I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 771 is visiting in the morning

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Original Chen Hao is very good, but it has ushered in a bad news after returning to the city.

The traffic police called Chen Hao called the phone, let him take the initiative to report, accept penalties, today's driver's license has been deducted 288 points, but also suspected of dangerous driving social, the crime will not be light, anyway, the driver's license is iron to be revoked.

Chen Hao is also in anxious. After all, after all, Chen Hao will be in the evening. Maybe Zhizhu will encounter danger, this kind of violation of traffic regulations, there is no serious accident, not too big, find someone to deal with, or re-examine One can take the driver's license back.

Chen Hao called a person who came to the traffic mouth, and the relationship took this kind of thing, intended to send some gifts, it is best to make a small matter.

However, this acquaintance, I will call Chen Hao at the afternoon, and feedback said that in the system, Chen Hao did not have any violation record.

"you sure?"

Chen Hao felt implied, he was so speedy, and he also received a call from the traffic police team, confirmed that it was brewed. Is this acquaintance to see his ID number?

The acquaintance replied: "Yes, I query twice, you do have no violation record, don't believe you can log in to the App in Query."

Chen Hao logged in to local service, and queried his own violation entry, showing a blank, explaining that he did not have violations.

Previous traffic police just played, and he did violate the regulations, it is normal, it is impossible to be a blank, but now happened, then, some people will flatten this, God does not know the ghost.

In the past, I found an acquaintance to settle traffic violations. How much is it to pay for a fine, and a driver's license is deducted, but I have to send a gift to each other, even if I use money to buy a penny.

However, there is no trace in this violation, it is too clean, and it is not conforming to the common sense.

Chen Haistro slightly, suddenly thought of a person, it is a piggy, and only the dragon organization behind her, it seems to have such a large energy, can change the data of traffic violations.

Chen Hao had a pig's mobile phone, but she wants to have been hit in the morning. It may be unstable, and it is not for this little thing to bother her. Anyway, it is a good thing. Who is helping, always Will contact him.

Truth, Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, Chen Hao mobile phone suddenly received a text message, it was the shackles sent.

"Dachen, I didn't expect you to save me, I have opened the car, I will help you eloate the violation, and I will visit the door tomorrow."

Sure enough, this violation is that the rodge pigs are made, and you can also see the official background of her organization, strong and mysterious, Baidu searched, confidential work is good.

Since she is coming tomorrow, she can arrange her to taste the summer chef's food in their own hotel, and entertain the big beauty behind the background.

Time is very fast, Chen Hao took Zhou Xi Tong to get off work, two people ate a candlelight dinner, and then returned to the community, which is their reservation show.

Zhou Xi Tong is still the old process, holding a new clothes to the bathroom, after the white is washed, put it on the clothes, and the statement is coming out.

Today, Xuanxi wears a blue dress, wearing a small hat, the leg is a meat stockings, this is a standard flight attendant dress.

"Mr. Hello, welcome to South Airlines."

Zhou Xi came to a scene, giving Chen Hao.

"so similar."

Chen Hao was praised, then said: "Wife is afraid of the most beautiful flight attendant in history, I would rather be a plane every day."

"Oh, you will boast me."

Zhou Xi Tong smiled.

Subsequently, she also had small programs, prepared some snacks and beverages, with the tray, and asked Chen Hao to eat something.

To COS flight attendant, of course, it is necessary to come in place, and the service consciousness is good.

"Cola, don't add ice." Chen Hao said.

"Good Mr."

Zhou Xitong poured a happy water for him, Chen Hao drunk, and then rely on the sofa, appreciate his pretty good girlfriend.

There is a girlfriend who can play and play, is really fortunate.

"Do you need any service?" Zhou Xi continued to ask.

"I need a restricted service." Chen Hao said, the big hand put her calf.

It is really a top-level enjoyment.

"This service will be available later." Zhou Xi Tong said that he can't help but say.

"But I can't wait, now it is!"

Chen Hao took her legs and hugged Zhou Xi Tong into the bedroom in the form of princess.

The so-called spring is short, Chen Hao wants to cherish every time, timely fun. (Omitted 8293 words)

The two toss themselves in midnight, more expensive, more is full of satisfaction.

Try a few new fancy today, Zhou Xitong is getting more and more open in front of Chen Haoshi, so that the two have a better experience, it is easy to be happy, after a few days, Chen Ha is afraid to be destined to worry Kidney.

Fortunately, he played a five birds every day, and the essence of the body lost back, otherwise it would be back pain.

The two hugged each other, slept in the morning, but at 1 o'clock in the morning, Chen Hao placed on the bedside mobile phone suddenly lit, there is a message tone.

Chen Hao is a person in practice, and when he is sleeping, it will open his eyes.

He sets a mobile phone. When you sleep at night, the number of strangers and ordinary friends is shielded. Late night can send news, indicating that it is an important friend, Chen Hao squinted, pick up the mobile phone.

"I have already arrived at your home, can you leave your warm bed, come out?"

This is the news sent by the pig.

Chen Hao is a question mark, which is doubting to be wrong. Now it is not 1 o'clock in the morning, and the pig pigs said that they came home tomorrow ...

Chen Hao suddenly understood the date on his mobile phone. He has been zero at midnight. Now it is true for the next day, and the pig is not wrong.

However, Chen Hao has never seen it in the middle of the door, and it is also a pig himself. After all, she will fly to the building of the community.

This time she still uses the key to enter the house directly, and the same thing as flowers.

Chen Hao took the girlfriend from the nest, and saw the little white flower, the jade body was shocked, and he covered the quilt for her. He wently put on the nightgown, cautiously opened the door to the living room.

In the living room, I found that the pig is sitting on the sofa, looking at Chen Hao.

"I said, are you organizing such a visitor?" Chen Hao spits to her.

The pigs said: "Please include more, after all, we have a confidential regulations, I have equipment, convenient at night."

"Forget it, come here in the morning, not to come to simply chat." Chen Hao asked her.

"Of course, I am not coming to chat, I am coming to thank you."

Pig pigs take out a black crypton box, put on the table, listen to the dull voice, some components.

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