I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 728 Hao Ran Group Future Plan

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"Yes, I want to listen to you in detail." Chen Hao put down the document.

"You don't have to give up, I am chaotic,"

When Cao Rui replied, his eyes did not dare to contact Chen Hao. She afraid that she couldn't control her feelings, they would show it.

"This is the case. At present, the profits of each company are very high, enough to build sufficient cash flow, this part of the funds are wasting, I think it is to invest business."

Cao Rui said that he was observing Chen Hao's expression, and found that he was seriously listening, and he continued to say: "You recently said less risk investment, then half of the real estate is the most, so I suggest next year. Either a new company, or start building the future of the headquarters of the future Hao Ran Group, or the Hao Ran Industrial Park, it is best to be in the area of ​​the development, such investment is small, and the completion of the local economy will receive the government support. "

Chen Hao, this plan, he feels good, because the information obtained from the Zhigang tissue, the world is not peaceful, and there is no suitable industry, there is no investment business in the short term, so the industrial park is a nice choice. .

First of all, this place is remote, the land is cheap, and then the people are convenient, otherwise it is a dead place, so there is such a place to have such a place, that is, Litong County.

Chen Hao has planned to build a hotel here, and the drawings have been designed to be in the preparation stage.

Originally, I have to build a matching holiday zone in the local area, so now there is a Chinese garden, and then build a holiday villa is my own vicious competition. The two are too close, and the tourists are not enough to make two tourist accommodation industries. status.

Then, this ground skin is used to cover the future of Hao Ran Group. It is very ideal. It is near the highway, and is located in the middle of Yunyang City, Baihe City and the provincial capital. Transportation can be convenient, the land is already, as long as you bear Construction costs.

Chen Hao said: "Yes, I agree, then you will be responsible for following the design drawings, next year, waiting for the construction site, there are about billions of profits, all in the industrial park, the progress is very almost."

"Okay, I will work hard." Cao Rui bloomed a smile, Chen Hao agreed to her thoughts and made her very happy.

"So, I will go first, the boss takes a break!"

Cao Rui stood up, got a bow, only left a stuff in the air.

Smell this familiar fragrance, evoke Chen Hao's memories of the night, he couldn't help but show the color of doubts, so warm, Cao Rui, who knows the book, will happen to him?

Chen Hao wants to understand that the sorry does not think, now Cao Rui and Wang Qiang help him handle commercial things, he is relaxed, you can be busy.

Chen Hao has recently been rich in financial resources, and the feelings are also smooth. At present, it is more important to explore the secret behind the billion subsidy app.

Directly found in the evening, the headquarters is a convenient method, but you need to be famous, otherwise you will not take you, you need to have one of the e-commerce giants, at least, you can get the strength and famous expenses of flat, can you let Its administrator pays attention to it.

As for them, they will not disclose core confidentiality, so they don't know, they need to see the move.

Chen Hao also viewed the news channel before going to bed, but it was better. There was no more attack that was damaged. I didn't know whether it was a situation, or was controlled by official news, Chen Hao hoped to be the former.

The next day, Chen Hao got a better than usual, and he had a breakfast to get to the security company's training ground. At this time, it is 7 o'clock in the morning, and there is not much higher in the sun.

The survival of the scene has been worn with a warm-up exercise. When Chen Hao came over, he ran over to salute.

Although he is not a soldier, he still retains the previous professional habits.

"You don't have to be polite, is you ready?" Chen Hao asked.

"Okay." Weekly event took a wrist.

Chen Hao looked at him relaxed, it was indeed a master style, confident on himself.

Chen Hao nodded at all, he appreciates this kind of gas.

Generally, the practice on the boxing platform must wear a protective gear, so that the two are not a newcomer, there is a confident control scene, there will be no mistakes, it is also a point until it doesn't have to protect the equipment, after all, simulation The fighting state can better restore the real battle.


Because the next half an hour will come to work, they have to hurry, so after the simply putting the boom, Chen Hao shouted, and the two people suddenly changed, they were very fierce.

Weekly is a standard army fighting, the body is slightly volts, placed in front of the face before the double box, and Chen Hao is the battle of the five birds. He uses the purest tiger play.

"Be careful!"

Chen Hao robbed the attack first, and the most direct black tiger was in the opposite side.

The weekly eyes didn't know Chen Hao's effort, but I didn't expect two months. Chen Hao's kung fu seems to be refined. This fist speed and strength have both powerful, he can no longer be like a trampic student Zhao Liang. The same letter.

When you reach out, you know if there is anything, Chen Hao's fist is unfair, even slight air burst, absolutely unheatched, there is no relief against the left side, but to the left side, At the same time, kick out, attacking Chen Hao's ribs.

This is a common trick. Chen Ha has had a preparation, and it is also seen that it is a trick, and it is a trick to play a punch while the body is removing the attack.

The martial arts move is dead. The key is to be used by people. Chen Hao almost no thinking time, I chose the most appropriate trick to counter-harvest, which is the result of his high-time play.

It is not ambiguous, and he decided to come to hard, make your arms, find an angle, and use the power of the arm to block Chen Hao's fist.

As the saying goes, the arm is screwed, then the power of the fist is not strong, and the week is to weaken, as long as he blocks Chen Hao's punch, he will attack, take the initiative.

The limbs of the two hit together, the power of the two sides had no fancy hedging, and true acceptance of the power of the other party.


The two sides retired one step, and the two were finished.

Chen Hao owned the crowd for gumdan, and Chen Hao had already crowning the crowd, and there was fresh opponent, but this time he was hard to relieve hard, he can know that his cast is much harder.

It is also surprised. He has practically felt the power of Chen Hao. His strength did not use the rich experience. With the abundant experience, with the arm to fight the fist, the instantaneous force was drawn to the same level.

Although there is no loss, he expected the battle intention, the two opened the distance and became the initial balance.

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