I actually became a god eater

Chapter 19 Liu Jian and Lu Erxi

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Just when Li Bo and the others went to rescue Zhongyuan Ying, Liu Jian came to Lu Erxi's house.

"Brother Jian?"

Opening the door and seeing Liu Jian standing outside, Lu Erxi was very surprised: "Why are you here?"

"There is a mission."

Liu Jian was as reticent as ever: "Follow me."

"Huh? Okay."

Lu Erxi turned around and said, "Brother Jian, wait for me, let me talk to my family."

Seeing Lu Erxi turned around to explain the back of his family, Liu Jian's eyes became a little strange.

A few minutes later, when Lu Erxi came out, he was holding a little girl who looked only four or five years old.

Looking at the Lu Erxi brothers and sisters, Liu Jian did not speak, but showed a confused expression.

"This is Brother Liu Jian."

Lu Erxi lowered her head and introduced to the little girl: "This is my brother's senior, Yu'er."

"Hello, Brother Liu Jian."

Before Liu Jian could behave, Yuer greeted him in her immature voice: "My name is Lu Yuer."

"Hello there."

Liu Jian hesitated, but he still spoke, "It's nice to meet you."

"shake hands."

Lu Yuer stretched out her small right hand to Liu Jian: "My friend wants to shake hands."


Seeing what Lu Yuer really looked like that day, Liu Jian squatted down and raised his right hand to hold her little hand with a slight smile: "Yeah."

"Brother Liu Jian."

Lu Yuer stared at Liu Jian innocently and asked, "Are you going to take my brother on the mission?"

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Jian said slowly, "Yes."

"You have to be careful!"

Lu Yuer smiled brightly and said, "Whether it is your brother or Liu Jian, you must be careful! You must come back safely, everyone is waiting for you to go home!"


Liu Jian's eyes dimmed at this time: "Well... everyone..."

Then he stood up and said to Lu Erxi, "Let's go."


Lu Erxi responded and knelt down to coax Lu Yuer: "Yu'er, go back to be with mom and dad, brother is leaving."

"Yeah! I'll be good."

Lu Yuer let go of the little hand that had been holding Lu Erxi and said, "Yuer will wait for my brother to come back."

After coaxing Lu Yuer, Lu Erxi stood up and said, "Let's go, Brother Jian."


After responding, Liu Jian led Lu Erxi away.

Lu Yuer stood at the door and waved goodbye to the two.

"It's so cute."

On the way back to the command building, Liu Jian took the initiative to speak for the first time: "Your sister."

Although he couldn't see Liu Jian's expression, Lu Erxi still judged from the heavy tone that he should be smiling.


Lu Erxi recalled his sister's usual things, and he couldn't help but smile: "Every time she sends me out, she will wait for me when I go home."

"Then don't die."

Liu Jian returned to his cold tone: "Come back alive."


Lu Erxi smiled and said, "I will not die."

After returning to the command building to receive the mission, Liu Jian and Lu Erxi left the branch and embarked on the journey.

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at the location designated by the mission.

Standing on a high place and looking down, there was a group of small wild gods wandering in the wasteland below.

"that's it."

Liu Jian looked at Huangshen's eyes with dissatisfaction: "Small...not large."

"Should I solve it?"

Seeing Liu Jian's expression, Lu Erxi volunteered and said: "If Brother Jian doesn't want to do it..."

"It's okay."

Liu Jian sorted out the magic machine and said, "Together."

Although his face was dissatisfied, after rushing to the vicinity of the Desolate God, Liu Jian still revealed his true nature as the nemesis of the Desolate God.

The huge Death God's sickle swung like flying in Liu Jian's hands as if weightless. The Desolate God was really dead if it hit, and it would hurt if it was rubbed.

Although he was in charge of supporting, watching Liu Jian's berserker-like combat up close still made Lu Erxi couldn't help but exclaim.

"Don't be silly."

Noting the reduction in support shooting, Liu Jian reminded: "Watch my back."

At Liu Jian's reminder, Lu Erxi hurriedly returned to mind and continued to support him.

It didn't take long for this small group of wild gods to be attacked by both of them.


Liu Jian recovered the core of the wild god, his face was full of displeased expression.

"Brother Jian, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Lu Erxi cautiously probed: "Do you want to fight against a big guy like Valzheluo?"


This time, Liu Jian didn't choose to avoid it, but directly said: "It's too weak."

"I think it's okay."

Lu Erxi laughed and said: "This kind of wild god's offensive power is not strong and will not cause us any substantial harm."

"Is that satisfied?"

Liu Jian frowned when he heard Lu Erxi's statement: "Is it enough to fight trash?"

"if not?"

Lu Erxi obviously didn't notice Liu Jian's expression, and he said in a leisurely manner: "Look, this kind of task is not dangerous. We can relax, can we?"

"You talk to Aura."

Liu Jian's face tightened: "Do you think Huangshen will understand us?"

Before Lu Erxi could answer, Liu Jian added: "If you want to live, you must become stronger."

When speaking, Liu Jian pointed to a position with a magic machine: "It won't be like this if it is strong."

Following the direction Liu Jian was pointing, Lu Erxi saw the wreckage of an airplane.

Liu Jian didn't say anything more, he signaled to Lu Erxi and went to the wreckage location with him.

Although the wreckage had been eaten away by the gods, Lu Erxi still saw some clues from the bullet shells falling everywhere and bullet holes everywhere.

"this is……"

After careful observation, Lu Erxi found that there were traces of various gods everywhere: "This is a trace of electric current, is it a trace of a violent impact?"

"Vazeluo, King Kong, Mother Earth, Yasha and two-wheeled chariot."

Liu Jian didn't say anything more, his eyes were full of pain at this time: "When we arrived, they were attacked by these wild gods."

Looking at everything in front of him, everything from that year seemed to appear in front of Liu Jian again.

Although he was still silent, from his constantly changing eyes and gaze, Lu Erxi probably guessed the tragic situation at the time.

"137 people."

After a long silence, Liu Jian slowly said, "A total of 137 people have died, including Guan Jun."

"Guan Jun?"

When Lu Erxi heard this name for the first time, he asked curiously: "Is it your friend?"

"Best friend."

Liu Jian's eyes dimmed again: "If I am strong enough, I will not let him die in front of me."

"Is this the reason why you are obsessed with becoming stronger, Brother Jian?"

Lu Erxi asked cautiously: "Just to... no longer lose..."

"I seem to say too much."

Liu Jian retracted his sad eyes and expressions, and returned to his indifference: "In short, if you do not become stronger, everything you treasure will be taken away by the Desolate God sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Liu Jian once again stared at Lu Erxi with his sharp gaze: "Do you still want the task to be easy?"

"I'm just a rookie."

Facing Liu Jian's eyes, Lu Erxi chose to avoid: "I just want..."

"Whatever you want."

Liu Jian walked past Lu Erxi, then raised his left hand and patted him on his shoulder: "Every God Eater starts as a rookie. Don't avoid confronting a powerful Desolate God, at least, dare to face it."

"That's it."

Lu Erxi smiled bitterly and replied: "If you simply want to do some easy tasks, you will never become stronger."


Liu Jian walked behind Lu Erxi: "Try to become stronger. Don't regret losing like I did. Remember, as long as you are strong enough, you won't lose anything again."

After saying this, Liu Jian patted Lu Erxi's shoulder twice.

"Let's go."

After a short silence, Liu Jian pointed to a distance and said, "Work overtime, patrol."


Lu Erxi responded loudly and followed Liu Jian.

Liu Jian didn't go far before he stopped.

"What's the matter? Brother Jian." Qusoshu www.qusoshu.com

Lu Erxi walked to Liu Jian's side: "What happened?"

Liu Jian didn't answer directly, but kept scanning the neighborhood with his eyes and listening carefully.

Lu Erxi just wanted to ask another question, but he vaguely heard a strange voice that could not be said.


Before Lu Erxi could speak, Liu Jian raised his index finger in front of his mouth to signal him not to speak.

After listening patiently for a while, Liu Jian's expression changed and Lu Erxi was pulled into the shadow of the nearby ruins.


Liu Jian lowered his voice and said, "Don't talk."

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the three Yasha in the team came from afar while howling.

"Do you want to attack them?"

Lu Erxi asked in a very low voice, "It looks like there are only a few of them."


Liu Jian gently pressed Lu Erxi's head: "Wait!"


Before Lu Erxi finished speaking, Liu Jian covered his mouth: "Don't talk."

After the three Yasha appeared in the line of sight, they first formed a circle and watched around.

After making sure that no problems were found, they clamored on the spot.


Liu Jian retracted Lu Erxi's hand: "Recall the habits of Yasha carefully."

Hearing this reminder, Lu Erxi immediately calmed down and continued to wait.

About ten minutes later, three more Yashas came to the neighborhood with a slow cry.

"That should be all."

Looking at the three new Yashas, ​​Liu Jian said, "Remember?"

"Well, social creatures."

Lu Erxi nodded: "If there is no small Desolate God to accompany, then the number of Yasha will generally be 5-7."

"Are you confident?"

Liu Jian raised his hand and pressed it on Lu Erxi's shoulder: "I can't do it alone."

"I can."

Although Lu Erxi had no bottom in his heart, he felt that he seemed to be nervous from Liu Jian's hand on his shoulder, so he gave this answer: "I have confidence."


Liu Jian put his hand down and held his magic machine tightly: "Wait for them to leave."

Under the torment of inner tension and anxiety, Lu Erxi waited patiently with Liu Jian in the hiding place.

During this period of time, Lu Erxi's eyes never dared to leave those Yashas.

He knew very well that Yasha's hearing was extremely sensitive, and any unusual movement could start them.

Therefore, he has been working hard to control his breathing, even slightly adjusting his numb body with extreme caution.

Finally, after the Yashas had tossed for more than twenty minutes, they yelled at each other a few times before turning and leaving in one direction.

"It's now!"

Seeing the moment when Yasha turned around, Liu Jian said and rushed out immediately.

Seeing Liu Jian set off, Lu Erxi rushed out with his magic machine.

Although the running noise of the two was quite loud, the sound of their footsteps was well concealed because the group of Yaksas fired randomly while walking.

When the last Yasha noticed the abnormality behind him, Liu Jian and the others had already approached less than 10 meters behind the guy.

Just when Lu Erxi was about to use the submachine gun form to attack, he was surprised to find that Liu Jian actually changed the magic machine to the predator form.

Before Lu Erxi could ask a question, Liu Jian's divine machine spewed oracle cells backwards and led him forward at an extremely fast speed.

"This is a sudden predation?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Erxi immediately recalled: "High-speed sliding style. Shark Ya?"

The Yasha had just turned around, and Liu Jian had already come close to it.


Seeing a human being behind him, the Yasha immediately sounded the alarm and raised the cannon in his right hand to shoot at Liu Jian.

Unfortunately, Liu Jian's movements are faster than it!

Before the predator came into contact with the Yasha, Liu Jian quickly operated his magic machine.

The moment the gun popped out of the chamber, Liu Jian also jumped forward.

While in the air, Liu Jian suddenly twisted his body to an somersault.

Before Yasha could make a second move, Liu Jian's magic machine had already turned into a predator and bit his head in one bite.

"Strike on the ground. Prison Claw?"

Seeing Liu Jian's movements, Lu Erxi, who had already been familiar with predation methods, immediately came up with the name of this trick: "Brother Jian can actually use various predation methods so skillfully?"


Before Lu Erxi sighed, Liu Jian had already taken off the head of the Yasha and turned over to the ground.

"Don't froze!"

After landing, Liu Jian, who was about to continue his attack, used the gap and said, "Support containment!"

Liu Jian's words immediately awakened Lu Erxi, who was still in a daze. He quickly picked up the magic machine and fired at the head of the Yasha on Liu Jian's right hand with a submachine gun.

Perhaps it was because the companion was killed by a surprise attack, and the remaining five Yashas were slightly stunned in the same place.

But with such a daze, the sickle in Liu Jian's hand turned into a bite-blade unfolded form.

After unfolding the biting edge, Liu Jian squatted on the ground and illuminated all the legs of Yasha in a sweep.

Hearing the whistling sound of the divine machine and seeing the long biting form, the Yashas turned back and jumped back to avoid them.

Because of being close and being distracted by Lu Erxi's shooting, the Yasha on the far right of Liu Jian did not have time to escape.

When the black light passed, the legs of that Yasha was cut off immediately.

"give it to you."

After Liu Jian cut off the legs of this Yasha, he waved the magic machine to drive away the four Yashas and said, "Resolve it!"

Obtaining Liu Jian's order, Lu Erxi hurriedly switched the divine machine form and rushed forward and chopped off the guy's head.

Just as the magic machine was about to swing to the leftmost Yasha position, Liu Jian suddenly moved his wrist, and the blade-biting sickle lifted up and pointed towards Yasha.

However, that Yasha was not in a hurry.

It is very clear that its position has exceeded the length of the biting edge form.

With such a long magic machine, Liu Jian naturally couldn't move.

In this state, Liu Jian couldn't attack him no matter what.

Perhaps because of this confidence, that Yasha did not continue to jump backwards like other Yashas, ​​but squatted and aimed the muzzle at Liu Jian.


Seeing this scene, Lu Erxi, who was pinning the other three Yashas, ​​couldn't help but shouted: "Brother Jian, run!"

Despite this, Liu Jian not only didn't make the move, but the corners of his mouth raised and showed a smug smile.

Just when Yasha aimed to fire, it suddenly found that Liu Jian's wrist seemed to move.


With a sound of the wind, suddenly stretched out a section of the biting sickle and split its head straight down to the chest.

After hitting the Yasha, Liu Jian stabilized his foot, and immediately retracted the blade-biting sickle and tore the Yasha in half abruptly.

This is the mutated sickle-type divine machine best at the continuous attack of the split teeth + split teeth.

This stupid Yasha didn't understand his opponent and stopped and intended to counterattack. This time he learned a lesson of blood.

Three companions were lost in an instant, and the remaining three Yasha turned and ran.

"Don't want to run!"

Upon seeing this, Lu Erxi shouted: "Stop!"

Before Liu Jian stopped, Lu Erxi chased him up with a magic machine.


When Liu Jian saw this, he cursed in a low voice, and then hurried to catch up with Lu Erxi.

Logically speaking, with Yasha's 5-meter height and flexible body, it is not difficult to get rid of Lu Erxi.

But these three Yashas did not like this, but were quickly overtaken by Lu Erxi.

Perhaps he was eager to prove something, but Lu Erxi did not think too much and caught up with them.

Just as Lu Erxi entered the firing range, the three escaping Yashas spread out in three directions.


Lu Erxi was shocked when he saw this: "This is..."

Before Lu Erxi could react, he saw the Yashas suddenly turned around and aimed their red barrels at him.

"Damn it!"

Lu Erxi hurriedly opened the shield of the magic machine to defend, but it was too late.

At this distance, it was impossible for Lu Erxi's shield to block attacks from three directions.

Of course, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to avoid this kind of attack.


The explosion sounded, and the place where Lu Erxi was standing suddenly billowed with smoke.

Seeing this situation, although the Yashas couldn't see the situation clearly, they all showed triumphant looks.

Just when they were proud, they saw a black light cut through the dense smoke.

With a "swish" sound, the heads of the three Yashas were cut off by the biting blade in Liu Jian's hand almost simultaneously.

"Cough cough cough."

When Yasha's body fell, Lu Erxi's cough came from the thick smoke.

"Don't chase the poor."

Liu Jian said coldly through the communication: "You are really a rookie."

I have already posted the interaction between Lu Erxi and Liu Jian as agreed. In the following chapters, the first unit will be divided into several teams to fight against the wild gods to gain time for the restoration of the wild god's defense wall.What else will they encounter?Should Li Bo's training start?Stay tuned

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