I actually became a god eater

Chapter 219 The real...

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!Hearing that the area occupied by the gods was to be directly razed to the ground, Zhongyuan Sakura's face instantly turned white.

"Wait, what's the situation with you?"

On the contrary, Mizuki Shenjia, who has absolutely no idea about nuclear weapons, said with a dazed expression: "What is a nuclear warhead? What is a nuclear weapon? Why do you look so ugly when you mention this thing?"

"It is more troublesome to explain specifically."

After a long sigh, Li Feng shook his head helplessly: "You can understand it as a weapon that can completely destroy everything within a radius of tens of kilometers in an instant."

"Including Desolate God?"

Hearing that nuclear weapons are so powerful, Shenjia Mizuki immediately beamed his eyes: "Then if we get this kind of weapon, wouldn't the desolate god be eliminated in minutes?"

"It is only human beings who are eliminated."

Faced with the true thoughts of Shenjia Shuishu that day, Li Feng smiled bitterly: "The nuclear radiation after the explosion of nuclear weapons will harm mankind, let alone the nuclear winter and nuclear pollution caused by the massive use of nuclear weapons."

"Nuclear winter? Nuclear pollution? Nuclear radiation?"

These words are like a science fiction novel for Mizuki Shenjia who was born in the world after the emergence of the gods: "What are these things? Is it dangerous? Or rather..."

"I'll explain to you this way."

Seeing the dazed expression of Shui Shu Shenjia, Li Feng had no choice but to make an understatement, but explained the key point: "With too many nuclear weapons, mankind...no, even the entire earth will be completely destroyed by nuclear weapons!"

"The earth will... be destroyed..."

Hearing this explanation, Mizuki Shenjia realized the danger of nuclear weapons, and her face instantly became extremely ugly: "So what kind of nuclear weapons are so dangerous..."

"Well, don't discuss these now."

Li Fengqiang smiled relaxedly, then turned to look at the vacant transport vehicles under the bomber and said: "Our trip is not without gain. Whether it is the battlefield or here, there are many recyclables. thing."

"There are indeed many."

Knowing that Li Feng had deliberately changed the subject, Zhongyuan Ying also hurriedly agreed: "After these vehicles are recovered, they can be used after a little repair. Moreover, these remaining ammunition can be used by ordinary soldiers with a little modification."

"However, this is probably not the biggest treasure here."

At this time, Li Feng smiled triumphantly: "If I'm not mistaken, there should be underground facilities in the basement of this base. If you are lucky, the underground facilities are all treasures!"

After a short pause, Li Feng put away his smile and raised his face again: "Moreover, the truth and answers we want to know, I'm afraid they will be hidden below."

While saying this, Li Feng tapped on the ground lightly with his foot.

Perhaps realizing the meaning of Li Feng's words, both Zhongyuan Ying and Mizuki Shenjia were embarrassed and did not say a word.

After roughly judging their thoughts from their faces, Li Feng didn't say anything, but led them to find the entrance of underground facilities in this huge military base.

For outsiders, how difficult is it to find an underground entrance to a military base?

However, for Li Feng, an officer who once served in a non-existent army, finding this kind of entrance was simpler than eating.

It didn't take long for Li Feng to find a heavy protective door in the hangar.

But after finding the protective door, facing such a heavy door, Shenjia Shuishu stood in front of the door and got into trouble.

On the other hand, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, instead of standing in front of the protective door, they were searching for something around the door.

It didn't take long for the two of them to find a console by the door that could open the door.

Looking at the dust-covered screen and numeric keyboard on the console, Li Feng hesitated for a moment, then took out the ID card he had previously obtained from Huang Jianxiang and the others.

Putting the ID card on the screen, the dusty screen actually lit up with red light.

With the sound of a "drop", the heavy protective door slowly opened with a slight vibration.

But as the protective door opened, a strong smell of blood immediately permeated from inside.

"Cough cough cough, what's going on?"

Shui Shu Shenjia, who was coughing with the sudden strong bloody smell, quickly backed away and pulled down the face mask she had just raised: "Li Feng! What's wrong with this smell?"

"I'm afraid we have opened a purgatory that has been dusty for many years."

Although he was used to the smell of blood, Li Feng was so disgusted by the high concentration of blood that he pulled the mask: "If I'm not mistaken, when this door is fully opened, we will see a tragic purgatory. "

When the protective door was opened, a dazzling light was immediately lit up in the passage.

Sure enough, when the lights came on, in a wide passage, the corpses of soldiers, broken exoskeletons and human fragments almost covered the entire passage.

Just these things have already caused the belly of Mizuki Shenjia and Zhongyuan Ying to start tumbling, not to mention almost staining the entire passage with black blood.


Although Zhongyuan Sakura and Mizuki Shenjia had tried their best to endure, they couldn't help but lift their masks and ran aside and began to vomit after seeing these things.

Seeing the two rushing to the side and vomiting wildly, Li Feng shook his head helplessly, but at this time, Li Feng noticed a detail.

"Wait, is this..."

After noticing the details, Li Fengqiang endured his discomfort and stepped into the passage, then squatted down to examine the corpses and wreckage on the ground.

About ten minutes later, Li Feng stood up and frowned and muttered to himself: "Huh? That's not right! It seems that there is something different from my previous reasoning."

"Um...Feng, what are you talking about yourself?"

Finally stopped vomiting, Zhongyuan Ying staggered to Li Feng's side: "What's the discrepancy?"

"Can you do it?"

With a wry smile, she turned her head and glanced at Zhongyuan Sakura, whose face turned blue from vomiting, and Li Feng asked helplessly: "Can you stand it?"


However, after coming to Li Feng and seeing the tragic situation in the passage again, Zhongyuan Ying's eyes were round and almost vomiting out again. She hurriedly covered her mouth and nose: "Probably...it can stand it."

"Me too.... okay..."

At this moment, Mizuki Shenjia, who wiped off the filth at the corner of her mouth, wandered to the side. From her expression, she was also resisting the urge to vomit again: "What did I find...?... Well...."

"If it doesn't work, just stay outside."

Seeing the pale faces and forbearance of the two girls, Li Feng felt a little unbearable: "I just go in by myself. You don't have to resist and follow me in."

Li Feng's words were like an amnesty. After hearing these words, the two girls ran out of the tunnel without saying a word.

But the vomiting that followed made Li Feng only smiled awkwardly, and then he lifted his foot slowly towards the depths of the passage.

When walking in the passage, the solidified black blood on the ground gave Li Feng a feeling of slippery feet.Feiku Novel Network www.txtwww.com

The stumps and weapons he accidentally kicked from time to time, as well as the blood splashing on the wall, have been telling Li Feng about the violent battles that took place in the passage before.

After passing through the winding passage, Li Feng came to the front of a protective door again.

Standing in front of the protective door, even Li Feng was so surprised that he could not speak.

It turned out that there was a relatively wide hall in front of this protective door.

In this hall, there are human bodies wearing exoskeletons, various remnants used as temporary shelters, and ammunition scattered everywhere.

What's more terrifying are the faint yellowish traces and the explosion traces that can be seen everywhere on the snow-white wall.

It was not difficult for Li Feng to draw a conclusion from what he saw in the hall along the way.

It was in this passage that an extremely fierce battle broke out between the two warring parties.

In the course of the battle, the two sides even abandoned hot weapons and evolved into a hand-to-hand battle with cold weapons!

However, after Li Feng's sight swept across the hall, it was firmly nailed to the protective door.

It turned out that a black wolf head logo was printed on the protective door.

Li Feng couldn't be more familiar with this sign!

"Is it true?"

After seeing the sign on the door, Li Feng let out a sigh: "Is it really the shadow forces that started the infighting? But why? Shouldn't the shadow forces be loyal to the country and the people? Why do you want to start the infighting at this time? ?"

"About this question, I can answer you."

Just as Li Feng sighed and shook his head for the battle, a sweet female voice suddenly sounded in the hall: "But please show your identity first."

"This voice..."

Although he did not see the owner of the voice, Li Feng immediately recognized the voice's identity: "Grina? Why are you here?"

"I am not Greena."

When Li Feng revealed the identity of the other party, a cute and cute female figure with short blond hair and a holographic projection immediately appeared in front of Li's cover: "I'm just the artificial intelligence of this refuge."

"Since it is artificial intelligence, then you should know who I am."

After seeing this holographic projection, Li Feng did not hesitate to take off his face mask, "Do you still know me?"


The holographic projection of Glinna first walked to the front of Li's cover, and after a little look, she took a few steps back: "Colonel Li Feng, welcome to the 93rd Doomsday Refuge."

"Don't talk too much nonsense, Greena."

Li Feng Chao projection waved his hand, then pointed to the corpse at his feet and asked, "What the hell is going on? Why does my army engage the regular army?"

"Before I understand the whole story, I want to ask you a few questions."

The artificial intelligence called "Greena" did not directly answer Li Feng's question, but instead asked without expression: "Before you came down here, have you seen the situation outside the base and the final defensive battlefield far away?"

"I've seen all this."

Li Feng was also expressionless, with a hint of anger in his tone: "This is not the time for you to ask me questions, Greena! Answer my questions!"

"Colonel, please control your emotions."

Through tone analysis, "Grina" has clearly noticed Li Feng’s emotional changes. While persuading, it also gave suggestions: "I will tell you everything you want to know. But before that, please control you. Emotions."

"Alright alright!"

Faced with "Grinna"'s non-arrogant or humble tone and the expressionless holographic projection like poker, Li Feng had no other choice but to admit defeat: "I am indeed a little excited."

"Since you have seen those things, your mind should be full of questions at this moment, right?"

After Li Feng calmed down a little bit, "Glina" spoke again: "You must be wondering now why the shadow betrayed and went to war with the regular army, right?"

"Yes! I came here to figure out this too."

Li Feng looked directly at the "Grina" in front of him, his eyes began to show fierce light: "What is this extremely stupid battle? And how many secrets did the Frost Winter Division hide?"

"Sorry, the question about the Frost Winter Division is beyond the scope of what I can answer."

"Grina" shook his head first, and then pointed his hand to the protective door: "Although Miss Grinner gave me a lot before she died, I have no idea what the so-called Frost Winter Division is."

"It's an underground city!"

After "Glina" said that he did not know the Frost Winter Branch, Li Feng hurriedly changed his name: "How many secrets are still hidden in the underground city? How much do you know? Tell me everything!"

"Before I answer you, please answer me some more questions."

Faced with Li Feng’s forced questioning again, "Glina" still asked without change: "Do you believe in Miss Greena? Do you believe that your subordinates will remain loyal to the country and the people until death?"

"I never doubted my brother."

After "Glina" raised these questions, although Li Feng hesitated, he still replied with certainty: "Although Glina is very greedy, I have never doubted her loyalty and her heart."

"Thank you very much for your trust in Miss Greena."

After receiving Li Feng's answer, "Grina" smiled for the first time: "As the last artificial intelligence left behind by the shadow, on behalf of all the shadows who died here, I thank you for your trust."

"Well, the topic has gone too far."

When "Glina" bowed to himself, Li Feng shook his head and asked again: "What the hell is the truth here? What happened? Now, it's time for you to answer my question!"

"No problem, Colonel."

After straightening up again, "Glina" did not ask any more questions this time, but walked gently to the protective door and put her right hand on the door: "But Colonel, I still need to remind you one thing first."

"Say it."

After looking around the hall, Li Feng let out a sigh: "After seeing everything here, do you think I need to do any psychological preparation?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

After "Greina" thought about it for a while, she turned her head and gave Li Feng a meaningful smile for the first time: "But Colonel, what you want to see next may be very difficult for you to accept."

"I can accept even the future of crossing into the phase world, what else can I not accept?"

Speaking of "unacceptable", Li Feng immediately smiled bitterly: "I think I should be able to face it calmly no matter what happens in front of my eyes now."

"That's good."

"Grina" slowly opened the protective door and said, "Although I cannot understand what the colonel said, since you can accept it, please take a look at what happened at that time with your own eyes!"

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