I actually became a god eater

Chapter 2 The reason for crossing?

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Hearing Lu Erxi's call, Li Feng did not panic, but smiled confidently.

Just when the Ghost Face Giant Tail's attack was close to him, Li Feng did something that surprised Lu Erxi.

I saw Li Feng's wrist turned and the big sword in his hand was erected vertically.

At the moment when the flying needle was about to arrive, Li Feng blocked his big sword behind his back.

"Ding jingle bells"

There was a sound, and all the flying needles hit Li Feng's big sword without fail.

"Fuck? Really?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Erxi was stupid: "Is this really the cheating Li Feng?"

Before Lu Erxi was surprised, what happened next made Lu Erxi even more uncomfortable.

After blocking the flying needle of the ghost face giant tail, Li Feng quickly turned around to avoid the bite of the ghost face giant tail and only a horizontal flick, the ghost face giant tail was beaten by Li Feng.

"Don't froze!"

Seeing the ghost face giant tail he was flying just flying towards Lu Erxi, Li Feng called out, "Kill it!"


Hearing Li Feng's call, Lu Erxi hurriedly used the long sword-shaped magic machine in his hand to chop over the ghost face giant tail flying towards him.

In just ten minutes, dozens of ghost-faced giant tails turned into wreckage lying on the ground.

"Hey, pauper."

Li Feng, who was preying on the wreckage of the ghost face giant tail, cursed: "Why are you so poor? Except for the small cores, they are all garbage materials."


Seeing Li Feng tossing there with disdain, Lu Erxi couldn't believe that what he saw was the truth: "This guy actually killed him in such a short time?"

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Seeing that Lu Erxi was still in a daze, Li Feng called out, "Hey, if you don't prey anymore, these guys will all fall apart!"

While speaking, Li Feng also pointed his left finger at the remains of several ghost face giant tails that were emitting black smoke and dissipating.

After receiving Li Feng's reminder, Lu Erxi hurriedly used his magic machine to start preying on the debris.

After preying on the wreckage of the ghost face giant tail, Li Feng lifted up his magic machine and said: "A good thing, although it looks heavy, it actually wields pitifully light."

"I said Li Feng."

Lu Erxi walked behind Li Feng at this time: "How did you do it?"


Hearing Lu Erxi's voice, Li Feng turned his head and asked: "What are you talking about?"

"That's it..."

Lu Erxi pointed to the ghost face giant tail that had dissipated most of his feet: "You actually took them all in a short time..."

"Nothing difficult, right?"

Li Feng said with a triumphant expression: "Aren't these first-class wild gods? Don't say a dozen, even dozens of them, I don't look at them!"

"real or fake?"

Lu Erxi obviously didn't believe in Li Feng's answer: "Didn't you just be beaten by these guys before you can't find North?"

"Huh? That..."

When asked by Lu Erxi, Li Feng was a little embarrassed: "That...ah~~Aha~~Yes...Yes..."

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng gave a clumsy reason that he didn't believe him: "Actually, I am releasing water...Aha...Ahahaha..."

Although this reason is extremely far-fetched, Lu Erxi does not seem to doubt it.

After a fascinating silence, Lu Erxi pointed to a hill in the distance and said: "We can't make it back to Fenrir today. Let's rest on that hill and go back tomorrow morning."

However, when Li Feng saw a piece of ruin on the hill, he began to mutter again: "This... looks like a tower-like ruin... Could it be..."

On the way to the hills, although Li Feng had been expecting a foolish god who was not afraid of death would come out to find fault.

Unfortunately, I don't know why, but none of the gods that should have been everywhere appeared in front of them.

Along the way, although Li Feng still talked to Lu Erxi about some non-nutritive topics, through these topics, Li Feng finally got a little bit of the world he was in now.

After the emergence of the wild gods, human civilization quickly collapsed, and now only the Fenrir branches around the world are human settlements.

The area where they are located is called the "Southern Branch".

"Wait, Southern Division?"

Hearing this name, Li Feng was shocked: "Is it the branch in the south? And..."

Although the surrounding is a ruined scenery, there is a very familiar feeling in Li Feng's heart.

"This street, this feeling..."

From time to time, Li Feng stopped and looked carefully at the almost boundless ruins in front of him. A mixed feeling arose in his heart: "Although this scenery has changed, why do I feel so familiar?"

After walking through the ruins of the city, Lu Erxi took Li Feng to the hillside.

When he came nearby, Li Feng realized that this was actually a park before!

Moreover, although the gate of the park has collapsed for the most part, Li Feng is familiar with this gate!

"Qing X Mountain Park? This Nima is fake, right?"

On the collapsed gate, there was only the word "green" and the design of the gate. Li Feng immediately knew the full name of this place: "Isn't this a park I must go to once a week?"

When I stepped into the park gate and walked towards the half-collapsed tower, the feeling became stronger.

When Li Feng came to the tower, although he couldn't see anything on his face, he was already crazy: "My God! It really is! Isn't this the tower on Mount Qing X? Come once a week!"

"Let's rest here for one night today."

Although the sky was still bright, Lu Erxi pointed to the rest of the tower and said: "The gods basically don't come here, so we should be safe to rest here."

"That one....."

After hesitating for a long time, Li Feng finally said his question: "Why don't we go back to the branch to be outside? Can our partial eclipse factor support it?"

"No problem."

Lu Erxi took out a few portable partial eclipse factor injection needles from his pocket and said, "Look, we all carry them."


Seeing Lu Erxi taking things out of his pockets, Li Feng noticed that although he was dressed very well to kill Matt, he also carried the same pockets.

"Where are you eating?"

After checking the contents of his pocket, Li Feng asked, "I don't seem to have anything to eat."

"Didn't you bring it?"

Lu Erxi walked to the tower to check the situation and said without looking back: "Although our clothes look fancy, they are still very useful."

After touching all over his body, Li Feng realized that he was carrying a bunch of things besides portable food.

Although food, water and portable oracle cells are all fine, Li Feng continued to ask, "Why don't we go back?"

"Are you stupid?"

After checking the safety, Lu Erxi walked back and said: "We can't contact the branch now, can we call for reinforcements, okay? Although we can see our position in the branch..."

"Then why don't they rescue?"

Li Feng asked again: "Surely there should be rescue?"

"Time, time." 113 novel www.113xs.com

Lu Erxi looked helplessly sitting in a relatively concealed position and said: "The two of us are just private soldiers. Unless there are a lot of dangerous wild gods signals beside us, there will be no reinforcements until the time is up."

"Hey, shall we take the initiative to withdraw it?"

Li Feng walked to Lu Erxi and sat down and asked, "Is there no way to take the initiative to withdraw if the connection is interrupted?"

"That will have to be near the evacuation zone."

Lu Erxi raised his finger in a direction and said: "The evacuation point is in this direction. If we walk on foot, it will take about 4 hours. Time is too late."

"Four hours?"

Li Feng looked up at the sky: "It was dark then?"


Lu Erxi shook his head helplessly and said: "After dark, there will be more powerful medium and large wild gods and more small wild gods. At the current level of our two, there is no way to deal with it."

"No way?"

Li Fenggang defeated the ghost face giant tail, and his confidence is now high: "I don't think the Desolate God is so strong? But Er."

"Save some effort."

Lu Erxi took out a can of portable cans from his body, opened the pull ring and said, "You don't know what kind of ghost we are using now. It is still a question whether our divine abilities can hurt the large wild gods!"

Hearing Lu Erxi say this, although he felt a little shocked, Li Feng still took out the can and ate it while thinking about something.

Perhaps after seeing Li Feng's heart, Lu Erxi said helplessly: "Don't think too much, as long as we work hard, we will have weapons and equipment."

After eating, Lu Erxi made a simple allocation and then warned Li Feng to rest first.

Although the ground was very hard and it was covered by gravel from time to time, the exhaustion after exercising just now caused Li Feng to quickly make even breathing sounds.

As soon as he fell asleep, Li Feng felt that he had come to a magnificent hall.

"Sure enough, this kind of routine?"

Seeing the hall in front of him, Li Feng immediately knew in his heart: "Sure enough, it's the same as written in the novel... It's cheating..."

Despite complaining, Li Feng walked into the hall.

Coming to the main hall, a beautiful woman with a sexy dress, beautiful appearance and long blonde hair stood in front of Li's cover.

"Mortals~ come to me."

Seeing Li Feng coming in, the beauty closed her eyes and opened her arms and said to Li Feng, "I will tell you what happened...Oh!"

Before the beauty's words could be finished, Li Feng rushed to her in three and two steps, and shot a hand knife on her head.

"You fart! Mortal!"

After being stabbed by Li Feng, the beauty immediately stepped back and slammed at Li Feng, covering the place where she was beaten, "I said, can you respect the goddess? Why did you hit me when you came up?"

"I want to ask you too!"

Li Feng aggressively shouted at the beauty who claimed to be the "goddess" in front of him, "Am I dreaming? For the sake of Mao, I first went to the world of the god-eater, and then I saw you this inexplicable fellow?"

"It's all destiny."

Seeing Li Feng asked, the beauty again put on the appearance of a goddess and said: "You are the one I have chosen to save...Oh!"

The beauty once again ate Li Feng's second hand knife without finishing her words.

"What are you doing? It hurts!"

The beauty again clutched her head and shouted to Li Feng: "What do I say to you? Why don't you even have basic respect for my goddess?"

"Goddess, you hammer!"

Li Feng's momentum became stronger at this time: "Don't tell me anything! Quickly tell me what is going on!"

"Alright alright."

After the beauty rubbed her head, there were tears in her eyes and said: "In short, I chose you and let you travel into this world to shoulder the responsibilities I gave you."

"I said you!"

Li Feng squeezed his fist furiously, and his hand began to tremble due to his force: "Isn't this kind of thing told to me at the beginning of the journey?"


The beauty seemed a little scared when she saw Li Feng's appearance. She stepped back and said, "That...I wanted to tell you, but I forgot."

"Is there a goddess you are so unreliable?"

Li Feng waved his arm and yelled at the beauty: "I said you, just threw me over without giving me any psychological preparation. It made me confused, are you stupid?"

"That~~ people say they forgot..."

Li Feng shouted at such a meal, but the beauty put on a pear blossom with rain and said grievously: "That... I just forgot about it for a while."

"OK OK."

Seeing the beauty showing this expression, Li Feng suddenly felt soft: "Now you can tell me specifically what I should do. Also, why choose me?"

"right away!"

Seeing that Li Feng’s expression eased, the beauty immediately regained her spirit and began to chatter about Li Feng: “In fact, it’s very simple, that’s...”

After listening to the long story of the perfect woman, Li Feng just waved his hand and said, "Okay, that is to say, you hope that I can use my strength in the game to help the humans in this division survive as much as possible, right? ?"

"That's it!"

Seeing that Li Feng's understanding speed was so fast, the beauty immediately became excited again: "So, you are good at playing games, and your physical fitness is not bad. Guys with strong mental quality are the most suitable for this task!"

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to say more."

Li Fengchang sighed and said, "What then? How do I count as completing the task?"

"I don't know either."

Faced with Li Feng's question, the beauty had a natural expression on her face: "Anyway, the Lord God will end when he says it's okay."

"Really a group of self-talking gods."

Hearing this extremely irresponsible statement, Li Feng was helpless or helpless: "What about my original world? Am I dead or not?"

"it's okay."

The beautiful woman explained to Li Feng with a smiling face: "In fact, you here are just a mirror image of the soul. In your original world, you were just stunned, and now you are probably awake."

"Where are my privileges?"

Li Feng then asked, "Since I was chosen by your gods, you must give me some privileges?"

"Of course there is!"

The beauty explained with a grin: "Actually, you in this world were half-waste! In order to make it easier for you to perform tasks, I have strengthened your physical ability! Here you are much stronger than the original world. !"

"and then?"

Li Feng's eyes slanted at the beauty: "What about the others?"

"Other.... No more!"

The beauty suddenly returned to her normal expression: "That's all."

"Well, crossing without privilege."

At this time, Li Feng was already unable to complain. He sighed and said, "Anyway, I just try to hunt down the gods as I am in a game, right?"

"Almost! But do what you can."

The beauty stretched out a finger to explain: "Although you are now stronger than the original world, don't think about directly challenging the wild god who is too strong, you can't hold it!"

"Got it."

Li Feng turned to leave the hall and said, "In short, it's the same routine as in online novels. If there is nothing, I will go back."

Facing Li Feng's departure, the beauty couldn't help thinking in her heart: "This guy is really what the Lord God said, can you save the guy in this branch? Why do I look less and less like it?"

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