You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!When Liu Jian brought Lu Erxi back to the branch to solve Yasha, it happened that Li Bo and the others were also back.

Seeing the strange Zhongyuan Ying, Liu Jian showed a puzzled look.

"This is also a recruit."

Li Bo patted Liu Jian on the shoulder and said, "We are all seniors now, and we have to start taking care of rookies."

"That is your duty."

Liu Jian expressionlessly opened Li Bo's hand: "I am not the captain."

"I think you are quite suitable."

As soon as Li Bo opened his hand, he said with a pun: "Others can't see it, but I can see it."

When speaking, he also looked at Lu Erxi who was fighting with Li Feng and grinning in pain.


Liu Jian's eyes slanted, but his mouth remained the same: "I didn't plan to save him."

"Duplicate guy."

Li Bo actually put away his laughing expression when he heard the words, looked at the top seriously and said: "Lin Ting's matter, can't you get out? It's been so many years."

"What do you want to say?"

When Liu Jian heard the name "Lin Ting", his eyes suddenly became a little ethereal: "Speak straight."

"Being stronger is important."

Li Bo closed his eyes and smiled: "But there are some things you can't ignore, right? How can a person's strength compare to the strength of a team?"

Speaking of this, Li Bo turned and left.

Before leaving, Li Bo dropped a sentence before and after: "Is my back hurt?"

"busy body."

Facing Li Bo's back, Liu Jian gave a helpless smile for the first time and complained.

After listening to Li Lan's remarks in the command room, Li Porter explained: "Although you are all tired today, the matter is not completely over."

After a pause, Li Bo added: "In short, 9,000 will be assembled tomorrow morning. I will give you a few lessons."

After saying this, Li Bo glanced at Li Feng and the three of them laughed and left with Su Qingyun.

Just as he was about to leave, Liu Jian suddenly walked to Lu Erxi and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear: "I told you, don't tell anyone."

"Got it."

Lu Erxi smiled at Liu Jian: "My mouth is very strict."

After receiving Lu Erxi's answer, Liu Jian let out a laugh and left the command room.

The next day at 9000, after summoning everyone to the Shenji vault, Li Bo issued his order: "Today, the three rookies will go under the leadership of Qingyun and Jian to freely attack the desolate gods outside."

"Free crusade?"

The three of Li Feng screamed almost at the same time: "Isn't it about training?"

"Actual combat is the best training."

Li Bo carried his magic machine and walked towards the attack door: "In short, this is the arrangement for today. So please~"

After saying these words, Li Bo waved to the three of them, then smiled mischievously at Su Qingyun and left the vault.

"Won't Porgo be together?"

Seeing Li Bo go by himself, Li Feng asked curiously: "Just the five of us?"


Su Qingyun smiled plainly and said, "That's enough. Near the Southern Territory branch is at most a bit of a Yaksha. Guys like Vazheluo roam, and there are no powerful gods."

Since Su Qingyun was talking about this, Li Feng couldn't make any more suggestions.

Leaving the Southern Region branch, a group of five people got on a truck and started moving.

On the truck, Liu Jian was in charge of driving, Su Qingyun sat in the passenger seat, and the other three sat behind the truck.

On the way forward, Li Feng suddenly asked, "Well, Zhongyuan Ying, I have a question for you."

"what happened?"

Zhongyuan Ying tilted her head and asked: "What do you want to ask?"

After a short silence, Li Feng said, "I said, why do you have to fight Boge when you meet?"


Nakahara Sakura lowered her head and said with an embarrassed expression: "Hehe, in fact, I just want to prove that I am the strongest God Eater. But~~hehe~~I failed."

"that's it?"

Hearing this reason, Li Feng's eyes widened: "Just because of this fight with Boge?"


Zhongyuan Ying blushed and kept playing with the tips of her hair: "Otherwise what do you think it is?"

"How do you know the identity of Boge?"

Li Feng raised another question that had troubled him for a long time: "I remember that none of us showed our identity?"

"Does this still show up?"

Zhongyuan Ying said with a natural expression: "Li Bo, Su Qingyun and Liu Jian are very easy to recognize, okay? Even if you haven't seen the photo, you can tell by the description it is them!"


Instead, Li Feng showed a surprised expression: "You are talking about it, why don't I know?"

"It's very simple."

Zhongyuan Ying stretched out a finger and said: "The eyebrows are like sharp swords, the eyes are like stars, and the face is well-defined, and the look of not anger and prestige, but a dignified look, must be Li Bo."


Hearing this description, Li Fengdeng's face was covered with black lines: "This... the description is really accurate."

"Next is Su Qingyun."

Zhongyuan Ying closed her eyes very proudly and raised her head: "Liu Yemei, Danfeng eyes, purple eyes, high nose bridge, small cherry mouth, golden waist-length hair, the beauty is the legendary purple pupil demon girl."

"Of course... and then..."

Facing the extremely accurate description, Li Feng's black lines are more: "Brother Jian's words..."

Speaking of Liu Jian, Zhongyuan Ying glanced at the cab before she leaned forward and whispered: "In the words of Liu Jian, they say that they have thick eyebrows, big eyes, crown-like faces, and dignified appearance. Although they are handsome, they have very good eyes. Ferocious."


Li Feng didn't know how to respond to Zhongyuan Ying's series of extremely accurate statements except for an awkward smile.

At this moment, the truck stopped steadily on a higher slope after making a sound of braking.


Su Qingyun opened the door and walked down to pat the truck's compartment and said, "This is your training base today."

After getting off the car, Li Feng and the others noticed that they were now in the fringe area of ​​the Forgotten Capital.

Su Qingyun pointed to an underground facility on the slope and said: "That was the former sewage treatment plant. There is now a Ge Bo Luo and some small wild gods in it. Your training is to solve them all."

"that's it?"

The three of them showed surprised expressions at the same time and asked in unison: "It's that simple?"

"The difficulty is not high."

Su Qingyun said with a smirk: "But simply fighting against the gods is not the only criterion for qualified training. The important thing is the coordination and cooperation ability between the three of you."


Nakahara Sakura exclaimed: "Why do you want this?"

"Because we are a team."

Su Qingyun preached as if it were a matter of course: "A team can't fight on their own, right? And if they encounter a powerful Desolate God without cooperation, they will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent."

Speaking of this, Su Qingyun elbows Liu Jian, who is standing beside him silently: "Sword, don't you think?"


Liu Jian's sharp eyes immediately fixed on Lu Erxi: "Cooperation is a must."

"As the saying goes, mutual understanding is the basis for cooperation."

Su Qingyun put on a teacher's posture and said: "In short, you will understand each other's combat methods and styles while fighting today. Alright, the lecture ends here."

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyun pointed at the sewage treatment plant with a sniper rifle: "Go, if there is any problem, we will immediately rush to reinforce it."

Even though he didn't know what to say, since Su Qingyun was all about it, Li Feng and the three of them had no choice but to walk to the sewage treatment plant with their magic.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Su Qingyun suddenly said: "Today, you'd better not take it lightly, sword."

"what happened?"

Liu Jian looked suspiciously at Su Qingyun: "Why?" New Novel City

"The wound from the Yasha shell can't be healed overnight."

Su Qingyun put her smile away and said with a serious face: "You can hide from these rookies, but you can't hide from me and Bobo."


Liu Jian turned his back and looked into the distance. It took a long time before he said: "Be happy with you."

After entering the sewage treatment plant, Li Feng and the three of them immediately formed a triangular formation while carefully searching while slowly advancing.

But they had been around for a long time in the dilapidated sewage treatment plant, not to mention the small gods, even the shadow of a big man like Ge Bo Luo.

"Li Feng."

Lu Erxi lowered her voice and asked, "Why didn't you see Desolate God?"

"Listen carefully."

Li Feng looked at the surrounding environment carefully and said: "Arabic God often has the habit of hiding."

Although he said so, Li Feng was also muttering in his heart.

After searching for a while, Li Feng suddenly felt that Zhongyuan Ying seemed to be walking closer to him.

"what happened?"

When Li Feng turned his head, he found that Zhongyuan Ying was almost sticking to his back: "Why are you so close?"

"That one...."

Nakahara Sakura said embarrassedly: "It's so quiet here so scary, I'm a little scared."

"Is that so?"

Hearing that Zhongyuan Ying was a little scared, Li Feng said to Lu Erxi: "Lu Erxi, I am ahead, you are behind, let Zhongyuan Ying be in the middle? She is a little scared."

"Ah, no problem."

Listening to Li Feng's words, Lu Erxi readily agreed: "Anyway, be careful."

As soon as the three of them were ready to move forward, the earphones heard Liu Shiqian's voice: "Attention, Ge Boluo's reaction appeared about 200 meters in front of you."

"what about others?"

Li Feng didn't speak, and Lu Erxi spoke up first: "Sister Shiqian, what about the reaction of the small wild god?"


Liu Shiqian replied very simply: "There is no other wild god's reaction within 500 meters around you."

"let's go."

Li Feng turned his head to look at the other two and said, "Kill it in one go!"

Seeing the confident look on Li Feng's face, both Lu Erxi and Zhongyuan Ying nodded.

After stopping for a while to rectify, the three of them ran towards Ge Bo Luo's position with the divine machine restored to their usual form.

Before running far, Ge Bo Luo's huge body appeared in the sight of the three.


Seeing Ge Boluo, who was eating something by the sedimentation tank, Li Feng waved his hand and ordered: "Let's take a hidden observation first."

Although he wanted a quick fight, Lu Erxi decided to listen to Li Feng.

But Zhongyuan Ying was not happy. Although she hid behind a pillar, she still complained: "Hey, why do you want to observe? Didn't the correspondent say that there was no reaction from other gods?"

"Safety first."

Li Feng stretched out his head from behind the bunker to observe the Geboluo: "This guy seems to be eating, let's observe it for a while. After all, here..."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, he saw Zhongyuan Ying rush out of the bunker after turning the magic machine into a bomber mode.

"There is no need to waste time."

Zhongyuan Sakura said while soaking, "Just rush up and kill it!"

After running into the range, Zhongyuan Sakura aimed a little and immediately fired a shot at Ge Bo Luo.

However, the sound of her footsteps when she was running had already been noticed by Ge Bo Luo.

Before the cannonball arrived, Ge Boluo plunged into the huge sedimentation tank without even looking.

"Really, why are you in a hurry?"

Li Feng, who rushed to Zhongyuan Ying, couldn't help but complain: "Look, it escaped?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhongyuan Ying raised her eyebrows: "Anyway, the sedimentation pond is so big, it must come out! When it comes out, I will shoot it directly!"

While saying this, Zhongyuan Ying threw away Li Feng and Lu Erxi and ran to the edge of the sedimentation tank.

But when she came to the side of the sedimentation tank, the environment in the sedimentation tank made her directly dumbfounded.

Although it has not been used for many years, there is still a pool full of water in the sedimentation tank.

The water looked green and oily, and it also gave off a pungent smell.


Nakahara Sakura covered her nose and took two steps back: "Why is this place so smelly? Why didn't you smell it just now?"

"Who knows!"

Lu Erxi was also choked by the pungent smell. He coughed and said, "This smell is too disgusting, right?"

"This smell..."

Although Li Feng was choked uncomfortably, he still remembered this special smell carefully: "It seems to be..."


Before Li Feng remembered anything, Ge Boluo jumped out from the other end.

"court death!"

Seeing Ge Boluo jump out of the sedimentation tank, Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help covering her nose. She immediately aimed at Ge Boluo with a magic machine: "Take me a blow!"


This time, Zhongyuan Sakura's shell accurately hit Ge Bo Luo.


Looking at the smoke from the explosion, Zhongyuan Ying compared the scissors to Li Feng and Lu Erxi with her back to the explosion: "Look, it's in the soul!"

"Be careful!"

Before Zhongyuan Ying was happy for a few seconds, Li Feng rushed towards her with a shout: "Behind!"


Before Zhongyuan Ying could react, Li Feng came to her and dragged her behind her back and opened the magic shield.

"Tom Tom Tom"

With three loud noises, three water cannons from Ge Bo Luo hit Li Feng's shield and splashed a lot of water.

"Boom boom boom."

When Li Feng blocked the water cannon, Lu Erxi hurriedly used the submachine gun to contain Ge Boluo: "Li Feng, are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

Li Feng was still hiding behind the shield. After answering Lu Erxi, he asked again: "Zhongyuan Ying, how are you?"


Seeing Li Feng standing in front of her, Zhongyuan Ying was stunned: "I..."

"Are you injured?"

Li Feng has no time to look back at her: "Where did it hurt?"

"I'm fine."

Another sound of water cannon hitting Li Fengshen's machine awakened Zhongyuan Ying. She shook her head desperately, "I am not injured."

"Join the battle!"

Li Feng blocked Ge Boluo's water cannon one after another, and he felt his arms soften: "I can't hold it anymore!"

"it is good!"

At this time, Zhongyuan Sakura finally recovered completely. She clenched the magic machine again and left the gun line of Ge Bo Luo: "Hurry up!"

Hearing the sound of Zhongyuan Ying running away, Li Feng also took advantage of Ge Bo Luo's attack to put away the shield and jumped away.

However, Su Qingyun and the others saw everything that happened.

"it is as expected."

Su Qingyun smiled with an inexplicable smile: "No wonder Bobo asked us not to interfere as much as possible."

"Humph, a rookie is a rookie."

Putting his magical machine on the ground, Liu Jian folded his hands on his chest and said with an unhappy expression: "It seems we are tired."

Today’s update, I think a lot.I originally intended to increase the proportion of martial arts, but because some foreshadowings were not easy to join, I chose to reduce the part of martial arts.But tomorrow, it will be mainly martial arts.

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