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Fax! "

The killer was continuously attacked. The head has turned into a faint, and I have seen the ghost. I have been playing with Chen Hao before, how did this suddenly see it?

He is also very wisdom. After the line of viewing Chen Hao once again, it will directly go back to another knife, not let Chen Hao attack his neck.

Although his bones are very hard, after the transformation of genetics, it is still a fungus, and the cervical vertebra is turned into a fighter, and the control sight cannot be done, and it is likely to lose the control of the limbs. Directly, it is equivalent to death.

The killer's pre-judgment, really limits Chen Hao's attack, in order to solve the hidden dangers of the dagger, Chen Hao decided to get the white blade.

He rely with a sharp speed, a "killing chicken monkeys" and seizes the killer's wrist.

When the killer is in the back of Chen Hao, it is not good for his wrist, and then Chen Hao has used the exquisite tricks of the drama, accounting for the initiative, and the handsome hands will give the killer's knife wrist. At 90 degrees, the bones did not say that even the muscle tissue was destroyed.

The killer has no pain, but the wrist is still not able to do it, and the right hand wrist will pull down, and the dagger will fall into the grass.

Now Chen Hao is doubled under the role of the disease, and his speed beyond the killer muscle reaction time, so it is subject to it.

This killer lost the dagger. Chen Hao did not have to take a scruple, and then the attack of the killer was shocking.

His fist bombarded all the killers, and he made him constantly appearing hard. This also specially carried out the killer's cervical vertebra. Chen Hao is to accumulate injuries. As long as you interrupt his cervical vertebra, then even the victory.

The killer is also aware of bad, and the madness counterattack, but he only has one hand, it is not Chen Hao's opponent, just struggling in dying.

Chen Hao took the attack more fierce. He wanted to end the battle before the end of the festival, so he was more embarrassed. He saw the "Wing Chun" with "Wing Chun", the short boxing taste, only ten seconds, In the middle of the killer, more than 20 boxes, let the killer can only be passive, but can't counterattack.

"Is it still constantly?"

Chen Hao seized the opportunity, jumping up a right punch, with an impact, killing the killer's neck.


This time, it's a sudden sound. When the killers suddenly suddenly, the whole body was stiff, plus the head and squatted down, the body was still moving.

Chen Hao finally continued to hit, covering the self-healing ability of the killer, and breaking his cervical vertebrae.

This transformation is not ok, his spinal nerve is interrupted, and it has become a waste.

Chen Hao returned, he wanted to hurt the poodle. He immediately gave the killer's limbs to twisted, then bought a strong nylon rope from the billion subsidies, and tied the killer tied a pig's trottery buckle. Not afraid that he is re-resurrected.

"Pattern, can he still have to act?"

Chen Hao recruited a sentence.

However, he only heard the footsteps behind, but he didn't have anyone, look back, but he saw the appearance of the fragrant pig.

"what happened?"

Chen Hao asked.

"How are you so powerful?" Yan Yan muttered.

The so-called bystander is quite strong, but only in Chen Hao is only in the hands of a few minutes, it is made into a waste, and Chen Hao is only an ordinary person's identity.

This is a member of the Panolong organizational member. It is an incomprehensible thing. Generally speaking, 1 transformation person can kill hundreds of ordinary people, but now let Chen Haosheng have been exhausted, subvert her. Awareness.

"Don't use it, see if he can resurrect."

Chen Hao did not deal with the experience of transformation, and did not know that the other party was not solved.

"Don't worry, Level 1 transformation is not a superman, the cervical vertebra is broken, and he has no counterattack."

The pigs came down to explore the killer, found the signal shielding device, after destroying, the signal communication of this piece was restored.

The positioning device belt on the shackles automatically sent a coordinate, and the pig said: "Wait for a while, my colleague will pick us up."

"I will take you, my car is outside, I have to go back." Chen Hao said.

"Thank you today, you saved me!"

The pig pigs extended their hands, thank Chen Hao's savior.

"You are welcome, after all, you have saved me once, I am thinking about it."

Chen Hao answered the way very high, so that the pigs will not be so embarrassed.

"Oh, one yard is aligned, no matter how it is dealt, I will prepare a thank you."

Pigs and Chen Hao handshake.

The sound of the helicopter, the colleague of the pigs arrived, and several people have suited down. After understanding the situation, they bring the shackles and the transformation killer helicopter, and some people stay in the scene, and Perform the necessary detection.

Originally, they had to take Chen Hao to go back to understand the situation, but there are a pig guarantee, and those soldiers in silver uniforms are not entangled, and they will leave Chen Hao.

Chen Hao returned to the mountain, opened his Hummer, slowly returned to the city.

On the road, Chen Hao heard a rummer of "" in his mobile phone, it seems to be a reward, he quickly opened the VR mode for viewing.

"Complete emergency rescue mission, reward spell spree, points 100."

The score is of course a lot of benefits, but this spell gift package Chen Hao is very excited, I opened it on the spot.

Get a strife * 2.

A lightning error * 2 is obtained.

Get flame * 2.

Get cold cooker * 2.

Get the giant character * 2.

Get the petrochemical value * 2.


Chen Hao is developed, and it is easy to buy and can't buy a spell, which has sent each two, and there are still many varieties that have not been seen.

For example, flame characters can release the fire, the ice can condense the ice, the giant power can make people live in a short time, the hateless, the petrochemicals make people feel hard, such as iron, improve the defense.

These spells have their own use, and it is very good to determine the victory of fighting. It is a good é.

Plus 100 points, the gain is very considerable, this urgent task although the nine deaths, but the value, the compensation is quite rich.

When Chen Hao returned to the city, he was already noon. He called Zhou Xi Tong on the car. After all, he wanted nothing in the morning, afraid of girlfriend misunderstanding.

"Nothing, I know that you are busy, do things do it?" Zhou Xi asked carefully, and she was working in the International.

"Have it, it is perfect." Chen Hao said with a laughed.

He did not say things, afraid that Zhou Xi is worried, and the Pan Long organization where the pig is located is not suitable for others to know.

"That's good, then I am busy first, pick me up at night."

Zhou Xitong also had metaphor, Chen Hao listened, it is the meaning of HAPPY in the evening, after all, she bought it just a 2B small sister's clothes, always changed one day, wearing it to Chen Hao.

The woman is a pleasant, and Zhou Xi Tong's finish is in Chen Hao, of course, will find ways to make my boyfriend happy.

Chen Hao can't help but look forward to it, I don't know what to COS tonight, anyway, he likes it.

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