You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Back to Li Bo's side.

Looking at the five or six Valzheluo who was attracted by the "Marshal", Li Bo picked up a cigarette again.

While lighting the cigarette, Li Bo said unhurriedly, "One per person, and give me any more."

"Huh, can you do it?"

Liu Jian framed the god in his right arm, and lit a cigarette like Li Bo, and asked: "One person per person, at least you have to face two or three at the same time. If you are not familiar with the magic machine, you are careful to become Fazheluo's shit."

"Compared to being shit, I think I will have indigestion after eating it."

After lighting the cigarette, Li Bo put away the lighter and slowly spit out smoke towards Vazheluo: "But if you eat a awkward guy like you, I guess Vazheluo will feel sick?"

"Huh, they have to be able to eat."

After Liu Jian lighted the cigarette, he carried his magical machine on his shoulders, with two fingers in his left hand holding the cigarette, and staring at one of the Vazela fiercely: "I didn't intend to feed myself as feed to the gods. !"

"Have you finished fighting?"

Seeing Fazheluo getting closer, Lin Ting, who was already a little uncontrollable, slammed her magic machine on the dry and cracked ground: "They are getting closer and closer, do you want to meet it?"


Li Bo still looks like a fool, but his eyes are fixed on the last two Vazhelao: "Give me the last two, and you will share the others!"

As soon as Li Bo finished speaking, he only heard the sound of the wind in his ear, and one person had already rushed forward holding his own magic machine.

It turned out that Su Qingyun had long been anxious to see that the marshal was being chased by Vazheluo.

After hearing Li Bo said that he could meet him, Su Qingyun, who was anxious, took a stride to meet him.

As soon as Su Qingyun moved, Lin Ting immediately raised her heavy magical machine to Fazheluo group.

"Ha, somehow they are more concerned with the boss than with us."

Seeing the two beauties running to cover the handsome, Li Bo deliberately said, "How do I feel that the handsome is more important than the two of us?"

"If you have time to say such boring, sour words, it's better to be ready for battle."

Liu Jian heard what Li Bo meant. He raised the corner of his mouth and lifted the magic machine from the ground on his shoulders: "You idiot doesn't seem to be slow or slow, but you are actually more anxious than them?"

"Well~ everyone is the same."

After glancing at Liu Jian and giving him the same smile, Li Bo picked up the magic machine: "Let's go, don't let our lovely handsome man be hurt by these Valeros!"

After Li Bo said these words, Liu Jian and him laughed at the same time, and then the two of them took a stride towards the Fazheluo group.

On the other hand, at the moment when Vazheluo, who rushed forward, gathered his strength and planned to use the lightning ball to attack the boss, only a shot was heard, and an oracle bullet accurately hit one of its legs.

Before it could respond to the damage, a beautiful figure jumped up in front of it.

"Don't think about bullying the boss, you idiot!"

While Su Qingyun's body was vacated, she switched the magic machine back to the gun state, with an angry look on her face and said: "If you hurt the handsome, I promise you will die ugly!"

While speaking, Su Qingyun first took advantage of Fazheluo's stunned moment and slammed his spear between his eyes with the handle of the spear, and then beautifully rolled over and stood in front of him and the commander.

At the same time, Lin Ting, who was holding a big knife, also stood in front of the Marshal and the other Valzheluo.

When encountering obstacles, not only the two Vazelos that were blocked, but the other Vazelos also stopped and glared at the two humans in front of them.

"Your opponent is me!"

Fazheluo Qun just stopped, only to see a dark shadow flashing from behind Lin Ting, Liu Jian, holding a huge broken rod, smashed another Vazheluo: "Don't hurt Marshal and Tingting!"

With the appearance of Liu Jian, Su Qingyun and Lin Ting instructed the Marshal to run away first, and quickly led their goals away from the group.

"Hey, the target of the three of you is me."

Just when the other three drew away the three Valzhelos, and the last three were about to catch up and attack, a silly but calm voice sounded behind them: "Don't think about them, come and play with me first!"

Although the three Valeros could not understand Li Bo's words at all, under the influence of pheromones, they gave up following the other Valeros and chose to surround Li Bo from three directions.

"Well, just three?"

Facing the encirclement of the three Valzhelaus, Li Bo not only showed no fear, but instead looked displeased and his tone became very unhappy: "These wastes are not enough for me to warm up!"

Maybe he understood Li Bo's words, or maybe he was irritated by his attitude.

One of them, Valzheluo, lowered his upper body first, and then rushed towards Li Bo with a roar.

"Good job!"

Although this Valzheluo was coming aggressively, Li Bo just threw his sickle and assumed a combat stance: "As you wish, let you die first!"

About ten minutes later, six huge corpses of Vazheluo fell on the yellow ground.

"Huh, you don't deserve to warm up."

After taking a mouthful of the remains of Chaofazheluo, Liu Jian was full of dissatisfaction: "This kind of worthless waste is increasing, and it makes people feel boring to fight."

"Who said no?"

Li Bo, who was sitting on one of the wreckage of Valzhelao, rarely lit a cigarette this time. Instead, he stuffed an orange-flavored fruit candy into his mouth: "Since the two little ghosts went on a business trip, we haven’t I have seen a powerful Desolate God. Here, Qingyun!"

While speaking, Li Bo threw another fruit candy to Su Qingyun.


Catching the fruit candy, Su Qingyun was as happy as a child tearing open the package while smiling sweetly at Li Bo: "Bobo knows the taste I like best!"

"Then again, is this abnormal?"

While stroking the excited Marshal and feeding him some food, Lin Ting raised his head and asked: "Captain, according to the data, there should be quite a few powerful wild gods near the Southern Territory Branch. But now it seems... ."

"I'm afraid it's because those two bitches are also hunting the wild god."

Li Bo was sitting on Vazheluo, his mouth with sugar in his hand, and he casually pointed: "Didn't Ding Ning and the others have encountered it? Said that he had witnessed the scene where the two stinky bitches hunted Hannibal with his own eyes."

"That's the problem, right?"

Lin Ting raised her head and looked at Li Bo with a puzzled look while feeding the big handsome: "Isn't Huangshen their tool? How can we be better off by self-decision?"

"I'm afraid they are holding big moves."

Before Li Bo could reply, Liu Jian, who was playing with Zeluo's wreckage, spoke first: "According to Ding Ning and the others, these two dead sluts just took the core after they hunted down the gods. In my opinion, this is not Good thing."

After talking about his inference, Liu Jian turned his attention to Li Bo, as if he was seeking Li Bo's opinion.

"Well, who knows?"

Although reading his attitude from Liu Jian's sight, Li Bo still chose to bury his opinion in his heart: "It's definitely not a good thing anyway. Before that, we had nothing but passive defense. legal."

Just as Li Bo and the others exchanged opinions and discussed, the general suddenly roared in a certain direction.

"Oh, oh, it seems I was discovered."

Hearing the handsome roar, Li Bo and the others just turned their heads, and Lelena's hands spread out appeared in their sights: "I wanted to sneak a look at my former partner, but I didn't expect the dog you raised. I found it out."

"What are you doing?" Biquge novel

Seeing that the person coming was Lelena, Liu Jian hurriedly stepped forward to protect Lin Ting behind him: "Do you want to hurt Tingting again?"

"Oh, this is a big misunderstanding!"

Noting Liu Jian's eyes that wanted to kill herself, Lelena smiled and took a few steps back: "I came today just to look at you. Seriously, I don't want to hurt you! "

"Don't treat me as a three-year-old kid."

Although Lelena still had a smile on her face and no murderous aura on her body, Su Qingyun, who faintly felt the danger, shouted to stop her: "You guys are here at this time, is there any conspiracy?"

"There is no conspiracy."

Lelena stepped back and came to a small mound. The smile on her face became more and more weird at this time: "But, I really want to give you some small gifts."

When Lelena said the word "gift", the small mounds at her feet suddenly began to squirm, as if something was burrowing out of the ground.

"These little gifts were meant to be given to someone."

As she stepped back, Lelena sneered and said, "But since I met you, let me test if they can be used as combat tools!"

When Lelena spoke, the small mounds were moving faster and faster.

Before long, the snow-white backs appeared from the small mounds.


Seeing those backs, Su Qingyun was taken aback at first, but she immediately reacted: "Wait! This look of back...could it be..."

Before Su Qingyun could tell her inference, a few of them had white skin, good figure, more outstanding appearance and nakedness, and the dull-eyed women shook the mud from their bodies and stood in front of the crowd.

"Shoo! Is this seducing us?"

Facing such a scene, Li Bo blew his whistle first, and then said in his second-rate way: "Hey, Lelena. Half of us are women. Are you too innocent to seduce you with female sex? Here are some handsome guys."

"Oh, it seems you misunderstood."

Facing Li Bo's ridicule, Lelena flipped her hand, and a layer of black mist immediately appeared on the women's body, covering them: "These puppets are not to seduce you!"

At the same time she said this, Lelena's smile began to turn gloomy: "They, but come to taste yours!"

As soon as the words fell, the black mist immediately condensed into black clothes on the women.

"Go, you puppets."

After dressing them, Lelena sneered as she turned and left: "Remember, eat all their bones!"

Following Lelena's order, the eyes of those dull-eyed women suddenly burst into red and made strange screams at Li Bo and the others.

"Hey, is it really a wild god?"

When the women opened their mouths and saw their mouths cracked directly to the roots of their ears and their mouths full of blood basins full of fangs, Li Bo shivered: "Uh, this special lady is the same as the cracked girl!"

"Go to hell! Rubbish!"

While Li Bo was still talking, Liu Jian took the lead and smashed one of the women out of several meters with a magic machine: "It's disgusting to see your ghosts!"

Following Liu Jian's move, Su Qingyun and Lin Ting also picked up their magical weapons and started fighting with these women.

"They should be enough to deal with these wastes."

While Liu Jian and the others were fighting with these puppets, Li Bo quickly searched for Lelena's figure: "I'll catch that stinky bitch first!"

But no matter how Li Bo looked around, Lelena's figure disappeared into the wasteland like a cloud of smoke.

"Hey, I'm not very capable, I can get away quickly."

After searching for a location within sight, Li Bo scolded angrily: "What the hell did this bastard appear here for this time?"

"If you have time, why don't you help her!"

Although the combat effectiveness of these puppets is not very high, Su Qingyun and the others are slightly suppressed because of the difference in numbers: "The number of these things is a bit large, do you want to help?"

"I'm coming!"

After looking around again, Li Bo reluctantly took up the magic machine and walked towards the battle area: "Hey, if I can catch that guy in one fell swoop, I should be able to pull from her mouth. What information is coming!"

After Li Bo joined the battle, although the puppets had an absolute advantage in numbers.

But because the attack method was single and the physical ability was far inferior to the ordinary gods, it didn't take long before they were all knocked to the ground by Li Bo and turned into dissipated oracle cells.

"Erica, these puppets can really be used."

At this time, Lelena was sitting in a hidden place and witnessed all of this with the conjugation not far away. She looked up and said: "Although the puppets' combat effectiveness is very low, they can still block their footsteps if they use their numerical advantages ."

"Probably how long did it stop?"

As soon as Lelena finished speaking, Erica's voice rang in her mind: "I need to know the specific time and the number of puppets you made."

"About ten minutes."

Lelena raised her wrist and glanced at her watch, then raised her fingers and began to count: "If I remember correctly, I should have made more than 30 puppets."

"Can the thirty-something only hold back ten minutes?"

After listening to Lelena’s report, Erica’s voice seemed a little dissatisfied: "This is too short. Counting the cost of making puppets, this is simply a loss-making business!"

"After all, these guys are elite!"

After hearing Erica's dissatisfaction, Lelena said as if comforting her: "If it is an ordinary unit, the blocking time should be doubled. If you are lucky, it should cause a certain amount of casualties."

"Oh, it seems that the two of you have some little trouble?"

As soon as Lelena finished speaking, a very soft-sounding voice rang: "But, are you two a little more at ease? Did you forget what we should do?"

"Don't worry about it!"

After the voice sounded, Erica immediately drank angrily: "Aren't you supposed to be building that thing? How can you get in touch with us using this method?"

"Ha ha ha, my preparations have been completed."

The gentle voice laughed a few times before saying: "I have already started my plan! Maybe... I will be faster than you."

"I must be faster than you!"

Erica's tone became more fierce at this time: "I already hold the node in my hand! Just give me a little more time..."

"That's hard to say."

Although Erica’s tone is becoming more and more unfriendly, the owner of that voice is not only not angry, but said as if mockingly: "Red rain is coming, just let the container and the red rain contact, and then I will give a little push If you do, I will be faster than you!"

"shut up!"

Hearing that voice talked about this, Erica roared furiously: "No matter what, I will definitely be faster than you!"

"Then wait and see."

After the owner of that voice was a series of beautiful laughter like silver bells, the voice gradually faded away: "It will take up to a year for me to finish here. Then, don't blame me for taking credit for your work, hehehehe... .."

"Son of a bitch!"

After the voice disappeared, Erica kicked the rock beside her feet in angrily: "Unexpectedly, at this moment you came out and got a kick, Rachel!"

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