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Asked the view to the door, if it is a slippery person, no brain praise is, but Chen Hao is a person who said, if you want to listen, this Peng head does not have to be very old. Take yourself.

So Chen Hao solid said: "The bottom is solid, and in the young generation I have ever seen, it is also the level of the middle upstream, but there is also a room for progress."

The euphemism of this sentence, Chen Hao is a taste that I feel that their Kung Fu lacks other martial arts. He has entered the martial arts time. It can't say what is specific, just Chen Hao's first feel.

I heard this, Peng's head nodded: "You feel very accurate, indeed, our disciples generally take the tricks in his own martial art, lack communication with the outside world, is more fixed, the battle, the competition can, If actually fight, it is better to go to other martial arts. "

Chen Hao understood, this is almost like playing chess, playing chess for the same year, knowing the other party's chess, and playing chess, if you suddenly change your personal play, you will not adapt, leading to normal levels Not come out.

Peng Heart continued: "Wulin's same relations for me Peng Jia, quite a mustard, think that I said that I like to steal the move, I admit that there is more than a hundred years ago, but now it is already a new century, martial arts In the form of micro, I've learned all the genre, how can I fight without any ruling? "

Chen Hao did not know the intention of Peng's head, so there was no talk.

After talking about a while, I got at noon, Peng Hemen arranged two people, he prepared a sum desk banquet.

The dishes on the table are very domain. According to the local statement, it is a hard saucer. It is too much, and the lobster abalone is all, and a large roasting pig in the middle is particularly eye-catching.

"Come on, Chen Hao Xiao brother, please don't be polite."

This Peng Hengmen is close to the people, personally entertain, and there are some important disciples of Pengjia in the seat.

"Do you want to drink alcohol?"

A four-year-old Northern big man asked, he is the pro-disciple of Peng's head.

"Don't drink, thank you." Chen Hao didn't want to drink alcohol, refused.

This group of big men did not persuade the wine again, they didn't drink, and the good wine such as Maotai Wuliang and so on, and changed to a tea drink.

Everyone started the chopsticks, the flower dance is the first time I saw the roasting pig, and the piggy pork is very forward, but the distance is a bit far, she is not very embarrassed to stand up.

It seems to see her intentions of her beautiful girl. The big disciple will make people cut the milk pig, then give the flower dance to a big plate of good meat, after all, come.

Then Chen Hao and other people each person, but there is no peng's door, Chen Hao can inevitably have some questions.

The big disciple laughed: "My master's blood pressure is a bit high, not eating greasy things."

It turns out that it seems that Kung Fu is higher, and it is not worth three high.

"Chen Shi, come to taste the best, flying dragon soup here."

The big disciple made two bowls of soup, handed over to Chen Hao and flower dance.

Chen Hao is somewhat surprised. This soup has only one bird. I don't see other green dishes, the soup is clear. This soup is still the first time. According to imagination, it should taste very light.

Chen Hao picks up a spoonful, softly smelling, feeling a good fragrance, the first sense is good.

Drinking this spoon, suddenly in the mouth, it is very comfortable to the whole digestion, but the smell is light, but it can really feel the soul.

"Good drink!"

Chen Hao honens thumbs up, asking this is what bird is used.

The big disciple explained: "This is a flying dragon stewed soup. The ingredients used are farmed by their own industries. Its meat is delicious. It doesn't have to have a fragrant, you can't taste other places. "

"Good, very good soup."

Chen Hao is taking knowledge, if you don't come to the north, I really don't know if there is such a bird.

"Good drink!"

Dancing a bite, but also praises.

"I drink although I drink, I have enough, the kitchen is still." The disciple laughed, as the northern man's boldness.

After a meal, Chen Hao has changed a lot of impression of Pengjia people. It seems that it is like a rumor in danger, and specializes in stealing a wretched generation.

After having lunch, Peng Heart is already high, and I have to go to the aftertaste. Before I go, I will entrust my disciples to entertain Chen Hao.

The big disciple arranged Chen Hao and the flower dance two rooms, sleeping a nap, waiting for other activities after two o'clock.

"You're welcome."

Chen Hao also took the guest to rest in the room.

But the dance can be the owner of the idle, just squeezing into Chen Hao's room, and it is not a happiness, anyway, and Chen Hao will be happy with Chen Hao.

"I think this Peng family is not bad, the roasting pig and the dragon soup are very delicious, great." Flower dance said.

"If you like it, go back, let Xia Jing give us to eat."

Chen Hao has a subsidy of 10 billion. Although the release of Dragon is not good, but there is still a spare goods in the area of ​​the season. When you want to eat, you can buy it, Chen Hao believes that Xia Jia is born, it should be a flying dragon soup. Correct.

"Okay, this is really not white, I am so happy!" When I danced, I sat next to Chen Hao, holding him a arm, and starting to spoilers in his shoulder.

"Oh, this is also the purpose I took you, the total house is not good." Chen Hao said.

"It's not that I want to be a house, and the big winter is really don't want to go out. I have mastered the tricks. So just at home, but I still have deposits, I will not eat your soft rice, rest assured "The flower dance focuses on.

"Oh, you talk to me, don't use it so clearly, miss the brother," Chen Hao smiled at her. "

"Do you really take me as your sister?"

The flower dance suddenly looked up and looked at Chen Hao asked.

"Of course, is there any questions about this?" Chen Hao's answer.

When the flower dance did not speak, when the head was low, I didn't have time to be happy. She didn't like Chen Hao's sister, she hoped to be a more intimate relationship.

However, as far as the current situation, this is just a luxury.

The two rest in the afternoon, under the arrangement of the disciple, the living room in the morning, Peng's door is also coming, accompanying those people who have lunch, but Peng's hand has a high-tech , The brow is picturesque, the long hair, the age is about twenty, the eyes are sharp and cold, and there is no sentence.

Peng's door did not introduce the identity of this girl, Chen Hao did not pay too much attention.

But the dance dance is a little interest in except for the scene, there is a bit of interest, and you will have a few eyes.

This high-picking girl also saw a flower dance. This is to look at the light horns. I chose ignored, and her pair of lives have been quietly observing Chen Hao.

Her eyes are complicated, it seems not to watch handsome guys, and some purposes.

At this time, Peng's head did not have a guest, but a direct entry entry: "Chen Hao Xiao brother, I heard that you have a modern metal weapon, quite magic, can you let me know?"

Chen Haoxin moves, with a thought, are they invited to the metal whipworthy?

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