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That night, Chen Hao and the flower dance returned to Jinhan Palace living.

Xing Zhao sent a feedback. The Jijiatong found it clearly. It was a rich second generation. When I was a child, I went to five mountains and learned a few years of martial arts. I came back to inherit my family, and I had a few billion assets.

By calling by phone, he is currently not in Bayian, you have to find him to go to the city other than 200 kilometers.

Chen Hao will go to Pengjia to be a guest tomorrow. It is not available for the time being. This is put down, wait until the family of Peng's family, and then find this person.

That night, flowers danced at home, took a variety of fake people to poured around.

She imagined these dummy as a Jijia, and a woman who lied her iron card. I wanted to smoke them in my heart after thinking about it.

She is very forgotten, until the late night Chen Hao is going to take a break.

Chen Hao sent a flower dance back to the bedroom. When I wanted to go, the flower dance suddenly took his big hand, poor Barbana said: "It's good to accompany me, wait for me to fall asleep."

Chen Hao's pet, she knead her hair, said: "Okay."

Chen Hao knew that the flower dance was lonely, and if you want to seek comfort, staying with her, basically Chen Hao said, talking about his previous interest.

The flower dance is lying on the bed, occasionally asking, but later the eyelids fight, getting more and more heavy, until you can't open your eyes, soon fell asleep.

After Chen Hao saw it, he closed the lights and went out quietly, he went back to the room to sleep.

In the morning of the next day, Chen Hao got up to the bed to practice a past five birds. Today, there is no hooligan to make trouble at the door, and there is a lot of clean.

The flower dance then got up, after eating breakfast, I was ready to go, renting a car, and I went to Pengjia's address.

Peng Jia's address is located in the villa garden in the suburbs of Bai'an. It is unfortunately in the martial arts. Nowadays, the individual martial arts are worried about the livelihood, because the money to make money, the hard work, the thing is more than the thing. And the remaining, the martial or family of the economic conditions such as the Sword Villa, Peng Jia.

This draws a conclusion that modern martial arts geography is the first thing that is the economic foundation, and then they can talk.

It can be imagined that a military person is twenty or three, and it is necessary to rapidly, and they can't concentrate on training. They need to accumulate buying a car and colorful gift, at least million, otherwise, even the object can not find the child. So a one or two generations will inevitably fall.

Only with adequate funds, it can be raised by people who can raise the martial arts. This is also the concept of modern martial arts, first economical, and after training, otherwise it will be eliminated by the era.

When Chen Hao and flowers danced in Pangjia's villa area, they saw that this villa is very stylish.

Unlike the ancient architectural style of the sword, Peng Jia is a modern European style, and it seems that it is still built in the last ten years.

When I came to the door, there was a young white-collar worker in the security gatehouse in the security gatehouse. He asked in respect: "Do you are Mr. Chen Hao?"

"Well, do you know me?" Chen Hao was somewhat surprise.

"I don't know, but our chairman has told it. Today, there are payables, so we will meet here, please please!"

The white-collar worked was a special trip to meet, and the number of gifts was full.

In the villa area, there were ten office buildings in the villa area. Chen Hao saw the renovation of the renovation, there were many martial arts award-winning propaganda paintings. It seems that this Peng family has a certain strength. The disciples are often named in various martial arts competitions across the country. .

Chen Hao was arranged in a living room. The heating of the room was very good. It was a little hot. The white-collar receptionist helped Chen Hao and the flower dance to take off the coat. The service is very in place.

Then there is a beautiful waitress to come, ask Chen Hao and the flower dance to drink something.

"Green tea." Chen Hao said.

"I am also the same." Flower dance is looking for Chen Haoma.

"Ok, wait a moment." The waiter smiled responsed.

Tea is just coming, the heat is temporary, and the fragrance is overflowing.

At this time, the receptionist came back, respectfully stood aside, said to Chen Hao: "Our chairman is coming."

Chen Hao stood up with the flower dance. The other party is the head of the martial arts of the martial arts. It is the predecessors of Wulin, and it should be respectful.

It is a full-scale old man who is full of hair, and it should be seventy years old, but the legs do not bend, do not lap, and Hu Lao is similar.

"You are Chen Hao, the river, is really a hero!" When the old senior saw Chen Hao, he smiled.

When he talks, he keeps stopped, and it is satisfied with the front.

"I have seen Peng Premier." Chen Hao said with the etiquette in Wulin and said.

The dance dance is also learning, holding a fist, her martial arts is a family, but it is not just that the martial arts is handed over, so this is a little joyful, and it is not standard.

"Oh, what is this little girl?" Peng's head asked.

Without Chen Hao, the flower dance he said: "My name is the flower dance, it is Chen Hao's sister."

"Oh, very good, it's a table talent." Peng's door was very satisfied, let them two seats, he also sit down on the sofa on the side.

Chen Hao asked in the mountains: "I don't know what Peng's head is called me, what is it?"

"Oh, not busy, first drink tea, I arrange a few disciples to show up, please come to the goods." Peng Head laughed.

Chen Hao is somewhat wondering. Which is this, I should not find the disciple and him, and then I'm studying the five birds. Is there a disciple that the disciple is not convinced, borrowed and him?

If the big brightness is comparable to the martial arts, Chen Hao will not mind, but if you do the drama, Chen Hao is not a good feeling, he doesn't like the costume, when the madness is still a person.

Soon, there were four young disciples in the living room. After seeing courtesy, they were divided into two or two groups.

Although it is a performance, this fight has no water, and the boxing is to the meat, and it is very addictive.

If the level is absolutely weak, Chen Hao has seen martial arts discussion between the two provinces, this Peng family's disciples, it is not much more, it is worthy of the North of the martial arts.

And these four disciples are used by the palm to finish, and the three-poetry pairs are the martial arts movement, let Chen Hao have opened their eyes, after all, don't see so many genres.

Hao Hao once said that Peng Jia is the length of Bo Cai, and these four skills are very different, and there is indeed the taste of everyone.

After the four disciples performed, they were sweating, and then they went down.

"How, these four disciples are ordinary men, and how is it in the level?"

Peng's door began to study Chen Hao.

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