I actually became a god eater

Chapter 221 Trial Production

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!"I don't understand what Erica you are talking about."

When Li Feng cursed angrily, "Greena" spoke again: "But I know that woman used her special ability to manipulate most of the soldiers and high-ranking officers, which triggered this series of incidents."

"Does she still have this ability?"

After mentioning "Grina", Li Feng seemed to vaguely recalled a strange thought in his mind when he met Erica before: "So that's the case, no wonder I had that thought at that time."

"Colonel, do you need anything else?"

When Li Feng was recalling the situation at the time, "Greina" asked, "Is it necessary for vehicles? Or weapons? Or armors?"

"Those things are long gone."

Li Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes: "Any equipment of that era is completely useless in this world now."

"I'm afraid that may not be the case."

Just now when Li Feng finished speaking, a slowly moving picture appeared on the monitor in front of him: "Colonel, what do you think this is?"

"this is....."

After putting his face close to the monitor for careful identification, Li Feng exclaimed in surprise: "Isn't this the scenery near this base? Is it a monitor?"

"Not the monitor, but this."

"Grina" showed a design drawing on another display with no expression: "This is the final weapon our country has produced in the end!"

"Finally... Weapon..."

After seeing those design drawings, Li Feng's eyes widened: "At that time... our country actually already mastered this kind of AI technology and still had the ability to make this kind of stuff?"

"This is just a prototype controlled by AI."

"Grina" introduced another drawing on the third monitor while introducing: "This weapon is divided into a manned type and an AI-controlled type, which is commonly known as..."

"A self-disciplined weapon, right?"

Before "Glina" was finished, Li Feng interrupted her: "An unmanned weapon controlled entirely by AI."


"Grina" nodded slightly, then pointed to the monitor showing the snow scene near the base and said, "This picture is taken by the AI-controlled weapon in operation."

"It's been so many years, is it still working?"

Looking at the picture that kept moving left and right, Li Feng was even more surprised: "Although I really want to know how it supplies energy, how did it keep it from being destroyed by the gods for so many years?"

"Because the gods who came to challenge it have died in front of it."

When saying this, "Glina" was slightly disturbed: "Its power is indeed very powerful. Although it did not use the oracle cell weapon, it did defeat all the wild gods that attacked it."

After saying these words, "Glina" listed some of the appearances of the gods on the fourth screen.

"Is it defeated?"

Looking at the familiar appearances on the screen, Li Feng could hardly believe everything he saw with his eyes: "Vazela, Earthmother Polytivi, the two-wheeled chariot fell to the sky...this strength is true. Yes...."

"It will now be your biggest obstacle to leaving this base."

"Grina" waited for Li Feng's astonishment to pass for a while and then slowly said: "You opened the door here to activate it in sleep. If you want to leave this base, then you must defeat it. "

"It looks a little difficult."

After Li Feng noticed that the monitor's picture began to move forward slowly, his brows frowned: "From the shooting height, this guy is a big guy over ten meters tall, right?"

"Yes, so I suggest that you use the weapons left by Miss Greene."

"Grina" hesitated for a moment and pointed to the door and said: "I can guide you to the place where Miss Grinna hid the last batch of weapons. Although I dare not say that it will be useful, it may help you a little bit."

"Forget it, those weapons may not be able to handle this weapon."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly, then walked to the door and picked up his magic machine: "I trust this thing I use now more than relying on the weapons of the old world."

"In that case, I wish you prosperous martial arts."

"Glina" saw Li Feng appear to be leaving, and while opening the door, he bowed to Li Feng: "Colonel, I hope I have a chance to see you again."

"Don't worry, I will see you again."

Li cover page facing the door, carrying the divine machine on his shoulders, and said firmly: "No matter how long, as long as I live, I will come back here. After all, I still want to put these brothers and sisters in peace."

"This sentence is really nostalgic."

Unexpectedly, after Li Feng said these words, "Glina" said in a nostalgic tone: "When Corporal Stump left, he also said this."

"Corporal Stump?"

Hearing this code name, Li Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at "Greina" and asked: "Are you talking about Canned Food? He left?"

"Yes, Colonel."

"Grina" nodded to Li Feng, and then paused for a moment before continuing: "When he was sent to the back for treatment because of his injury, he also said this when he left."

"It turns out he was sent to the back."

Hearing the news, Li Feng's face showed a trace of relief: "Then do you know where he went?"

"I don't know about this."

"Grina" slowly shook her head with a face of difficulty: "Because of the interruption of the Internet, I don't have much information. But I know the coordinates where he was sent. It is XXX, XXX."

"XXX, XXX..."

After reading it silently a few times to make sure he remembered, Li Feng waved to "Grinner": "Goodbye, Grinner. If possible, I hope to see you again when I come here again."

"Please go slowly, Colonel."

After bowing to the back of Li Feng's departure, "Glina" closed the protective door while muttering to herself: "Colonel, I hope we will not meet again for too long."

As the protective door was completely closed, the shelter was plunged into darkness again.

After leaving the passage of the refuge, Li Feng found that Sakura and Mizuki Shenjia, who should be on guard in the hangar, did not know where they were at this time!

"Sakura, Mizuki, where are you?"

After looking around and not finding their tracks, Li Feng hurriedly whispered through the communication: "Sakura, did you hear it? Where did you go?"

"We are here!"

Li Feng had just called the two of them, and in a hidden corner, he stretched out a white hand and waved at him: "Be quiet! There is something outside!"

Hearing this sound, Li Feng hurriedly hid in the shadow of the hangar, and then quickly and quietly came to the place where the hand was waving.

"Have you found the Desolate God?"

After arriving at Zhongyuan Ying and the others, Li Feng asked in a low voice: "Why did you hide suddenly?"

"How did you come up?" 118 novels www.xiaoshuo118.com

However, as soon as Li Feng asked, Zhongyuan Ying asked with a look of anger, "Do you know that a big guy suddenly appeared outside?"

"I know, I saw it all inside."

Li Feng first pointed to the passage protection door that had been completely closed, and then briefly explained what happened below: "Actually, I saw it below..."

"Is it the ultimate combat weapon?"

After listening to Li Feng's brief explanation, Zhongyuan Ying turned to look at the snowy field outside the hangar: "No wonder it looks like a machine."

"Wait, like a machine?"

Although Zhongyuan Ying said it casually, Li Feng immediately noticed the problem: "It was originally a machine, why do you say it is like?"

"I think it's better for you to see for yourself."

Shenjia Mizuki stretched her head out from the hiding place and looked around, then quickly retracted her head: "At nine o'clock, it is still wandering in that area."

After getting the position of "that thing", Li Feng cautiously poked his head out of the hiding place.

It doesn't matter if you don't probe, you get shocked when you probe.

Just as Li Feng's eyes touched "that thing", his chin almost hit the ground.

It turned out that on the runway outside the hangar, there was a huge and heavy black humanoid figure about ten meters high at this time, walking at a slow pace.

With this look, Li Feng finally understood what Zhongyuan Ying meant.

Although this big wandering man still maintained his human form and held a huge and incomparable blade in his hand, the armor on his body was already in tatters.

Through those gaps, under the heavy armor, the golden light peculiar to oracle cells faintly appeared!

Looking closer, some of the damaged parts of that big man actually grew flesh-like substances, and at this time it seemed to be breathing, and red lights flashed in those substances when they were bright and dark.

"This thing is actually driven by oracle cells?"

After seeing the golden light clearly, Li Feng retracted his head in astonishment: "And...what's the matter with the meat on it? Is it a biochemical weapon before?"

"No, it is a 100% mechanical product."

Just when Li Feng was thinking about it, the voice of "Greina" came from the earphones: "But in the process of fighting against the gods, it seems that because it was destroyed, the oracle cell power furnace in the body became out of control and became It looks like this now."


Hearing this voice, Li Feng was even more surprised: "How did you access our communication channel?"

"I'm an AI after all, so I can't be troubled by this."

"Glina"'s voice sounded slightly sleepy: "Before I fall asleep, I should be able to give you some more tips or suggestions."

"Well, what do you suggest?"

The dumbfounded Li Feng slightly stabilized his surprised emotions and asked, "For example, this guy's weakness or other information?"

"Its central processor is in the head."

"Grina"'s voice became slower and heavier: "The power stove is on its strongest chest. If it can break one of them, I think it will be paralyzed."

"Damn, it means you didn't say it, right?"

Unexpectedly, "Greena" actually gave such a meaningless suggestion, Li Feng couldn't help but complain: "I just saw the design drawing, and I know it. The question is how to hit one of these two positions? "

"That's it!"

From the dialogue between Li Feng and "Greena", Zhongyuan Ying roughly heard the identity of this voice: "These two positions should be its strongest place?"

"You must... There is a way..."

"Glina"'s voice began to become intermittent, and obviously it was going to sleep again: "It... trial-produced... not... perfect..."

"Huh? Hello, Greena?"

The so-called suggestion has not yet been finished. The voice of "Grina" in the communication gradually became smaller and disappeared. Li Feng asked anxiously, "Hey, hey, is there anything else? I said, can you go to sleep after finishing talking? ?"

However, Li Feng's complaint was not exchanged for a response from "Grinna", and there was still no voice in the communication.

"Head and chest?"

Unlike Li Feng, who was anxiously trying to contact "Grina", after Mizuki Shenjia received this prompt, she muttered while looking at the big guy: "If it's these two positions..."

"Shuishu, what did you find?"

After noticing the state of Mizuki Shenjia, Zhongyuan Ying left Li Feng who was still calling "Grena" in vain and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe we can attack with a gun form?"

Shenjia Mizuki turned her head and said solemnly: "From the appearance, the armor on its chest is very strong, and it is a bit difficult to penetrate it. But from the size of its head, it should not be too strong."

"You think too much."

As soon as the water tree god Jia said her thoughts, Li Feng, who gave up calling for "Grinna", gave her a pot of cold water: "If it's just armor, we can indeed break it."

While speaking, Li Feng gently tapped the magic machine beside him.

But then he shook his head again: "Did you see the tissues exposed in the damaged part? Judging from those places, this guy is probably deified."

"Could it be now..."

Hearing what Li Feng said, Zhongyuan Ying widened her eyes: "Has it become a god of desolation?"

"There is a possibility."

Li Feng stood up helplessly, picked up the magic machine, and then leaned back against the hangar door and looked at the big man carefully: "In short, we'd better not treat it as a machine, but treat it as a wild god."

"But we haven't come into contact with such a wild god!"

The god of water tree Jia was a little anxious when he heard this: "How should such a desolate god deal with it?"

"Try to attack first."

After hesitating for a moment, Li Feng said: "Grina said just now that it is an incomplete prototype. Even if it is deified, it must have its own flaws! As long as we find that flaw, we can defeat it!"

"Why can't we escape quietly?"

Just when Li Feng decided to fight the guy head-on, Shui Shu Shenjia put forward his own opinion: "While it is not paying attention, it is not possible for us to leave here quietly from the blind spot of its sight..."

"Discover the life reaction."

Before Shuishu Shenjia had time to finish, there was a cold electronic sound from the direction of the big guy: "There is no identification signal for friend or foe, the system is determining."

"Life reaction?"

Hearing the electronic sound, Mizuki Shenjia was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted: "Wait, is it possible..."

"Detected the existence of oracle cells."

However, at this moment, the electronic sound came again, and the big guy also put on an attacking posture toward the hangar where Li Feng and the others were hiding: "The oracle cell judged it, start expelling!"

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