You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Early in the morning after the successful defeat of Demuge, Li Feng, who was accustomed to getting up early, walked slightly erratic steps and yawned to the magnificent lounge of Frostwinter Branch without any instructions.

"Huha~~ Those guys really made a lot of noise last night."

As he walked to the lounge ordering counter, Li Feng stretched out while yawning: "Well...It's really terrible! If I let them make trouble again, I guess I won't be able to get up!"

While speaking, Li Feng also glanced at the time displayed on the left wrist bracelet.

"Is it only 0745?"

After confirming the time, Li Feng rubbed his dim eyes while looking at things: "I got up a bit late today, I don't know if Ying is up. Forget it, I'd better wake her up later."

While talking to himself, he came to the counter, found a chair and sat down, Li Feng gently pressed the call bell on the counter.

"Come here~"

As the bell rang, a clear and beautiful voice came from Li Feng's line of sight: "Please wait a moment, I'm here!"

Li Feng waited for a while. A lovely girl who looked about the same age as himself and had beautiful long silver hair came to Li's cover.

"Good morning, what do you need to order?"

The girl in clean white overalls and an apron embroidered with a cute pattern smiled while wiping her hands with a handkerchief and came to Li's cover: "Today's menu is already displayed on the screen. Please order after reading it."

"Huh? Huh? Ahhhhhhh?"

Seeing a cute and never-before-seen silver-haired girl in front of him, Li Feng's shy problem again: "Then...then...I...I...I.. ..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The silver-haired girl didn't seem to notice Li Feng's slightly flushed cheeks because of tension. She kept that lovely smile and tilted her head and asked, "Mr., what do you need?"

When the silver-haired girl smiled, her beautiful eyes narrowed, but her amber pupils were still legible.

The pretty face that was slightly pink, the two small dimples, the small mouth painted with pale lip gloss, and the neat white teeth that appeared when she laughed made her look extraordinarily cute.

Perhaps it was the first time I saw such a cute girl so close, Li Feng's face immediately flushed like the buttocks of some creature.

Not only blushing, but Li Feng even stood up helplessly and took a step back subconsciously.

"Huh? Is something wrong? This gentleman?"

Li Feng's exaggerated movements and voice alarmed the silver-haired girl. She put away her smile and asked with a puzzled look: "Are you scared by me? Is I looking too ugly? Or did I say something wrong?"


Although trying to restrain his shyness, Li Feng still stammered and raised his hands subconsciously: "I...I just want...want to eat..."

"Ah! So it's you!"

After Li Feng raised her hands, the silver-haired girl noticed that Li Feng was wearing pure black and gold-decorated God Eater bracelets on both wrists. She exclaimed excitedly: "You are the black mist they have said. Knight?"

"Black...Black Mist Knight..."

Hearing this nickname that I don’t know which guy gave him, Li Feng calmed down a bit, and his speech became smoother: "Then what... I am not a black mist knight... I am just an ordinary man. of..."

"I can see it, you still deny it!"

Before Li Feng finished speaking, the silver-haired girl jumped up and put her hands on the counter as far as she could out of the counter: "Black hair, predominantly black dress, a similar age to me, and two-hand rings, you It must be the Dark Mist Knight!"

When speaking, the silver-haired girl's eyes were full of admiration, and her expression became extremely happy, even her tone of voice improved a lot.

"Oh, I didn't expect I could really see you in person!"

While carefully looking at Li Feng, who was standing in front of him at a loss, the silver-haired girl said to herself excitedly: "Sure enough, although she is not very tall, from all sides, it should be very strong. What about the gods!"

While speaking, the silver-haired girl focused on Li Feng's bare arms in short sleeves.

"Oh~ the muscles of the arms are so developed that they don't look like my peers at all!"

Looking closely at Li Feng's muscular arms, the silver-haired girl said to herself like: "Well... if the arm muscles are so developed, then the muscles in other parts shouldn't be too bad, right?"

Speaking of this, the silver-haired girl turned her gaze back to Li Feng's eyes and asked with great joy: "Hey, Black Mist Knight, can I touch your muscles?"

Before Li Feng could answer, she quickly turned over the counter to the front of Li's cover, and then she reached out without shyness and touched Li Feng's chest muscles, who was completely at a loss.

"Wow, it's really different from everyone else!"

Her slender white fingers just touched Li Feng's chest, and the hard touch from her fingers made her even more surprised: "Even the chest muscles are so developed, it seems that they have undergone very strong training! Let me take a look. ..."

While talking, the silver-haired girl planned to walk behind Li Feng.

I don't know if it was subconscious or some other reason, Li Feng quickly turned sideways and was about two meters away from her as if waking up at the moment the silver-haired girl passed by.

"what happened?"

Very puzzled by Li Feng's behavior, the silver-haired girl stood there and looked at Li Feng questioningly: "Why did you jump away suddenly?"

"what are you doing?"

In shock, Li Feng finally returned to normal. He looked at the silver-haired girl with a vigilant look and asked, "I don't like being touched by the opposite sex!"

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous!"

After seeing the expressions and eyes on Li Feng's face, the silver-haired girl once again showed her cute and charming smile: "You tell me, I like chiseled muscles very much! It's just that there are not many in our Frost Winter branch. Personally develop such muscles."

While speaking, the silver-haired girl once again tried to approach Li Feng, but Li Feng stepped back again and continued to keep his distance from her.

Because Li Feng avoided herself again, the silver-haired girl showed a slightly disappointed look, and the hand that wanted to touch Li Feng also stopped in the air.

"Wang Wei, what are you doing?"

Just when the atmosphere became very embarrassing, a voice resembling a savior came from the entrance of the lounge: "You can't work inside, why are you running out for?"

"Ah, is it Shenjia sister?"

Hearing the voice, the silver-haired girl named "Wang Wei" broke the embarrassment and turned to look in the direction of the voice: "What wind brought you here so early? It seems that your team has no mission today?"

Shui Shu Shenjia smiled and walked towards Li Feng and said, "I just changed my life, why? Can't it?"

"Yes, I'm just a little curious." Xianxian

Wang Wei smiled at Mizuki Shenjia and then retracted her hand that was still in the air and put it into her apron pocket: "What would you like to eat today? For breakfast, the menu offered today is very rich!"

"I will eat whatever he eats."

After coming to the two of them, Shui Shushenjia glanced at Li Fengcai and said: "I am also strengthening myself recently, so I must learn his diet as much as possible."

"He? He didn't order anything!"

After seeing Shuishu Shenjia's eyes, Wang Wei smiled embarrassedly: "I don't know why, the Black Mist Knight seems to be a little hostile to me."

"I'm afraid your over-excited behavior scared him?"

After a month of getting along, Mizuki Shenjia also gradually understood Li Feng’s character. She smiled and helped Li Feng round the game: "Don’t think our knight is strong, but he is a very shy big boy in front of beautiful women. Yeah!"

When she was speaking, Shenjia Shuishu's eyes suddenly turned a little bad, and then she pointed to Wang Wei and said, "Especially for a cute little beauty like you, our knight can't resist it at all!"

"Huh? Is that so?"

After Shui Shu Shenjia’s explanation, Wang Wei seemed to finally understand Li Feng’s actions. She pursed her small mouth and said, “No wonder I just touched him. He dodged like an electric shock.”

"Well, don't say so much, do your job!"

After choking on Wang Wei, Shui Shu Shenjia asked the startled Li Feng: "Li Feng, what are you going to eat?"

"Hush~~ let's have a sauteed chicken steak set meal."

After someone who was familiar with him came to him, Li Feng said in a sigh of relief: "Then ask for a glass of milk and two fried eggs!"

"Me too."

After listening to Li Feng talking about what she wanted to eat, Shui Shushenjia nodded to Wang Wei: "Let's find a place to sit down. You will bring it to us when you're ready?"

"Okay! I'll get it right away!"

After listening to Li Feng say what she wanted to eat, Wang Wei showed a happy expression and took her hand out of her pocket and rubbed it gently: "Look at it! My cooking skills are not covered!"

After Wang Wei climbed over the counter and returned inside again, Shui Shu Shenjia pulled Li Feng to find a place nearby to sit down.

As soon as Li Feng sat down, Shui Shu Shenjia smirked and asked, "Li Feng, did Wang Wei do anything to you just now?"

"How could it not!"

As soon as Wang Wei was mentioned, a helpless look appeared on Li Feng's face: "She doesn't matter if she speaks for herself, and she suddenly rushes out to touch me, which scares me!"

"Hahaha, I guessed it was so right!"

After hearing what Li Feng said, Shenjia Shuishu laughed loudly: "It really is Wang Wei's temper! Although she hasn't seen her for a while, her bad temper has not changed at all, hahaha!"

"Are you familiar with her?"

Faced with Shui Shu Shenjia's performance, Li Feng asked suspiciously: "I have been here for a month, and I have never seen her once."

"Of course you haven't seen her. She has been on vacation for almost three months."

Shuishu Shenjia smiled and pointed to the counter and said: "Before, her father was very ill, so she took time off to take care of his father. And she just went back for about two months, you were transferred, you said you can Have you seen her?"

"So this is ah."

Li Feng glanced at the counter, and his gaze happened to meet Wang Wei, who was operating the kitchen utensils with her back facing her: "However, what happened to her just now? Faced with a stranger, she actually asked to touch her muscles. This kind of thing."

"Ah, you mean this?"

The laughter that Shuishu Shenjia finally stopped when Li Feng said these words: "In fact, this is nothing. Her habit is very famous among the staff of the Frost Winter Branch. !"

"This habit is famous?"

Li Feng was confused by Shui Shu Shenjia's statement. He tilted his head and asked, "How could she be so rude..."

"This is actually related to her former boyfriend."

When Shuishu Shenjia said this topic, her expression became a little sad: "Wang Wei had a childhood sweetheart boyfriend before, he belongs to the type of fitness madness. She often shows off her muscles..."

Speaking of this, Shuishu Shenjia lowered her voice and looked at Wang Wei’s back: "Perhaps it was to find spiritual comfort. After that guy died, Wang Wei became more interested in muscular guys. Although it's not emotional."

Hearing this, Li Feng roughly understood something.

"It turned out to be like this! It seems that it was another tragedy caused by the god of desolation."

Recalling the trace of sadness in Wang Wei's eyes when she touched herself just now, Li Feng shook her head: "Although I don't know her boyfriend, maybe she feels a bit like seeing and thinking when she touches the more developed muscles. Right."

"Oh? That means she touched your muscles just now?"

Perhaps to activate the somewhat depressed atmosphere, Mizuki Shenjia suddenly changed her expression, and a smirk appeared on her face: "Where did she touch you? It's so unfair? Come on! Touch me too! Let me see. See how strong your muscles are."

While speaking, Shuishu Shenjia deliberately stood up and reached out to Li Feng as if she wanted to touch him.

"Okay, stop making trouble, really."

Seeing Shuishu Shenjia like that, Li Feng couldn't help but smile and gently patted her hand: "You guy, how come you like to fool around as you become more familiar?"

"Hey, I'm just such a temper!"

Shuishu Shenjia sat down again and looked at Li Feng with a smile and said, "It's not the first day you met me, did you know that I am a person who likes to fool around?"

"I really can't help you."

Li Feng smiled and shook his head, but deliberately complained: "You guys are too personal! In order to adapt to your personalities, I really have a headache."

"Then you have to adapt to this guy's character in the future."

Shuishu Shenjia looked at Wang Wei again with a smirk still on her face: "This guy is back, and every time she sees you, she will probably do the same thing as before!"

"Hey, aren't you serious?"

Hearing that Wang Wei will do the same to herself in the future, Li Feng immediately complained: "Does she not have any idea that men and women are not married?"

"Compared to this outdated and pedantic concept, maybe I miss him more deeply."

However, at this time, Shenjia Shuishu looked at Wang Wei with a sad look and said: "After all, their relationship was really close at the time. She might not be able to completely forget him in a short time..."

Seeing Shuishu Shenjia's expression, Li Feng could only sigh and shook his head...

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