I actually became a god eater

Chapter 243 Old Acquaintances

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Although it is a bit far from the place where Li Feng and the others set off to the designated place, walking through this tunnel with the "ghost lion" sign, because there is no need to be alert to the gods, the group of people advances very fast.

Not only that, in the underground assembly points that exist every some distance, there will always be a special map marked with directions on the ground.

That is to say, with the help of these maps, Li Feng and the others not only did not get lost, but they were able to travel through the tunnel at a faster speed.

"Xiaoyu, can't you see those maps?"

Just when he was about to arrive at the mission area, Li Feng couldn't help but ask: "You don't have a blue light torch, how do you accurately distinguish the direction and the route?"

"Because of this."

After Tang Yu heard Li Feng’s question, she took out a small compass from her waist, and then swept it across the wall with a flashlight: "Moreover, every some distance, the uncles and aunts will leave marks for identification, such as this !"

When talking, Tang Yu's flashlight stayed on a pattern that was obviously hand drawn on the wall.

Although the pattern was simple and scribbled, everyone still barely knew what the pattern represented under Tang Yu's explanation.

After hearing Tang Yu's explanation of the hand-painted patterns, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying finally understood why Tang Yu could live alone in the forgotten and abandoned city full of wild gods for so long.

"We have arrived."

After walking through the tunnel for a while, Tang Yu stopped and stood at a rallying point: "This should be near the mission area."

"Let me see."

After Tang Yu stopped, Li Feng hurriedly took out a blue flashlight and shone it on the ground to show the map: "Let me look at the map."

After confirming the correct position on the map, Li Feng raised his head and looked upwards: "We should be in the mission area. We only need to find a position on the ground."

While saying this, Li Feng kept sweeping the light of the flashlight at the assembly point.


Before Li Feng could find the passage, Tang Yu had already opened a hidden mechanism and opened a concealed passage: "There is a passage here. If you walk from here, you can go to it."

"Let's go."

Seeing Tang Yu opening the hidden entrance, Li Feng frowned but said nothing: "Let's get back to the ground first."

After walking through the dark tunnel for a few more minutes, Li Feng and the others walked out of a drain on a very hidden river bank.

"Huha, I finally saw the sun again."

After walking out of the tunnel, Lu Erxi first closed his eyes and raised his head to face the sky, and then greedily sucked in the outside air: "After walking underground for so long, I really miss the feeling of the ground!"

"Haha, this proves that you don't have the potential to be a mouse."

Zhongyuan Ying looked at Lu Erxi like that, she couldn't help but teased: "I said Lao Lu, didn't I just stay here for an hour? Are you like this?"

Just when Lu Erxi was about to go back to choke Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng suddenly spoke but surprised Lu Erxi and Zhongyuan Ying.

"Xiao Yu, isn't your mother an ordinary person?"

After hesitating again and again, Li Feng looked directly at Tang Yu's eyes with a serious expression: "According to your knowledge of this tunnel, I don't think your mother is an ordinary citizen!"


Before Tang Yu could reply, Lu Erxi and Zhongyuan Ying were very surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Let's not talk about the concealment of this tunnel, even if it is a coincidence, it is difficult to find."

Li Feng glanced at Zhongyuan Ying and the others, and then returned to Tang Yu's face: "Moreover, these hidden institutions and roads in the dark, if it were not for the person who built this authentic ghost lion, I am afraid that few people will find Do you even know?"

Facing Li Feng's questioning, Tang Yu's face turned pale, she bit her lips, her eyes showed embarrassment.

"Maybe your mother never told you her identity?"

Seeing Tang Yu's changes, Li Feng's tone softened slightly: "Does your mother wear any strange jewelry? Like a necklace?"

"Yes, this is it."

After hesitating for a while, Tang Yu reluctantly reached out to his collar and took out a strange nameplate without any words: "This necklace I am wearing is left to me by my mother."

"The saber on your leg was left to you by your mother, right?"

After glancing at the strange nameplate, Li Feng pointed to the black saber that Tang Yu had been stuck in the scabbard of his calf and asked, "Can you lend me a look?"


Although he didn't understand Li Feng's intentions at all, Tang Yu hesitated for a while and pulled out his saber and handed it to Li Feng: "Brother Feng, look at it."

After taking the saber in his hand to observe carefully, Li Feng returned to Tang Yu and said, "Sure enough! These places are all told by your mother, right?"


After taking the saber, Tang Yu nodded while pulling the scabbard back and said: "This tunnel was told by my mother. These institutions were also told by my mother when she took me to search the ruins. She also told me. How to find the mechanism..."

"I know."

Regarding Tang Yu with a look of embarrassment on his face, Li Feng smiled and patted her shoulder gently: "Don't worry, I just want to figure this out. As for the rest, wait until the task is over."

After comforting Tang Yu, Li Feng quickly confirmed the surrounding terrain, and then led everyone to climb the embankment into the ruins again.

After entering the ruins and finding a relatively hidden place to hide, Li Feng hurriedly took out the satellite phone and got in touch with Liu Shiqian.

After repeatedly confirming that his position was close to the strange oracle cell reaction, Li Feng cut off the communication and led the crowd to start walking through the ruins to find the source of the signal.

Originally, Li Feng thought he was looking for a period of time, but he didn't want to see Suan's huge black body when they came to the neighborhood where Li Feng originally lived.

"I didn't expect it to be really ."

After confirming his sight, Li Feng, who was hiding in the dark, smiled helplessly: "This guy's lair should be nearby? Otherwise, why does it always appear here?"

"Maybe it's because of coming for food."

Nakahara Sakura pointed to the corpse of Vazheluo who was gnawing at Suan, and said, "Look, it was gnawing on Vazhela! If I remember correctly, there seems to be a lair of Vazela nearby, right?

"Anyway, the goal is to find it."

Li Feng shook his head helplessly as he was gnawing at Vazheluo, and then took out the satellite phone from his arms: "The investigation is complete, I will report with Shiqian and the colonel."

"Don't you need to fight it?"

While Li Feng walked aside to make a call, Tang Yu asked in a low voice, "Sister Ying, are we just watching this guy eating in peace?"

"This guy is not easy to deal with."

As soon as they heard that they were going to crusade against Suan, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi's faces immediately turned white: "This guy is far better than Vazheluo!"

"Then we should fight it more?"

Although noticing the expressions of the two, Tang Yu was still reluctant: "Let such a powerful Desolate God wander around, what if it threatens the Southern Branch when it turns around? Everyone is there!"

"Little rain, don't get excited."

Seeing Tang Yu's emotions a little agitated, Zhongyuan Ying immediately calmed her: "Our current task is not to crusade but to investigate. After Feng contacts the colonel, let's see how the colonel decides."

"The colonel has issued a new order."

Just when Zhongyuan Ying calmed Tang Yu, Li Feng, who got in touch with Liu Shiqian and received a new order, walked back: "The colonel has now issued a new order."

"how about it?"

Upon hearing that Li Lan had given new instructions, Tang Yu immediately asked with bright eyes: "Are we asking us to kill this or something?"

"Stand by to watch Suan's actions."

Regarding Tang Yu's expectant look, Li Feng smiled and shook his head: "The colonel thinks that our current strength is not enough to defeat Suan, so let us monitor Suan here, and wait for her to mobilize other god-eaters over. "

"Hey, does the colonel still feel that we are not strong enough?"

After listening to Li Feng relaying Li Lan's order, Tang Yu slammed a fist on the wall next to him with an annoyed face: "Brother Feng and Sister Ying are back, plus me and Lu Erxi, we should be sure to fight Suan of!"

"It just should be, right? Xiao Yu."

Unlike Tang Yu, because he has seen the power of Sui, Lu Erxi's face also showed a trace of fear: "This guy...but once destroyed the magical machine of Lao Li and Zhongyuan, and knocked me out. Desolate god."

Recalling the scene at that time, Lu Erxi couldn't help but shudder.

"Although I heard about it later."

After the chill, Lu Erxi glanced at Suan with an ugly face: "If it weren't for Captain Sun Chenyue and the others to arrive in time, I'm afraid I would be the food in Suan's stomach."

"So what?"

Regarding Lu Erxi's fear, Tang Yu asked disapprovingly: "Are you still rookies at the time? Maybe after so many battles, you already have the strength to defeat it?"

Facing Tang Yu's questioning, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi, who were still a little afraid of Susu, turned their eyes for help to Li Feng, who had been silent.

"Are you still scared?"

After noticing the two people's sights, Li Feng pondered for a moment and said in a low tone: "Is still full of fear for Suan because of the initial failure?"

"A little bit."

Regarding Li Feng's question, Zhongyuan Ying shifted her gaze to the ground, and replied somewhat reluctantly: "Its power has already been imprinted in my heart. I am somewhat scared to deal with it.

After receiving Zhongyuan Ying's answer, Li Feng looked at Lu Erxi again.

Although Li Feng didn't say a word, Lu Erxi knew that Li Feng wanted to know what he thought.

"I am also a little timid."

Facing Li Feng’s sight, Lu Erxi hesitated for a while before closing her eyes as if made up her mind: “Its power has always been a lingering shadow in my heart. Until now, I remembered that day Will stand upright all over the body."

While speaking, Lu Erxi's body shook involuntarily again.

Both of them personally confessed that after being terrified, Li Feng seemed to be relieved, and his expression became much softer.

"Actually, I am also full of fear for this guy."

After a long sigh of relief, Li Feng smiled: "Seriously, I can't forget the nightmare that night."

Hearing Li Feng's generous admission that he also had a nightmare for Suan, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi couldn't help staring at Li Feng with wide-eyed expressions of surprise.

"However, this lingering nightmare cannot be with us forever."

After a brief smile, Li Feng once again showed a serious expression and looked at Suan who was still eating with sharp eyes: "As far as I know, to break the nightmare, you can only rely on your own strength."

Although Li Feng only said such a short sentence, both Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi knew what Li Feng was thinking at this time.

"Besides, we are not a violation of the order."

After staring at Suan for a long time, Li Feng smiled again: "Although the colonel told us to monitor Suan waiting for reinforcements, he did not issue an order prohibiting fighting. If we were only restraining, the colonel would not punish us. ."


The sudden change of Li Feng's words made Zhongyuan Ying a little unresponsive: "Wait. Feng, do you mean..."

"It's one thing to fight or not, and it's another thing to fight or not."

Li Feng closed his eyes, and the smile on his face became confident: "After the battle between the Four Holy Beasts and Zhu Rong, don't you still have no confidence in your own strength? Even if we can't defeat this guy, we still can contain it for a while. Can you do it?"

"Ah, that's right."

Zhongyuan Ying and Li Feng have been together for the longest time, and she quickly understood Li Feng’s intentions: “Think about it carefully, it’s no way to simply be afraid. Besides, Xiao Yu is right. In case one day this guy slips near the branch. If we do, we still have to fight it after all."

"That's it!"

After Zhongyuan Sakura made a statement that he wanted to try to fight Suan, Tang Yu immediately took over: "You must fight early and late! It's better to get it right before it threatens the Southern Division. Die! Don’t worry about seeing it when you look back!"

"And you can figure out this guy's routine in advance."

Zhongyuan Ying looked at Lu Erxi with a smile, her eyes full of expectation: "Even if there are more in the future, after we already know its routine, it will be much easier to fight, isn't it?"

"Ah! I can't stand you guys."

In the face of everyone's sight, Lu Erxi, who has been in a dilemma and reluctant to express his stance, finally couldn't help it: "Okay, okay! I'm on it! Isn't it just ? Hit it and it will be white!"

"Huh, that's it."

After Lu Erxi finally made a statement, Li Feng laughed, and then began to observe the surrounding terrain: "Well, Suan is going to finish Naval Zeluo. Before it finishes eating, we must first occupy a favorable position and then activate Raid."

While speaking, Li Feng's gaze quickly swept across the ruins beside Suan, and then confirmed several locations that could be ambushed and could raid him.

After assigning the tasks, Li Feng and the others scattered to various ambush points to launch an assault on Suan.

On the ruins once defeated by Suan, the battle of these old enemies is about to start...

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