I actually became a god eater

Chapter 215 Black Fragments

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After defeating the heterochromatic Ge Bo Luo, Li Feng and the others left the Unfreezing Lake in the car of the convoy that completed the task of collecting water.

After returning to the Frost Winter branch, as soon as they entered Dr. Zhou's office, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying felt a solemn atmosphere permeating the entire office.

"What happened?"

After carefully observing Dr. Zhou and their expressions, Li Feng first judged that no one was killed before asking: "Why is the atmosphere so dignified? Did something happen to the mining team?"

"Nothing happened to the mining team."

Dr. Zhou shook his head first, and then pushed an object that had been on the desk top: "But when developing a new mine tunnel, I found a place buried by snow."

Seeing Dr. Zhou's movements, Li Feng noticed the object on the desk.

After looking at each other for a while, the two of them walked to the desk.

"What kind of metal is this?"

When her eyes touched the black piece on the desk that was only the size of a palm and had jagged edges, Zhongyuan Ying's brows tightened: "It looks like it has been eaten by the gods?"

"It should be bitten and not eaten."

Dr. Zhou shook his head, the expression on his face still solemn: "This was found in the snow-buried area. Li Feng, can you see what it is?"

After Dr. Zhou called Li Feng's name, he didn't get any response.

Li Feng didn't respond to Dr. Zhou, and the strange people discovered that Li Cover had an expression of surprise at this strange piece of metal.

"It seems that you already know what pieces of this thing are."

From Li Feng’s surprised expression, Dr. Zhou clearly got the answer he wanted: "If I guessed correctly, you should already know Li Feng..."

"This is a fragment of the Type 27 individual exoskeleton armor."

Before Dr. Zhou finished speaking, Li Feng, who had recovered from his extreme shock, let out a long sigh: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to be preserved. I thought this kind of thing already exists only in the terminal."

"Twenty-seven type individual exoskeleton armor?"

Hearing this term, Mizuki Shenjia immediately tilted her head and asked: "What is that? Is it something that a soldier wears? I don't seem to see anyone wearing it."

"It should be the single-soldier combat equipment before the appearance of the gods."

Li Feng sighed again, then shook his head with a helpless look and stretched out his hand toward the fragments: "I saw it in the terminal before. This was the standard equipment for soldiers on this land."

When Li Feng's hand came to the top of the broken piece, he stopped and looked at Dr. Zhou with questioning eyes.


Dr. Zhou nodded slightly, and then said in a melancholy tone: "This thing is not a cultural relic. If you want to look more closely, just pick it up and look at it."

After squeezing an extremely reluctant smile at Dr. Zhou, Li Feng's slightly trembling hand picked up the broken piece.

However, when Li Feng slowly brought the fragments closer to his eyes, he was very nervous as you can see from his slightly trembling hands and gently shaking body.

"Feng, are you all right."

While holding on to Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying asked softly: "What happened to this thing? Why would you..."


After steadily stabilizing his mind and stopping the trembling, Li closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then smiled reluctantly and said, "I'm just a little excited. After all, it's rare to see this kind of legacy from the past at this time Thing."

Although Li Feng said so, but from his actions and expressions, almost everyone could tell that he was lying.

After taking a few more deep breaths, Li Feng moved closer to observe the fragments.

However, after Li Feng turned over the back of the broken piece and saw a series of incomplete texts exposed at the corner of the broken piece, Li Fengdeng felt that his eyes turned black and his feet softened.


With the sound of the metal fragments falling to the ground, Li Feng, who was slumped, was supported by Rhein and Zhongyuan Ying hand in hand, and finally did not collapse to the ground.

"Put him on the sofa."

Seeing Li Feng's eyes closed and his limbs weak, Thunder Dragon, who reacted, quickly commanded: "Hurry up! Katyusha, go and notify the doctor."

"No need."

Before Dongshan Katyusha rushed out of the office, Dr. Zhou stopped her: "Li Feng should have seen something that surprised him. A little rest will be fine."

When he said this, Dr. Zhou's eyes first looked at Zhongyuan Sakura who was gently helping Li Fengshun, and then at the broken pieces that fell to the ground.

While everyone was around Li Feng, Dr. Zhou walked out of the desk silently, gently picked up the broken pieces and looked at the line of small print that caused Li Feng to faint.

However, no matter how Dr. Zhou looked at it, he couldn't see what was special about this line of letters that seemed to be unrelated.

After a while, Li Feng slowly woke up.

"Dr. Zhou, can I apply to search that place?"

After waking up, Li Feng first expressed his gratitude to the people around him who cared about him, and then asked with a trembling voice: "I want to apply for a search."

"Ah, yes."

Hearing Li Feng’s voice, Dr. Zhou recovered from the hard thinking and replied without hesitation: "Although there is nothing that can be recycled in that area for the time being, I can post if you want to go. task."

"Then trouble you, doctor."

Li Feng first shook his head vigorously, then stood up from the sofa with his hands on his knees: "Please post the mission as soon as possible. I want to go there and take a look earlier."

After saying this, Li Feng weakly dropped a sentence: "Please forgive me to leave first. I feel a little uncomfortable."

After that, Li Feng turned around and left the office without waiting for Dr. Zhou's permission.

Although they didn't say anything, everyone noticed Li Feng's feeble appearance and sad expression.

After noticing these details, Dr. Zhou just shook his head slightly and let out a long sigh.

After Li Feng left Dr. Zhou's office, Zhongyuan Ying also found a way to leave.

After walking out of Dr. Zhou's office, Zhongyuan Ying first looked around.

After not seeing Li Feng's figure in her sight, Zhongyuan Ying poked her right index finger on her right chin: "Feng's face and behavior are abnormal. He should want to hide in a place where no one is. If you guessed it right..."

After thinking a little bit, Zhongyuan Ying ran to the elevator at the other end of the corridor.

When Zhongyuan Ying took the elevator to a certain floor of the surface facility, she faintly heard faint sobbing from the empty floor.

"Sure enough."

After carefully distinguishing the direction of the voice, the corner of Zhongyuan Ying's mouth rose slightly, but then she shook her head: "Feng cried so sad, it seems that the owner of this fragment is someone he knows. I still don't go there."

Thinking of this, Zhongyuan Sakura gently let go of the steps she just started.

After hesitating for a while, Zhong Yuan Ying closed her eyes and leaned gently against the button next to the elevator door, quietly listening to the sobbing sound.

I don't know how long it took, and the sobbing sound gradually became louder from the looming sound before.

What followed were bursts of heart-piercing shouts.

In the empty camouflage building on the ground, this cry not only seemed extremely loud, but also an unspeakable sadness.Tower Novel www.taxiaoshuo.com

Perhaps it was because of the crying, Chu Yuan Ying's eyes were slightly red.

She raised her hand and gently rubbed her nose and eyes, then closed her eyes again and pressed her hands behind her waist.

After waiting for a while, after the cries gradually returned to the sobbing sound, Zhongyuan Ying took a deep breath and walked towards the direction of the sound slowly.

Not long after walking, Zhongyuan Ying saw Li Feng kneeling on the ground, her right hand supporting her body, and her left hand beating the ground continuously.

"Feng, is it someone you know?"

When there was still a short distance from Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying stopped and asked softly: "You cry so sad, should you be someone who is familiar with you?"

"It's more than familiar."

Hearing the voice of Zhongyuan Ying, although still in extreme grief, Li Feng quickly changed the kneeling position to the sitting position, and then turned his back to her: "He is my relative, one of my beloved ones."

When he said this, Li Feng's voice still trembled from sobbing, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

"Can you tell me who it is?"

After feeling that Li Feng didn't refuse her own intention, Zhongyuan Ying stepped closer to him again, and her voice remained soft: "Don't carry it by yourself, let me share some of it for you?"

"How could you help me share the burden."

Li Feng shook his head and lowered his head: "How can you understand the pain of losing a loved one. Although this is not my original life, but..."

"I really can't understand this pain"

Zhongyuan Ying approached Li Feng slowly, with tears in her eyes: "Although I can't understand, I think I can help you. Did you forget? We said we would cry together, laugh together, and walk through the future together. "

When she said these words, Zhongyuan Ying came to Li Feng's back and knelt behind him, opening her arms around Li Feng from behind.

After hugging him, Zhongyuan Ying gently leaned her forehead against Li Feng's back.

Perhaps Li Feng's body shook violently when he felt the gentleness of Zhongyuan Ying.

"Can you... stand up for me first?"

After a moment of silence, Li Feng said, "I have been kneeling for a long time, and my legs are a little numb."

Upon hearing Li Feng's request, Zhongyuan Ying just smiled softly, without speaking.

After thinking for a while, Zhongyuan Ying slowly let go of her hands holding Li Feng.

After standing up, Li Feng turned to face Zhongyuan Ying.

From his tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes, Zhongyuan Ying could more or less understand the pain in Li Feng's heart.

"Don't bear it."

Seeing Li Feng like this, Zhongyuan Ying opened her arms and said, "If you still feel uncomfortable, just cry. I am not an outsider, even if you want..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng suddenly hugged Zhongyuan Sakura in his arms and cried more heartbreakingly than before.

As Li Feng's feelings exploded again, Zhongyuan Ying could only gently caress his back without saying a word to soothe his emotions.

After a while, Li Feng stabilized his emotions.

"Sorry for showing you the shame of me."

After crying loudly, Li Feng embarrassedly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said: "Although I know this is not my life, I still can't control my emotions when I see that familiar name."

"Hehe, this is just an exchange!"

Facing Li Feng, who was recovering, Zhongyuan Ying smiled mischievously: "I have shown you my embarrassment before, right?"

Seeing Zhongyuan Ying's naughty and gentle expression, Li Feng just smiled and didn't say anything.

Relatively speechless, Sakura was the first to break the silence: "Feng, I don't know what you saw. But, can you tell me? Why did you faint? Why are you so sad."

"Sergeant Stump."

After biting his lower lip and hesitating for a while, Li Feng said, "On the reverse side of that piece of debris is written our shadow password, which only our shadow can read."

"Sergeant Stump?"

Hearing this name, Zhongyuan Ying was puzzled: "This is the code name, right? You said it was your relative? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! Because the code name of the shadow is lifelong."

Li Feng hesitated again for a while, and then said: "And there is no code name inheritance. In other words, no matter how many years have passed, the code name of the stump will always belong to that person, and there can be no second person to use it."

"That person... stump..."

After carefully observing Li Feng's expression, Zhongyuan Ying cautiously expressed her reasoning: "If I guessed correctly, it should be your nephew, the little monkey you talked about all day?"

When the word "nephew" was mentioned, Li Feng closed his eyes in pain.

After a long time, Li Feng opened his eyes and spoke again: "Yes, it's my nephew."

"He finally set foot on your old path in this world?"

Listening to Li Feng's words, Zhongyuan Ying's eyes widened: "Why did he choose to be a shadow like you? Didn't you say that it is absolutely impossible for your father to allow him to become a soldier?"

"I don't know why, but there have been signs before."

Li Feng shook his head, and then looked at the snowflakes dancing outside the French windows: "In the original world, the little monkey has always longed for my work, and he was deeply influenced by me. Seriously, he chose to be a soldier. Not surprising."

"Then you proposed to search there for the purpose of confirmation?"

Following Li Feng's sight, Zhongyuan Ying also looked out the window: "You want to confirm whether your nephew is real..."

"This is just one aspect."

Li Feng let out a long sigh and pulled his eyes back from the window: "On the other hand, I am very concerned about the illusion we saw before."

"Is it the one you saw near the magma pool before?"

Speaking of "phantom", the scene before Zhongyuan Sakura immediately appeared in her mind: "If I read it right, those two people are..."


Li Feng raised his hand and gently covered Zhongyuan Ying's mouth, his expression becoming more sad: "This area must have happened before. To be honest, I want to find out these things."

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with our mission, right?"

Hearing that Li Feng said that he wanted to find out about the past in this area, Zhongyuan Ying was very puzzled: "Although I am also interested in the past, this does not prevent predation at the end..."

"It really has nothing to do with terminal predation."

Li Feng’s eyes suddenly became firm, and began to gleam: “But I have a feeling. If we can solve what happened in this area before, it is possible to solve the other things that the branch minister sent us before departure. A task."

As soon as Li Feng said these words, Zhongyuan Ying was taken aback for a moment, and then she suddenly realized her expression.

"Yes! All of this must be related."

From Zhongyuan Ying’s expression, Li Feng guessed that she should understand the things she deliberately did not say: “As long as we can solve the truth buried in the snow, we can complete that task.”

As Li Feng uttered these words, the wind and snow outside seemed to echo his words and began to fly more frantically in the air...

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