I actually became a god eater

Chapter 3 The King Kong Strikes

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!As soon as Li Feng walked out the door of the hall, the beauty chased it out.

Before the beauty could speak, Li Feng stopped first: "I said the female nerves, if it is simply to let them survive, it is a little too wide? Did you forget to tell me something?"

"I am a goddess! Goddess! Not a female nerve!"

When Li Feng called herself "female nerve", the beauty seemed very upset: "Can't you have a minimum respect for me, a goddess?"

"Without further ado."

Li Feng turned his head to look at the beauty and said, "Is there a hint?"

"Of course."

Seeing that Li Feng was still dangling, although she felt unhappy, she still said, "You know that predation in the end is related to new stars, right?"


Li Feng closed his eyes when he heard these two words: "In other words, I must find new stars like I did in Western Europe?"


The beauty sighed and said: "The Lord God said, if it can't communicate like Western Europe, you're afraid..."

"I know."

Li Feng raised his right hand wearing the bracelet and waved it and said, "At that time, it will be judged to be a threat to mankind and eliminated."

"That's it."

The beauty folded her hands on her chest and said, "This is the end of the mission that the Lord God said."

"Then what did you mean by asking the Lord God to speak?"

Li Feng asked with a displeased look on his face at this time: "Could it be...you female nerves..."

"Yes! I forgot! I fooled you just now!"

After being pierced by Li Feng, the beauty did not have a trace of guilt but raised her head with a proud look.

"Damn, will you spare me?"

Seeing the beauty with no guilt and her nostrils turned into the sky, Li Feng's head was suddenly full of black lines: "Why are even the goddess so unreliable?"

Although very helpless, Li Feng finally asked, "Hey, female nerve. Besides strengthening my physical fitness, can you help me do something?"

"I don't want to help you have children!"

When the beauty heard Li Feng's request, she immediately made a shy gesture and covered her face with her hands: "Although you are handsome and strong, mortals and goddesses can't have any relationship~ ah~ so embarrassing~"

"Who wants you to have a baby for me? You, a female nerve, is just enough!"

Seeing the beauty of this beauty's increasingly rude look, Li Feng could no longer maintain his daily coldness and began to freak: "Damn! Are you a goddess? Why are you becoming more and more female nerves?"

"Then tell me."

Although Li Feng violently complained, the beauty still looked shy: "As long as it's not too much, it's okay."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

At this time, Li Feng was completely unable to complain about the woman in front of him. He dropped his hands and said, "Don't I have a few partners who often team up? Can you help me get them through?"

"It can't be done."

The beauty shook her head embarrassedly: "You can only cross one person at a time! But I can still ask the Lord God for you."

"Then please. Female nerve."

Although not hopeful, Li Feng waved his hand at the beauty: "I will go back now. You can take care of the rest."

Looking at the back of Li Feng leaving, the beauty's nympho became insane again: "Oh, handsome and cool, it would be nice if it weren't a mortal~"

As soon as he left the hall of the goddess, Li Feng was awakened by Lu Erxi: "Hey, Li Feng, shift shift."


Li Feng immediately opened his eyes and stood up: "It's time for you to rest."

After Li Feng woke up, Lu Erxi threw a smile at Li Feng and lay down.

No words for a night...

As soon as the sun rose the next day, Li Feng carried his great sword and Lu Erxi on the journey to the evacuation point.

Along the way, Li Feng borrowed from Lu Erxi's talkative feature and kept putting out things he wanted to know bit by bit.

As they approached the evacuation point, a very pleasing female voice came from the headphones on their left ear: "Lu, Li, are you all okay?"

Hearing the voice, Lu Erxi turned into a flattering appearance, and her voice changed: "Hey~ Sister Shiqian, I and Li Feng are fine."

Seeing the shame of this guy's face, Li Feng really wished to greet him with a punch.

"Just fine."

A pleasant voice came again: "Sister Long is still worried about what happened to you. But since it's okay, you should hurry to the evacuation point, and the helicopter will be dispatched to you immediately."

"Um~ thank you~ sister Shiqian~"

Lu Erxi still looked mean: "You still treat me best~"

Hearing these words from Lu Erxi, Li Feng suddenly felt that his goose bumps had fallen to the ground.

Fortunately, the other party didn't mind too much, and after a few more words with them, they cut off the communication there.

"I said you..."

As soon as this person called "Shi Qian" cut off the communication, Li Feng asked with a disgusting look: "Why do you look like this Shi Qian?"

"Damn! Who is like you?"

After the communication was cut off, Lu Erxi resumed his previous face: "Sister Shiqian has a sweet voice, it just happens to be the type I like?"

"This is not an issue."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly: "If she sees you with such a mean look, you will either become a spare tire or you will be hated by her."

"You need to take care of it! You single dog for ten thousand years!"

When Li Feng said, Lu Erxi looked upset: "Who has only muscles left in his mind like you?"

After saying this, Lu Erxi appeared intoxicated and plunged into his daydream.

Seeing Lu Erxi's bird itching, Li Feng had to smile wryly and shook his head to move on.

When they arrived at the evacuation point, Li Feng and Lu Erxi just sat down to take a break, when an unusual sound came from nearby.

"Hey, do you hear me?"

Lu Erxi's face immediately became ugly when he heard the voice: "It seems to be the roar of the gods."

"Ah~It's the God of Desolation."

Li Feng turned his big sword into a shotgun and said, "It sounds like King Kong, and it's pretty close."

"King Kong? No way?"

Hearing that the opponent is the god of desolation "King Kong", Lu Erxi immediately became nervous: "Hey, hey, our strength is not enough to fight King Kong! If the helicopter comes in a while, will the sound attract that stuff?"

"For a while? Why is it for a while?"

Li Feng asked back: "Do you think the sound of the helicopter can't be heard by King Kong's ears?"

"What should I do?"

Lu Erxi became more anxious when he heard the words: "If there are no seniors on the helicopter to respond, wouldn't we be miserable?"

"Is it miserable? Don't think."

Li Feng smirked and said, "I think this is a rare good opportunity."

"It's rare? Are you crazy...Are you..."

Lu Erxi was surprised that he hadn't finished speaking. He interrupted the rest of his words only when he heard a huge gunshot.Lianlianxs.com www.lianlianxs.com

It turned out that Li Feng deliberately fired a shot in the sky after turning his magic machine into a shotgun.

"Fuck! Are you crazy?"

Hearing the deafening gunshots, Lu Erxi hurriedly called to Li Feng: "King Kong will hear you!"

"I heard the best."

Li Feng held his magic machine and stood up and said, "I'm still afraid it won't hear it!"

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a yellow figure that looked like an orangutan appeared in the vision of the two with a few green bugs.

"King Kong and the Spear of Fear?"

After seeing the ridiculous gods, Li Feng showed a look of disdain: "This kind of three-legged cat is not even worthy to warm up for me..."

"Fuck! Is it really here?"

Seeing the figure in the distance, Lu Erxi hurriedly assumed a combat posture: "Hey, hey, what should I do now?"

"How to do?"

Li Feng used a shotgun to aim at King Kong in the distance and said: "It's very simple, remove all threats!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Feng used his own magic machine to run towards the wild god who was rushing over at high speed.

"It's so crazy!"

Seeing Li Feng rushing towards the Desolate God, Lu Erxi shook his head and said, "This guy has completely changed since he woke up!"

Although he kept talking, Lu Erxi turned his magic machine into a submachine gun to keep up with Li Feng.

Seeing someone approaching, King Kong first roared at the spear of fear around him, then stopped and arched up.

"The green beetle is yours!"

After seeing King Kong's movements clearly, Li Feng gave instructions to Lu Erxi: "I will deal with that gorilla! You will help me after you clean up the beetles."

"Hey, can you do it?"

Although he saw Li Feng's ability to solve more than a dozen ghost face giant tails alone, but this time his opponent was King Kong, Lu Erxi was still a little worried: "Don't wait for me to collect the body!"

"Worry about yourself! Coming!"

At this time, Li Feng saw the four tubes on King Kong's back aimed at him, and he hurriedly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Hearing Li Feng's instructions, although he didn't quite understand him, when he saw Li Feng dodge to the left, Lu Erxi also hurriedly dodges to the right.

As soon as they stepped away, a gust of wind whizzed across the straight line where they were just now.

After avoiding the bombardment of King Kong, Li Feng immediately crossed the magic machine in his hand and aimed at King Kong again.

Seeing the bombardment flashed by the opponent, King Kong seemed to be so angry that he straightened up and hammered his chest with both hands.

"Come here, come here!"

On the other side, Lu Erxi looked at Li Feng, who was approaching King Kong. With the submachine gun in his hand, he began to induce those spears of fear: "Master is here~ come and eat the master~"

Although Lu Erxi wanted to induce only the Spear of Fear, King Kong, who was extremely sensitive to voices, also stared at Lu Erxi because of the gunshots and turned to attack him.

"Your opponent is me!"

While the attention of the Spear of Fear and King Kong was drawn away by Lu Erxi, Li Feng had already broken through the defense of the Spear of Fear and brought King Kong into the range of his shotgun: "Take me a blow!"

"Bang Bang Bang"

With three consecutive gunshots, a series of shots hit King Kong's right side.

After being directly attacked, King Kong immediately turned his head and stared at Li Feng who was not far away.

"Come and see, little monkey."

Li Feng used his shooting to attract King Kong while planning his next move: "You should stay away from those beetles first~"

Sure enough, under the separate guidance of the two, King Kong quickly moved a certain distance away from the Spear of Fear.

As soon as the distance was opened, Li Feng noticed that his shotgun had insufficient ammunition.

At this time, King Kong rushed to Li's cover and raised his strong right arm.

Seeing King Kong's movements, Li Feng's mouth raised.

Just when King Kong hit it with a punch, Li Feng gently leaped back to avoid King Kong's attack.

While his body was still in the air, Li Feng used the magic machine to complete the transformation from the gun form to the melee form.

Immediately afterwards, the big sword in Li Feng's hand suddenly shrank back, and the faces of the black beasts with their big mouths howled and bit from the big sword towards King Kong.

However, King Kong was not a vegetarian character either. Faced with Li Feng's predator attack, it hurriedly shrank and rolled back to avoid it.


Seeing King Kong avoiding his predation, Li Feng smiled slightly: "It seems to be a bit smarter than the game!"

The predator attack was skipped, and Li Feng immediately retracted the predator and then flew back again with the rebound reaction force.

But when Li Feng was about to land, King Kong also came near his landing point and raised his arm to greet him.

Li Feng seemed to be prepared long ago. Seeing King Kong's fist, he nervously opened the shield of the magic machine.


With a muffled noise, King Kong's fist hit Li Feng's opened shield.

The moment King Kong's fist hit the shield, Li Feng slightly changed the angle of the shield.

The change in angle caused Li Feng to fly directly above King Kong instead of flying backward due to the impact force.

This is exactly what Li Feng hopes for!

The moment he flew to the top of King Kong, Li Feng put away his shield and shone King Kong's back with his big sword!

After slashing King Kong, Li Feng borrowed his strength and fell to a position not far behind King Kong.

As soon as Li Feng landed, he heard the roar of King Kong and the vibrations under his feet coming from behind.

"You are still slow."

All this was completely within Li Feng's expectation: "You can try this!"

Just as King Kong’s fist was about to hit Li Feng, Li Feng had already opened his shield with one hand to block his fist.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng immediately held the divine machine with the other hand and quickly closed the shield and turned towards King Kong's close face with a slash from bottom to top.

"Block the upper cut?"

In the distance, Lu Erxi glanced at Li Feng's direction uneasy while knocking down the Spear of Fear, but surprised him: "This guy is so easy to use this trick in actual combat?"

Being attacked unexpectedly by Li Feng, King Kong was slashed in the face with a big sword before he could dodge.

Suddenly, King Kong's ugly face was shattered, and fragments were splashed everywhere.

Because of the heavy blow, King Kong immediately covered his face and jumped into the distance.

Before King Kong was ready to fight back, a coma grenade was thrown in front of it.

Seeing a bright light lit up, King Kong suddenly wailed and covered his face again.

King Kong temporarily lost his combat ability, but Li Feng did not catch up to attack, but instead held a large sword in both hands and set it on his shoulders.


As Li Feng's voice shouted, a black oracle cell visible to the naked eye gradually gathered on Li Feng's great sword.

"Fuck! Charged smashing blow?"

Seeing the oracle cells gathering towards Li Feng's Great Sword from everywhere, Lu Erxi was shocked again: "This guy has a good timing, right?"

After feeling that the oracle cells were almost gathered, Li Feng waved down the magic machine in his hand with a loud shout.

As Li Feng's divine machine waved, a shock wave composed of black and wide-ranging oracle cells set off dust and flew towards King Kong who had finally opened his eyes...

This novel is based on "God Eater 2: Anger Liberation", and the timeline and worldview are equivalent to the game.I used the original folk translations for some of the translations of the gods, and I used the official translations of traditional Chinese for most of the weapons and moves of the gods, so please forgive me.

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