I actually became a god eater

Chapter 242 Strange Hole

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Because it was broad daylight, in order to reduce the probability of encountering a desolate god, the four of Li Feng and the others walked through the vast plain very quickly.

After passing through the huge wasteland, the four of them quickly entered the ruins of the forgotten abandoned capital like a ghost.

"Stop it."

After entering the ruins, Li Feng immediately found a collapsed house and got in, and then asked everyone to stop under the half-collapsed ceiling: "Go ahead and enter the Huangshen activity area. We must slow down."

"Why slow down?"

As soon as Li Feng proposed to slow down, Tang Yu pursed his lips and looked upset: "It's rare that Brother Feng, you and Sister Ying are back, I'm planning to cooperate with God Zaihuang!"

"There will be opportunities in the future to kill the gods."

For Tang Yu's almost the same expression as Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng smiled helplessly: "However, in this environment, we have to move forward while being alert to the wild spirits, and we can't slow down."

"Then we just go where the gods can't see it?"

Unexpectedly, Li Feng just said the reason for slowing down, Tang Yu smirked and pointed the ground under his feet with a smirk: "If we use the place under our feet, can we minimize contact with the gods and not slow down?"

"Are you sure that the underground works?"

As soon as Tang Yu said her idea, Li Feng shook his head helplessly: "Forgetting the abandoned city, there were less than twelve subway lines before, and many of them have been after the emergence of the gods..."

"The maintenance route and sewer can also be used."

But at this moment, Tang Yu said something that surprised Li Feng: "Lu Erxi had already told me that you met Suan. If you were to go to that neighborhood, I remembered a way. Oh!"

"How can you..."

Hearing Tang Yu said that she could actually remember the route in the dark underground passage, Li Feng opened his mouth in surprise: "There should be no lighting or landmarks below, right?"

"I have a flashlight."

Tang Yu smirked and pointed to the direction of the guide domain branch, and then pointed to his feet: "The place where you met Suan has many residential areas and shops. I used to go down there to find supplies!"

"My God, Xiao Yu, are you too exaggerated?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yu went through almost the entire oblivion to find supplies, and Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help exclaiming at this time: "Are you walking such a long distance to find supplies?"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were very surprised, Tang Yu smiled with a trace of complacency: "When I was the furthest away, I walked through to a place called Wening to find food!"

"It's crazy enough."

Although Tang Yu could not tell the specific place, Li Feng roughly guessed the area she was talking about: "You girl actually ran to the top of the southeast of Forgotten Deserted City...I really don't know how to say you are. Crazy or something else."

"Xiao Yu, are you sure?"

Just when Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were speechless about Tang Yu's behavior, Lu Erxi brought the topic back to the topic: "Let's stop wasting time here. Investigating the situation is the focus."

"That's true."

When Lu Erxi spoke like this, Li Feng noticed that he had digressed: "Xiaoyu, are you sure you can use the tunnel below to take us there?"

"Of course, no problem!"

After Tang Yu poked her head from the crack in the half-collapsed ceiling and looked around, she smiled confidently and said, "Come with me! I'll take you away!"

Although there was still some worry in his heart, seeing Tang Yu's expression, Li Feng finally decided to believe her.

After walking through the ruins with Li Feng for a while, Tang Yu led the group to a stone stone in the corner of the wall of a collapsed building.


Before arriving at Shizuo, Tang Yu first looked around and made sure that there was no Desolate God, she actually put down the magic machine, and then put her shoulder on the Shizuo: "Lu Erxi, don't look stupid, come and help!"

"Oh, got it."

After Tang Yu called himself, Lu Erxi quickly put down the magic machine and walked to Tang Yu's side: "What to do?"

While Tang Yu and Lu Erxi were tossing the pile of rocks, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying noticed that Tang Yu had changed quite a bit in the past six months.

Not to mention that her hair has grown again, and it is no longer in the shape of an alien bald head.

After she ate well and slept well during this period of time, her whole body was stronger than before.

Tang Yu now is no longer the scrawny little girl six months ago, but a good-looking female god-eater who actually looks pretty.

"Unexpectedly, after Xiao Yu became fatter, she looked much more beautiful than before."

After carefully examining Tang Yu, Zhongyuan Ying approached Li Feng's ear and whispered: "Except for her scary white complexion, she really looks much better than before. It's just..."

Having said that, Zhongyuan Ying moved her gaze to Tang Yu's chest.

"Am I saying you are the uncle?"

After noticing the location where Sakura's eyes were in contact, Li Feng shook his head helplessly: "I said, you are also a girl? Why pay attention to Xiao Yu's chest?"

"It's not just the breasts, her ass is also small."

As if not aware of Li Feng's helpless expression at all, Zhongyuan Ying moved her gaze to Tang Yu's ass again: "Well, it seems that her breasts and ass have hardly changed, although it is more fleshy than before."

"Hey, hey, it's too much."

As soon as Zhongyuan Ying finished commenting on the two parts of Tang Yu, Li Feng awkwardly interrupted her: "I said, what are you doing wrong, why don't you look up and down Xiao Yu's figure?"

"Dare you say you didn't watch it?"

This time Zhongyuan Ying heard Li Feng's slightly awkward and helpless tone. She smirked and squinted at Li Feng: "Don't you men observe the figure of the good-looking woman in front of you?"

While ridiculing Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying still deliberately straightened up and rubbed against Li Feng.

"Come on, you."

Regarding Zhongyuan Sakura’s point, Li Feng had nothing to do. He smiled helplessly and moved the topic away: "Well, Xiao Yu seems to have opened the pile of rocks. Let's go over and take a look."

After dropping this sentence, Li Feng hurriedly walked to Tang Yu and Lu Erxi in three and two steps.

Seeing Li Feng's awkward expression, Zhongyuan Ying gave a smirk before stepping forward unhurriedly.

After arriving at the stone wall, Li Feng discovered that Tang Yu and Lu Erxi had actually removed the seemingly large stone wall at this time, revealing a hole that was blowing out of a damp, hot breeze.

"Opening this secret door from the outside is quite laborious."

After fully opening the hole, Tang Yu stopped and wiped his sweat: "If you move this pile of rocks inside, it's pretty easy."

When Tang Yu said this, Li Feng realized that the pile of stones that had been blocked at the entrance of the cave just now was a whole!

After noticing this, Li Feng couldn't help but walk up to the stone quarry to observe the pile of seemingly ordinary stone quarry.

Although they didn't know what Li Feng planned to do, Zhongyuan Ying and the others were very witty and didn't bother Li Feng.

After roughly observing this stone, Li Feng's heart was immediately full of questions.

With many questions, Li Feng took a step forward and followed Tang Yu into the cave.

Before going down to the underground cave, Li Feng noticed that the ground in the underground cave seemed to be artificially made. Although there was a slope, it did not make people slip.

After everyone entered the cave, Tang Yu first touched the wall of the cave, and a lever appeared beside Tang Yu.

After the lever appeared, Tang Yu just pulled it down slightly, and after she and Lu Erxi had spent a long time pushing away the stone wall made a slight sound, they covered the entire hole again.

After the cave entrance was completely covered, Tang Yu took out a pen-shaped flashlight from his waist: "Okay, so Huangshen will not enter and attack us from here."

After saying this, Tang Yu smiled at everyone and took the lead and walked deep into the hole with a flashlight.

"Xiao Yu, how did you know this authentic?"

After not getting far, Li Feng, who was following Tang Yu, couldn't help but ask while observing the tunnel with the light of a flashlight: "This tunnel entrance is hidden and full of artificial traces. You didn't build it, right?"

"Of course it can't be made by me."

I thought Tang Yu would conceal something, but she didn't expect her to admit it generously: "This tunnel was discovered by my mother. When everyone was still there, we often used this tunnel to collect materials from all corners of the abandoned city."

"Wait, you said that all corners of the abandoned city are forgotten?"

As soon as Tang Yu finished speaking, Li Feng noticed a detail: "Could it be that this tunnel extends in all directions to almost every place that leads to the forgotten and abandoned capital?"

"Yeah, and it's very strong!"

Maybe because he didn’t see Li Feng’s surprised expression, Tang Yu let out a crisp laugh and then said: “It seems to be located deeper than the subway or the sewer, but it is connected to the subway cave and sewer. Even if those places are destroyed. Now it's still passable here!"

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

Tang Yu mentioned that this tunnel extends in all directions and is connected to the sewer system and the subway system. It may even be deeper than these two systems. Li Feng immediately had an idea about this tunnel.

After a moment of silence, Li Feng asked again: "Xiao Yu, if I remember correctly, you don't know how to read, do you?"

"I definitely can't read words!"

Mentioning that he didn't know Chinese characters, Tang Yu's expression was a little sad: "Although my mother taught me a lot when I was young, I almost forgot about it."

"Then how do you know where Lao Lu and I met Suan?"

Li Feng frowned and immediately blurted out a question, but he seemed to feel that it was inappropriate. Li Feng immediately changed his statement: "It should be said, how can you be sure that this tunnel must lead to that place?"

"Because of this sign."

At this moment, Tang Yu stopped and hit the light of the flashlight on the wall of the tunnel. He pointed to a dark sign on the wall and said, "As long as it is connected to this tunnel, there will be this sign!"

Following Tang Yu's fingers, Li Feng noticed the sign on the wall.

From the outside, the logo looks like a black stain-like trace.

But as Tang Yu's flashlight hit the sign, looming lines began to appear on the sign.

After careful observation, Li Feng and the others realized that the logo was actually a lion head painted with an unknown black paint.

And those looming lines are drawn on this pattern with another paint!

After noticing the peculiarities of this sign, Li Feng leaned in front of the sign while beckoning others to turn off the flashlight, and then looked at the sign carefully in the dark.

Although there was no light around, when Li Feng got close to the wall, he found that the sign faintly glowed with a dark red light in the darkness.

"Is it impossible..."

After noticing this ray of light, Li Feng quickly took out a blue light flashlight that could illuminate blue light from his pocket: "If it really is, then this pattern..."

Sure enough, when the blue light in Li Feng's hands shone on the pattern, a lifelike lion head shining with blue fireflies appeared in front of everyone.

"What's this? Feng."

Seeing this scary lion's head emerging under the blue light, Zhongyuan Sakura approached Li Feng in fear, and asked timidly: "Why does this lion's head look a little scary? And this lion seems to..."

Having said that, Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but bury her face behind Li Feng's arm.

"Because this is the symbol of the Ghost Lions team of the Shadow Force."

When the whole sign appeared under the blue light, Li Feng's proud smile was bitter: "I felt strange just now, but I didn't expect that it was really related to the shadow."

"Ghost Lion?"

Although I have heard of the Shadow Troops from Lu Erxi and Li Bo before, this name is still very unfamiliar to Tang Yu: "Brother Feng, what is this ghost lion? Isn't the shadow troop called shadow? ?"

"No, the shadow is just a general term, the internal words are all named after ghost animals."

Li Feng shook his head and turned off the blue flashlight, then took out an ordinary flashlight to light up: "For example, ghost lion, ghost wolf, ghost tiger, ghost leopard. This logo is the logo of the ghost lion team."

Having said that, Li Feng seemed to be thinking of something and took out the electronic map from his arms.

After opening the electronic map, Li Feng clamped the flashlight under his arm and pointed at the location where Lu Erxi and Lu Erxi met before and asked: "Xiao Yu, how did you know that there must be a sign of a ghost lion?"

"Huh? Haven't you found it?"

Facing Li Feng's question, Tang Yu showed a surprised look: "I have always heard that Brother Feng, you are very observant, but I didn't expect you to not notice the hidden signs on the map at all."

"A hidden sign on the map?"

When Tang Yu said this, Li Feng was confused: "Wait, this map doesn't seem to be special. Where is the sign hidden?"

"Look here."

After getting to Li Feng's side, Tang Yu's finger quickly clicked on the map several times: "Look, after these locations are connected, doesn't it look like this lion pattern in the middle?"

"It turned out to be such a thing!"

Under Tang Yu's guidance, Li Feng noticed that on the map of that area, if you carefully observe it, there is indeed a pattern of a lion's head drawn: "This is why you are sure?"

"Yes, because this tunnel has such a hint."

Seeing that Li Feng finally understood, Tang Yu clicked on several positions on the map: "Look, here, here, here and here, there are lions painted."

"Okay, I understand the pattern."

After carefully distinguishing the location that Tang Yu pointed out, Li Feng turned off the map with a proud expression and took it back in his arms: "Okay, let's hurry up and perform the task! As long as this reminder is given, forgetting and discarding will make us unscrupulous in the future. Explored!"

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