I actually became a god eater

Chapter 246 Awakening

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Leaving Lu Erxi aside, he hurried back to show Li Feng while drinking a drink.

On this side, even though Ding Ning and his trio had joined, the battle with Suan was still anxious.

"Sister Ning, why don't we directly use the art of blood?"

Facing the reversed but still anxious situation, Chu Yuan Ying couldn't help it: "If this goes on, it seems very unfavorable for us."

What Nakahara Sakura said, how could Ding Ning, who has experienced many battles, not know?

"You are stupid, my old lady is not stupid!"

However, Ding Ning obviously has his own considerations: "The art of blood is our assassin. This product is not violent yet. If we use the art of blood prematurely, shouldn't we just show it the cards? When we look back, it will be violent. What shall we fight against it?"

Ding Ning retorted with such a meal, and Zhongyuan Ying's heart was suddenly startled.

Indeed, in previous conversations, Li Feng told himself about it more than once.

Although the art of blood is powerful, it also brings great backlash to the user.

If you use the blood technique too early, it will not only speed up your physical stamina and oracle cell consumption, but may also make you not have enough ability to deal with it after the wild god enters the rampage.

"I'm such a fool."

After recalling these words of Li Feng in her mind, Zhongyuan Ying smiled and spit out her little tongue: "I have been taught so many times before, why do I always forget when I am in a hurry."

"Because you are used to relying on him."

Although Zhongyuan Ying's self-deprecating voice was very small, Xiao Wu still heard it clearly through communication: "When you fight on weekdays, you almost always follow his instructions to fight, and you rarely take the initiative to propose what you want to do, right? "

"Huh? Sister Wu how did you know?"

Although still fighting, Nakahara Sakura stopped because of surprise: "Don't you usually..."

"Didn't my old mother say? My old mother is not stupid!"

However, Xiao Wu didn't reply. Ding Ning, who punched Suiyu several meters with a fist, spoke: "That kid is usually stronger, so he will definitely keep giving instructions during the battle. Including the timing of using the blood technique. It must be his instruction too?"

"Yes, it is..."

When Ding Ning spoke, Zhongyuan Ying found that she had stopped, and she hurriedly moved: "Under normal circumstances, most of us follow Feng's instructions to fight."

"That's why you lack a certain degree of autonomous judgment."

While Ding Ning drew away Suan, Xiao Wu strode to Suan Su's back, swinging a long stick in his hand, and slamming it on Su Su's left hind leg: "In this case, you should honestly listen to Sister Ning's instructions. Do it yourself!"

After Xiao Wu said this, even though Zhongyuan Ying wanted to say something, the more rapid the battle made her swallow her words back into her stomach.

Although Xiao Wu said to follow Ding Ning's instructions to fight.

But in fact, in the battle, because Ding Ning almost focused on Suan's body, she hardly gave any practical instructions for the battle.

Although there was no instruction, the three of them relied on the tacit understanding that they had cultivated over the years, and they were still able to cooperate seamlessly in the battle with Suan without instructions.

In contrast, Zhongyuan Ying and Tang Yu.

Because they didn't work with the three of them before, nor did they cooperate with them, they could only do their best to keep up with the rhythm of the three, and adjust their fighting methods based on the actions of the three.

However, this kind of improvised coordination is extremely fragile.

It didn't take long for the five-person attack to be smashed back to its original form gradually, and the battle changed from a slight advantage to a state of evenly matched.

"Sakura, step back and ensure your shooting range!"

Just when they were dissipated by Su Yi and turned into two independent small teams fighting, Li Feng's voice rang in the communication: "Xiao Yu, you should pay attention to the movements of Ms. Wu and Sister Xue Yan. Don't always see them. The flaw will rush up!"

"Feng, are you back?"

Hearing Li Feng's voice, Zhongyuan Ying once again stopped her movements and looked in the direction of the voice: "Lao Lu's situation..."

"Don't get distracted every time you don't remember to keep moving!"

Before Zhongyuan Ying finished speaking, Li Feng, who had run past her, snapped her off: "Every time you are distracted in battle, every time you stop moving can be fatal!"

After being yelled at by Li Feng, Zhongyuan Sakura, who was still in a daze just now, hurriedly recovered and stepped back to distance herself from Suan.

"Sister Ning, I'm responsible for attracting and restraining."

After arriving near Suan, Li Feng shouted while injecting pheromones into the magic machine: "You should retreat first to recover your strength. I will hold it here temporarily!"

"Boy, do you dare to give instructions to my old lady?"

Although he was muttering, Ding Ning quickly backed away and took out a drink because Li Feng drew away Sui, "Did your kid swell up after a few months of Frost Winter?"

"No one has given instructions anymore, I'm afraid you will be destroyed one by one!"

Although Ding Ning’s tone was not very friendly, Li Feng was still not humble or humble, and while fighting with Suan, he said: "Sister Ning, Sister Wu and Sister Xueyan, I won’t talk about it. Do you think Ying and Xiao Yu are with you? Is there that kind of understanding?"

Why didn't Ding Ning know what Li Feng said?

In the battle just now, Ding Ning had noticed for a long time that his team and Zhongyuan Ying had been separated by Susu, and Susu also started to attack Tang Yu and Zhongyuan Sakura one by one.

Although this problem was discovered, Ding Ning did not give instructions in time because of the fighting habit he had developed over the years. Instead, he hoped that the two of them could adjust their fighting methods to reintegrate into the cooperation of the three of them.

"If you don't give instructions, Sakura and Xiaoyu won't know your intentions."

With Xiao Wu and Nangong Xueyan attacking Suan's hind legs and causing Suan's leaping backwards, Li Feng turned his head and glanced at Ding Ning: "Sister Ning, we don't have such a tacit understanding of Wu sister and you! If not, Give instructions, we don’t know what to do at all!"

After throwing this sentence to Ding Ning, Li Feng quickly rushed forward to continue to attract and contain Suan.

"Huh, brat."

Ding Ning threw away the drink can and put on the gloves he had just put down again: "If it wasn't for you to make sense, my old lady would have to punch you to death!"

After a ruthless word, Ding Ning re-adjusted his state and stepped forward to join the battle.

Not to mention that after Li Feng joined the battle, the two teams that had never cooperated in the battle were quickly integrated into one group because of instructions.

Because of the integration of the team and the degree of advancement and retreat, the battle with Suan was once again turned into an advantageous state.

On the other side, Lu Erxi, who was stunned by Li Feng, gradually stabilized his emotions.

After the mood gradually calmed down, Lu Erxi sat on the ground and recalled what Li Feng said.

"So Lao Li and Zhongyuan are also very scared?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Erxi said in her heart: "They are as scared as I am, but how do they show courage to face their fear and their own weakness?"

However, just thinking of this, Lu Erxi's mind immediately came up with something that Zhongyuan Ying once said.

In the memory, Lu Erxi and the others were in the lounge at this time. Li Feng was in front of a vending machine not far away to help Zhongyuan Ying buy drinks, while Su Qingyun was standing at the counter as if ordering food.

At this time, Liu Jian was standing on the balcony of the lounge, looking at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking, even the cigarettes in his hand had burned out.

And he was sitting at the table with Zhongyuan Ying and Li Bo.

"Fear? Of course I have."

After Zhongyuan Ying in the memory was asked this question, she secretly looked at Li Feng with a sweet but shy smile: "But, I am more joyful than fear."

"Oh? Is it because of this kid?"

Li Bo, in the memory, noticed the small eyes of Zhongyuan Ying, he smiled: "Do you want to tell me that it is because of your love for him that you have the courage to face everything?"

"I hate it, Boge."

Although Nakahara Sakura patted Li Bo lightly, pretending to be angry, there was a sweet smile on her face: "In fact, this is just one of them, and there is another."

"Oh? What else?"

Hearing Zhongyuan Ying said there is one more thing, Li Boxiao asked with interest: "Could it be something mysterious and mysterious?"

"It's because of dependence."

Zhongyuan Ying showed the same smirk as Li Bo and looked towards Su Qingyun's direction: "Sister Qingyun must be the same as me, right? Because there are people worthy of her support, she can burst out fearless courage."

"Huh? Rely on it?"

Although Li Bo had a cigarette in his mouth, he didn't light it. Instead, he looked at Su Qingyun's back thoughtfully: "Although I don't understand what you women are up to, it seems that there is some truth to that."

"So, fear is nothing!"

Seeing that Li Bo agreed with her statement, Zhongyuan Ying continued excitedly: "As long as I have Feng to rely on, no matter what kind of enemy I am, I will be full of courage and accompany Feng to fight against the gods."

"Love and dependence?"

Recalling this, Lu Erxi slightly opened her mouth and mumbled the two factors that Zhongyuan Ying had said that gave her infinite courage: "But I don't have these things! I like Shiqian, but Shiqian doesn't like me!"

"Love this kind of thing, it's unclear and unclear."

Just when Lu Erxi was distressed that he did not have love, what Liu Jian once said to him came to mind accurately: "The love between husband and wife, the love between lovers, and the love between relatives are all love. It depends on how you think about it."


Thinking of Liu Jian's words, another scene flashed in Lu Erxi's mind again: "It seems... Yuer..."

In the memory, Lu Erxi's own sister stood among a group of children, her face was full of pride and said to others: "Do you know? My brother is a god-eater!"

"It's just a god-eater? Who of us has no relatives is a god-eater?"

Regarding Lu Yuer's words, a boy showed a look of disdain: "Those who can live here must have relatives who are God Eaters or candidates for God Eaters? What's the point?"

"My elder brother and another elder brother have defeated Vazheluo the god eater!"

Facing the little boy's disdain, Lu Yuer showed a more proud look, and raised his head high: "Don't you know? My brother is the god-eater who can defeat Vazheluo!"

"Vazela? Really?"

Listening to Lu Yu'er telling that her brother had defeated Vazheluo, the faces of those children showed surprise and envy: "Lu Yuer, is what you said is true? Your brother really defeated Vazhela?"

"Is there a fake?"

In the face of the children’s questions, Lu Yuer’s face was not only proud, but also full of admiration: “Although that big brother is very strong, I think my brother is stronger!”

"This...is Yu'er's love for my useless brother."

Recalling all this, Lu Erxi’s heart is slowly rising: "Yes! Why did I become a God Eater? Isn’t it to give Yuer a peaceful life and give her a happier life? The day?"

When this warmth rose, the fear in Lu Erxi's heart dissipated little by little, and those cowardly thoughts became blurred with fear.

"Yes, I also have love!"

As the warmth took over Lu Erxi's body a little bit, Lu Erxi felt that he also felt full of courage now: "It turned out to be like this. I understand Lao Li and their courage."

Lu Erxi stood up while talking to herself, then picked up the magic machine he had thrown aside, and turned to look at the other people who were fighting with Suan in the distance.

"It's no wonder that Old Li **** brother or Jian brother refused to tell me these things."

After standing up again, Lu Erxi raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and his eyes were full of expression: "It turns out that this kind of power needs to be thought and felt by yourself to really get it!"

While talking to himself, Lu Erxi's feet also stepped up and took the initiative to walk out of the bunker where he was hiding.

As Lu Erxi's footsteps get faster and faster, he gets closer and closer to the area where he is fighting.

"Yes, for Yuer, for my parents, I can't continue to be cowardly!"

Lu Erxi, who rushed to the war zone, only felt that infinite power was filling his body, and his fear was getting smaller and smaller: "Yes, although the reasons are different, I also have the love that can fill myself with courage!"

"Lao Li, everyone, here I am!"

When he ran near the battle zone, Lu Erxi switched the magic machine to a submachine gun. He rushed towards Suan and shouted: "Everyone, I'm so sorry!"

"Huh, did your kid finally figure it out?"

Hearing Lu Erxi's shout, Li Feng glanced at him sideways and smiled: "It seems that you have developed courage enough to face the fear and nightmare in your heart."

"That's natural!"

After getting close to Susu's firing range, Lu Erxi fired at Susu while holding a gun and said: "I still have my family to protect. I can't put my family in danger just because I'm afraid!"

"The best you can think about it!"

After throwing a smile at Lu Erxi, Li Feng stepped forward again to pin down Suan: "Sister Ning, now there are people here, can we let go of our hands and feet?"

"My old lady has never been restrained!"

Regarding Li Feng’s question and Lu Erxi’s return, although Ding Ning did not say anything about her return, she also showed a satisfied smile: "Since you are all here, you will go with my old lady! Today, let this miscellaneous explanation be here!"


After responding to Ding Ning, under Li Feng's instructions, everyone launched a comprehensive and fierce attack on Suan...........

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