiative to open the store to let the boss entered, and then our cute Bruno uncle will welcome it.

"Oh, my dear boss, welcome you and this beautiful woman's visit, I have already cleaned the seat ..."

Bruno's tone is very strange, the ocean Chinese, sounds very funny, Cao Rui smiled.

"Okay, I know you very hard, you will have a thick red envelope at the end of the month." Chen Hao stops this continued shock.

"Praise my generous boss!"

Bruno gave Chen Hao a standard gentleman ceremony, then served two people in the restaurant box.

This Bruo is a store manager in the Western Restaurant. After being collected by Chen Hao, after being collected education, it has been alive. Now it is a live treasure of the restaurant, very funny, and it has attracted a lot of traffic for the restaurant. The red envelope is still worth it.

Xia Jing came to the restaurant today, doing it up with the meal, she didn't wear "hungry" uniforms in her own site.

"Welcome to taste summer food."

Xia Jing put her several dishes on the table, and smiled and looked at the two.

"Eat it, eat is not the face." Chen Hao said.

"Good drop."

Xia Jing picked up the chopsticks, and then smiled and said: "Our Miss Cao Rui is back, you must be very cool, you can lazy in the future."

"Don't make rumors, I am very busy, I have created a good living work environment for your employees." Chen Hao said.

"It's good, you are busy, now you can't see people every day."

Xia Jing face is an expression of unlikely, obviously a bit vinegar, as for vinegar objects, of course, I Chen Hao's girlfriend Zhou Dazhang.

Cao Rui saw this, and hurriedly opened the topic: "Right, everyone wants to think, what is the name of the restaurant's new store?"

"Do you want to be a British halogen foot?" Xia Jing raised his hand.

"You will break it!"

Chen Hao revealed a sentence, and said: "Our family is based on Chinese innovation dishes, then classical and Western names are not very pleasant, it is best to get a little, and the ground is angry."

"Then just call a good, what is delicious, food fairy, what is the kitchen," Xia Jing, this time I came up with a few names.

These names can only be said to Putong, first elected.

Chen Hao asked Cao Rui, there is no good suggestion?

"I am really not in the name, I can only think about what is good, the soil name and the like of the small summer restaurant." Cao Rui smiled and sang.

As a result, she said that Chen Hao suddenly decided that the Xiaoxiao restaurant was inexplicably cordial, and said that Lang Lang was on the spot, so she was a board: "I am called Xiaoxia Restaurant."

"Not bad, name my name, I like it!" Xia Jing also applauded, so the new name of the hotel was so decided.

"Ah? It will be settled here, do you have to consider it again?" Cao Rui said.

"The small summer restaurant is very good, don't want to think about it, some questions, kind, this is enough."

Chen Hao then gave Xia Jing with a eye, and then he tried together and gratitude to Cao Rui.

"I just talk about it, you will decide, too pet me." Cao Rui smiled and welcomed.

"Boss, Cao Rui thinks about such a good name for your industry, may not give her a gift to her?"

Xia Jing took the initiative to reward for girlfriends.

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