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Chen Hao and Zhou Zhou's first frontal confrontation ended, there was a jealous psychology, so they began to stare at each other, and they were looking for the flaws of each other.

However, both people have a veteran. It is not enough to find it. Weekly believe that their strength is in a disadvantage. It is necessary to promote weaknesses, first start attack, looking for flaws in the attack, which is a means of hahal when he encounters strong people.

"watch out!"

It is said that it is said that the opponent is the boss with him this opponent after all.

Chen Hao also gave an enemy, and the two were all right. Chen Hao was a tiger show, a play, and the bear play constant conversion, and the most appropriate move will be selected according to the battle.

The weekly is all practical, all the easiest and rude army fighting, he is better than the experience, but after three or forty strokes, he gradually be in the wind.

The reason is that Chen Hao's strength is dominant. If he is hard-speaking place, he will be very hard, and the experience of a week is called in actual combat. How many times is quenched in the life and death mission, moved to true It is necessary to live, but this is a disciple, and it is his own boss, and his murderous technique is limited.

Chen Haoben is the strength of the strength, and it is estimated that it is also estimated that it is too strong. It is too hard to use, and the opposite of the attack cannot be used.

However, this discussion is not to compete for the champion, but Chen Hao finds a week-honored sparring, I want to feel the scenes with the tricks like this.

It took a while, Chen Hao also found that there is sometimes a lot of stress, but there is a trick, and Chen Hao, I chose a very precocious trick, Chen Hao understood it.

In this way, the expected effect is not played like a person who bullied a hand.

Chen Hao took the next step and stopped attack.

"what happened?"

Weekly was tired of cope, and suddenly found that the boss did not hit, asked himself.

"I don't want to be bundled, give me all the strengths to your strength." Chen Hao said.

"However, many of my moves are very deadly, will hurt." Is it a week?

"This is it ... it is easy, you wait for me."

Chen Hao thought of a good way, that is, wearing protection, let the week can do not need to worry, fully play.

So he came to his car, through the billion subsidy app, order a full set of protective gear, after a few seconds, the goods were placed in the trunk of the car, as always, magic.

These professional polymer helmets, including guards, necks, shoulders, elbows and knees, etc., but also carefully protect the soft abdomen and crotch, it is a full set of protection.

These materials have a hard strip, but also have good depreciation, and the damping effect can not only give people good protection, but also make the attacker not hit the hard object, which is generally the equipment that the boxer is worn. Chen Hao is more comprehensive.

Of course, this set of protective gear is good, but it is not cheap. The price adds more than 10,000 pieces. Of course, Chen Hao spent 11 yuan, just take the subsidy price.

Chen Hao wore a good protective gear back, this is an armed to teeth, because the teeth are there, not afraid of misunderstanding.

"Can this go all right?" Chen Hao asked.


As long as Chen Hao protects his head and neck, there is a fragile abdomen, he can choose the most fierce kill, but don't worry about misunderstanding.


So the war will open, this time is the full fire, it is a fierce side to kick, Chen Hao also stretches the legs to resist, but the week is waiting for Chen Hao. When he took the collision, he suddenly took the effort. Let Chen Hao's strength to fall, this is going to leg, but it takes more effort to spend more effort, and it takes time.

Weekly seized this rare opportunity, wrapped around Chen Hao's side, flexed into the , directly pointed to Chen Hao's temple.

Master is stamped, you can also hit the opponent directly.

Chen Hao responded very quickly, and he took a look at the past, and used an elbow of the five birds and counterattack.

In the battle, Chen Hao has learned not to be in the situation, and it is necessary to use the movement of the five birds. This is the best choice made by actual combat.

The fighter is too long, if it is still silly in the five birds and play, the lily is cold.

Masters will experience this process, from the beginning of superstition, any situation, one board is taken, and it is easy to crack.

Wait until there is a certain experience, it will automatically select the right movement, even the Kung Fu magic change, such as the original black tiger is to take the other middle road, but if the other's head has a flaw, the focus can move the mouth, then move the fist, Break, instead of being able to do it according to the original hi.

Waiting until the real big realm, it doesn't matter, it is a martial art, which is a taste, which is an object that others compete.

Chen Hao is in the second stage, is a flexible and changing realm.

Chen Hao responded very quickly, but it was more experienced, and he judged Chen Hao's counterattack in advance, and his fist in Chen Hao's shoulder.

This is completely experienced. Chen Hao did not expect this kind of counterattack, but he wore a protective gear, but there was no pain, but if it was a dagger, he had seen red.

"Very good, just like this, continue!"

Chen Hao is very happy, this is what he is looking for a spending. He is lacking is experience. For example, if he thinks, he can't think of it. If you encounter similar situations, he will prepare, and you can learn from Use the enemy.

It is cheap, and the attack is more embarrassed. It doesn't have to worry about Chen Hao, and his trick is very drilled.

Chen Hao Congni responded that although he also faintly in the upper wind, it was conceivable to hit him, such as head, underarm, lower abdomen, etc. I have lost combat power in a certain basis.

In this way, everyone can defense, once hit, but can cause a blow to kill.

Chen Hao is immersive and physical strength, but he understands that if it is actual combat, he is likely to be the party that is defeated.

His five birds are too gentle, competitive, and they are intertwined. However, when they treat life and death, they are too kind, and the enemy will be a good person, and the week will give Chen Hao.

In the final stage of fighting, Chen Hao's heavy punch hit a week of thoughtful shoulders, but he was unrestricted, but he used to be bored, but he used this boxing, suddenly wrapped around Chen Hao's oblique, then A lock neck, you lock Chen Hao's neck.

This is already a bad, unlike a martial art, the protagonist is taken with the neck and can be arrested. The real situation is fragile neck being strong, the body is slightly, the neck will be arms, even if you can Corner confrontation, but it will slowly get rid of it, which is more dangerous.

The true junk, only 5 seconds of the best stripping period, otherwise there will be no more than the room, the master can not be able to make a counterattack through posture and means.

Therefore, Chen Hao was struggling for a few seconds, raised his hand, indicating that he lost it, and immediately released his arm, and the two became relatively standing.

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