You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!When the artificial intelligence "Greina" slowly opened the protective door, as a gust of musty and rancid wind blew out of the shelter, Li Feng closed his eyes in pain.

After a while, the protective door made a muffled noise.

This sound, even if Li Feng didn't open his eyes, he knew it was only when the protective door was fully opened.

After hesitating in his heart for a while, Li Feng slowly opened his eyes.

As Li Feng opened his eyes, everything in the small refuge came into his eyes.

The shelter is about a hundred square meters in size.

From the entrance, you can easily see the countless screens and the huge console at the end of the refuge.

In front of the console, there are several chairs, and on each chair sits a human corpse that has long been corrupted into white bones and dressed in tattered clothes.

Although these corpses were already difficult to identify, Li Feng still judged from the bunch of blond hair under the chair that the corpse in the middle of the console was the object of artificial intelligence imitating: Grenna.

Looking away from the console, Li Feng saw dozens of black-painted exoskeletons dedicated to shadow troops lying on the ground of the refuge.

Although Li Feng did not step forward to check, judging from the damage of the exoskeleton, these should be the wounded soldiers who withdrew to this shelter during the last war.

However, what finally attracted Li Feng's sight completely was more than ten small missiles neatly stacked in a corner of the refuge room.

"This is the latest small and large-yield nuclear bomb of the year, right?"

After seeing the dozen or so missiles, Li Feng's expression changed, and his tone became cold: "Grina, answer me! Why are these things here?"

"Colonel, please go to the shelter and ask me questions again."

"Grina" still did not answer Li Feng's question directly, but appeared in the center of the refuge and made a "please" gesture to Li Feng: "In order to prevent any accident, I cannot allow the door of the refuge to open Too long."

Although "Glina" said so, Li Feng, who was standing outside, did not take any steps.

"Are you worried that I will hurt you?"

"Grina" seemed to see through Li Feng's hesitation. It missed the opportunity to ask: "Or are you afraid to know the truth about these nuclear bombs here?"

"Strictly speaking, I am afraid of the truth."

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the beating heart a little, Li Feng slowly said, "Since Greena left you to guard here, then she will definitely not allow you to hurt the person who discovered this place, I'm right. ?"

"You have some differences."

"Grina" smiled and replied: "Miss Grinna did give me this order. But! If I find that it is not a shadow, then I will obliterate the discoverer. If it is a shadow, then I must tell him the truth."

"Well, although I don't believe you very much."

After hesitating again, Li Feng took his own steps: "But I believe Greena! She will never let any truth be buried forever!"

When Li Feng walked into the shelter, the protective door behind him slowly closed.

After the protective door was completely closed, "Grinner" said: "Colonel, before you ask questions, can I show you the last image of Miss Grinner?"

"Can it still be played?"

Li Feng slowly walked around the corpse on the ground and walked to the operation platform. He looked at Griena's body with tears in his eyes and asked: "After all these years, can you still play the image of Gririna that year? "

"of course can."

"Grina" replied decisively: "Please wait a moment, I will show the video."

When "Greena" finished saying this, Li Feng noticed that the screen in front of him began to jitter.

After a few seconds, this screen began to play images of that year.

"To be honest, I don't know or am not sure who will find this refuge."

After the wave-like shaking stabilized, Glina's delicate and lovely face, but with sweat and blood, appeared on the screen: "However, in order to prevent the truth from being buried, I chose to leave this image."

After a brief opening statement, the camera turned to the wounded soldier lying on the ground in the shelter.

"This is the situation now."

After sweeping the wounded soldiers, Greena's voice sounded from the screen again: "These are all the fighters left by the shadow. They have completely lost their combat effectiveness and can only wait for death in this refuge with me and others. ."

When I said the word "Waiting to die", although I couldn't see Greena's expression, I could hear her anger and helplessness in her tone.

"You must be wondering why this is happening?"

Just as Li Feng listened to the painful groans of the wounded soldiers and was indignant at everything in the screen, Griena's voice sounded again: "Because we were attacked by the entire base, now we are outside this refuge, fighting It continues."

After saying this, the screen switched to these screens in front of Li's cover.

Judging from the situation on the screen, Greena seemed to have deliberately shot the monitor screen at this time.

On the monitor screen, the few shadows are fighting with the regular army in the passage.

In the base outside the passage, the shadows guarded the runway and hangar where the bombers were docked, desperately resisting the fierce attack by the regular army.

But perhaps because of the lack of fuel, neither the regular army nor the shadow, any armored vehicles joined the battle, but the soldiers kept fighting with flesh and blood.

"Did you see it? This is the current situation in the base."

The screen on the monitor lasted for a few minutes, and the screen flickered, and Griena's face appeared on the screen again: "Although we are all elites among the elites, the number of regular troops is dozens of times more than us, so we have been completely wiped out. It's inevitable."

At the same time as she said these words, Grianna's firm face showed a trace of helplessness, and there was pain in her eyes.

"Actually, I don't want my brothers to be buried with me."

After a brief silence, Glina bit her lip and spoke again: "However, what we snatched from us is too dangerous. If they are allowed to succeed, not only the gods, but humans will be completely destroyed!"

At this point, the screen shakes again, and then it turns into a shot of stacked nuclear bombs.

"Did you see it? This is the nuclear bomb we seized from the regular army!"

After adjusting the focus several times, Greena went on to say: "You who are sitting here must really want to know why we suddenly launched an infighting to seize the nuclear bomb used to stop the gods from going south."

After a short pause, Greena continued: "In fact, our base has already been controlled by the bastards of Qinli!" 100 Literature

When she said this, Greena's voice suddenly rose and was full of anger: "Yes! This base, from the general to the lieutenant officer, has all been controlled by that damn organization!"

"What? Qinli again?"

Seeing this, Li Feng couldn't help but slapped the desk abruptly and shouted, "What is the origin of this organization? How can we control our army?"

"Colonel, please be safe and restless."

After realizing the change in Li Feng’s mood, "Grina" missed the opportunity to pause the broadcast and encouraged Li Feng: "I will answer the question about Qinli later. Please calm down first and continue to watch Miss Greena stay. Your information?"

After hearing "Greina"'s counsel, Li Feng stabilized his emotions a bit and watched the video material again.

"These nuclear bombs are not designed to prevent the gods from going south!"

After restarting the playback, the screen turns into a shooting screen. On the screen, there is a map, and there are a dozen red markers on the map that are blinking: "See? This is what the nuclear bomb is really about to attack. position!"

"This... these locations..."

After reading the map carefully, Li Feng's eyes were full-round, and he started to shout hysterically: "Isn't this an important city in our country? Are these nuclear bombs..."

"The bomber is just a cover!"

Just when Li Feng was hysterical, the screen turned again, and more than ten missile launchers that had not been equipped with warheads but had been erected appeared on the monitor: "See? This is the real trajectory used to launch nuclear bombs. Missile launch vehicle!"

"If these nuclear bombs are fired, then our country's defenses will be all over!"

Immediately afterwards, the picture returned to Grianna's face again: "In order to prevent this damn organization from launching nuclear bombs to destroy our important cities, we, as shadows, have an obligation to seize nuclear bombs!"

"Because our duty is to protect the people."

Outside the video, Li Feng and Greena in the video said the same sentence: "We have sworn an oath, no matter what, protecting the people will always be our shadow sacred mission."

"Oh, it's ridiculous to say it's also very contradictory."

After saying that, the Griffin in the video laughed at herself: "The gods cannot be stopped, and humans will be destroyed. But I still believe in hope!"

When the word "hope" was uttered, there seemed to be a flame in Greena's eyes.

"If you know the power of these nuclear bombs, then you know what I mean."

After showing a self-deprecating smile, Greena's smile turned into a wry smile: "Even if the gods are raging, as long as there are people alive, then we humans have hope! But if a nuclear bomb is launched, then there is no hope at all."

When she said this, Greena moved the camera to let herself appear in the same frame as the nuclear bombs.

"Well, time is running out. That's all I have to say."

After facing the camera with a bitter smile, Greena picked up a remote control from the side: "When I press this button, the artificial intelligence will take over the shelter. And we will be released to clear the invaders. Killed."

Having said that, Glina turned to look in the direction of the console, her eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes were filled with dismay.

After a brief silence, two tears appeared on Grianna's delicate face: "I'm sorry, brothers. But I have no choice. To prevent these dangerous things from falling into the hands of Qinli, I can only do this. "

After weeping softly, Glina seemed to scan everyone in the shelter.

In the video, there is no murmur, nor the voice of anyone speaking, only Grianna's teary face and eyes full of resentment, pain and apology.

"Thank you, brothers."

It seems that after confirming everyone's feelings, Greena lightly wiped the tears on her face and showed her last smile: "If there is an afterlife, I am willing to fight with you again! Fighting with you is my glory."

After speaking these last words, Greena pressed the button on the remote control in her hand.

With the press of the button, the entire video is cut off.

"Is this the last thing Greena did?"

After watching the video, Li Feng's face was already full of tears, and his hands were clenched and trembling: "This idiot! He chose to do such a stupid thing!"

"This is the last thing Miss Greena can do."

At this moment, the holographic projection of "Grina" appeared next to Li Feng, her eyes also changed slightly: "After the video, I was awakened by her, and then I followed the instructions to fill the shelter and passage with poison gas and completely Block these areas."

"She obviously has other options."

Although Li Feng did not cry, he kept shaking his head in annoyance: "Obviously you can choose to destroy the nuclear bomb, and then take your brothers to evacuate!"

"Unable to evacuate."

"Grina" rejected Li Feng's statement: "Even if Miss Greena doesn't do such a thing, the destruction of the shadow is already an established fact. After all, Qinli has taken control of this base, and the disobedient shadow must be obliterated. ."

"Qinli did things on the battlefield too, right?"

An angry Li Feng slammed a fist on the console and deliberately turned his face to a direction that "Grina" could not see and asked, "It was Qinli who broke the battle of God's death, right?"


"Grina" turned back to the poker face, and replied coldly: "Although I hadn't woken up at the time, but from the information I collected afterwards, it was indeed the Qinli mutiny that destroyed the whole battle."

"What kind of cult is Qinli?"

After Li Feng hit the command platform with another punch, he asked again: "Why this damn organization can control the army? Our country shouldn't be infiltrated to this point!"

"Because of a woman who can manipulate the gods."

"Glina" answered and displayed the information on the screen: "She seems to have a certain ability to persuade others. Under the dual effect of her power to manipulate the gods and the persuasive power, many people choose to believe in that cult."

"A woman who can manipulate the gods?"

As soon as "Grina" was finished, a jerk he knew immediately appeared in Li Feng's mind: "Wait! Grinna, you mean that woman can manipulate the gods? Do you have any information about her?"

"No! She seems to have completely erased her information."

"Grina" shook her head helplessly, then pointed to the information on the screen and said: "This is the only information I can find and download about her."

Hearing that some information still exists, Li Feng quickly raised his head and looked at the screen in front of him.

After a while, Li Feng was full of anger and gritted his teeth and cursed: "It really is you bitch! Unexpectedly, your Te Niang started planning all this decades ago! Erica!"

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