You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!Back to Li Feng who had left the military base with them.

After the three people negotiated, the three people submitted a unified report to the server of the Frost Winter Branch.

Of course, they avoided talking about underground refuges, shadow rebellion and other things.

In the entire report, apart from discovering the existence of battlefields and military bases, all three of them have brought along other important information.

Shuishu Shenjia was unwilling to cooperate with concealing these truths at first.

But after Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying had analyzed some of their interests with her, she decided to bury the truth completely in the vast snowy field.

In this way, the days as usual lasted for a few days until...

"Feng, something happened!"

Early this morning, Zhongyuan Ying rushed to the door of Li Feng's room and knocked desperately: "Feng, are you awake?"

"Here, you are not afraid of breaking the door?"

While complaining, Li Feng slowly opened the door: "I said Ying, what happened? Why did you come here to smash the door of my room early in the morning?"

"Something happened!"

Zhongyuan Sakura patted her chest twice before shouting loudly: "Just now there was information from the reconnaissance unit that a group of wild gods is approaching the Frost Winter Division at a very fast speed!"

"The Desolate Group? Approaching the Frost Winter Branch?"

Hearing this news, Li Feng, who was still a little confused, immediately came to his senses: "Wait, you mean that Huangshen has started to attack the Frost Winter branch?"

"if not?"

Zhongyuan Sakura's voice was raised again, and her already impatient face appeared even more impatient: "Dr. Zhou has just given the assembly order, didn't you hear it?"

"Huh? That's an assembly order?"

Zhongyuan Ying shouted so, and Li Feng hurriedly took out the terminal in her pocket and opened it hurriedly: "I'll go, because I didn't hear the urgent task instructions, I thought it was just a normal task!"

However, as soon as the terminal was turned on, Li Feng hurriedly pushed the terminal into Zhongyuan Ying's hand, turned around and ran into his room.

"Hey, do you still have leisure to do other things?"

Seeing Li Feng still turned around and ran into the room, Zhongyuan Ying cried out unhappy: "Such an urgent matter..."

"I want to go to the toilet!"

Before Zhongyuan Ying could finish speaking, Li Feng's voice came from the room: "I just planned to look at the toilet after going to the toilet, but I was driven out of the toilet by your hurried door slamming!"

Hearing Li Feng said that he had forgotten to go to the toilet when he was urged, some angry Zhongyuan Sakura couldn't help laughing.

About ten minutes later, the God Eaters, including Li Feng and the others, assembled in the tactical command room of the Frost Winter Division.

"Everyone be quiet!"

After everyone came, Minister Liu Zhi cleared his throat, first signaled Jing Jing to display the map on the big screen, and then said: "You can take a look. That's why I called everyone here."

As patterns appeared on the big screen, everyone present exclaimed.

On the big screen, in addition to showing the location of the Frost Winter Division, there are dense red arrows blinking and approaching the Frost Winter Division about forty to fifty kilometers north.

"Have you seen it? These red arrows that represent the gods."

When the exclamation gradually subsided, and replaced by a series of discussions, Minister Liu Zhi said again: "Although there has not been a large number of attacks on the Frost Winter Division by the gods before. But now, this has become a thing of the past."

When I said this, I didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and Minister Liu Zhi glanced at Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying who were sitting in the corner.

After looking at the two with a strange look, Minister Liu Zhi walked to the podium and cast a look at Tranquility.

After receiving instructions from Minister Liu Zhi, Tranquility quickly tapped the keyboard to zoom in on the map.

"There are about five or six hundred wild gods attacking the Frost Winter Division."

After zooming in on the map, Tranquility began to explain while operating the computer: "The Desolate Gods group is mainly small and medium-sized Desolate Gods, and the center part is composed of about 80 large Desolate Gods."

After a short pause, Tranquility turned his head and looked at everyone: "According to the current movement speed of Aragami, it will resist the defensive circle of the branch ground facilities in about four days."

"Are there four days left?"

Hearing this, Li Feng thoughtfully looked at the map on the big screen and whispered: "Theoretically, there is plenty of time. But this is the north, I am afraid not..."

"What are you talking about yourself?"

Although Li Feng's voice was very small and covered by a quiet voice, Shui Shu Shenjia, who was sitting next to Li Feng, heard something: "Hey, Li Feng. What are you thinking about alone?"

"Shhh! Don't disturb him!"

Just as Li Feng ignored Mizuki Shenjia and continued to think, and when Mizuki Shenjia planned to raise her voice, Zhongyuan Ying, who was sitting on the other side of Li Feng, hurriedly stopped her: "Think for him. He might have thought of something."

Now that Sakura Sakura had said it, Mizuki Shenjia had to suppress her curiosity and shut her mouth.

"If left alone, ground facilities may be devastated."

When Li Feng thought about the countermeasures alone, the quiet explanation continued: "Although the damage to the ground facilities does not cost us much, we will also lose the building complex that is used to contain the gods."

Speaking of this, as soon as the picture on the big screen is changed, the photos of the ground facilities are displayed on the big screen.

"But the problem is that we cannot rely on the defensive walls on the ground for defensive operations."

After the photo appeared, Tranquility converted into a real-time video and said, “As you can see, there is a heavy snowfall outside. In this situation, it is very difficult to defend or supply on the defensive wall. "

Listening to Tranquility's words, everyone who was still talking quietly just now quieted down.

"Well, this is the situation now."

After the quiet commentary was over, Minister Liu Zhi took the conversation: “Arabic God will invade our above-ground facilities in about four days. Within these few days, we will hold a branch meeting to find a solution.”

After a short pause, Minister Liu Zhi continued: "In the past few days, I hope that the god-eaters will not go out to perform tasks, and recharge in the underground city with peace of mind, waiting for further orders."

After announcing these things, Minister Liu Zhi announced his dissolution.

After the meeting was disbanded, Dr. Zhou immediately summoned Li Feng and the others into his office.

"The situation is critical now."

As soon as the door of the office was closed, Dr. Zhou couldn't wait to turn on the soundproof mode and said: "If you have any ideas, just say it. It's the so-called brainstorming."

"It doesn't matter if the ground facilities are destroyed, right?"

Rhein obviously didn't see the situation clearly. He put his hands on the back of his head and said with a completely indifferent expression: "Looking back and waiting for the gods to leave, why don't we go up and rebuild?"

"No need to consume resources?" 90 read the novel

Shuishu Shenjia is obviously very dissatisfied with Rhein’s attitude. He immediately went back as soon as he finished speaking: “How much resources and time will it take to rebuild such a huge ground facility? In case the gods do not leave, just build a nest on the head, Isn't that more troublesome?"

"Then it would be nice to fight from time to time."

Rhein still didn't realize the risk of being built a lair on his head by the gods, he still didn't care: "Anyway, these dark family members are also going to crusade. Wouldn't it be easier to crusade closer to the base?"

"The premise for this is that Arakawa does not find the entrance of the underground city."

Before Shuishu Shenjia spoke to refute Rhine, Dongshan Katyusha rushed to say: "Once any entrance is discovered, then we are likely to be exhausted to protect the entrance."

"Also consider the positioning ability of the gods."

Thunder Dragon also spoke at this time: "Once the entrance is discovered, then the underground city may be located by the gods. At that time, we will not only guard the entrance. With the power of the gods, they can invade any location in the underground city!"

After Leilong's explanation, Rhein, who was still indifferent, immediately changed his face and looked at Dr. Zhou with a plea for help.

"I can't help it."

Facing Rhine’s help-seeking eyes, Dr. Zhou shrugged helplessly and spread his hands out: "If I have a way, do I still need to summon you to discuss countermeasures?"

Just when Dr. Zhou said that he was helpless and everyone looked at each other, Li Feng suddenly said: "Dr. Zhou, can I take a look at the map of the ground facilities?"

"A map of ground facilities?"

As soon as Li Feng said his request, Dr. Zhou and the others cried out in surprise, "What do you want that thing for?"

"Don't ask first, give me a map."

After pulling his thoughts back from his meditation, Li Feng raised his head and looked at Dr. Zhou with slightly shining eyes: "I have come up with some methods, maybe I can wipe out these wild gods while preserving the ground facilities as much as possible!"

Although he didn't understand Li Feng's thoughts at all, Dr. Zhou gave Li Feng a detailed map of ground facilities.

After opening the old yellowed map on the coffee table, Li Feng's eyes were caught by Griffin's very standard circular building design.

On the periphery of the entire circle, there is a high and thick defensive wall.

From the defensive wall, there are the temporary residential area, the reconstructed building area and the core area in order.

In the most central position of the core area, the high core tower is perseverance in the entire building complex.

And what divides these areas is a circular road, just like the first ring and second ring in the previous city.

In addition to the interlocking roads, there are eight major roads that lead straight from eight directions to the core tower located at the core.

"It really is the standard Fenrir branch architectural style."

After reading the map, Li Feng raised his mouth with a triumphant expression on his face: "Since this is the case, some facilities should still be available, right?"

"Some facilities?"

Such a thoughtless sentence by Li Feng confounded Dr. Zhou. He frowned and asked, "Li Feng, what are you talking about?"

"The emergency wall should still be used, right?"

Li Feng pointed to one of the ring roads and raised his head and asked, "Not only the ring partition wall, but the partition wall on the straight road can also be used?"

"These are definitely guaranteed to be in a usable state."

Dr. Zhou, who still didn’t understand Li Feng’s intentions, sat next to Li Feng and reached out to the core tower in the center of the map: “After all, the core tower is the fastest way for us to enter and exit the underground and the ground. If we break through, then we will only Can choose..."

"It would be nice if the separation wall is still usable."

Before Dr. Zhou finished speaking, Li Feng interrupted him directly: "Then Dr. Zhou, under normal circumstances, without counting the separation walls and defensive walls, how long will it take to repair all ground buildings?"

"Then it depends on the damage."

After thinking for a while, Dr. Zhou looked at Li Feng with doubts: "Wait, what do you want to say, Li Feng?"

"It's actually very simple."

After Li Feng smiled indifferently, he kept pointing on the map with his fingers and said, "Actually, my plan is like this..."


About ten minutes later, after listening to Li Feng's entire plan, Dr. Zhou and others exclaimed: "Although this tactic is a bit dangerous, it is indeed possible to wipe out all these wild gods when the number is not dominant!"

"Moreover, ordinary soldiers can also enter the battle, and they don't necessarily need to rely on God Eater."

Li Feng smiled and tapped the coffee table and said: "Although the weapons in the hands of ordinary soldiers cannot fight against medium and large wild gods, if the attack strength is sufficient, it is still no problem to eliminate small wild gods."

"Can even ordinary soldiers participate in the war?"

Listening to Li Feng's words, Dr. Zhou's eyes immediately gleamed: "If the general soldiers can also eliminate the wild gods in your plan, then the number of people who join the general soldiers should also be greatly increased, right?"

"This is more than one bird!"

As soon as Dr. Zhou finished speaking, the surprised Shuishu Shenjia also called out: "At the same time, we can also show the power of our God Eater in front of everyone. If this is the case, the number of people willing to become God Eater should increase?"

"Very good! I will submit your plan now!"

Dr. Zhou stood up and took the notebook that recorded the entire plan in his hand: "Your plan is very good! I'm pretty sure to persuade those guys in the council to implement this plan."

"One more thing, Doctor."

However, before Dr. Zhou took a step, Li Feng stopped him: "I asked you to keep it secret about this plan."

"Wait, you said confidentiality?"

Li Feng's request was just made. Not only Dr. Zhou, but also everyone else showed an incomprehensible look: "Why? Don't you want to be the hero of Frost Winter Division?"

"This kind of halo should be given to Dr. Zhou."

Speaking of becoming heroes, both Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying showed wry smiles on their faces: "We don't want to be chased by a group of people like fugitives every time we go shopping."

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this. I see!"

After listening to Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying uttering their reasons, Dr. Zhou laughed understandingly: "If this is the case, then I shamelessly took the credit for you!"

After teasing Li Feng, Dr. Zhou left the office confidently holding his notebook.

"Then what shall we do?"

After Dr. Zhou left, Lei Long asked Li Feng: "Should we do something?"

"We just need to rest, eat and drink well."

Li Feng smiled slightly, and then took Zhongyuan Ying to stand up: "After all, for us, it is the most important thing to recharge before the war."

After dropping these words, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying left Dr. Zhou’s office.....

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