You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After sleeping all morning, at noon, Li Feng came to the rest area.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator, Li Feng saw Li Bo and the three of them standing next to the vending machine.

"Yo, rookie."

Because the location of Li Bo station just happened to be able to see the elevator, Li Bo immediately greeted Li Feng: "Have you got enough sleep?"


Li Feng scratched his head and walked to the three of them and asked, "Boge, what are you doing?"

"Oh~ just nothing to do."

Li Bo smiled and said, "We are discussing whether we will go out to find fault in the afternoon."

"Find the fault?"

Li Feng obviously did not understand the meaning of Li Bo's words: "What is the fault?"

"Just go hunting."

Su Qingyun explained with a smile: "Rather than watching TV and drinking something to rest in the lounge or restaurant, we prefer to go outside to find trouble with the gods."

"So this is ah."

Li Feng looked at the new clothes on the three of them, and then at the Fenrir uniforms he was wearing: "No wonder you have to change clothes all day long. I can only wear the allotted uniform."

"The credit is good, and the material is good."

Li Bo smiled and said, "These are all things we need to go outside to hunt the wild gods."

"That's what I said~"

Li Feng smiled bitterly: "It seems that I also want to consider going with you."

"Ah, yes, rookie."

Li Bo suddenly thought of something like: "Did you read the email just now?"

"Mail? What mail?"

Li Feng dumbfounded: "What's the matter?"

"Ah, nothing big."

Li Bo pointed to a terminal not far away and said: "I heard Liu Shiqian say that you two have been authorized to upgrade and modify your magic machine, and it seems that you are authorized to change your aerial predation and fast predation style."

"Is that so?"

Li Feng hurriedly walked to the terminal upon hearing this: "I'll go and see."

Looking at Li Feng’s excited back, Li Bo added: "Novice, if you are interested in participating in the afternoon garden tour, remember to find us first! We will be in the restaurant until 1500."

"Got it~"

Li Feng, who had already gone far, turned his head back and responded and then continued to the terminal.

When he came to the terminal, Li Feng first verified his hand and bracelet, and then started the self-management mode.

"Let me take a look."

Li Feng clicked on "Divine Machine Management", and he whispered excitedly: "Is it okay like a game..."

When the data was opened, a dazzling array of divine machine enhancement and transformation materials appeared before his eyes.

At the same time, all the materials and rewards he had obtained before also jumped out.


Although there are materials on hand and credit points, Li Feng also noticed that there are not many: "This is not good."

Li Feng took a closer look at the transformations and some auxiliary abilities that could be added to the magic machine: "I have some small wild god materials on hand, and the transformation and upgrading are not very sufficient. It seems that I have to run out more for a stroll."

"Yo, Li Feng."

When Li Fengzheng was worried about how to toss, Lu Erxi walked to his side: "What's wrong? What are you studying?"

"The transformation and upgrading of the magic machine."

Li Feng replied bitterly: "Although I have set up a predator style just now, the materials at hand are really not enough for me to modify a few times. And..."

Li Feng pointed to the legacy magic machine he had on hand and said: "Look at what this stuff is? Is there a difference between installing it and not installing it?"

"It's not a big difference."

Lu Erxi also smiled bitterly and said: "I have been tossing for a while, but it should be possible to change some situations."

"How did you do it?"

Li Feng asked curiously: "I can refer to it for reference?"

"Of course it's an upgrade."

Lu Erxi pointed to the three Li Bo standing in the distance and said: "Boge and they told me that the ability of the magic machine will be qualitatively improved after the upgrade. If the ability of the magic machine itself cannot be guaranteed, what is the significance of the transformation? Ok?"

"There's no way."

When Li Feng heard this, he had no choice but to scratch his head: "It's true, first upgrade the magic machine as much as possible on the basis of what can be done, otherwise, I will meet the difficult guy like Xuanwu again, jingle. It's so unhappy."

Thinking of this, Li Feng pressed the option to "upgrade the magic machine".

"There is also the support ability."

Lu Erxi pointed to the terminal screen and said: "The resistance of various attribute attacks, the replacement of the magic machine type, whether the magic machine itself has attribute attacks or something, you just look at the material."

While watching Lu Erxi say there, Li Feng said helplessly in his heart: "Oh my God, it feels like you need a liver more than in the game!"

Finally, with the help of Lu Erxi, the magic machine was fixed with the existing materials, but the time displayed afterwards made Li Feng a little puzzled.

"It takes 2 hours to remodel?"

Li Feng looked at the time and shouted, "So long?"

"It's normal."

Lu Erxi smiled and said, "You have to give people in the technical class time to transform according to your needs? But I can tell you first, the higher your requirements, the more time you need!"

"Hey, helpless."

Li Feng complained and turned off the terminal and walked to the restaurant: "Now, Lu Erxi, have you eaten?"


Lu Erxi replied with a grin while standing there, "Go eat, and I'll come and play with you later."

After dinner in the restaurant, Li Feng didn't know what to do for a while, so he sat bored in the restaurant while drinking a drink while watching the news.

At this moment, Li Bo's voice came in his ear: "What? Shot down? What do you mean?"


Su Qingyun's voice also came: "All in all, the problem is very big now. The second unit has gone to the expedition to recover the core for maintenance. The first and second defense teams are responsible for shift guards."

"Hey, did you suffer from insufficient manpower again?"

Li Bo's complaint sounded again: "What should I do? Didn't the old lady give an order?"


Su Qingyun replied very simply: "For these information, I still listen to Shiqian."

"This is really a headache."

Li Bo said embarrassedly: "Anyway, let's go see the old sister first."

Having said this, Li Bo and Su Qingyun left the restaurant anxiously.

Although Li Feng was also very curious about what was going on, the two of them didn't call themselves, and he was a new recruit, so he suppressed his curiosity and continued to stay in the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the command room, Li Bo shouted: "Lieutenant Colonel, I heard someone needs rescue?"

"Aren't you supposed to rest?"

Li Lan asked without looking back, "Why come to the command room?"

"Ah, do you actually know that?"

Li Bo walked behind Li Lan and scratched his head: "How is the transport plane?"

"Not very good."

Li Lan looked at the satellite tactical map intently and said, "Don't you know if you look up?"

With Li Lan's permission, Li Bo carefully looked at the map on the big screen.

At this look, Li Bo took a breath.

It turned out that there were a lot of Aragami reactions near the area where the transport plane crashed.

"Isn't this the same as falling into the Desolate God's Den?"

Looking at the densely packed Desolate God's beacons, Li Bo also expressed surprise: "Can you save this situation?"

"should be no problem."

Li Lan pointed to the podium in front of him and said, "You know it when you come here."

When they came to the podium, Li Bo and Su Qingyun noticed that in addition to the reaction of the gods, there was a beacon of the god-eater bracelet at the crash site.

"There is a God Eater?"

Su Qingyun was surprised when she saw the beacon: "What is the transport plane carrying?"

"A group of people."

Li Lan's tone was as indifferent as ever: "There is also a God Eater transferred from the Eastern European branch to our side."

"Ahhhhhhhh~" Eighteenth Novel

The expression on Li Bo's face now added a hint of helplessness: "I said Lieutenant Colonel, how about this situation we must send reinforcements?"

"How to send?"

Li Lan looked at the two of them: "Now you are the only two of you who can move God Eater. Just now, Liu Jian received a task personally assigned by Minister Branch."

"Is there a substitute?"

Li Bo pointed to the podium: "Those two rookies should also be able to send some..."

"Lu Erxi took time off and went back."

Li Lan shook his head and said, "His magical machine also needs to be adjusted. It is impossible to go out within 7 hours."

"What about the other one?"

A smirk appeared on Li Bo's face: "The other magical machine seems to be almost complete, right?"

"Are you sure?"

Li Lan did not answer Li Bo's question, but instead asked: "Although he has talent, he is still a rookie after all."

"Who knows?"

Li Bo kept a smirk: "Maybe it's okay."

Forty minutes later, Li Bo boarded the helicopter with Su Qingyun and Li Feng.

"Ah~ there is no way."

After the helicopter took off, Su Qingyun complained: "I wanted to earn some money to buy things, but this will all be a waste."

"Stop complaining."

Li Bo smiled and comforted: "Anyway, this mission's credit point is quite high, so let's take it as a slight compensation."

After listening to Li Bo's words, Su Qingyun said nothing, but showed a mischievous face to Li Bo.

After a period of flying, the three people came to the vicinity of the crash site.


Looking at the wreckage of the transport plane below and the large number of small gods eating the wreckage, Li Bo smiled helplessly: "This is really troublesome..."


Su Qingyun looked at the following situation seriously and said: "There are hundreds of small wild gods below. Although the threat is not high, the number is too big, right?"

"Are you here?"

In the communication, Li Lan's voice came: "Can you see the survivors?"

"Survived a ghost."

Li Bo said strangely: "Lieutenant Colonel, if you see the scene, I'm afraid you won't ask such questions."

Li Bo was right. Li Lan couldn't see the scene so he didn't know.

In addition to the wreckage of the transport plane, there were also the wreckage of several fighter jets not far away from the crash site.

Not to mention that these metal remains are being eaten by the gods, and even the remains of the dead, the gods are fighting for food and tearing like wild animals.

In addition, a lot of supplies that seemed to be transported were dropped near the wreckage of the transport plane.

However, the material box seemed to be coated with oracle cells, and the gods did not cause any damage to the materials.

"Do you want to recycle supplies?"

After determining the location of the material box, Li Bo asked: "The material box seems to be well preserved, although some seem to be a little damaged."

"Materials are second, the first is to recover the god-eater."

Li Lan responded immediately: "The signal of the bracelet of the God Eater is 5 kilometers northwest. Go and take a look."

"Oh oh oh~"

Li Bo patted the driver's shoulder and said, "Lieutenant Colonel, I think you'd better not hope too much."

The helicopter flew near the band signal, Li Bo immediately asked everyone to observe the underground situation carefully.

Because of the raging gods, this piece of land has long been red.

It seems that it hasn't rained for a long time. With the dry land and the constant hot wind, it may not be easy to leave marks on the ground.

Fortunately, there are relatively flat areas around here, and it is not too difficult to search.


Upon closer observation, Li Feng seemed to find that something was different.

"What's wrong, rookie."

Li Bo rubbed his sore eyes and asked, "What did you find?"

"There seems to be a trace of drag."

Li Feng pointed to the ground and said, "At three o'clock, can you see if it is a drag mark?"

"Go and see."

Li Bo patted Su Qingyun on the shoulder and came to Li Feng's side.

"It's definitely a drag mark."

Using the sight on her eyes, Su Qingyun immediately confirmed the traces Li Feng saw: "Although it is not very clear, it should not be wrong."

"Then go down."

Li Bo picked up the magic machine and said, "Helicopters are running out of fuel. Let's go first and ask for help when we find something."

After saying this, Li Bo jumped out of the cabin first.

"No way, no way."

Su Qingyun complained a few words, but still took the magic machine and followed Li Bo out of the cabin.

Both seniors jumped out, and Li Feng naturally jumped down too.

When he reached the ground, Li Bo immediately ran to the spot and squatted down.

"how about it?"

Su Qingyun asked while alert: "Really?"

"Well, that's right."

Li Bo took a piece of crushed mud in his hand and looked at it carefully, then sniffed it: "This mud should have just been turned out, and it hasn't been completely brittle."

While saying this, Li Bo crushed the small mud in his hand and looked in the direction where the trace extends: "It seems that the survivor should be nearby. Let's search carefully."

Although it is a search, how easy is it to find survivors on foot in this barren land?

After searching for a while, the three of them found nothing except for some messy footprints and various drag marks.

"It's troublesome this time."

Standing on a small bag of soil, Li Bo scratched his head embarrassedly: "Here is the sky and the earth. If there is no plane, I'm afraid it will take a few days to reap the rewards."

"not always."

Su Qingyun took out the portable terminal and looked at it and said: "The deviation of satellite positioning is about 2 kilometers. According to the signal, the other party should be very close to us. And..."

Speaking of this, Su Qingyun looked at the ruins of a city not far away.

"Hidden in the city?"

Following Su Qingyun's gaze, Li Bo also stared at the ruins: "I really escaped into a troublesome area."

Although complaining about the trouble, Li Bo led the two into the ruins.

After entering the ruins, Li Feng saw a place resembling a residential area.

"Um~~a suburban residential area?"

Li Bo took a cigarette and said with a smile: "Although it looks devastated and devastated, there seems to be a lot of good things to be recovered. Let's come here to wander around another day?"

"The premise is to complete the task first."

Su Qingyun looked around cautiously and said: "From the perspective of the damage, it is very likely that there is a desolate god here.

"Go forward cautiously."

Li Bo held the magic cat down his waist: "Be careful, don't act rashly!"

After searching in the residential area for a while, suddenly a dark figure flashed in a small alley nearby.

"There is a situation."

When Su Qingyun saw the black shadow, he immediately aimed at the black shadow's location and reminded the other two people.

Hearing Su Qingyun's voice, Li Bo and Li Feng immediately turned to look at Su Qingyun.

I saw Su Qingyun holding the magic machine in her right hand, and her left hand extended two fingers to point to her eyes first, and then point in one direction.

"Wild God?"

Li Feng asked in a low voice, "Or what?"

"I don't know yet."

Li Bo cautiously approached the direction indicated by Su Qingyun and said: "Rookie, you are on the other side, let's go and take a look first."

When the two came to the side of the alley and were about to rush in, a long knife-shaped magic machine first stretched out from the alley.

"Don't shoot."

After the magic machine stretched out, a young girl's voice also came out: "I am the God Eater..."

I have published several editions of today’s manuscript and I am not satisfied with it, so there may be the possibility that it will be posted late today or delayed until tomorrow.I once again apologize to the readers!

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