I actually became a god eater

Chapter 15: A Short Rest

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After the first unit drove away the god Xuanwu, Li Lan immediately ordered Liu Shiqian to track Xuanwu.

Unfortunately, Xuanwu lost its track on the satellite radar after escaping to the mountainous area.

"Lieutenant Colonel."

Liu Shiqian looked back at Li Lan: "Xuanwu's reaction has disappeared. Maybe it hid in a ravine."

"Forget it."

Li Lan rubbed his eyes and said, "Mark the disappearance position, and then immediately withdraw all troops."

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."

After Liu Shiqian responded, she immediately started working.

One hour later, except for the four God Eaters who left the reconnaissance squad to guard the damaged position of the defensive wall, all the God Eaters returned to the command room of the Southern Division.

"You guys did a great job."

The head of the branch stood in front of everyone and said: "Whether it is the defense branch or counterattack Xuanwu, you have done your best."

Speaking of this, Minister Zhi looked at Li Bo and the others who were sitting on the front right with a tired face.

When Li Fengzheng worried that Minister Branch would criticize them, the Minister Branch smiled: "Especially the first unit. Because of their fighting, we were able to rescue a large number of people in Area A1. Here, I only represent the Southern Division The Ministry thanked them."

After a routine speech, the branch minister left the command room to applause.

After the branch director left, Li Lan yawned and said, "Except for the first unit, the other units are disbanded on the spot."

Being specially stayed by Li Lan, Li Feng and Lu Erxi's hearts were beating.

On the other hand, Li Bo and the three of them.

Li Bo looked helplessly at the ceiling, Su Qingyun seemed almost unable to open his eyes, and Liu Jian kept the poker face as usual.

To say that it is different, it is probably that everyone's faces are full of fatigue at this time.

"I know that you have reached your limit in fighting all night."

Li Lan yawned again: "But...I still have to say something to you."

"Can you please hurry up?"

Li Bo's slightly rascal face appeared again at this time: "I'm almost sleepy, but I'm so tired...Dear Lieutenant Colonel."

"Well, I know, me too."

Li Lan also stayed up all night, she rarely put on a stinky face: "The oracle cells seized from Xuanwu in your magic machine and the fragments shot from Xuanwu will be studied as soon as possible."

After a short pause, Li Lan went on to say: "In short, you did a good job this time. So from now until this time tomorrow, your team is on vacation."

"Ha~~ I want to sleep for one day..."

When he heard the news of the "holiday" day, Li Bo smiled: "This is the best news I have ever heard."


Su Qingyun agreed and yawned: "So sleepy! Lieutenant Colonel, can you disband?"

"Ha~~ it's okay."

Li Lan waved his hand and said, "You can rest and go."

Hearing Li Lan's words, Li Bo and the others immediately stood up and planned to leave.

"That...Lieutenant Colonel."

When Li Lan was about to call Liu Shiqian, Li Feng stopped her: "That...about..."

"What are you doing?"

Li Lan looked back at Li Feng puzzled: "Li Feng Liebing, what else do you have?"


Li Feng lowered his head, like a kid who made a mistake: "I disobeyed your order, I ask for punishment."

As soon as the word "defying orders" was uttered, Lu Erxi shouted: "That, Lieutenant Colonel, and me."

"You two rookies shut up for me."

Li Bo walked up to the two and reprimanded: "What qualifications do you have to ask for punishment? Step aside!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Bo faced Li Lan and said: "Lieutenant Colonel, my subordinates are not strict in management. Please punish me as the captain. No matter what kind of punishment, it is directed at me."

"Haha~ I forgot about it if you don't mention it."

Li Lan yawned again, and then suddenly raised his face and said: "I didn't notice any of you defying orders. What are you punishing you for? If you want to crusade against the famine gods and apply for it yourself, there is no need to find such a boring one. Excuses."

After saying this, Li Lan threw a stunned Li Feng and they turned their heads and shouted: "It's off work, Shi Qian."

"Hey, here it comes."

After Liu Shiqian handed over her work to her successor, she left the command room with Li Lan.

Before leaving, Li Lan winked at Li Bo specially.


Seeing Li Lan's small movements, Li Bo also blinked at her and laughed out loud.

When he walked out of the command room, Li Feng noticed that Liu Shiqian made a mischievous expression to them and reached out to say "OK".

"How is this going?"

Li Feng was confused: "I obviously..."

"Ah~ That's what it is."

Li Bo patted Li Feng on the shoulder while leaving with Su Qingyun: "In short, this is the case, don't think too much."

"But... Boge..."

Lu Erxi also wrote "stunned" all over his face: "We are not..."

"Don't think about it~"

Su Qingyun waved her back to the two of them: "Go back to bed~ I'm going to die."

"Huh, I knew it."

Abandoning these words, Liu Jian once again smiled and left the command room.

Seeing them leaving behind, neither Li Feng nor Lu Erxi understood what was going on.

After returning to his room, Li Feng could no longer hold it.

Although he wanted to take a shower before going to sleep, the erosion of sleepiness caused Li Feng to fall asleep on the bed.

At the same time, in a certain airspace, a transport plane is flying in the air.

"time to eat."

In the empty cabin, a 50-year-old man placed a dinner plate in front of a man listening to music with his head covered in a jumpsuit: "Are you hungry?"

"Thank you." As soon as the other party spoke, a gentle and beautiful girl voice came out: "How long before we reach the Southern Region Branch?"

"It will probably take a few hours."

The man sat beside her and said, "Is it boring to fly for a long time?"


The girl did not take off her hoodie. She sat up and said, "I want to act from the ground more than flying in a plane."

"Forget it, this time it is also a normal transfer."

The man patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let's eat something first."

"Thank you, Teacher Steiner."

The girl picked up the spoon on the dinner plate and asked as she ate, "Now, Mr. Steiner. I have a question."

"what happened?"

Steiner asked gently, "What did you think of?"

"It's about the Southern Division."

The girl stopped her hand and asked: "I heard that Captain Li Bo is a super God Eater?"

"Ah~ You mean him?"

Steiner smiled and said: "I heard that it is not only Li Bo, but the first unit of the Southern Division is said to be elite god-eaters!"


Hearing this statement, the girl's mouth showed a smile: "I really want to hear that they have a very powerful novice God Eater?"

"Well, it is."

Steiner recalled carefully: "I remember as if he had killed a Valzheluo alone in order to save his teammates."

"Well~ it sounds pretty good." Biquge novel www.lifankus.com

The girl continued to eat again, and while eating, she said, "Nah~ Teacher Steiner. Do you think...Will the kid be very strong?"

"That newbie?"

Steiner thought for a while and said, "According to the news just now, I am afraid he is not weak! It is said that he also assisted the first unit of the Southern Division to repel Xuanwu. Maybe ~ stronger than you. ."

"Don't be kidding, Teacher Steiner."

Upon hearing this statement, the girl showed a triumphant smile on her face: "You should know that there can be no God Eater stronger than me in this world. Even Li Bo will sooner or later be surpassed by me. "

"That's natural."

Steiner stroked the girl's shoulder with a look of pity, and said: "We, Carolli, must be the strongest god-eater, there is no one."

Back to Li Feng's side.

After falling asleep, Li Feng once again came to the magnificent hall.

"Welcome back~ handsome...Oh!"

Before the beauty was finished, Li Feng's hand knife greeted him: "Why?"

"It's enough!"

Li Feng yelled at the beautiful woman angrily: "I don't care if you are a female nerve or a female idiot, why don't you tell me so much useful information?"

"What did I not tell you?"

The beauty covered her head and asked with tearful eyes: "I should have told you what I should tell you."

"What about the legacy of the magic machine?"

Li Feng put his hands on his chest and asked, "What about the liberation of the magic machine? Why didn't you tell me about these key foundations?"

"You didn't ask."

The beauty turned aggrieved: "I thought you knew."

"I know you a hammer! You female nerve!"

I don't know why, Li Feng is usually shy and speechless when facing a beautiful woman alone, but facing this self-proclaimed goddess, Li Feng does not have any questions: "How can you be a female nerve? "

"Then what else do you want to know now?"

The beauty was shocked by Li Feng's voice. She withdrew a few meters away and asked: "As long as there are no special questions involved, I know everything."

"Forget it, nothing more."

Li Feng said angrily: "By the way, as a female nerve, can you open a plug-in for me?"

"Open the plug-in?"

The beauty was stunned after hearing the words: "What plug-in?"

"Help me modify the credit points and materials."

Li Feng put forward his own request: "Now I am using R1 Fenrir-style weapons. Even if I want to upgrade and upgrade, I have no material or credit."

"This is not allowed!"

Upon hearing this request, the beauty walked to the cover of Li and started the preaching mode: "Your life now is like you are playing a game, and you can grow up by yourself by walking step by step. If you use this despicable method, how can you grow? "

"speak English."

Regarding preaching, Li Feng has never caught a cold: "You talk to me again and I will beat you up."

"Just can't do it."

The beauty stretched out her index fingers and fiddled with her chest: "Even if I am a goddess, this kind of cheating is not allowed by the Lord God."

"Hey, is it just a female nerve?"

Li Feng squinted at the beauty, his eyes full of discomfort: "Forget it, from the first glance I know you are not reliable at all."

"What makes me unreliable?"

When the beauty heard this, she became a little angry: "I am a goddess! How can you say that the goddess is unreliable?"

"Without further ado."

Li Feng hit the beautiful woman with a knife again: "Let's talk, what do you want me to do here suddenly?"

"It's about some tips."

The beauty clutched her head and said, "My Lord Lord said, Chi Yu will appear afterwards, asking you to pay attention."

"Chi Yu?"

When Li Feng heard this word, he hesitated: "You mean the red rain that the earth drops to find a new node?"


The beauty nodded: "Your current timeline is at the node where Xiou left the earth to terraform the moon, and then the red rain has not yet started."

"Garification of the Moon..."

Li Feng thought about it carefully, and then asked: "In other words, the earth will soon find that the end-predator node disappears, and is it ready to enter the stage of manufacturing the node?"


The goddess nodded and said, "Probably that's it. I don't really know when Chiyu and Black Spider Disease will come."

"Will I be infected?"

Li Feng was silent for a moment and asked, "Where are the people in the Southern Region Branch?"


The beauty stretched out a finger and explained: "Although I wanted to modify your body so that you would not be infected by black spider disease, I found that doing so would have more disgusting results."

"The fitness of the oracle cells has decreased."

Before the beauty could say it, Li Feng said it himself: "Black spider disease appeared on the earth to create nodes. Only wild gods or completely unsuitable species cannot be infected with black spider disease, right?"

"The answer is correct~"

The beauty smiled brilliantly and said: "So, because your fitness was changed to the highest by me, you will definitely be infected if you are not careful!"

"Sure enough."

Li Feng seems to have known this answer a long time ago. He didn't give the beauty a hand knife but covered his face: "You must be lost to your female nerves. It's really vivid."

"Anything else you want to ask?"

The beauty looked up and said, "The time to meet is over."

"What about the settings?"

Li Feng immediately asked, "I understand the timeline now. Have you told me about the settings of Shenji and other settings?"

"It should be similar to the game you are playing now."

After thinking about it for a while, the beauty said: "The new magic machines in your game will be developed soon. Then you only need to apply for replacement."

"Is everything the same as the game?"

Li Feng continued to ask: "Where is the god of desolation? What about gods, mutants and subspecies?"

"In addition to originality."

The beauty went on to explain: "This world is not a game after all. There will be a variety of original wild gods that this world has. I don't know the specific abilities of those wild gods."

"For example, Xuanwu?"

Li Feng fell into contemplation after hearing this: "In other words, a powerful god like Xuanwu that has never appeared in the game will gradually appear, right?"

"Will do."

The beauty nodded: "After all, there is a unique ecology and evolutionary chain here, so an independent wild god will definitely evolve."

"Got it."

Li Feng waved his hand and said, "The last question."

"Just ask."

The beauty regained her smile: "Knowing everything is answered!"

"What's your name?"

At this time, Li Feng asked an unexpected question: "I have seen you several times, but I don't know your name."


The beauty was taken aback for a moment, and then she said a name that made Li Feng's heart unforgettable: "My name is Verdandi."


Hearing the name of the goddess, Li Fenggang wanted to say something, but he woke up: "That female nerve..."

Sitting on his bed, Li Feng frowned and said to himself: "Is one of the three goddesses who will be in charge of the future... so it is..."

In today’s update, a female character modeled after Alyssa Irina Amiella appeared.Of course, I just arranged her as the heroine.However, her experience is not like Alyssa!Moreover, her character can be a lot worse than Lisa in a sense.As for where the bad things are, please watch them patiently.Also, I specifically asked Verdandy to say her name for future arrangements.Presumably smart readers will be able to guess some clues very quickly~ :)

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