You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!When the whirlpool came a few meters away from the shore, a column of water was seen rising from the frozen lake, and a desolate god leaped to the shore.

After the guy came ashore, Li Feng and the others showed their surprised expressions again.

It turned out that it was not other wild gods who jumped up from the water, but the wild god who usually likes to inhabit the water: Ge Bo Luo!

However, the Ge Boluo in front of him was different from what Li Feng and the others had seen before.

Its body is divided into two sections with clear boundaries.

The first half is the fiery red color that represents the fire attribute, and even the physical characteristics are the fire attribute Ge Bo Luo fell into the sky.

But in the second half of the body, it is the characteristics and color of the ice attribute Ge Bo Luo falling into the sky.

"Damn, isn't this too weird?"

Seeing this half red and half ice blue Geboluo, Li Feng's eyes almost stared out: "What kind of novel is this? How could it be like this?"

Before he finished speaking, the strange Geboluo had already locked up the three of them and raised the fin on his back high.

"Attack directly without saying hello, this temper is hot enough!"

Seeing Ge Boluo's movements clearly, Li Feng first laughed, and then prepared to dodge: "Attention everyone, this guy is going to attack!"

As soon as Li Feng's warning was finished, the strange Ge Boluo ejected a red and blue oracle that kept intertwining with each other at the three.


Seeing that stranger oracle bomb, Li Feng didn't dare to hold it big. He retreated and dodged while shouting: "According to the old tactics, three-sided attack!"

After avoiding Ge Bo Luo's oracle bomb, the three immediately surrounded the strange Ge Bo Luo in three ways according to their usual tactics.

After each came to their own position, Rhine Yi took the lead to contain the Ge Bo Luo, and let Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying attack it from both sides.

However, this Ge Bo Luo is actually a strange-looking and capable of launching oracle bullets with two attributes at the same time.

In terms of ability, it is really no better than ordinary Ge Bo Luo or Ge Bo Luo falling into the sky.

It didn't take long for this strange Geboluo to be knocked to the ground by the three.

"Today is really an eye-opener!"

Zhongyuan Sakura preyed on the wreckage of Geboluo with a wry smile and said, "I first saw the white Vazheluo between the earth mother and Vazheluo, and now I saw this different Geboluo again."

"I'm afraid it's Ge Bo Luo who has evolved to half."

After finishing the predation, Li Feng squatted down to carefully look at the remains of Ge Bo Luo in front of him: "Including the first half of the two pelvic fins, the evolution of the fire attribute has basically been completed, and the second half..."

Having said this, Li Feng stood up and looked at Ge Boluo's half ice-blue body: "It is estimated that the evolution has not yet been completed, so he still maintains the posture when he was active in the ice and snow."

"How did these dark family members evolve so quickly?"

After listening to Li Feng’s reasoning, Rhein, who had completed the predation, couldn’t help but complain: “Like just now, its actions are basically the same as our common Ge Bo Luo falling into the sky, but the oracle bullet it fires is a mixture of two attributes. of!"

"It's nothing strange, right?"

Zhongyuan Sakura disagrees that Ge Bo Luo can play two kinds of oracle bullets: "It's like our bullet! If the formula is right, it is not impossible for us to have two or even four attributes in one bullet. "

"The problem is only theoretical, and it has never been proven in practice."

After roughly checking Ge Boluo, Li Feng stood up with a serious expression: "Sakura, think about it. When have you been able to add other attributes to bullets with attributes?"

"Huh? That seems to be the case when you say this!"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Zhongyuan Ying's mind suddenly flashed: "It's true, if the properties of the bullet have been confirmed, then you can't insert bullets with other properties when editing!"

"So, in this respect, Huangshen still has a lot of advantages over us."

Li Feng shook his head, staring at the different-colored Ge Boluo who was slowly dissipating: "Did you notice something strange when you were fighting just now? It was during the attack..."

"Its immunity is obviously stronger than other Geboluo!"

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Rhine rushed to raise his hand and said, "No matter the oracle bullets of ice or fire do not do much damage to it, although it is obviously to restrain its attributes."

"But you can see a clear difference in the corresponding area."

Li Feng pointed to the first half of Ge Boluo and said: "Ice attribute damage is obviously increased here, and fire attribute is the same in the second half. But here is a complete penalty zone."

Having said this, Li Feng viciously stepped his foot on the place where the two colors of the heterochromatic Geboluo met, and then raised his head to look at the two.

Even if Li Feng did not speak, the two knew what Li Feng's action meant.

At the time of the battle just now, although the three of them all discovered that this heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo's body was divided into two parts, it could switch bullets to cause huge damage.

But in this area where the two colors intersect, there is a forbidden zone that completely invalidates the attributes!

Regardless of the fire attribute or the ice attribute, as long as the oracle shell hits this area, it can hardly cause any damage.

If only the oracle bullets can't cause damage.

The problem is that even if you switch to a melee attack, the damage that can be done in this area is still quite poor.

"I'm afraid we will report the two wild gods we encountered to the server today."

After a moment of silence, Li Feng slowly said: "You must warn all Fenrir branches, including the Frost Winter Division. Otherwise, the more such wild gods appear, the more damage it will cause! , Rhine, you can contact the team."

After receiving instructions from Li Feng, Rhein immediately took out the satellite phone and started contacting the team.

Less than five minutes after the contact was over, the convoy, led by the sergeant’s armored car, came to the edge of the ice-free lake like a whirlwind.

"Hurry up! Move faster!"

The armored car hadn't stopped, so the sergeant opened the door and jumped out of the car and began to greet the people on the convoy: "Our time is very pressing, please don't wait!"

Under the command of the sergeant, the other vehicles in the convoy quickly stopped at the position where the containers were stacked, and then the staff immediately jumped off the truck and started filling water and lifting the water-filled containers onto the truck.

Just as the water fetching work was going on in an intense and orderly manner, with a few sounds of water not far away, another heterochromatic Geboluo suddenly jumped out of the lake.

"How come there are?"

After hearing the sound of water, Li Feng hurriedly turned around but saw the same different color Ge Bo Luo: "Where did this guy run out?"

"I can go, you continue to cover the convoy."

Without waiting for Li Feng’s order, Zhongyuan Ying carried her double-edged blade and walked towards the heterochromatic Ge Boluo who was still twisting her body by the lake: “This thing is not offensive to the three of us. ."

"Thank you, Sakura."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's confident look, Li Feng smiled: "Don't be too careless! If you can't stand it, I'll go up and help you right away!"

"Got it! I won't be careless."

Zhongyuan Ying turned her head playfully and smiled at Li Feng: "I'm not someone who knows how pigs advance and then be beaten by the gods!"

Hearing what Zhongyuan Ying said, Li Feng gave a helpless smile.

"The pig is advancing by leaps and bounds? Who?"

Rhine, who didn't know this at all, was confused: "Comrade, who is the princess referring to?"

"Okay, don't ask."

With an awkward expression, Li Feng sneered and patted Rin on the shoulder: "Let's continue to be vigilant, after all, homework will take some time."

However, just when Zhongyuan Sakura was fighting the heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo, there was another sound of water, and another heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo jumped up from the lake again.

After a brief pause by the lake, it twisted its slightly sluggish body and kicked the snow away and ran towards Nakahara Sakura, who was fighting against the heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo.

"Damn, how come there are?"

Hearing the sound of the water and looking in the direction of the sound and spotting the third Geboluo of different colors, Li Feng was stunned: "Are we stabbing a hornet's nest? How come one by one came out of the water? Out?"

"You know you stabbed a hornet's nest, don't you hurry up to help?"

Because Nakahara Sakura was restrained by one of the heterochromatic Geboluo, facing the impact of the heterochromatic Geboluo who was newly added to the battlefield, she could only force her double-edged blade to eat it down before her. Not a master like you who is good at melee!"

"I'm coming!"

Li Feng picked up the magic machine and ran to Zhongyuan Ying while turning his head and instructing Rhein: "I will leave it to you for the time being, don't just look at the other direction!" Romance Novel Network

"Leave it to me, comrade!"

Rhine held the magic machine in one hand and waved at Li Feng: "As a knight, I will not disappoint your expectations!"

Not long after Li Feng joined the battle, the third water noise came and the fourth Ge Bo Luo jumped up from the lake.

"Rhine, guard the convoy!"

Although there were already three Gebolo with different colors beside him, Li Feng still vacated the space and shouted to Rhine: "The three Gebolo, I can handle with Ying, you just need to cover the team!"

When Li Feng shouted, Rhein, who had opened his legs to join the battle, stopped.

"Yes... but comrades."

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura who were in a melee with Heterogeneous Geboluo, Rhine's fisted hand trembled slightly: "Watching my comrades get into a hard fight... I am a knight..."

"As a knight, you should guard what you should guard!"

Before Li Feng spoke, Zhongyuan Ying had spoken first: "Your task now is to guard the team. No matter how bad our battle situation is, you must take guarding the team as your top priority!"

"I... I get it!"

Hearing what Zhongyuan Sakura said, Rhine turned his head aside very reluctantly: "Princess, comrade, you must be fine."

"Ann, nothing can do us nothing with these three wastes!"

Although the scene is a bit chaotic because of the existence of the three different colors of Ge Bo Luo, it can be seen that the movements of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying are still light and easy: "Although it will take some time, we will definitely not have an accident."

Just as Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were fighting the three different-colored Ge Bo Luo, a scream mixed with the roar of the gods came from the other side of the area where the work was going on.

"What happened?"

Hearing the call, Rhine hurried to the work area: "Why is there a roar of the god of desolation?"

"It's King Kong!"

While shooting, the sergeant pointed at a King Kong Fallen who was running towards the side with a rain of bullets and shouted: "There is a King Kong falling from the sky! Our weapons can't resist it!"

"I come!"

Rhein ran up to the sergeant with a stride, and squeezed the magic machine to face King Kong: "Go help with your homework and speed up! Just leave it to me here!"

Seeing Rhine greet the King Kong falling to the sky, the sergeant hesitated for a while and immediately called all the combat personnel to help the staff with water extraction operations.

Before long, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying knocked down the three heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo to the ground.

"Huh, finally got it done."

Nakahara Sakura gently wiped the sweat beads from her forehead and let out a long sigh of relief: "Although the strength is not very strong, it is still a bit tricky to have more or less."

"It is ok."

Li Feng removed the core of one of the heterochromatic Geboluo and kicked it fiercely: "These damn guys, in order to adapt to the temperature of the lake, they actually started to change their attributes of fire. This situation has not been seen in any works before I have seen it."

"Games are games after all."

Nakahara Sakura smiled and shook her head: "As game developers, they would not have thought of what the gods would evolve in reality because of the environment. Besides, developing this kind of shit gods would increase the workload. ?"

"That's what I said."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's expression, Li Feng also laughed: "From all angles, the guy we have seen here has never seen in the game."

"Hmm! You are still a little capable!"

While Li Feng was chatting with Zhongyuan Ying, Rhein’s shout came from a distance: “But don’t get too proud, you dark family! As a knight, I will never lose to you!”

Hearing Rhein's voice, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the sound.

It turned out that at this time, Rhein was beaten by the King Kong and retreated several meters away.

I saw him spit out the blood in his mouth contemptuously, and then gently wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

After a brief respite, Rhein once again rushed towards King Kong and fell to the sky with a magic machine.

"This guy, his strength is not good, he is full of energy."

Seeing that Rhein was actually beaten by a diamond falling from the sky, Li Feng smiled helplessly and shook his head: "However, being beaten like this by a diamond falling from the sky, his strength is indeed bad."

While complaining, Li Feng took a deep breath and planned to run over to help Rhein.

However, before taking a step, Zhongyuan Ying put the magic machine in front of Li's cover to prevent him from moving forward.

"Sakura, what's the matter?"

Facing Zhongyuan Ying’s behavior, Li Feng was a little strange: "Why stop me?"

"Don't you think this scene is familiar?"

To Li Feng's question, Zhongyuan Ying did not answer directly, but looked at him with a smirk: "Think about it, Rhein's behavior is very similar to someone, and the situation now is almost the same as it was then.

"What you say..."

At the reminder of Zhongyuan Ying, another scene immediately appeared in Li Feng's mind: "Aha, it's the Emil incident, right?"


With a smile on Zhongyuan Sakura's face, she put down the magic machine: "It's better to let him solve it by himself as we learn from the game. If it can't be solved..."

Speaking of this, Nakahara Sakura combined the two blades together and turned into a ray gun form.

"That's true."

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's movements, Li Feng smiled and turned his magical machine into a bomber: "But in case, let's get closer."

"Well! This dark family member is really strong!"

Returning to Rhine, he evaded the fist of King Kong's Falling into the sky and immediately counterattacked, but was dodged by King Kong's Falling into the sky by a jumper: "This guy is so fast! I can't seem to deal with it by my own strength!"

"Using the zero-return posture and blade cannon!"

Just when Rhein was struggling to defeat King Kong and fall into the sky, Li Feng’s shout came over: “Use the zero position and blade gun at the right time, combined with the disintegration effect caused by perfect defense, you can defeat this guy. !"


Hearing Li Feng’s voice, Rhein’s heart immediately appeared in his heart with Li Feng in the training ground: “Yes! If I use these moves, I can defeat this dark family member on my own!”

Thinking of this, Rhine hurriedly reorganized his posture and hit the spirit to watch every move of King Kong falling from the sky.

After several more rounds, the opportunity that Rhine had been waiting for finally arrived.

As King Kong's fist was blocked by Rhine's perfect defense, the reaction force made King Kong's fall into a stiff state.

"It's now!"

When King Kong fell into the sky and became stiff, Rhine turned his wrist and assumed a zero-returning posture, and then blocked the long sword in front of him: "Try this!"


A burst of harsh jets rang out, and the magic machine in Rhein's hand spewed a series of flames to the temporarily unable to move King Kong fell into the sky.


Scorched by the fiery flames, King Kong fell to the ground with his head in his arms and wailed.

Taking advantage of the gap where King Kong fell to the sky holding his head and fell to the ground, Rhein once again assumed a zeroing posture and then swung his long sword towards the defenseless King Kong fell to the sky...

"I did it!"

When King Kong fell from the sky and was defeated, Rhine jumped three feet high in excitement: "I defeated a dark servant with my own power!"

"Papa Papa"

Following Rhine's excited shout, a burst of applause slowly approached him with the sound of footsteps on the snow.

"Hahaha, thanks to your reminder, comrade!"

Hearing applause, Rhine suddenly turned around and hugged Li Feng, who was walking towards him, with crystal tears in the corners of his eyes: "Thank you for your usual guidance and reminder just now, thank you!"

Looking at Rhein who was crying with joy in his arms, Li Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and patted his back gently...

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