I actually became a god eater

Chapter 197: Eyes in the Darkness

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying finally fought seriously, the whole battle situation instantly turned into a unilateral suppression battle.

Especially after knowing where Demugo's weakness was, Thunder Dragon and the four of them fought and fought more and more bravely, and again and again took advantage of Demugo's move or attack, and severely damaged its weakness.

However, as the muscles of Demugo's limbs were continuously wounded, traces of coldness that could be seen by the naked eye began to appear beside him, and the golden eyes also gave out a chilling light.

"It should almost enter a state of violent activity."

After noticing the change of Demuge, Li Feng used the axe blade shape to chop the ice cone that flew towards him and reminded: "Beware, everyone, this guy may release a shock wave at any time, and then enter a violent state."

"What will happen?"

After hearing Li Feng's reminder, Shenjia Shuishu asked while helping Rhein recover: "Will there be any major changes after it becomes violent? For example, attack moves..."

"Some attacks will be added."

Li Feng waved the axe blade in his hand and chopped another ice cone. As he approached Demugo, he said, "The most important thing is that its mobility will be slightly improved. Some moves are extremely threatening! Once hit, it will either die or be disabled. !"

Hearing the horrible phrase "death or mutilation", Thunder Dragon and the others couldn't help but begin to cautiously fight Demugo, who was about to become violent.

Just when Demuge stretched out his left front leg again to kick Zhongyuan Sakura, Li Feng spotted the right time to illuminate the exposed muscle with the moon, which was a crosscut.


As the muscle layer was cut through a large opening and a large amount of dirty blood splashed from the wound, Demugo let out an earth-shattering roar.

Hearing the roar, Li Feng, who was close at hand, immediately stepped back and opened the shield of the magical machine.

After seeing Li Feng's movements, except for Zhongyuan Sakura and Mizuki Shenjia standing in the distance, everyone backed up and opened their shields just in case.

Sure enough, the roar was not over yet, a shock wave mixed with a large number of oracle cells and cold air quickly swept around with Demugo as the center.

But fortunately, everyone has opened their shields in every way, and this powerful shock wave did not cause them any actual harm.

"Huha! This strength is really enough!"

When resisting the shock wave, the huge impact from the magic machine made the defensive Thunder Dragon feel a little hard: "This power...like being hit by a truck! The arms are numb!"

Indeed, the shock wave released by Demugo was far stronger than the wild god they had encountered before.

Even Thunder Dragon, who is good at defense, was shocked to the point that his arms were numb, and other people's arms would naturally not be comfortable.

If the sensation of impact and numbness from both arms has made Rhein and Mizuki Shenjia a little overwhelmed, when they saw the scratches of several meters on the frozen ground under their feet, they noticed their double The legs are already numb.

However, when Thunder Dragon and the others put away their shields, everything that came into view made them deeply feel the power of Demugo.

It turned out that after the shock wave just now, the snow on the ground that was tens of centimeters deep had been blown away at this time, and there was bare frozen soil within a radius of about ten meters with Demugo as the center!

"Damn! What kind of power is this so special?"

After closing the shield of the god machine with trembling hands, Shenjia Mizuki kept shaking her hands and feet: "This is so much more powerful than the missile that a two-wheeled chariot fell into the sky!"

"If you have time to talk nonsense, why not move quickly?"

After putting away the shield, Li Feng quickly shook his some numb hands and feet, and then ran on the frozen ground, resisting the numbness: "As soon as Demugo’s head is put down, it will start attacking. Move your body quickly. Get rid of that numbness!"

When Li Feng said this, the others looked at Demuge's still high head, and then followed the manner of Li Feng while moving his body to get rid of the numbness and attacked Demuge.

However, although it was an attack, due to the numbness of the hands and feet and the lack of knowledge of how moral Muge would act, everyone, including Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, only attacked Demuge in a long-range form instead of close combat.

Although the cannonballs and bullets fired by the crowd were very dense and all of fire attributes, in front of Demuge's almost invulnerable skin, these attacks were like tickling it.

Under the intense firepower attack, Demugo slowly lowered its head raised high and his eyes glowed brightly and stared at the nearest Li Feng.

After noticing Demugo's crippled eyes, Li Feng, who was attacking his head, immediately left an eye on it.

Just when Li Feng was getting ready, Demuge's eyes suddenly shot out two ice rays shining on Li Feng.

Fortunately, Li Feng had been wary of it. Before the ray arrived, he had already stepped past the range of the ray attack.

Li Feng had just dodged the rays, Demugo immediately put away his attack and stared at Rhine on the other side.

After staring at Rhein, Demugo used the rays to force Li Feng back, while raising his leg to aim the sole of his foot at Rhein.

However, Rhein had already seen this preparatory action before. After moving a little half a step to the left of his body, he clenched his divine machine with both hands and waited for Demugo's soles.

It turns out that this action is Demugo's favorite move before!

It lifts the soles of its feet only to aim at the target, and its real purpose is to accumulate strength to shoot out the soles of its feet with its stretchable muscles, thereby attacking enemies at a distance.

On the eve of Rhein moving his own position, Demugo was about to shoot the sole of his foot at him, Zhongyuan Ying found that Demugo's actions were a little different from before.

"Hide to your right side! Hide to the outside of its body!"

After noticing the difference in Demugo's movements, Nakahara Sakura suddenly shouted: "It is not a simple attack like shooting the sole of the foot! Don't stand on the inside of its body!"

Hearing the shout of Zhongyuan Sakura, Rhine was stunned for a moment, and then his body subconsciously followed Zhongyuan Sakura's instructions to spot Demugo and flashed in the direction outside of his body.

As soon as Rhein left where he was just now, Demugo passed by the sole of his foot.

Although he could have escaped Demugo's attack, Rhein immediately made a move to counterattack.

"Continue to step away! Hurry up!"

Just when Rhein wanted to attack Demugo's muscles, Li Feng also shouted: "Don't try to attack, leave!"

Although Rhein felt a pity to receive Li Feng's instructions, he still chose to follow the instructions and quickly leave Demugo's legs.

Seeing the long weak muscles far away from him, Rhine couldn't help but feel a pity for this good opportunity.

However, what happened just after Rhein left Demugo's legs made him feel afraid.

It turned out that after Rhine hid from Demugo's leg, Demugo immediately applied force on the leg that was shot.

Then Demugo slammed the stretched muscles, and its huge body whizzed towards a huge boulder at an extremely fast speed all the way to where it landed on its soles.

The sound of Demugo's body roaring past reached Rhine's ears, and then seeing the snow that was flying all the way around, Rhine's mind immediately realized what he would become when hit by this guy.

"Damn! Fortunately, I listened to comrades!"

Imagining how he would look after being hit, Rhine couldn't help cursing in his heart: "If I hadn't avoided just now, this time I really won't die or live well!"

Let me talk about Demugo.

After the body flew to the position where the soles of the feet fell, it relaxed its pressure on the feet and allowed its body to fly a certain distance with inertia.400 novel www.400xiaoshuo.com

After stabilizing his body, Demuge once again shot two rays at Katyusha, the nearest Dongshan Mountain.

In the following battle, although Demugo used his stretchable muscles to launch several attacks, under the reminders of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, the whole battle was finally a surprise.

On the other hand, Demuge, because all his moves were seen through, the decorations on his body that protected the weak points were destroyed one by one by Li Feng and the others, and his face was severely damaged.

After about twenty minutes of fighting, Demugo didn't even possess the power of the last battle.

After uttering a mournful cry, Demugo's huge black body finally fell on the frozen soil that was stained with its blood.

"Things to be said will be said later."

After Demuge fell, Li Feng asked the divine machine to prey on Demuge's wreckage while saying to others: "The battle lasted for a long time. We will complete the recovery work and evacuate here as soon as possible!"

After completing the recovery of Demugo's materials and cores, Li Feng and the others returned to the Frost Winter Division by helicopter.

As soon as the magic machine was put in place, Li Feng and the others were surrounded by other people who had come to hear the news.

Just when Li Feng and the others were surrounded by an excited and enthusiastic crowd, in a dark corner in the distance, a figure had been hiding in the shadow of a pillar.

Unlike the excited eyes of others, his eyes were full of resentment and anger.

"Huh, this is not over!"

After staring fiercely at Li Feng and his party for a long time, the figure whispered in his low and hoarse voice: "You can be proud of yourself! I will make you unable to laugh when I look back!"

After throwing this cruel remark to Li Feng and the others, the figure "spoken" to the ground again before turning back into the shadows.

That night, after delivering his impassioned speech, Minister Liu Zhi left the podium with an expression that was incompatible with the excitement and enthusiasm of the entire celebration banquet.

Minister Liu Zhi just walked to the corner of the backstage, and the voice rang behind him: "Are you not going to do it yet?"

"It is you."

It seems that he had expected him to appear in general. Minister Liu Zhi did not show a trace of panic, but rather calmly asked the other party: "What do you mean by hands-on?"

"You should know what I mean."

The man sneered, and then slightly moved his right shoulder leaning on the pillar: "Because of their activity this month, the morale of the whole branch has been high, and the number of the main combatants has also increased significantly."

"so what?"

Minister Liu Zhi hesitated for a while and asked again: "You should know the clutter, right? Once the reality is shown to them, they will soon no longer support the theory of the main combatant."

"The premise is that the fact must be enough to make them fearful."

The man's eyes were fierce, and his tone of voice was not so friendly: "You don't know how many powerful wild gods have been crushed by them in this month. Now those guys are convinced that they can defeat any wild god."

"What's your trick?"

Minister Liu Zhi once again threw the question to the other party: "No matter what tricks you have, it is absolutely not allowed to execute in the branch. It is not a problem if it is simply compensation. If the group of people in the headquarters is disturbed, we have to finish it!"

"Do you think I care about the old idiots in the headquarters?"

The man sneered again: "Only you are afraid of the headquarters? Since I took refuge in that person, I am not worried or afraid of anything."

"Since you know I am worried about them, don't ask knowingly."

Perhaps irritated by the other party's tone, Minister Liu Zhi's tone also became tough: "You should know what I am planning! Although it is different from you, what I want..."

"I know I know, you don't have to repeat it too many times."

Hearing the change in the tone and attitude of Minister Liu Zhi, the man laughed instead, and the fierce light in his eyes disappeared: "It is because I know what you think, that I am giving you a plan."

"What do you think."

Hearing that the other party wanted to offer himself a plan, Minister Liu Zhi's tone also eased: "If your plan is reasonable, I will adopt it."

"Before I say it, I have to ask you first."

That person didn't seem to intend to speak out his plan directly, but he started to tarnish Minister Liu Zhi's appetite: "Did you just say it? If it's just compensation, it's okay, right? I should understand it this way? "

"Yes, after all, compensation is not a big figure."

After a little thought, Minister Liu Zhi said in a deep thought: "No matter how the two god-eaters have the potential, if they give enough materials as compensation, it must be difficult to refuse the Nanyu Branch, which is lacking in materials."

"That's much easier."

The man laughed, and then moved his body away from the pillar he had been leaning on: "My lord Branch, it seems normal to have casualties when fighting against the gods, right?"

"That being said, how can it be done?"

Hearing the other party actually say such an obvious thing, Minister Liu Zhi's eyes showed a trace of disappointment: "Didn't you see it? Even Demugo, the desolate god who swept our outlying strongholds, was attacked by them. What else is there? Can you deal with them?"

"One can't do two, two can't do three."

The man sneered again, and the words in his mouth became slightly smiling: "Even if three and four are not enough, I don't believe they can deal with ten, twenty or more!"

"What the hell do you mean?"

Hearing this, Minister Liu Zhi couldn't help it anymore. He turned his head and looked at each other's eyes and asked: "Where can I find so many wild gods? Do you think I am that adult?"

"You don't need to look for it, and I don't need to look for it. Now it is!"

Seeing Minister Liu Zhi turned his head, he walked out of the shadow of the pillar and came to Minister Liu Zhi with a smile, "Do you remember? In that place..."

Then because his voice became lower and lower, it finally became a whisper to Minister Liu Zhi.

As that person's words came to Minister Liu Zhi's ears, Minister Liu Zhi's facial expression gradually changed from embarrassment at the beginning to joy.

"Is this a good plan?"

After talking about his plan, the man walked behind Minister Liu Zhi and smiled: "If they do go, I'm afraid they won't be able to come out no matter how powerful they are, they can only obediently bury themselves in the belly of the wild god!"

"good very good!"

After listening to the man’s strategy, Minister Liu Zhi was so excited that he applauded again and again: "This plan is really wonderful! Just do what you said!"

"Then I'll leave the rest to you, Mr. Branch."

After getting the approval of Minister Liu Zhi, the man walked towards the shadow on the other side: "After you are done, you can sit in the command room and watch this good show."

After saying this, the man dropped the excited Minister Liu Zhi and hid in the darkness again...

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